I am working on a project in which any kind of document can be tagged semantically. I have calculated tfidf-vector and cosine similarity of two documents say for example. But I don't know how to tag them semantically using an ontology?
And also tell me how semantic tagging, semantic web and sema...
You should never simply link your question into the chat room without staying to discuss it and should usually only link it when having been asked by others.
Requests for "explanations in detail" of multiple subjects ("semantic tagging, semantic web and semantic annotation") usually don't get a lot of answers. Sometimes they do, of course, but not often.
In order to increase the efficiency with which poor quality questions are closed, it could make sense to have weighted close votes for a small subset of qualified users.
A very good way to measure the qualified users would be to leverage the tag badges. However, it needs to be rationally limite...
As a person's commitment to the community increases, I think we should make it possible for high-reputation users to fast-track the closure of certain questions. See here for some of my rationale.
Here's what I propose (subject to tweaking). To qualify:
User must have 20K of reputation.
@Kevin: interestingly enough, that's actually been a political issue in Canada. When poll results from the East are released before voting closes in the West, it both (1) demotivates Western voters as often the outcome is decided, and (2) in principle, gives the West an advantage as they can vote strategically based on their knowledge (although it doesn't work that way in practice.)
It's really tempting to upvote a question once so that it counteracts the rep change from five downvoters (or whatever the ratio is)
But I try to identify when I think "this guy only really deserves -5 points for his stupid question, not -15", because I'm falling into the same trap described above
@DSM I always felt bad for US states whose votes become irrelevant as a result of more powerful ones
"I won California, so F U, Maine, New Hampshire, and Delaware!"
This building has some seriously weird infrastructure - you can't turn on the air conditioning unless a worker goes on the roof and smacks a machine with his wrench
Thanks - wasn't aware of it - certainly handy to have these swiss army knifes about - I found more_itertools useful as well... save keeping typing out / keeping my own library of the itertools recipes
The C++ stdlib has evolved a lot (as well as the language).... incorporated a lot of stuff from boost... so - things do change - patience young padwan! :)
@DSM sounds like me... you eventually get around to learning at a rather pressured pace the thing you've promised you would all year, then bam... it's the only way you can think of that'll get the job out the door on time...
We're doing this for duplicates only to start, because it's incredibly silly not to do this. Not giving people with gold tag badges more abilities in their tags is just wasting some very valuable signal - here's why:
If you have a gold badge in your tag, you know what's been asked before, in se...
Update: this is enabled on Stack Overflow. If the site doesn't burn down in the next few hours, we'll enable it everywhere. If it does, we'll disable it and be sad.
@Jaydles I removed my comment when I realized that I really don't care anymore. If SO staff hasn't already figured out what needs to change based on the suggestions presented in MSO discussions, a survey isn't going to help. The site has become an endless moderation chore and frankly, not worth visiting. I hope that changes someday. Farewell. — George Cummins5 mins ago