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When do local variables in functions become dereferenced?
I'm sure it's been asked before. I've been trying to find a question on SO.
aaah, at last a question worth upvoting: stackoverflow.com/questions/23598973
definitely something not obvious, a bit tricky and challenging to find out!
@NoobSaibot local variables become dereferenced in python when they get out of scope or when they get shadowed
and thought of the night before I'm going to bed… What is this trend I'm seeing recently of everybody adding useless parenthesis to expressions like they were doing some C? return (foo) or while (foo) or if (foo or bar)
/me &
@zmo is the PCT node.js?
4 hours later…
Can anyone please guide how run a unittest multiple times? Actually i want to t update an OS variable before running a test function everytime
1 hour later…
Cbg all
@Ffisegydd STEWIE!!!!!!
@Jon Briiiiiiiiiiiiiiian!
How goes it @IanClark - trying to sneak in there hey! :)
@JonClements Sorry, I missed the RO meeting last week :-( I was not well
Has that room been deleted?
@thefourtheye it didn't happen in the end, you feeling better now?
@Ffisegydd Oops, why? What happened? I am recovering, starting eating food :-)
The whole last week I survived only on Glucose and Electrol. :-(
Thanks for asking :)
cbg all, check this out.
There weren't many people around so seemed pointless having one, I think Jon said he would email around instead as getting everyone together at the same time is difficult.
@Ffisegydd Oh, great :-) I totally forgot about the meeting. :-(
@thefourtheye awww.... we're take you down the vets puppy :)
@JonClements Puppy :-) Potato?
Good mate... have some scooby snacks- they'll perk you up buddy!
@JonClements Yup. Thanks :-)
Numbers that don't tally up - oh, how I loathe thee... let me count the ways...
Cbg @JonClements! - I've pinned the chatroom so I didn't realise myself! :P
Can a kind soul tell me, while I get an error when I want to start a simple server?
@Ian awww... so it's automatic, and not you're just so eager to join us as soon as you login then? :*(
It's automatic because I'm so eager to join you
Good come back ;)
@Saphire maybe if you'd like to explain yourself a little better?
It amuses me that I can do really complicated stuff with mathematics and plotting etc in python. And remember most of the quite advanced generic python methods, but I can't remember how the yam to write some numbers to a file...
fileobj.write(str(number)) ?
The code I posted on pastebin
When I execute that, I get socket.error: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
I've done it now :P
with open('reciprocal_data_chi2.txt', 'w') as f:
	for result in results:
I was looking for a writeline method (which does not exist)
@Saphire what's the full traceback ?
No... I'm not your "Mom" :)
Sorry to have to tell you at this time in your life... but you know - you had to find out eventually :)
I pasted it new
Now I get no error, but no proper html either
localhost:8080 returns blank
@Saphire you're note separating the header from the content...
client.send("Content-Type: text/html\r\n")
client.send('\r\n') # <--- end of headers
@Peter cbg!
@JonClements, thx. But now I get it only in plaintext
not html format
Works for me
@Saphire you get a bulleted list don't you?
I get the text
not formatted into html
Do you or do you not see a bulleted list?
I see it
I see the whole source code
Out of ideas?
You haven't answered my question and I don't want to repeat it a 3rd time...
I answered it 2 times
But I got it anyway
Should we report this?
Where did you follow a link to there from?
Google only.
@GamesBrainiac Happy Birthday man :-)
@thefourtheye Thanks bro :)
@GamesBrainiac How was the celebration? ;-)
@thefourtheye There wasn't one. I was working all day
I am sure you won't have got bored though you got the celebration 19 times before :D
Oops... Too bad :(
Aaawww, my dinner :-)
@thefourtheye Where is that linked from?
@MartijnPieters Cabbage :-) I got to that page by Googling.
The tag recalculation script managed to complete last night and even hand out badges.
First I hit python.org/doc/2.5 and then clicked tutorial
6 new tag badges awarded..
@thefourtheye Ah, then you actually found a page on Python.org that links there.
@MartijnPieters Congrats :-)
@Martijn what do you think of this new "weighted" CV thing ?
@MartijnPieters Yup, All the URLs are wrong on that page.
Perhaps report it to [email protected].
@JonClements No idea what that is, link?
@MartijnPieters But at the bottom they have If you have comments or suggestions for the Python documentation, please send email to <[email protected]>., Should I use that?
Nope, that might be for the documentation contents
Just use webmaster. :-)
I am still getting that email, I see..
Q: Give high-rep users extra weight on close votes

Robert HarveyAs a person's commitment to the community increases, I think we should make it possible for high-reputation users to fast-track the closure of certain questions. See here for some of my rationale. Here's what I propose (subject to tweaking). To qualify: User must have 20K of reputation. Us...

