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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@BradRuderman: Did you google around? I found this as my first hit
1 hour later…
Hi @Andy
Morning @thefourtheye! (kaalai vanakkam)
@inspectorG4dget Iniya kaalai vanakkam nanbare :)
Mazhai peidhanga anga? (Is it raining there?)
Hey guys!
In a program with a combo of classes and functions, should the functions come first or the classes?
@samrap Cabbage sam
Does the functions use those classes or the classes use those functions?
Neither, so far
If they ever had to, it would most likely be classes using functions which answers my question
I'll put functions first
@thefourtheye was raining last night (power cut), but all's good now. Headed to Saravanas for breakfast
Rained all day here today
We had school off on thursday and friday because the weather was so bad
Guess I win
Lucky you
indeed, longer weekend \o/
Is there a way to call a method of a class without putting the call in the init method
@samrap -- sure
You don't even need to define __init__
class Foo(object):
    def method(self):
        self.x = 6
f = Foo()
Yea but I don't want to have to call f.method() I just want it to be automatically called when I assign Foo() to f
Plus I need __init__ because theres some instance vars I need to set up
@mgilson When I started learning Python, you answered my question on SO
Q: Reading from stdin till EOF python

thefourtheyeI am reading input for my python program from stdin (I have assigned a file object to stdin). The number of lines of input is not known beforehand. Sometimes the program might get 1 line, 100 lines or even no lines at all. import sys sys.stdin = open ("Input.txt") sys.stdout = open ("Output.txt...

Thank you :) Now, I have a silver badge in Python :)
ahh yes, so I did :)
Well, pay it forward then :)
I believe my first question was answered by Sven Marnach
@mgilson Sure, master :)
Nice job! @thefourtheye
gratz @thefourtheye
Mine was a JS question
@samrap @inspectorG4dget Thanks guys :)
@inspectorG4dget Back from Saravanas?
Back with vadais @thefourtheye
stackoverflow.com/questions/5965874/python-3-writing-to-a-pipe -- I'm still somewhat amazed at how good a question this was ...
@inspectorG4dget Wow :) I have ordered Pongal :)
@thefourtheye brought some of that, too. With sambar and chutney
today's breakfast sponsored by...
I feel like it was one of my best SO questions ...
Very high clarity in the question. Just upvoted
In hindsight, now that I'm finally starting to deal with unicode more, I'm finally starting to understand the answer better now too ...
At the time it was just a quick patch that was good enough to make it work.
Since we're talking about "my best SO question", I'll point this out, despite the fact that my most upvoted question outdoes it by almost 20x votes
@inspectorG4dget just fixed a formatting issue ;)
@thefourtheye where?
Q: Python: Advanced Nested List Comprehension Syntax

inspectorG4dgetI was playing around with list comprehensions to get a better understanding of them and I ran into some unexpected output that I am not able to explain. I haven't found this question asked before, but if it /is/ a repeat question, I apologize. I was essentially trying to write a generator which ...

@thefourtheye: I just saw the diff. Good catch. Thanks
:) :) :)
That's a lot of upvotes.
@inspectorG4dget How did this work for you? print [x for x in range(10) if x%2==i for i in range(2)]
oh yeah... leaking :p
My most upvoted question still has less than 30 upvotes.
And it was answered by abarnert ...
@mgilson: I find that as I become more proficient in the language, I tend to ask fewer questions about it. This is because I know "how to do things with python". That said, I should note that the most upvoted questions are probably those that a lot of users face; which means that you should post a question which illustrates a problem that many others may face, even if it's one that you yourself don't face.
This would likely poise the post to help a lot more users, while getting you more rep as a side-effect thereof
@mgilson Good question. Python 2.6 is almost twice as faster than 3.2 in accessing list elements
Yeah, I agree. @inspectorG4dget
@mgilson On my machine, I get this
Python 2.7
Python 3.3
@thefourtheye -- I think that the thing we decided there was that there are significant differences between 32bit and 64bit builds.
Python3.x has historically been considered to be a little slower than the 2.x branch
Yeah... But it was settled with 32 bit builds are slightly faster than 64 bit builds, right?
unicode handling by default is a little slower than bytes handling.
@thefourtheye -- I don't remember now ;-). Sounds right.
python3.x uses long integers rather than int integers.
So that could be a little bit of a difference as well.
How do I find which build I am using? :(
I mean 32 bit/64 bit?
I believe you can tell from sys.maxint
Or, perhaps sys.maxsize (sys.maxint went away in python3.x)
:) Mine is a 64 bit machine
you can check whether that number is closer to 2**31 or 2**63 :)
It returns 9223372036854775807
I think that's becoming more and more popular.
print 9223372036854775807 == 2 ** 63 - 1
wow ... all the titans are converging on this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/20449625/…
Alright, maybe only 3 titans.
I recognize only Tim :(
Now Martijn pitches in
Amber and John seem to answer questions all over the board.
Amber is with Google it seems
Yeah, an SRE. They've got their work cut out for them for sure.
I have a lot of respect for people who are able to give definitive answers in a bunch of different tags.
Wish I could do that...
I prefer depth over breadth :)
Q: Python regex: overlapping patterns

