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I’m considering learning Python with the idea of letting go of MatLab, although I really like MatLab. However, I’m concerned that getting all of the moving and independent pieces to fit together may be a challenge and one that may not be worth it in the end. I’ve also thought about getting into Visual Basic or Visual C++. In the end, I keep coming back to the ease of MatLab. Any thoughts or comments regarding the difficulty of getting going in Python? Is it worth it? TIA
3 hours later…
@physics90 The difficulties of getting going with python are nearly non-existent!Python is an incredible language that is extremely intuitive while being powerful at the very same time!I think it is totally worth getting going with python!
Cabbage !
Cbg all
3 hours later…
Ahoy y'all
Waaaaaait a second
What's happened to my gravatar?!
I was wondering the same thing
I guess I'll have to go ahead and prod that later
or should I say $cabbage! :-p
Cabbage @zmo
@IntrepidBrit Hiya bro! :D
Cbg @IntrepidBrit
@GamesBrainiac Hey bud, how's tricks?
@Ffisegydd Cabbage
@IntrepidBrit Doing well. Writing book, hopefully going to add you asa reviewer :)
@GamesBrainiac Still the same one you were chatting about last time?
@IntrepidBrit Eyyup! Books take time XD
@GamesBrainiac Just double checking things hadn't moved in a different direction ;)
@IntrepidBrit Nope :)
@Games is that the one on PyCharm?
@Ffisegydd Yup :)
Closed the page there
heya @IntrepidBrit new avatar?
Cbg Python geeks
@PeterVaro cbg @PeterVaro
Yep, the other one was well too out of date. I haven't had pink hair in years ;)
@mamasi cbg
@IntrepidBrit I will always remember you with that.. I think pink hair for a man is cool ;)
@PeterVaro Too many people remember me as being the extension of pink hair :p
but did you actually wear it on regular days?
Kinda had no choice - since I dyed my hair that colour haha
@thefourtheye, man I can only get 1424
@IntrepidBrit Little context would help :)
@thefourtheye Haha, the starred link you posted ;)
Oh the game :)
@thefourtheye Yurp
@Kevin the atom.io invitation has been sent
at least that's what github lies to me
I've got an invitation for atom.io if you want it
It's only for Mac at the moment so I can't use it :( but I can invite someone else
I have too, that's why I sent to Kevin one ;)
@Ffisegydd really not worth it -- it is a very cheap ST clone
I must say very very cheap
Yeah I use ST anyway. Shame Github didn't make the most of their opportunity :(
indeed.. plus I really wanted to like it, at least for the open/free approach compared to ST
but it won't free
and it is not as open as you first think
but as I used to say: I'm not loyal, I'm a maximalist -- so even if I want to use FOSS I won't do it just because something is free and open, I will use it when it is as good or even better than the commercial one
@Ffisegydd you know you can just distribute the archive. that invite thing is pointless
@Bibhas yes but that is cheating and we don't cheat in the python room.
You wanna cheat go sit in Javascript :P
@Bibhas It's probably more to do with marketing
that's not cheating. -_- once you have the archive, you have the rights to share it.
the invite thing is just to get people hyped
@Bibhas ergo - not pointless ;)
If you get caught sharing the teacher (@Jon) will give you lines :P
pointless for me. I neither use mac, not their editor, nor am I hyped.
Heartbleed walks into a bar, and says "Hello!" The bartender says: “Hello! -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----GDSSHPAIBAAJB…” / @brintly
@Bibhas Well, bully for you
@PeterVaro Got it, thanks!
Now I only need to wait for a Windows version :-D
Urgh! Python you spoil me
Dictionaries in c# smell like dirty cheese
Last time I used a dict in C#, I couldn't figure out the syntax for creating a non-empty dict
So I had to do x = new Dict<int, string>(); x.set(23, "foo"); x.set(42, "bar")...
Really annoying, since the reason I wanted a dict was to have something more concise than writing the logic for each element individually
Yep - pretty much in the same boat here
Something about the declaration offends me too...
cabbage, all.
cbg @DSM
@Kevin: isn't it a lot like passing pairs to dict, just with a lot of curly braces instead?
