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anyone knows why in django, even after doing .objects.all().delete()in shell, users are still existing
basically I try to delete user from registration system but they seem to persist somewhere
@PeterVaro what does each generation represent?
@Vader have you ever heard of genetic algorithms?
okay, well, the basics of it is evolution itself
why do there need to be passes
okay, so first of all, you create a so called population
plenty of creatures, with randomly generated features and properties
for example in this case above, the positions of the small legs
and their movements
then you create criterias
in our our case: let's move as far as one can
now one generation is one generated population
after one cycle we see what the results are
select the best ones, drop the worst ones, and:
1) mutate some
2) cross the first ones to each other to get the best properties
and then start the tests again
so it is like a real evolution
those small creatures in the video doesn't know how to walk
they learnt it after generations
thats pretty nifty
but I mean 250 generations, jeez
In the computer science field of artificial intelligence, a genetic algorithm (GA) is a search heuristic that mimics the process of natural selection. This heuristic (also sometimes called a metaheuristic) is routinely used to generate useful solutions to optimization and search problems. Genetic algorithms belong to the larger class of evolutionary algorithms (EA), which generate solutions to optimization problems using techniques inspired by natural evolution, such as inheritance, mutation, selection, and crossover. Genetic algorithms find application in bioinformatics, phylogenetics...
its like trial and error
but that takes time (time = generations)
just like in real evolution -> it takes millions of years
does it take long to compute these generations?
it depends on the tests and criterias
if you increase samples per generation can you decrease the number of generations?
it also depends on the problem and the tests
I see
I mean
it is not the most difficult part to program a GA
the most difficult one is to find the good tests
and what to do with the results
: )
so the design part is way harder than the implementation
but these GA can solve a lot of NP hard problems (or near NP hard ones)
they've been used in mechanical design too
and in AI research
cool, thats someone did this in blender
btw @Vader I wanted to ask you yesterday: why did you program in Maya instead of Blender?
importing mari udim textures
are you aware of UDIMs?
Instead of having all textures in one huge 16k textures in the default 0-1 UV space you have them from the sorrounding UVs spaces
I will show you an example
each seperate UV grid is called a UDIM as per the mari convention
and you can't do such thing in blender?
I want to learn maya as well though
oh i c
a short article on the life of XSI
yeah.. kinda sad..
anyway it's 2:26, I really have to go to bed
just need some pythonic advice
Yeah I am tired as well, night nighty
is it better to initialize a global variable in python? right after the imports?
@KrisEdison It's pretty common
Well, you usually want to declare all global identifiers on top, so your program is clean and neat
thanks for input @aIKid
@KrisEdison Nevermind that short explanation
btw, is there a way to get rid of using global keyword inside a method if your using global variable?
Well, the best practice is to avoid using globals
You should just pass and return it.
You don't want somehow mess up your functions. Two functions using the same global variable is messed up
You'll likely to be confused which changes what
how about, all globals to be inside a class? is it somewhat cool? :))
Instead, you should just pass the vars to a function, and return it
Maybe.. cooler. I'm not sure :D
im still thinking
This guy has 1k+ rep, what is he thinking?
I think that one is his sockpuppet
@AaronHall He probably forgot to switch accounts
Sockpuppets are frowned upon?
I've seen that sort of thing a lot.
@AaronHall Yeah
Maybe he was afraid of downvotes?
I think some people asks a question with a new account because they're afraid of downvotes
I think I figured it out, it was a comment made in response to a question the editor asked, and the editor was trying to fix it for the asker.
I feel a bit bad
I do too, I was sure you were right
If people would give proper descriptions, then we'd know where to look so we don't reject their edit! :D
I don't get why people just comment comment comment, when they could just answer the question
A: The significance of continue and break in python

Aaron HallYour first version works fine, the continue was unnecessary: >>> numbers = 2, 3, 4, 237, 5, 6 >>> for n in numbers: ... if n % 2 == 0: ... print n ... if n == 237: ... break ... 2 4 The keyword, continue, aborts completion of the current iteration of the loop and continues the n...

