I’m considering learning Python with the idea of letting go of MatLab, although I really like MatLab. However, I’m concerned that getting all of the moving and independent pieces to fit together may be a challenge and one that may not be worth it in the end. I’ve also thought about getting into Visual Basic or Visual C++. In the end, I keep coming back to the ease of MatLab. Any thoughts or comments regarding the difficulty of getting going in Python? Is it worth it? TIA
3 hours later…
@physics90 The difficulties of getting going with python are nearly non-existent!Python is an incredible language that is extremely intuitive while being powerful at the very same time!I think it is totally worth getting going with python!
indeed.. plus I really wanted to like it, at least for the open/free approach compared to ST
but it won't free
and it is not as open as you first think
but as I used to say: I'm not loyal, I'm a maximalist -- so even if I want to use FOSS I won't do it just because something is free and open, I will use it when it is as good or even better than the commercial one
These days you can even duck-type (if you ask nicely).
By Python standards there's still too much language to know, but unlike Java you can actually do things relatively nicely, and unlike C++ it's actually possible to become good at it without wasting your life.
"C/C++" isn't a thing, though. You can learn C; become good at it; and occasionally write security-sensitive software in it even though you shouldn't. C++ is something entirely different, and absurdly overcomplicated.
@IntrepidBrit "learning" C is not a big deal at all. As a matter of fact it is a smaller language than Python itself. However, being good at it is a different kind of thing
Hmm, I found a quote about 10% of C++, but I don't think it's the quote I was thinking of.
> When you’re programming C++ no one can ever agree on which ten percent of the language is safe to use. There’s going to be one guy who decides, “I have to use templates.” And then you discover that there are no two compilers that implement templates the same way.
There are definitely advantages to knowing C++ (my chief work product is in C++) but I can't think of very many problems where I think the best way to get from not having a solution to having a solution is via C++.
The "useful output" to "time invested learning the language" ratio is very low.
@DSM That as the case may be (don't get me wrong, it's been years since I've personally used C++ over C), but I still wouldn't say that's a waste of life.
I suspect many, many more man hours have gone into the support of C++, including compilers, libraries, IDEs, etc which means it does have a good support network surrounding it
@PeterVaro The most annoying thing for me is by the time the next version comes around, I've just tamed the previous version of its quirks
It's still my flavour of choice simply because of Landscape
Although I'm beginning to think that the self-inflicted rage may not be worth it...
My problem is still not with the OS (however I hate the X windowing system, the fact that it is still incapable of self-update, or it is just a thin GUI wrapper around the command-line tools) -- but the supported apps
as I'm still not a dev, but a product designer, I need industry standard tools to work on my system
@IntrepidBrit: well, everyone makes his own judgments about how his time is best spent -- I answer SO questions, and so am not in a great position to throw stones about other people's hobbies. But ISTM C++ isn't interesting enough as a language (unlike, say, Lisp or Haskell) to study for its own sake, so the only benefits it offers are what you can do with it in the available time, and C++ doesn't always fare so well.
As always, mileage may vary, but those people are usually still at the office when I'm out with friends because I didn't use C++ and so my work is done.
I think we should just agree that physicists make inherently better programmers and that's why DSM finishes earlier (the fact that I believe that the three of us all studied physics is completely besides the point :P)
@IntrepidBrit: it's the other way 'round! My ability to remember random bits of stuff is much less than other people's, which is why I have to use superior tools..
@IntrepidBrit: as I said, people's views vary on what's a waste, although I think some views are more justifiable than others. (And it's odd that the guy who writes in C++ every day thinks it's a waste, but the guy who thinks it's not a waste doesn't..) But I won't accept your AmigaBasic slander! I actually had an a500, and a fun machine it was too.
For those of you guys who have Python on the brain - is there any nice pythonic ways of accepting a csv(esque) file and sticking it into a dictionary/any-other-suitable-container?
If you get to choose the output, resist the temptation to come up with something clever.. Stick to something that every decent tool can read (flat csv, json, even xml.)
csv, json, xml, bah! You could save ten bytes in your output files by making a custom data serializer!!! It will only take a few dozen man hours to write and test.
@Kevin I did enough of that at University. I have no desire to go back to those days. ("program something that processes this conveniently written output that will choke and die in a standard library")
@DSM I would just use a regular csv output if there wasn't a fair chunk of meta data to go with it
And I was debating whether JSON was too verbose. But I'd rather JSON than XML in this instance
Auto suggest after "@f" is "@ffisegydd" then hit space next suggestion is "STEWIE" - tap that then next suggestion is "!" - so I just tap that a few times... now if only I could apply this to Python ;-)
@JonClements My god. You've read about the autocorrect texting fails. Imagine if we had that for programming.... Planes would be falling out of the sky...
Probably one of my most polished projects. It's got preview, hold, ghost piece, color-changing backgrounds, different textures for each shape... Too bad it's all using someone else's intellectual property, so I can't publish it!
I think I've read enough Clients From Hell to know not to do work for your cousin's brother-in-law, since they're close enough to expect special treatment but distant enough to be willing to stiff you.
Not sure if that applies with people who you actually like and have known for years
I think it would depend on the task. I'd want very clear specifications and high confidence that I could meet them relatively easily, as the consequences of failure are higher when you know the person.
Sometimes jobs go sideways, and you don't want to put someone you like in the position of having to report things went 'splodey.
it needs a lot of money, however, they will continue the compaign for +18days if we reach the 3k supportes until this saturday
so that's why it crucial to support this project
@Kevin and it not only means we will have a great open source feature length movie - but that also means blender will evolve rapidly in the next 2 years
Well the problem I am currently having is that in the loop under certain conditions, I decrement the value, so it can be processed properly, but then the loop sets it back to the value it would be at had I not screwed with it
@Ahmad Yes... I have fixed the problem, now I am just wondering why python reverts the variable to its old value
I assume that xrange stores what the variable should be and rewrites it to x each iteration, but I don't understand why that behavior would be used, instead of a simple function like
The function range() creates a list.
For example, range(10) will create the following list: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].
When you say for i in range(10), first off all the list [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] will be generated, and then i will be assiged all the values from that list, in order.