Yeah, example. I couldn't figure that out at the time, though.
I'd never used C# before I started at my current firm. I don't mind it too much-- any language which supports yield starts off with me smiling at it.
Whaaat? I need to stop treating C# as "generic OO language #97275"
All these good features I'm totally unaware of.
These days you can even duck-type (if you ask nicely).
By Python standards there's still too much language to know, but unlike Java you can actually do things relatively nicely, and unlike C++ it's actually possible to become good at it without wasting your life.
I don't know if becoming good at C/C++ could be described as "wasting your life"
What's that old quote... Everyone knows 10% of C++, but everyone's 10% is different
@Kevin I thought you were developing under linux..
Not since my experimental college days :-)
will you try the upcoming (3days left) Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ?
"C/C++" isn't a thing, though. You can learn C; become good at it; and occasionally write security-sensitive software in it even though you shouldn't. C++ is something entirely different, and absurdly overcomplicated.
@DSM +1
is anyone familiar with cherrypy?
@PeterVaro Probably not... I like to experiment with new tech at work, but I don't think I can justify switching operating systems
@PeterVaro Is it that time of year already?!
@IntrepidBrit "learning" C is not a big deal at all. As a matter of fact it is a smaller language than Python itself. However, being good at it is a different kind of thing
Hmm, I found a quote about 10% of C++, but I don't think it's the quote I was thinking of.
> When you’re programming C++ no one can ever agree on which ten percent of the language is safe to use. There’s going to be one guy who decides, “I have to use templates.” And then you discover that there are no two compilers that implement templates the same way.
although I really enjoy C, I like it as much as I do Python
-- Jamie Zawinski
it is clean, compact and fun to use
@PeterVaro I'm just contesting the "waste of life" bit
I don't think C++ is a waste as in "once you learn this, it won't be useful", but rather "this will take a long time to learn"
but that is only true for C++ not for C
plus my own philosophy is: it is really good to know a very low level language (C) a very high-level language (Python) a functional language (Haskell)
I guess if you know these, you can do anything in other languages as well
Yeah, a diverse skillset is inherently valuable, I think
@IntrepidBrit it is! for me it is another try -- although I know what will be my decision at the end ;)
There are definitely advantages to knowing C++ (my chief work product is in C++) but I can't think of very many problems where I think the best way to get from not having a solution to having a solution is via C++.
The "useful output" to "time invested learning the language" ratio is very low.
@DSM That as the case may be (don't get me wrong, it's been years since I've personally used C++ over C), but I still wouldn't say that's a waste of life.
I suspect many, many more man hours have gone into the support of C++, including compilers, libraries, IDEs, etc which means it does have a good support network surrounding it
@PeterVaro The most annoying thing for me is by the time the next version comes around, I've just tamed the previous version of its quirks
It's still my flavour of choice simply because of Landscape
Although I'm beginning to think that the self-inflicted rage may not be worth it...
My problem is still not with the OS (however I hate the X windowing system, the fact that it is still incapable of self-update, or it is just a thin GUI wrapper around the command-line tools) -- but the supported apps
as I'm still not a dev, but a product designer, I need industry standard tools to work on my system
and that is exactly what I miss the most
@IntrepidBrit: well, everyone makes his own judgments about how his time is best spent -- I answer SO questions, and so am not in a great position to throw stones about other people's hobbies. But ISTM C++ isn't interesting enough as a language (unlike, say, Lisp or Haskell) to study for its own sake, so the only benefits it offers are what you can do with it in the available time, and C++ doesn't always fare so well.
As always, mileage may vary, but those people are usually still at the office when I'm out with friends because I didn't use C++ and so my work is done.
@DSM You know, it could just be that you're a faster coder ;)
I think we should just agree that physicists make inherently better programmers and that's why DSM finishes earlier (the fact that I believe that the three of us all studied physics is completely besides the point :P)
@IntrepidBrit: it's the other way 'round! My ability to remember random bits of stuff is much less than other people's, which is why I have to use superior tools..