Hey, I'm in the 90th percentile on SO!
I hit it Monday
95th %ile would be the next milestone I suppose
I suppose I should calculate it...
3571 is the 90th percentile mark now
95th percentile is 6621 rep
Not sure if it's worth it, but I might hit it now that I'm aiming for badges.
We'll have to see how it goes...
Although I'm in the 99th percentile of total users. Probably good enough.
Aims a wand of polymorph other
cabbage all
just logged in to ping stewie
and he isnt there :(
cbg all :3
Can I override username in django auth? (max_length)
@AaronHall I'm looking forward to 15k reps..
I think that would make me in the 99th percentile
Slightly more
something like this will be good solution? -> roguelynn.com/words/django-custom-user-models
1 hour later…
@mamasi Yes. Creating your own user model and auth backend would work well.
@Bibhas What you mean by own auth backend? Own user model not enough?
@mamasi The url you linked to is creating a modified auth backend. It's needed to implement the changes while someone logs in.
Django calls the auth backend when someone logs in, so your auth backend should know what to do and how to login.
@mamasi you can read Django doc where it's explained well docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.5/topics/auth/customizing
cbg @Jerry
is it possible to get ip from dsn record?
cabbage cabbage. Brb, rebooting
@KrisEdison dsn record?
i mean dsn from odbc or tnsnames
can i get the server by just knowing the dsn? or i need to access directly to odbc.ini or tnsnames.ora
Sorry, no idea about ODBC and related things.
used them once while in college, not after that
thank btw
@Ffisegydd stewie, PING!!!
any1 plz help me with this.. it works fine..
have a llok
Have no fear, Ol' Reliable is here!
@Ol'Reliable the result shows string pattern not matched.. is it because of my cnditions?
if thats the reason ,then it is working f9 ;)
it worked.. thanx anyways
aur batao @Jerry bhai
uh... thanks?
@InbarRose afternoon
wassup, brother @Jerry
um thanks! :D
no, trying to solve some stuff
tough times
python doesn't have switch or case statements?
it was always if/elseif/else
@KrisEdison No.
@Jerry np , u enjoy ur tough life.. reply back when life becomes easier.. :P
u mean elif @Jerry
why? :p
yah elif
yea, some languages implement it differently and I forget =/
thanks btw
tcl has else if, I think there's elsif too somewhere... :s
python believes in making life easier @KrisEdison
every1 knows how frustrating it is to type an extra "se"
I don't mind, especially if it make things more readable to me
The proposal for switch in Python was rejected twice :).
if/eilf is fine.. i guess they're right
yes they are.. :)
python was supposed to make life easier for people at the cost of complicating lives of developers :)
so, does that mean that developers are not people?
well, I can understand for some of the users here, but...
jerry,are you free now?
now and then
as u said above, "tough times"
that supports my statement
they come now and again, it's not constant, it's a variable
Q: how to write a string to csv?

Sergeyhelp please write data horizontally in csv-file. the following code writes this: import csv with open('some.csv', 'w', newline='') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerows('jgjh') but I need so

i guess this requires a CV
now it doesnt
martijn answered!!
what would have been your reason to close the question?
assuming Martijn hadn't answered
i guess it was a duplicate
of which question?
Search for the duplicate before you say it is...
Cbg all by the way
cbg @Ffisegydd
Q: Python - write data into csv format as string (not file)

Li-aung YipI want to cast data like [1,2,'a','He said "what do you mean?"'] to a csv-formatted string. Normally one would use csv.writer() for this, because it handles all the crazy edge cases (comma escaping, quote mark escaping, CSV dialects, etc.) The catch is that csv.writer() expects to output to a f...