user2492270Suppose I have a string: string = 'AvBvC' I want to match A, B, and C, and this is what I did: match re.search('(.*)v(.*)', string) print match.groups() The problem is, the result shows that: ('A', 'B',) How do I make it catch all overlapping patterns..? Thanks. (I found some posts...

When you see that regular expression ;)
@mgilson: maybe it's time to take up another major tag, then. I've noticed that I tend to concentrate on library questions and algorithms these days as the number of questions on which I think I can say anything that lots of other people can't is decreasing. Since I spend my work days in C++, C#, and Python, something new might be fun too.
@thefourtheye -- I'm impressed by the level of both.
@DSM, I think I agree.
I'm not sure what other tag to take up :)
I really would like to learn go ...
Google has 4 main languages -- C++, Java, Python and Go.
Of those, I don't want anything to do with Java
I know a little C, so I suppose it makes sense to get better at it, but It's so hard.
fighting the "I could do this in 6 lines if I just went with python" in the back of my head is always a bit tricky.
I was about to ask about that, actually. Is Go worth studying?
@mgilson: how popular is Go at Google, even internally?
I'm not sure.
I'm not really sure about either question actually
(compute popularity = usage frequency)
One colleague of mine described it as "everything C++ should have been, but wasn't"
I think it's usage is growing.
I've heard a number of endorsements.
What's Go?
But, it's only been around for 4 years?
@samrap -- golang.org
It's hard to really compare it to c++'s 15 or 20.
And, C++ was built on C syntax which has been around forever (+/- a few years)
So, from what I hear, the core language is great. The standard library is still in progress, but what is there is pretty good.
I dunno... It'd be nice to get really good at a compiled language that I can use at Google.
I was pretty good at fortran ... but, I don't think Google wants me checking any of that stuff in.
Why negative lookahead doesnt allow me to match the beginning of the string?
I suppose C++ might help me with my goal of becoming a python dev more than go would...
Guys, I would suggest javascript :)
I am learning that one a little bit.
C++ is absurdly complicated, and many who really understand it often have a Stockholm-syndrome-like need to justify the amount of time they spent learning its intricacies. It's hard to take them entirely seriously. That said, C++11 is a lot nicer, and isn't actually too bad to work with.
Yeah, perhaps I'll try to revive my skills there ...
just learn C
and get over my python-centricness.
@bh3244 -- I know a little C. Enough to get by anyway ...
Just invited TimPeters to the chat :) Lets see what he says :)
@TimPeters Hi Tim :) Welcome to the SO Chat :)
Hey @TimPeters -- How's it going?
@TimPeters The same guy posted three RegEx questions today.
Q: Python regex: overlapping patterns

user2492270Suppose I have a string: string = 'AvBvC' I want to match A, B, and C, and this is what I did: match re.search('(.*)v(.*)', string) print match.groups() The problem is, the result shows that: ('AvB', 'C',) instead of what I want, which is ('A', 'B', 'C',) How do I make it catch al...

Q: Python, regex: Nested parenthesis

user2492270Suppose I have a string: string = (L^M=>P)^(B^L=>M)^(C) I want to get individual clauses, and this is what I did: match = re.search('(\([^()]*\))\^(\([^()]*\))', string) print match.groups() The problem is, the result shows: ('(L^M=>P)^(B^L=>M)', '(C)', ) instead of what I want, which is...

Q: Python regex: matching nested parenthesis

user2492270suppose I have a string containing substrings # the substrings and the whole string surrounded by parenthesis string = '((substring1)(substring2))' I want to get both substring1 & substring2 using regex, but I'm having a problem :( This is what I have now: match = re.search('(\(.*\))', strin...