@Ffisegydd (Well remembered that baby!)
@DSM I still refute it's a waste of life. Plenty of reasons to use it. Now, learning AmigaBasic on the other hand...
waits for the inevitable 0.000001% of the population still maintaining commodore amiga's a500 workbench legacy code to take offence
@Kevin Use Cobra lang :P
@IntrepidBrit: as I said, people's views vary on what's a waste, although I think some views are more justifiable than others. (And it's odd that the guy who writes in C++ every day thinks it's a waste, but the guy who thinks it's not a waste doesn't..)
But I won't accept your AmigaBasic slander! I actually had an a500, and a fun machine it was too.
@DSM I still have a functional a500! AmigaBasic could be considered my first language.
Mine died years ago. ;-(
I remember ARexx blew my mind -- I didn't think languages were supposed to work like that.
I never had the pleasure of trying ARexx
Python metaclasses blow me away. Gawd, they're soo good.
@IntrepidBrit With regard to C++, I feel that what @DSM is trying to say is that the opportunity cost is super high.
Also, I don't like templates.
@Games I was watching one of Beazley's talks on coroutines earlier. Very, very good.
@Ffisegydd They're hilarious too. He's simply amazing.
@Ffisegydd Could you give me a link? I dunno which one you're talking about there were 4.
The video itself is here but he also has his own slides/code on his personal website here
@GamesBrainiac We got there in the end. I thought he was saying "learn c++ if you're a spoon" ;)
The audio on the video is awful
@Ffisegydd oh yea, seen that :)
@Ffisegydd Coroutines are WITCHCRAFT. I will not tolerate their discussion in my presence
@Ffisegydd But I think the best is metaclasses, they're just too good. Check out that video.
@CabbageBot kicks IntrepidBrit
@IntrepidBrit aahahahah
Oh, you b***********. Somebody is definitely trolling me. No matter what choices the user makes, it always returns 3. glares at source code
That'll teach me to not lock my machine
cbg, Jon.
@JonClements cbg
Dude - did you wash out the pink?
Anyone miss me? :-)
@JonClements Gravatar ate the pink
For those of you guys who have Python on the brain - is there any nice pythonic ways of accepting a csv(esque) file and sticking it into a dictionary/any-other-suitable-container?
I'm creating a device that produces an output file, and for the first time ever, I get to choose what it outputs
Combining mine and DSM's answer I give you...csv.DictReader!!!
If you get to choose the output, resist the temptation to come up with something clever.. Stick to something that every decent tool can read (flat csv, json, even xml.)
@DSM I'd rather not use xml, the output will likely end up on handhelds, so they're not flush with storage memory
csv, json, xml, bah! You could save ten bytes in your output files by making a custom data serializer!!! It will only take a few dozen man hours to write and test.
@Kevin I did enough of that at University. I have no desire to go back to those days. ("program something that processes this conveniently written output that will choke and die in a standard library")
@DSM I would just use a regular csv output if there wasn't a fair chunk of meta data to go with it
And I was debating whether JSON was too verbose. But I'd rather JSON than XML in this instance
@JonClements It's just not as cabbagey without you :-D
this guy is frying my brain... multiple classes with the same name
@Kevin boke
I suspect when he does super(B, self).a() in the first B class, that B doesn't refer to "the class I'm in", but rather "the last thing B was bound to"
Awww....thanks guys (I think) - signal while on train sucks a bit
@ffisegydd STEWIE!!!!!!
Auto suggest after "@f" is "@ffisegydd" then hit space next suggestion is "STEWIE" - tap that then next suggestion is "!" - so I just tap that a few times... now if only I could apply this to Python ;-)
@JonClements My god. You've read about the autocorrect texting fails. Imagine if we had that for programming.... Planes would be falling out of the sky...