@MartijnPieters Just got an automated reply from webmaster.
Yes, there is a reply bot active.
Saves the webmasters having to respond to everything that is sent.
had some internet trouble
yea, well, i had a project to submit, and my parents were busy with visiting a couple of houses, so in the end, no celebration
not to mention that i myself forgot XD
@MartijnPieters Oh okay, It is too big to post here. So you know the contents of that already :-)
@Games senility at such a young age! :)
Well, it's been a while since I looked at the auto-responder for webmaster; I'd have to see if my login for that server is still valid..
@JonClements This is interesting.
I like Kermit's idea the best I think. With your "vote weight" scaling with rep
I think there's a link in that post to another idea that gold badge uses in a tag could have binding close votes if a question was originally tagged with it... so I think they're aiming for some compromise
@JonClements I know. Too much work. Too many problems, too little sleep. Guess I'm an "Adult" now :P
@Ffisegydd Same here. I feel that 20K is not enough to qualify someone.
@GamesBrainiac Teenage is over, you are adult now :-)
Also note that Tim Peters has ~10K, and he's probably the biggest python expert here.
I think it'll help... tags with active higher rep users can more quickly shutdown questions, instead of letting lousy questions gain (potentially) lousy answers... hopefully break the cycle of rep whoring on bad questions, and then people thinking they needn't bother asking a good question as it'll be answered anyway
@thefourtheye I'm still watching anime and stealing cookies though.
But I have to say. SO is becoming quite elitist.
Its not about helping anymore, its about making sure only pure and good questions have place, and honestly, thats largely a matter of opinion.
It's always been about good questions... and over the years, there haven't been great questions, but it's been acceptable... now there's just so many it's pretty unacceptable and it's driving people away from wanting to help
I thought the point of SO was always to ensure only good questions, just lately they're enforcing it more against the storm.
If we keep getting crap questions, the experts aren't going to bother hanging around... so you replace people with the experience to answer in a good way helpful for all, more with people that either 1) don't know what they're doing, or 2) will smash out a couple of lines of code to get rep.
@JonClements I think a lot of the bad questions can be reduced if kids have access to the chat room more.
A lot of the time, when someone first starts python, they don't know that it has proper docs or good talks on different libraries.
I use to think 20 rep was a bit annoying and anyone would be welcome to come here, but recently, I've rather have more control over the room access before that changed...
I know (at least from where I live) that google is more of a tool that leads you to wikipedia :P
For beginners that is
It would be nice if the chat rooms got a bit more loving but at the same time don't want it overrun
@Ffisegydd Well, we can mitigate that problem by creating noob rooms.
If we have chat rooms in different stages, what we can do is, we can let advanced beginners help novices out.
How do you define who is a "noob" though? And how do you police them?
Good question. I initially developed an algorithm to seek out newbies, and that was really very statistical (a combination of reputation, badges, time here....)
Recently I see questions in which OP doesn't know what they are doing. Even worse, they don't know even what they are trying to do. :-(
@Games that algorithm sounds like something we could stick on Nidaba :P
But that did not work in some corner cases.
So, I'm still working on it.
@Games anyway, I think elitist is the wrong word... maybe, more defensive would be appropriate I think
@JonClements But there's a thin line between the two. If you consider Python, if you learn the basics, and then you discover documentation, pyvideos. If you're lucky you meet a couple of good pythonistas who you mostly talk to later on instead of asking questions. So, say about 3 months later you pretty much have everything that you need and you don't need so anymore.
Hence, by diriving off initial questions, you actually kill a lot of enthusiasm.
I'd rather enthusiasm that'd rather learn and improve... too many want to dump a question and expect an easy answer... and annoyingly people comply...
I mean, I don't ask questions anymore on SO. If I want to know something, I will simply ask you guys; most of the time, I just need a hint.
@Games yes... and you're the kind of person that people love
@JonClements and their reputation increases.
if we closed your question, you'd improve it as per suggestions and try to provide more info. or ask how you could do so
@JonClements If you closed my question, I'd go hide in a closet and contemplate my existence :P
Quick everyone! Find one of @Games' questions! :)
But yea, I think the main problem is reputation.
You see, when people see large numbers, they get turned on.
Not when it's my overdraft I don't
They keep answering the same type of questions, because they become good at it.
@JonClements oh boy :P
I think the best way to stop rep-whoring is this. If people earn a gold badge, they will earn half the reputation from an upvote.
So instead of 10, you get 5.
hi @Neftas - welcome to the room - how are you enjoying Python so far?
@Games but you've probably already got 10k from getting the gold :)
@JonClements I don't follow.
Well, if you've managed to get a gold badge, you've had to get 10k by doing so
@GamesBrainiac Then answering velocity will increase I believe
@JonClements Hi, thanks, I was just checking out the chat function of SO for the first time
@Neftas it's pretty nifty... :)
@JonClements True, then how about this? If you answer any questions that you have a gold badge on, you get no rep from upvotes, only bounties.
@JonClements Its got a super nice api too :P
Has it got an API now ?
@JonClements erm yea.
arrite i g2g
@Games rbrb buddy
Do we not have a canonical "loop over two lists at the same time (and do blah...)" ?
Q: how can I iterate through two lists in parallel in Python?

