>>> slope Enter coordinate one (x,y): 2,2 Enter coordinate one (x,y): 2.5,2.5 Coordinates were entered incorrectly. Type 'man slope' for more info. >>>
@samrap You're gonna have to take calculus anyways when you go to college. And then you would wish to have taken Calculus because everyone else would, and you would be behind the curve.
Because I thought I was gonna be a transportation designer and academics werent a priority. I wanted to go to a design school. Wasn't until last summer I got into computers @Games @Andy
@samrap Hmm, well let me put it to you straight, there are few good engineering colleges right now in the US. Ones that actually are going to make you an awesome engineer. Actually, this applies not only for the US, but in most countries.
@Andy Quite good, the teachers are nice. But I think most of the time, you need good friends from college. Remember, college is more of a place to make lifelong bonds than to actually do any learning.
@AbhishekGupta In the simplest terms, Python is a programming language, made for general purpose use. That means, that it can be used in most circumstances. Whats special about Python is also the fact that its a hybird language, meaning that it can easily inter-operate with other programming languages like C/C++. Meaning, develop a prototype quickly, and then change the parts that are slow to raw native code.
Can someone upvote this post, so that she can get 10 reputation to post a picture? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20439020/python-script-for-getting-some-columns-of-one-excel-into-new-one/20439042?noredirect=1#comment30534258_20439042
HAHA have you guys noticed that anytime a girl has a profile on SO and she has a profile picture her profile views are about 10x > than her rep points, but any guy profile the views are about 1/4 of their rep points :D
I'm not really a stickler on stuff like that, so I don't care -- But I wouldn't want anyone to get in trouble either. Generally canhaz code questions don't get 3 upvotes ;-)
well, git can be used from commandline, but you still need to install it. I suspect this is going to be impossible without admin passwords, unless your mom lets user accounts install software
lol. As much as I'd love to think that that's true, I seriously doubt that my playing around with weekend projects is going to hold a candle to what you've done
I mean if you make software that you want to run on all linux platforms, there's no other choice than to make it in Java @thefourtheye cc @AshwiniChaudhary
@thefourtheye Yea, but try to run the same thing on say, Gentoo, or perhaps Arch, you'll have trouble because the Python that Ubuntu uses is made to their taste. Its different from the general python you see.
@AshwiniChaudhary That is old man. Consider upgrading to a Mac?
@AshwiniChaudhary If its strictly for coding you'll never need anything more than air. However, for a full replacement of everything, as in your main PC, then go for Pro.
@thefourtheye there's plenty of free software for mac too.
@AshwiniChaudhary Well, I was thinking of making a social networking site, but not like facebook, or google+. The core of both of those businesses is sharing, the core of this idea is collaboration.
because Air feels sluggish when one uses Adobe products.
@AshwiniChaudhary Making projects. Now these projects can be whatever you like, perhaps you want someone to do an online course with. Perhaps you want to make a game with pygame, and you are looking for people with similar skills. Perhaps you want to make a new design, and need someone to draw the outlines, and work on the cloth together with you.
Ideally a site, that connects you to the people you need to know, to do whatever it is that you want to do.
Its a matchmaking site, but for people who want to make something together and have a similar skill-set.
Alexandra has some distinct integer numbers a1,a2...an.
Count number of pairs (i,j) such that:
1≤ i ≤ n
1≤ j ≤ n
ai < aj
This is the problem
I solved it like this
T = int(raw_input())
for t in range(T):
n = int(raw_input())
nums = sorted(map(int, raw_input().split()))
print sum(n-(i+1) for i in range(n - 1) if nums[i] < nums[i + 1])
But it takes 0.82 seconds in the server. How can I speed up this code?
I see that, others have got accepted with Python @ 0.1 second