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@Null-Hypothesis How do you decide if a string match or not ?
got stuck here..
Q: how to tag documents semantically in python?

SamI am working on a project in which any kind of document can be tagged semantically. I have calculated tfidf-vector and cosine similarity of two documents say for example. But I don't know how to tag them semantically using an ontology? And also tell me how semantic tagging, semantic web and sema...

help me!!
@Sam Read this please.
did posted the question too early here, that's why ?
No. 3?
what ?
Actually I new here.
> You should never simply link your question into the chat room without staying to discuss it and should usually only link it when having been asked by others.
Okay, I know i should abide by the rules
but i need help very urgently
The reasoning being, anyone actively chatting in the room is probably also actively watching the new questions list
So if they didn't comment on the post in the first place, posting it in chat won't generate any more interest
Ex. I saw your question, but I don't know anything about semantics, so I left it alone.
okay...but can you aleast suggest me something
I agree..
Thanks :)
Requests for "explanations in detail" of multiple subjects ("semantic tagging, semantic web and semantic annotation") usually don't get a lot of answers. Sometimes they do, of course, but not often.
Yeah, "explain these concepts to me" is a notoriously difficult class of questions
Simply because, no matter how beautiful an answer one composes, the OP can still respond "I still don't get it".
@Kevin This often happens when you misunderstand the OP's understanding of the subject matter.
not everyone can read someone else's mind =P
I've seen this happen a lot on Mathematics and Physics.
Some guys answer the question beautifully but with loads of notation.
That's why I only answer questions where the problem is in the computer, not in the user's mind
And so the poor OP just doesn't get it :P
Although, hypocritically, my own questions tend to be hard :-x
@Kevin You sneaky little kevin.
All of my easy questions never get posted, because I answer them while I'm writing them
@Kevin you answer them yourself :P
that happens to me.
Huh. I need to hurry up and get my gold python badge
Q: Increase close vote weight for gold tag badge holders

Travis JIn order to increase the efficiency with which poor quality questions are closed, it could make sense to have weighted close votes for a small subset of qualified users. A very good way to measure the qualified users would be to leverage the tag badges. However, it needs to be rationally limite...

Happens to everybody. Rubber duck debugging, yo
I wonder when it'll be live
@roippi there's the more up to date one I posted earlier as well
Is there any easy way to check one's progress towards tag badges?
on your summary page?
it updates every monday I think though
under your tags
@JonClements whar?
Q: Give high-rep users extra weight on close votes

Robert HarveyAs a person's commitment to the community increases, I think we should make it possible for high-reputation users to fast-track the closure of certain questions. See here for some of my rationale. Here's what I propose (subject to tweaking). To qualify: User must have 20K of reputation. Us...