Nathan Fellman Possible Duplicates: Iterate a list as tuples in python How do I iterate over the tuples of the items of two or more lists in Python? I have two iterables in Python and I want to go over them in pairs: foo = (1,2,3) bar = (4,5,6) for (f,b) in some_iterator(foo, bar): print "f: ",...

Ahh yes... err... must go back to school to learn to read :(
Link for dupe close?
Can someone please explain this answer to me?
screw work, i cant concentrate
@thefourtheye d(var) is in essence the total distance travelled between two nodes
Think of it as transport cost.
@GamesBrainiac Actually I understood that median would be the answer, but I couldn't understand the proof :(
@thefourtheye Are you familiar with the shortest path lemma?
@GamesBrainiac Nope :'( That is needed to understand these stuff?
@thefourtheye Yes, because in essence, this is a graph traversal problem.
In essence, you can think of the change in moves, as edges from nodes in a graph, or more formally, an automata
@thefourtheye graphs are quite useful... worth reading the basics
@JonClements i think its the only data structure i use thoroughly.
like i know there are better solutions using heaps and whatnot
but i always end up using graphs :P
@JonClements Oh I have solved around 40 Graph search problems in SPOJ. That will not help?
Should do I guess :)
woohoo, I got the numbers closer...
@thefourtheye It should. I think you just need to rehash on your notation.
@GamesBrainiac Ya, those equations confuse me :(
@thefourtheye I mean all the notation is saying is this, d(m+1) - d(m) in essence is the cost of your latest move.
And the stuff at the end, is just set notation (like in python)
so its a set comprehension
is getting better at being harsh on deserving users.
@MartijnPieters would love to see you in action. Which question?
@GamesBrainiac Do you have time? Can we take in step by step?>
Me being harsh is still pretty mild..
Again, we cannot now see how widespread this user spammed the site. See Limits for self-promotion in answers for the policy on spamming. I'd have hoped that a nearly 20k user was familiar with that policy by now. — Martijn Pieters 2 hours ago
Although I appear to have reduced someone to sulking here: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/254158/…
@thefourtheye Not right now. Perhaps in a week's time.
I need to prepare a little myself :P
@GamesBrainiac Sure. Thanks :-) I ll catch you in GChat
Thanks man :)
good morning...
@thefourtheye sure buddy
dpaste.de/m29P Why instead of field name in CSV file I have:<django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x7ff181d85690>
cbg @Alex and @mamasi
@mamasi looks like that'd make a useful question for the main site
guys, what is the best way to find out what can be imported?
let me elaborate with an example
`import inspect
from pprint import pprint
p = lambda x: pprint(dir(x))
>>> import twisted
>>> p(twisted)
Do we have a dup for this question?
take a look at that, and you will see that it does not list everything that can be imported from twisted
so you can do
>>> from twisted import internet
>>> dir(internet)
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__']
and i understand that this is because internet is a package, but why does this not show up in dir?
@GamesBrainiac Now you are pulling GvR's legs... :D
@thefourtheye Well, he replied! :P
_after_ - half magic word?
@thefourtheye :P
But if guido leaves, who will take over?
Alex Gaynor?
Jessica McKellar?
@GamesBrainiac Er, shouldn't the question be "Who will he leave the control with?" ;-)
@thefourtheye No, I think the succession will come form the board members.
@GamesBrainiac Oh, then the "dictatorship" will come to an end?
@thefourtheye I like good dictators. There is a great deal of stability.
is selected_item_id, value = self.get_iid_and_value_0(tree)
or selected_item_id, value=self.get_iid_and_value_0(tree)
better ?
I have a feeling PEP8 recommends the first one
Yep. "Always surround these binary operators with a single space on either side: assignment (=), ..."
@WalleCyril that is one funky function
why funky ?
My main objection is having a number in the function name
Food time... bbiab
because it return the value[0]
int the tree
Perhaps you could use "root" instead of "0" then?
or would 0 be the leftmost leaf node?
maybe get_first_iid_and_value would make sense in this context?
it doesn t return tree[0] but value=(tree.item(selected_item_id,'value'))[0]
it doesn t return the first thing in tree but
the first value of something selected in the tree
get_first_selected, then?
Well, just use what makes sense to you
@Ahmad Cabbage :) I have become a big fan of that comic
def get_iid_and_value_1(self,tree):
        """Return the tuple (iid of selection in tree, first value).