hmm, I don't see that as a dup. That question is about writing csv to a string (not file) while the previous question is about writing it to a file and the issue is different
maybe more like this one for dup, since the problems are quite related and the proposed solution would solve the OP's problem too.
I have a quick question
Why does saying X = classname(A, B) produce no errors when a method of X is called. Like X.method_of_classnames(C)
But entering into an eval statement:
classname.method_of_classname(C) produces an error saying self is not defined.
I essentially made two calls. One was where a call was made to a method of a class assigned or instantiated(?) to a variable. And that worked fine. The second was where I simply made a call using the classname without assigning it to anything, and produced an error
Might it be because 'self' isn't referring to any object when I simply make a call using the classname? \
That seems like the problem. ^_^
@Owatch changed your image again I see?
@Owatch Can you write a quick example?
F = ConnectClass(Host, Port)
@Owatch in the first case you're calling a method on an instance and on the second you're calling it on a class... Calling it on the instance is basically classname.method(class_instance, C) while the instance call has an implicit self there...
fixed font button FTW
self is not defined
Ehm, something runnable without 3rd party library would be better ;-).
Try: ConnectClass.send(F, "Ihatethisstuff") :)
Am I making a call to a method associated with F?
If I refer to F as the object(?) that this class will be making the call for?
class methods normally (unless a classmethod or staticmethod) normally have an instance associated with them... when in your class you call self.something() that's equivalent to classname.something(self)
This is sometimes used to call a method of one class on an object of a different class. In wxPython it is often used to call the constructor of a widgets base class.
So within a class called: "Bob", there is an method "Name". Calling "Name" within "Bob" won't look for "Name" within "Bob", but will look to see if "Name" exists somewhere else inside in the global scope of the program. However, calling "self.Name" will refer to it's own method "Name" within "Bob".\
@Fenikso You're saying I can use Jon's example just above to do something and be able to refer to which object I want to do that job.
@JonClements That is helpful! But I do realize I could have just done F.send as well.
@Owatch that's what you're supposed to do, call it on the instance
@markcial :O I've gotten to 512 repeated times but always failed
I realize that now. I cannot just call for nothing to do something
hahahaha it took me 2 days :P
i usually choose top side then try to stack same value tiles in the top side
I've been at it pretty much since it appeared on HN. My gf thinks I've got a serious addiction problem (she's just jealous cos she's crap at it)
when i have same value stack them
F is an instance of ConnectClass. I make calls to F, or I don't make calls at all, because nothing else can.
Unless I create another instance
@Owatch Basically. See this:
xD true, girls are not that into videogames
class MainWindow(wx.Frame):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
but the videogame barrier is disappearing on new generations
there are many gamer girls
Your constructor calls itself?
@Owatch no, that's calling its parents constructor
It calls constructor of the base class (wx.Frame) on itself. Something like self.parents_constructor(...)
If it were calling itself, it would be MainWindow.__init__
My bad
Like this:
class MainWindow(wx.Frame):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Or this:
@markcial Nah she loves video games, probably plays games than I do, she just gets angry and mashes the keyboard :P
class MainWindow(wx.Frame):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Why is super necessary?
@markcial @Ffisegydd my gf once kicked 4 guys' butts in tekken. I was the first one to go down. I can't play games. -_-
thats nice, my girlfriend just doesnt game at all
What would go wrong calling MainWindow.__init__
The last game I enjoyed was serious sam while in school. Go out with a rocket launcher and blow things up. pretty much my thing.
It is all the same. The first one is the most idiomatic in wxPython. But it is easy to mess when you change the parent class and forget to change the call.
I mean inside a game. (sorry NSA if you're reading this)
And do you even need .__init__? Is that not automatically called if no method is specified? Or is that only the first time the instance is created. In which case you do need to specify?
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) will still work.
I am just unfamiliar with the function super\
That's all
The __init__ is called when you create a object. If that is derived class, it calls it parent class constructor, but AFAIK without parameters.
The super function can give you the parent class.
Thats it.
super refers to the parent
Yes, to the class used to derive the derived one, I think the better term is super-class. Or a base class.
Because parents in GUI programming are a bit different.
But there needs to be a parent class.
@Owatch Exactly.
I know it carried a lot away from your original question, but this is a real life example of the usage.
I'm just still a little muddled with your examples using super. You created a class called MainWindow above, right. Then you defined the constructor, which then called super whilst referring to MainWindow. But MainWindow was just created. It doesn't have a parent at all to refer to.
@Owatch it's parent is wx.Frame
Depends what you think the parent is. In this context parent == base class, eg wx.Frame.
So it called on the constructor, for it's parent.
Lets stop call that parent. Base class.
It called the constroctor of base class using self as an object.
It called on dad, for his constructor
Alright, will refer to as Base Class
It asked dad about the instructions, but son did them.
This is probably highly applicable to Kivy. Although different from wx
Just learning classes BTW. So I am sorry I didn't notice the parent. Normally, the book instructs me to place 'object' where the parent would be.
I guess that creates a Base Class
That's because you make object the Base class (parent(dad)) of your class.
Now be careful about terminology. Parent in GUI perspective is usually referencing to something else.
The container - widget relations. Not the Base and Derived class relations.
I think with GUI's, a child widget is something like a button assigned to a canvas or whatnot, which is the parent.
I've done stuff mostly with tkinter up to now though, so classes are completely new to me in terms of working with GUI's
Anyhow, thanks a lot for all that!
Very helpful.
Have a look at @JonClements explanations again. Should be easier to grasp now.
They do.
(counting on you not being completely confused by the wxPython example anyway :-D)
I think it would have been more confusing, had I not known what wxPython was. But it is fine and is not confusing, at least for what was explained. How wxPython widgets work, and what they usually are trying to get from their Base Classes isn't clear to me yet.
But I don't think I need to know just yet!
I'm going to go and fix the Alpha issue with my thumbnail.
Ah hA!
Umm... anyone fancy logging into sopython and trying to edit sopython.com/wiki/tag/python ?
@Jon yeah I can edit it
I like to think I made an intelligent and worthwhile addition.
@Ffisegydd yeah... I probably should have clarified someone that wasn't in the allowed list :)
But that is one hell of a constructive edit!
Am I allowed?
@Aशwiniचhaudhary you can if you want but I don't think you've been added to the list yet, so you'd be a good candidate to test it for now.
Err, I can't edit it errr....
uh oh... what have I done
I can edit it...
Not working. After submission it is loading loading and loading...
@Inbar he wanted me to check if I could edit it :P I've removed it now.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (UNAUTHORIZED)
@Aशwini ahhh that's what I'm getting, but it looks like I forgot to add myself to the edit list - so it works... but it should 401 straight away
Umm... okay, it does 401 straight away but the browser keeps waiting... not sure what I need to do to stop the browser doing that...
hey guys
can someone help me please
Q: facebook authorization error (fandjango)