538 more points to go ;_;
@Kevin I should award a bounty to that cw that we're closing a lot against :)
@Kevin Don't get a gold badge, I'll get lonely :P
@JonClements well in the one I posted there's a post by a SE ops guy saying "we're doing this"
which is cool
for dupe closures only at first, but it's something
@JonClements But would I even get points from a bounty on a CW post?
I think so... just not votes... let's see if it lets me award a bounty anyway
this is gold
oh come on, the question is amazing
why didn't i think of that?
@Kevin okay... been able to offer a bounty on this one
@JonClements the answers been added to the wiki
so he'll get no rep for it
I can award that after 24 hours, so that's got you half the way there! (You deserve it anyway for the effort of writing these things)
I like the "common pitfalls" section.
Unnecessary DRY violations irk me all out of proportion.
Even though it's shorter than the "right" way... :-)
Just goes to show, short isn't always best, I guess
Python != GolfScript, is how I think of it.
I'm on a gold badge hunt now. Trying to figure out how far I am from Electorate
I'm guessing I can't award a bounty on this one as it's closed as a dupe (the wrong way around imho mumble mumble)
@Kevin that one's under 'Votes Cast' in your profile. Apparently you need votes on 224 Qs
also, if you want hats on the next winterbash, you might want to keep the gold badge for then
Sounds about right. I upvote every correct answer I see, but only upvote exemplary questions
If I downvoted every question I voted to close, I'd be done by now!
I usually upvote interesting Qs or those where the OP showed decent research (obviously not something you find easily nowadays though)
I give an upvote for every post that has copy-pastable code, whose output matches the stack trace given by the OP
Yeah, I give out about one of those a week ;_;
I guess that's okay, downvoting works too xD
Darn you, significant whitespace, for getting mangled in 90% of posts!
Does anyone else ever feel tempted not to upvote a correct answer so that the ratio of votes matches your mental relative score for the answers?
@DSM At times.
I don't upvote answers that answer 'give me codez plz'
Damn. I've admitted that I'm evil.
Nah, I try to resist looking at other people's votes when deciding my own
does jinja have the capability to manipulate text to make it "human readable"?
I always hated review sites whose posters are like "this has five stars but it deserves three, so I'll vote 1".
Effectively giving more voting power to people who vote later
Since the person who voted 5 has effectively 0% of the influence on the score, and the person who voted 1 has effectively 100% influence
@Kevin: interestingly enough, that's actually been a political issue in Canada. When poll results from the East are released before voting closes in the West, it both (1) demotivates Western voters as often the outcome is decided, and (2) in principle, gives the West an advantage as they can vote strategically based on their knowledge (although it doesn't work that way in practice.)
It's really tempting to upvote a question once so that it counteracts the rep change from five downvoters (or whatever the ratio is)
But I try to identify when I think "this guy only really deserves -5 points for his stupid question, not -15", because I'm falling into the same trap described above
@DSM I always felt bad for US states whose votes become irrelevant as a result of more powerful ones
"I won California, so F U, Maine, New Hampshire, and Delaware!"
@Kevin I've done that like 2 or 3 times. Once a guy got 16 downvotes. I mean, what gives?
I freely admit I upvote a question if I think it should have received zero votes, not -4.
@DSM You're a swell guy :)
Cabbage time. rbrb
I'm glad SO only has upvotes/downvotes and not like "rate this question out of 10", as it really cuts down on that kind of "compensation"
But reading DSM's confession isn't getting me especially worked up. I guess I've mellowed out in between now and when I developed that peeve.
@Kevin Warick Davis would disagree
I'm surprised Warwick has any opinion at all about my mellowness, really
@Kevin I should probably have linked that to the relevant post :)
blah, it's 82 degrees F today and the AC is dead
This building has some seriously weird infrastructure - you can't turn on the air conditioning unless a worker goes on the roof and smacks a machine with his wrench
Umm.... sounds ilke a good job for an intern
300ft drop - climb up the drain pipe - no railing - force 8 winds and all that?
smacking machines with wrenches is easy. Knowing which one to smack is the hard part.
All of them until it works?
Or until it breaks something critical - then hope the wrench is sufficient to defend against the raging hordes ?
good morning
@Alex: Cabbage to you too!
haha, there would be no escape for them then >:-)
Question: How to define a pythonic module containing constants, which might be created there.
Example: path of a data-file w.r.t to current path
I just could simply create a new module and add something like
All the qualities that make my place of work a good spot for defending from zombies, also makes it hard to escape from angry mobs
Secure perimeter, good line of sight, etc
mypath = os.getcwd()+"my path"
And whenever I import this module in some other module the expression 'getcwd' is evaluated and might even return something different
i want the expression os.getcwd()+"my path" be called only ONCE
But I have read Singleton et al are not pythonic.
so what is the alternative?
That surprises me. I thought the code in a module executes only once, even if you import it many times.
i could use a database...
Just checked it, code in the module is executed TWICE, when I import it in two different modules
python 3.3
oh wait
it depends...
Can't remember how in depth it goes, but: docs.python.org/3.3/tutorial/modules.html
no crap, I think you are right