Sometimes, I really feel that optional static typing in python would be much appreciated.
btw, python 2 is going all the way to python 2.7.9
@GamesBrainiac Especially with respect to classes and modular code. But then, I probably wouldn't use Python for that sort of project
@IntrepidBrit You're right. I feel that if Scala had a LLVM backend instead of a JVM one, it would be my language of choice.
@IntrepidBrit btw, have you messed around with metaclasses in python?
They're totally whack.
@GamesBrainiac Nope, not "needed" to yet. It's on the slowly growing backlog :)
@IntrepidBrit It was on my backlog for a while, but one day, I decided that I needed to learn the stuff :)
@GamesBrainiac I think I might create a simple game on GitHub that I slowly extend to simply use these things
@IntrepidBrit I might join you :)
"A python game where you send pickled data to other players". Because that couldn't possibly go wrong ;)
I've got Tic Tac Toe, Tetris, and half of Sakoban written. I keep intending to put them on Github, but I always procrastinate
@Kevin: in KevinScript?
@IntrepidBrit whoah :P
@DSM haha brilliant
Nah, Python
For one thing, I have to scrub all the trademarked terms from Tetris so I don't get sued by The Tetris Company.
@Kevin Really? And let me guess, you used tkinter, didn't you?
That might not even work though, as they've gone after games that are just "clear lines with falling blocks composed of four smaller blocks"
@intrepid or suddenly vanishing... ummm new conspiracy theory...
tkinter for Tetris, but I moved to Pygame for Sokoban
@JonClements Or suddenly the creation of a new botnet, CabbageNet....
Probably one of my most polished projects. It's got preview, hold, ghost piece, color-changing backgrounds, different textures for each shape... Too bad it's all using someone else's intellectual property, so I can't publish it!
And this is why I can't get rich off writing fanfiction, more's the pity!
(Talking about how I know it's a direct ripoff probably isn't good for the future court case, either)
@DSM aww - what were you going to write about me? Hopefully not a bad encounter with a combine harvester or something?
It would be very painful... For the harvester. </Bane>
Maybe that's why I only have 3 legs...
Oddly enough, I am wearing a John Deere T-shirt today.
(That may not translate. John Deere is a company which is famous for farming equipment.)
And err... a little odd in itself? :-D
Although I have been to an old car museum and did get to see a few tractors as well...
6 litre engines, 4hp and top speeds of 7mph or something
Plus there was some requirement that to avoid scaring horses you had to pull over and wrap the car in a blanket so it not confuse the horses
@JonClements +1 for this. This should be enshrined in modern law
I was going to suggest cloaking devices but apart from they don't properly exist... it's not going to help accident rates
Unless you automated them such that cars could accurately drive and avoid each other...
This seems an ideal test ground for auto-completing Kevin script...
Means a few bugs can be worked out before we put it to use on nuclear reactors
@Kevin what say you? Your name would go down in history!?
Kevinscript is ideal for making nuclear reactors avoid one another ;-)
(not applicable to reactors onboard submarines)
It's agreed then! I'll start with coercing the UN
Just to check - is Mars habitable yet?
I sometimes wonder, do I really need to learn a GUI toolkit? I could just make a server and do everything with javascript :P
Depends, is "having an atmosphere" a deal breaker for you?
@GamesBrainiac Tell you what, a GUI toolkit that basically operates as an extended version of html would be the bomb ;)
You like dust? We've got lots of dust.
I pretty much feel like that every day
What a great idea... shame no one's thought of that for phones and tablets :-D
@IntrepidBrit I think something like that exists, just dunno what :P
@Kevin What about a magnetosphere?
Well... most systems are a linux kernel, with a wrapper around them (obj-c or Java)
well, the lack of the magnetosphere is the problem, really... There's nothing keeping the solar wind from blowing away all our important gasses.
With some event handling
We'll have to kick-start mars' magnetosphere again. We'll drill into its center and detonate a nuclear payload (powered by KevinScript).
@Games so in theory... a node.js w/ linux would be a completely practical os
@JonClements Isn't chrome os pretty much that?