Armance WissalI'm trying to make my first facebook tab app with django. I did some resarch and found out that fandjago is the best. So I'm using it , but when I try to require users to authorize I use the decorator facebook_authorization_required see : https://fandjango.readthedocs.org/en/latest/usage/au...

@Armance you do realise you're asking the same set of people that you asked yesterday at 10:19 ?
/wiki/tag/python is gone btw.
Good to see my very basic authorisation system is working brilliantly
Right, that should be the delete issues sorted
Are you planning on adding tags for wiki pages then?
@jon Now it says; The server could not verify that you are authorized to access the URL requested. You either supplied the wrong credentials (e.g. a bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.
Though I am logged in.
@Aशwini Yup, you're authenticated but not authorised :)
@Ffisegydd err nope, I believe we're planning to extend the markdown to allow putting tags on posts/entries, but we're not planning to keep wiki entries for the tags themselves
morning all :)
cbg @tristan
cbg @JonClements
Ah ok I see
@Ffisegydd it was just what I was using for a test for linking to and also syntax highlighting and just seeing how well a copy/paste from an SO post looked
Would it be sensible to make a "To-Do" wiki article? I think it was discussed a while ago.
@Ffisegydd it would indeed... we had one on the old site... it was rather lengthy, and I think half it's redundant now with the new system anyway...
sopython.com/wiki/post/example is a direct copy/paste of this post for instance - I reckon it looks good :)
Yeah that looks pretty sweet.

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