sorry mixed somethig up
so is this the way to go then? No singletons etc ?
You wouldn't use os.getcwd().
Because your code could be run from anywhere..
yes..., just as stupid example
Use os.path.dirnate(os.path.abspath(__file__)) instead.
that creates an absolute path to the directory the current Python file resides in.
Regardless of current working directory.
As for Singletons not being pythonic: the Singleton pattern isn't pythonic.
Because modules are singletons.
so is None.
Which was mentioned earlier :)
Trying to restrict creating of new copies is usually unnecessary, when you could just create a module that forms your API.
@Martijn you may want to go ^^^ for context on where this question is coming from...
always nice to learn from the master
@JonClements A lot ^^^^^^ then, because my current screen has no other posts by Alex..
shuts up, call coming up anyway. :-)
I wasn't able to fathom the real reason for doing any of this, so I've just left it :)
are there actually any 'code pattern' relevant for python, or are they all 'built in'?
Plenty of patterns are relevant, but (far) fewer than in Java.
Any patterns that aren't inherent in the model or contrary to the model are generally applicable if you so wish...
A language that needs no patterns would be lovely, but I don't think it exists yet
dispatch = dict(
    'ping': do_ping,
    'ls': do_ls,
Factory methods, facades, decorator, etc. etc. etc.
cough cough
the Observer pattern is still relevant
Python has built-in syntax for decorators, iterators are an important type in Python.
cough cough cough
The ast model has a node walker class that is a classic implementation of the Visitor pattern.
on and on and on.
hands Jon a cough sweet
Just fix the bloody code and I'll be fine :)
ignores Jon some more, you never saw that syntax error..
Strange, must have been my imagination
You know, people recommend itertools, but i think toolz has far more to offer, really cool stuff
Looks interesting...
thing is, itertools is part of Python stdilb.
hmm, but requests isnt.
but if you're looking for something ultra fast
Okay, so what they've got in there though, builds upon itertools for most of the iteration stuff
to be sure, but take a look at cytoolz, toolz, but implemented in cython, so its much faster
Thanks - wasn't aware of it - certainly handy to have these swiss army knifes about - I found more_itertools useful as well... save keeping typing out / keeping my own library of the itertools recipes
@JonClements Happy to help :)
@GamesBrainiac But that's because the urllib library is falling really short for many tasks.
@MartijnPieters Or you could say that requests is really that good, and it is :P
with cytoolz, you get the same thing as itertools, but much faster :D
requests is what urllib should be... and much of urllib should just be shoved down in httplib or similar
and cytoolz is what functools + itertools should be :D
The C++ stdlib has evolved a lot (as well as the language).... incorporated a lot of stuff from boost... so - things do change - patience young padwan! :)
@JonClements To be honest, looking at c++11, you won't even think that its c++
@GamesBrainiac: hear, hear. c++11 is almost usable.
i mean now that i look at it, its become far more usable, with things mostly being shared pointers, and references.
@DSM almost :P
Yeah... I've had to cast my eye back at it... and I'm just like... is this C# now?
@JonClements Well, it doesn't have LinQ
Nope - this is definitely C++... why couldn't they have done this 15 years ago! b*tards :)
They've got lambdas now; still waiting on yield.
ungggghhh third "great! that worked, but now..." question of the day. I need a beer
@DSM the yield keyword is really amazing in python
but a statement and an expression
@roippi gimme a mo'... I got a couple of bottles the other day... I'll pop down to the fridge :)
@DSM do you know how to use asyncio's coroutines properly?
@GamesBrainiac: no.
I mean, I understand the basics of transports and protocols
@DSM Oh. I can't seem to find a person who understands asyncio well.
Still waiting on a 3 hour live coding demo like the ones they have for twisted.
I just haven't needed it, so I've never learned. (I'm that way with too many things, probably.)
@Games I would hope GvR does... shall we get him to pop by and have a chat :)
@JonClements He has, but the thing is he tries to sell it more than trying to get you to understand it well.
All his talks start with, "its like twisted, but no deferreds"
@DSM sounds like me... you eventually get around to learning at a rather pressured pace the thing you've promised you would all year, then bam... it's the only way you can think of that'll get the job out the door on time...
and so, a lot gets lost in the detailts of how twisted came to be.
@DSM same here, loads of things pop up. I honestly wish I had better control over myself at times.
@Games sorry - must be my mind - but had to star that :p
Wonder how wooble's Q&A site is coming... haven't played blackjack in a while
anyone here tried using laravel?
it ain't that bad, actually.
Nope - seems you're the most experimental trying everything these days... :)
oh, to be sure. One needs to know whats out there.
But I think python is a horrible language now.
Because you'll always come back to it.
Its got too much sugar.
One language pops up and says "we got loads of good features, but awesome performance"
so you go in, and test it out
But then you see, it doesn't have all the juicy meta classes you want
coroutines are hard to implement
and so you say "screw this, back to python"
And I'm not the only one saying that. Talked to a professor recently, and he tried tons of languages, but in the end, he keeps coming back to Python.
today I learned what web sockets are. Why didn't you guys inform me?! D:
@Crow I know I yap about a lot of shit, but I can't yap about everything :P
Oooh, superpowa!
A: Increase close vote weight for gold tag badge holders