@games similar lines - I'm just pointing out this is done already in most ways ;-)
@Kevin Sounds too expensive. I suggest filling the planetary core with hamsters
@JonClements Web dev ftw! :)
That will work if we strongly magnetize them first
@Kevin I like that efficiency boost!
As long as it's not rabbits or puppies...
@JonClements Is it because you wanted to volunteer rather than be conscripted? Who's a good boy then?
I could just repeatedly say "woof!" to Mars... that could also do the trick...
@JonClements Wouldn't barking be easier?
Isn't that what I said?
Your Jedi mind tricks won't work on me Gaspode
Because they obviously don't work - you should celebrate by giving the puppy a biscuit...
starts absently mindedly patting his pockets
I got a text from my friend today asking me if I would be open to side work... Anyone ever get contracted to work for someone they know?
But why would you do that when there isnt a puppy?
@Kevin Sometimes.
Yeah - but not people I'd like to work with again :-(
I think I've read enough Clients From Hell to know not to do work for your cousin's brother-in-law, since they're close enough to expect special treatment but distant enough to be willing to stiff you.
Not sure if that applies with people who you actually like and have known for years
I think it would depend on the task. I'd want very clear specifications and high confidence that I could meet them relatively easily, as the consequences of failure are higher when you know the person.
Sometimes jobs go sideways, and you don't want to put someone you like in the position of having to report things went 'splodey.
I guess it all hinges on what the actual project would be, which I don't know yet.
I think I can expect clear requirements, since he's an engineer
The requirements crucially important. It's all about managing expectations
"get a life dude": do the kids still say "dude"? Or is that only something people who remember the original TMNT comic say?
Yeah, I've heard kids say it
@DSM Just don't say cowabunga...
Radical? Tubular?
Tubular sounded silly to me even at the time. I had a soft spot for rad, though.
IIRC, Tubular is the name of the hardest level in Super Mario World. Oh, all those wasted afternoons...
Errr @DSM - F.A.B ? :-D
Stop saying Kevin! I keep getting alerts for you talking to someone else!
Hmm! That's troublesome
Vaguely related flashback:

Mayor Quimby: Now I'd like to introduce our Grand Marshal, the Prophet of Love, Larry White.

Barry White: Barry White.

Mayor Quimby: No, it says here Larry White.

Barry White: I know my own name.
I guess I could revert to my previous user name... "user 953482"
Errr not sure how we get around that ;-)
Let's fight to the death. Loser has to change their name.
KevinCabbage has a ring to it ;-)
slips Kevin the death ray
I could tack my last initial, S, to the end... No, that won't work either
Is it really true that even saying Kev1n (changed for safety) alerts other people named Kevin?
Not without the at symbol, I don't think
But pinging me would also ping all other Kevins. For the same reason that you can ping Jon with just his first name.
If I do @ it, how does it know which Kev1n to notify? There are several DSMs I think.
And I never get pinged for them. Although we tend to be a pretty reserved bunch.
I think you also have to have been in the room sometime in the past. Not sure what the timeout for that is.
At least two days, since I get pings on Sunday when I haven't been around since Friday
Ah, that makes sense.
Let's write history! Please support this project! — WATCH THE TRAILER
^ I know it is not strongly Python related, nor developement
however Blender is wrapped/written in Python, it has amazing capabilities (in most of the cases much stronger than the commercial ones)
it is a FOSS project + it is also from Netherlands, where Python comes from;)
Hmm, wasn't there a creative commons or public domain movie made in Blender before?
but not a feature length
I seem to recall reading that... And that Sony issued a takedown notice on it XD
Open source can't catch a break, it seems
it needs a lot of money, however, they will continue the compaign for +18days if we reach the 3k supportes until this saturday
so that's why it crucial to support this project
@Kevin and it not only means we will have a great open source feature length movie - but that also means blender will evolve rapidly in the next 2 years
that is also very important, I think!
Does anyone know what TCP No delay does exactly?
Not me
Why do you still have that avatar Kevin/
Is it not the auto-generated one still?
I've grown attached to it
why hello friends
I was just discovering the many fascinating uses of socket
I'm in Task Manager with my fly swatter
Swatting processes I don't think I asked to start.