Returns (iid,None) if it a toplevel item was selected"""
        if tree.get_children(selected_item_id):#folder of element
            return (selected_item_id,None)
            return (selected_item_id,value)
how should I name it ?
So you have both get_iid_and_value_0 and get_iid_and_value_1? Perhaps you could create a single get_iid_and_value method, which takes an index parameter? Or get_iid_and_value could return a list, and the user could index it themselves
infact I was wrong
I only have this
the 0 value is not important to have
@thefourtheye of Cyanide and Happiness? :D
Sometimes I love the technologies for letting people, come up with something like this
looks good
-19 and counting.
Gr.r.r..r Somebody reopen voted it... Sigh :'(
Twisted is bad for learning. It does everything for you.
@Ffisegydd I would have expected the system to nuke the post if it gets N downvotes.
I read that concatenation is worse than list.join("").
how can I join with this ?
for property_, value in self.property_values:
            fresh_text+="  %s:%s\n" % (property_, value)
@WalleCyril in effect do you then expect to get a string that looks like this: "property1:value1 property2:value2 property3:value3"?
You could do something like
fresh_text = ' '.join(['%s:%s' % (property_, value) for property_, value in self.property_values])
I don't get why for that Q, as the guy is specifically asking about requests, everybody answered using urllib
@WalleCyril For situations where list comprehensions are too complicated, you could do:
seq = []
for property_, value in self.property_values:
    seq.append("  %s:%s\n" % (property_, value))
fresh_text = "".join(seq)
By the way, the docs recommend against percent style formatting, in favor of string.format. See the note here
Also (and I assume this isn't the case for you but I'll say it nonetheless)u sing join is generally better but if you're only concatenating a small number of strings using a + b is faster than ''.join([a, b])
In [1]: a = 'abc'

In [2]: b = 'def'

In [3]: %timeit a + b
10000000 loops, best of 3: 118 ns per loop

In [4]: %timeit ''.join([a, b])
1000000 loops, best of 3: 439 ns per loop
Even if it were slower, I'd prefer a + b for readability purposes, when it comes to adding only two strings
what is the limit of small ?
The problem arises is when you're "concatenating + " " + "multiple" + " " + "strings" as it creates a new string object I think everytime you add.
@WalleCyril you'd have to sit down and figure it out, I don't know exactly.
The exact point where join beats addition varies, depending on your hardware, the interpreter used, the time of day, the relative humidity in the room...
As Kevin has alluded to, it'll probably change on a case by case basis. Generally I personally would use join if it were 4 or more.
But that's absolutely arbitrary. join is also better if you have spaces or some common connection pattern

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