Tim PostWe're doing this for duplicates only to start, because it's incredibly silly not to do this. Not giving people with gold tag badges more abilities in their tags is just wasting some very valuable signal - here's why: If you have a gold badge in your tag, you know what's been asked before, in se...

It's happenin'
I, for one, welcome our new gold badge overlords.
I am totally indifferent about it.
@GamesBrainiac but they're so cooooooool!
@Crow wait till you see transports.
This means that I no longer need to post CV requests for dupes.
I am updating the useful-comments pages since the current meta SO links are being redirected to meta SE (so they directly go to meta SE) if that's ok
@Martijn it will be interesting to see how it goes... you've got the python3.x and python2.7 badges covered as well haven't you?
(as it'll apply to only original tags)
So yeah... interesting... gold badge holders get a binding vote, and more weight to higher rep users
Not sure if they're doing both or just the later
Either way - it's worth a go to see if it helps
There's a lot of high rep Python users at pretty much all times of the day, so yeah
I have an odd question... if I have a script, and want to allow users to "write their own truth function", how do I do that?
The truth is that there is no spoon
Interesting (re: close vote power).
One of the answers mentioned that there were only 1845 gold badge holders on SO. That seems low; can that really be true?
There's apparently only ~2300 20k+ users
So, if we assume you need 10k to get a gold in any one badge
And people are going to have more than one
@JonClements Yes, I have the most common version-specific gold badges too.
Good grief, that's a lot of badges.
list, dictionary and regex also come in handy.
plone is not that busy.
Still no populist yet Martijn? :P
is there an equivilent to javascript's concat for arrays in python?
what does it do?
that would be the + operator
can you append to a query string rather than overwrite it in flask?
@JonClements Still no populist :-/
Anyone remember ^^^ ?
I think it might just have gone live?
It has gone live, yes.
Update: this is enabled on Stack Overflow. If the site doesn't burn down in the next few hours, we'll enable it everywhere. If it does, we'll disable it and be sad.
gawd, haven't seen this in ages
The reopen vote could be nice as well - will make organising duplicates the right way around a lot easier
@Jaydles I removed my comment when I realized that I really don't care anymore. If SO staff hasn't already figured out what needs to change based on the suggestions presented in MSO discussions, a survey isn't going to help. The site has become an endless moderation chore and frankly, not worth visiting. I hope that changes someday. Farewell. — George Cummins 5 mins ago
Someone's not happy
Cabbage all!
Oh what a wonderful feeeeling, oh what a wonderful day!
The code is just flowing my way!
I made a really basic text editor in Java :3
heya @gbudan
heyya all
@gbudan Hai.
Been working on android automation code in python for hours and just wanted to have some rest here :)
The asylum is a good place to rest - we have very comfy rooms here :)
@JonClements Hi!
I just felt like saying hi.
I dunno why.
So yea, bye.
Some of us don't even know if we're coming or going for instance :)
It's like Hotel California
no, this is gamesbrainiac's evil twin speaking
Such a lovely place.
time to destroy his reputation ... muhahahhaa
@Games be gone thee evil twin that inhabith the octacat... the power of cabbage compels you!
throws cabbage leaves at @Games
ocotocat receives 20 damage
Be thankful - it was that or a hot cup of tea
evil twin throws hot cup of tea at dog
dog takes 30 damage
dog dies :P
boy, you almost had me there, you little puppy you.
Jon's the end boss, you only defeated his first form

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