@Owatch Sounds fun!
I'm in the library with the candlestick
slap, slap
Access Denied?
I don't think so!
slap slap
On the topic of swatting insects
I swung a broad breadknife the other week at a fast flying fly (Big one, too)
It was the most satisfying plink ever
@Owatch You are really enjoying yourself, aren't you?
why do people make code so complex? ._.
Can .exe's be reverse engineered?
My school requires that clients use an exe downloaded from a projector to connect. But it does not support OSX.
So I was wondering if it could be reverse engineered, then imitated in Python or something, I dunno. I've never looked into it beyond the idea
Far more trouble than it'd be worth.
Yeah, but there won't be any comments, and there probably won't be any meaningful variable names.
But not technically impossible.
I won't try.
But it was a thought
it probably uses some native libraries so porting won't be the most straightforward thing
@roippi you can edit your messages by pressing up arrow and then edit
exes in general are not supported on macs
oh you know that already
It was an .exe that gets downloaded from the projector when you access the ip
But never mind that.
quiet here today
because I'm not here ._.
some random guy from irc/reddit paid me ~120€ for ~2.5h of reviewing his code (flask+jquery) :D
@ThiefMaster that's a pretty good hour rate
thats impressive
did you find anything meaningful or just agreed its good and moved on? lol
found quite a few things (he had a nice structure with blueprints etc but no top-level package and he was using relative imports implicitly)
anyone here works with django
consistency above all:
user image
2 hours later…
What exactly is "pythonic" code?
@OutlawLemur Read PEP8
This should give you an idea how to write python code
Other than that: read through the Zen of Python
$ python
>>> import this
@Ahmad Interesting.... I guess I mean how should I program in python contrasting to programming in a C-oriented language... For example, for loops
For loops?
for i in range(10):
    print i
Just keep everything simple and conform to PEP8
Well the problem I am currently having is that in the loop under certain conditions, I decrement the value, so it can be processed properly, but then the loop sets it back to the value it would be at had I not screwed with it
Can you paste the relevant code?
            maxAmount = tempX + divisible + self.__Scale
            minAmount = self.__X + self.__Scale
            #positive stretch
            for x in xrange(minAmount, maxAmount, self.__Scale):
                #get point
                    y = stretch * sqrt(1 - pow(((x - self.__X - stretch) / stretch), 2)) + self.__Y
                    overAfterPoint = True
                except ValueError: #TODO add support for > half circle turns
                    if overAfterPoint == True:
When I step through it, it will decrease x by 1, then it will increase by 2 the next iteration, then I will decrease x by 2 and get the same value
Hmm that looks very confusing tbh
just a min, going through it
Take all the time you need... Thanks for helping
@Ahmad I can correct the behavior by calling x -= (timesOver * self.__Scale + timesOver), but that seems messy
Also I would be interested knowing why it does that
Hmm understanding the code out of context is a bit difficult
so you want to decrement x right?
@Ahmad Yes... I have fixed the problem, now I am just wondering why python reverts the variable to its old value
I assume that xrange stores what the variable should be and rewrites it to x each iteration, but I don't understand why that behavior would be used, instead of a simple function like
A: Changing iteration variable inside for loop in Python

Ionut HulubThe function range() creates a list. For example, range(10) will create the following list: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. When you say for i in range(10), first off all the list [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] will be generated, and then i will be assiged all the values from that list, in order. It...

Okay that just confused me as well
def xrange(var, begin = 0, max, step = 1):
    if begin < max:
        var += step
@Ahmad Haha that is the exact reason I changed to xrange
Hmm sorry then I don't know, sorry :p
No problem... Thanks for looking though
@JonClements I watched 'La habitación de Fermat' -- well, I enjoyed it, but it wasn't a 'Pi', a 'Los cronocrímenes' or a 'Primer', but it was fine
@GauravGhosal Thanks for your comments. I’ve been spoiled by <atLab and how easy it is to simply add a new module.

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