That's Ok, as long as they're all different questions
well posed and the like.
The last two questions are almost the same, I believe
Is there a way to print the squared symbol in python instead of ^2 ?
Like a sys.stdout function?
you want to print it to standard output?
this seems to work OK: print u'e=mc\u00b2'
Ah thank you!
chr(178) is also ² if you print it, right?
It prints a blank line for me
so it was supposed to be 253, but I could only print it as 178
maybe it's because of my regional settings?
@Roberto -- Yes
I think so...
>>> int('B2', 16)
>>> chr(178) == '\u00b2'
Of course, that would probably be unichr in python2.x ...
ah! I'm using 2.7
Ah there it is
cabbage all
Hello, can someone help me with django ?
I have few questions which I cant find answer of, and I am too stupid to understand that on my own
@HussainNagri sopython.com/ChatRoomEtiquette Second Point :)
I know you can change stdout color with ANSI escape sequences but how do you change just the input from a raw_input function?
the question is that when we are in PHP development we have this www folder which is the root of the website. means that if we want to give a relative path '/' will by default be the 'www' folder. what is the root of django website. second is how can I find programatically what is my static and media path are.
this might seem very trivial and naive things to pros but I am a beginner and having a real hard time to understand this.
I am used to program in python using terminal and getting an idea of the problem via terminal but this is something else.
3 hours later…
hi dear friends, is anyone there?
I just want to access some files from oracle website but I can't access the website. is there any other repository that I can use to download an instantclient for windows??
ekisto.sq.ro - Jon appears to have his own little cluster.
5 hours later…
cabbage all
@Lattyware looks pretty - what is it ?
Why am I down the bottom? :(
I've got a skyscraper myself, but yours is just huge @JonClements lol
It's SO, each person is a tower, the taller it is the more rep
the grouping is by tag
Ahhh.... so umm.... positioning isn't anything?
weirdly, Python seems to be spread out in a couple of clusters bottom-left
But the python tag isn't that small
yeah, position is tags the rep is in
I think it's about what else we contribute to
as in, if you contribute to Python and Java, you'll end up in a cluster halfway between the two
or something
I'm in middle of a big city
Hello Jon Clements.
I need to move location... I'm a little out in the sticks
heya @bugboy
My question is now solved
Old question is replaced with my question from last time
@bugboy always good when things get solved ;)
@lattyware so why are we in different places.... I'm not quite getting it - but then I don't think I'm awake yet either but...
I assume we must contribute to different sets of tags
although saying that, we appear to match up pretty well
/me shrugs
ask the creator, I guess
It's a normalised score and....
@JonClements If you would like to see my new question ( even thought it is solved ) , stackoverflow.com/questions/20449506/…
Do you have any github etc.... activity that would link you more somewher eelse?
@bugboy thanks for link - just glad you got your answer
Wonder where abarnet is
Trying to find right app for my iPad that will let me use StackOverflow even thought mobile website is good
I think the official Android based app is still in beta... I don't think the iOS version will be until after that... although I'm sure there's plenty of 3rd party apps
and @JonClements Everyone is always happy to get answer... even if they didnt give effort ( like me XD ).
cabbage all
I would like to have cabbage
@AshishNitinPatil dead link
Get rid of the https and use sopython.com/Salad
oops, seems like https is not supported
Avocado! :D
@Lattyware is there a real time visualization of SO somewhere?
btw cbg for all
dunno, that one was just on Slashdot
I doubt there would be anything realtime because of the amount of data involved.
probably.. but at least an hourly/daily updated one -- cause the link you posted is based on july
cbg folks!
heya @KDawG
@PeterVaro heya, any interesting projects you've stumbled across?
cbg @KDawG & @Peter
nothing special -- I'm testing myself on AI and physics (PyMunk)
and ofc RaspberryPi and hardware-programming
@PeterVaro oh, and always wanted to ask ya :: How Did C go on?
BTW right now AI and Physics are outta my scope phew!
well, if I say No -- I will probably lie, because I did not do anything big with C, only a few optimization and/or using some libs that I wrapped with Cython
Cython is mixture of C & Python?
but the language itself is pretty easy and straightforward
@PeterVaro so is Cython actually compiled?
@Bugboy1028 cython is a python-syntax-based C
@PeterVaro you gotta be kidding me???????
@Bugboy1028 cython.org
@KDawG it is store as shared object (.so)
but it has a native C stage
so it is converted to C and then compiled
I ♥ that converting part!
so that means IF I write print 'hello C' then It'll translate into C code must be something like cout <<< 'hello C'
well, I love the C syntax or the pure Python syntax more than Cython -- but it is amazing how easy it is to connect pure C to Python at the speed of C (without the ctypes module mess)
@KDawG more like printf()
but most of the time
that is not that simple
since 'hello C' is a Python string
which is a Python object
which is not equal to char * in C
24x19" print is $120 LOL
pff it's not cheap..
BTW I just got brainyammed thanks to @PeterVaro
I think this question can be solved... stackoverflow.com/questions/20455198/…
thanks man @PeterVaro :)
np at all
His function is flipped but I forget what else to included
@Bugboy1028 try to answer yourself cause you need more rep than any of us :D
Having bit of hard time making function worked without using " "
@JonClements have you watched that teaser about Google's and Nasa's new quantum computer?
Link please @Peter
yesterday, by Peter Varo
@JonClements have you seen this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMdHDHEuOUE ?
Not yet... sorry popped out briefly
boy it's windy
Seems to be a few "how do I do this to a dict without using the function that I'd use in reality" kind of questions doing the rounds
There are numerous utilities for file management, but I cannot find any any utility (Mac, Ubuntu or Windows) that enables you to sort files into folders by its file types or other various preferences. Anyone know of any applications that will help to achieve this?
Not sure 1) What that has to do with Python, or 2) What you actually mean :)
Well i was messing around with python to complete this
but was having file name conflicts
can anyone answer this stackoverflow.com/questions/20455126/… please
@Iamcool I've commented on it :)
Please note - that it's not necessary to come here to draw attention to your question - it's only been there a few moments, people will see it in the not too distant future :)
Nov 11 at 8:34, by Inbar Rose
Please stop posting your questions here. The chat is NOT the place to bring more attention to your question, it is a place to discuss other things, or more complex questions. If you have already asked a question on the main site - leave it there - don't bring it here!
@Inbar I was waiting for you to link that :) How are you today ?
I was working busily all day (That is a word now)
Awesome... the good busy... not the omfg the world's going to end if I don't get this done and it's my day off kind of busy?
@JonClements thanks can you please look again
@Iamcool , @JonClements will look at the question again when he have time to do so, he doesn't need attention to the question 100% of time
Just wondering, does Python have features like JFrame or such?
@iamcool try that answer - looks like I guessed correctly about string interpolation :)
Awesome, my solution is faster than the other highest voted solution by a factor of 14.... stackoverflow.com/a/20456070/1561176
9 seconds!
it should be written in C
I learnt about timeit today
@InbarRose This one takes almost constant time:

    def solve(start, end, divisor):
        while start % divisor != 0:
            start += 1
        n = (end-start)/float(divisor)
        return (n/2)*((2*start) + (n-1)*divisor)
Bit struggling with JPanel and such -.-
Ooops, rushed off for dinner
Hey, In a class, how do I call a module from within another module (same class), I keep getting it's not defined.
What do you mean by "call a module" ?
Oops sorry
Method* my abd
It's okay - feel free to delete one of them :)
Ah I think I should eb able to find the answer
As i was using module for some reason
Java is silent
So is there any one good with Java in here?
Doesn't look like it
@Kevin it's Sunday - what do you think you're doing here :P
I'm snowed in and require socialization
And you picked here? Umm...
Desperate times and measures and all that
Are you seriously snowed in?
Now I need help with Java
Nah, there's like two inches on the road. That's more "would prefer not to go out" than "stranded"
Ahh... I'm going to stick with the image of 15ft high "mountains" of snow about to topple down and crush your property
Just, errr, well - you know... more exciting like that
The effect is the same. I'll probably stay in all day.
Yes, but you're not likely to be crushed to death from 2inches of snow
Kevin, you live in Washingtion DC area by any chance?
I'm 'snowed' in
New Jersey
Could you throw in some "oh my god! the roof's starting to creak" sort of thing now and again? Just for dramatic effect?
@JonClements, Carrot.
That's not a word!
Well - it is a word - but it's not :)
Glad I cleared that one up
@Kevin did you see the cool SO city thingy? ekisto.sq.ro
I think I saw it linked on Reddit, but I didn't check it out
Bah, Tim Schmelter is blocking my tower from view
Why is everyone in a major city... and I'm kinda almost falling off the southern pole
Ok, nearly isolate the issue now
I would expect us to be on the same Python island at least
@Kevin there's a seagull next to you!
Wonder if that's Jonathan Livingstone
I can't work out how it's positioning these things
why am I by myself... weeps
Creating question now
Matt's kinda outside Unutbu's city and Ignacio's in his own place - but they're all closer to the action
> Cosine similarity is computed based on [...] the tags of posts contributed by users
I don't know what that means
And Martijn's not on there...
I don't recognise any of those names surrounding me
They probably made up 90% of the users by picking names from phone books and pet cemeteries.
Seems like a sensible idea
I hope my question is clear enough :|
Awesome traceback for that :)
NullPointerException, huh... I bet about is null when that function runs
. How you instantiate About? <--- what does this mean?
How did you instantiate it? Somewhere in the code, did you do about = new About()?
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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