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@aIKid you answered 2 questions right before me! haha
@ThiefMaster You there?
We got a spammer here
@Haidro i guess spammers post porn site urls now -_-
yea, was not even aware >.>
How annoying
What is this world coming to
Oh my god
I'm going to post a question on meta
@Haidro I like how you use it as an opportunity to get rep on Meta haha
it is a valid point though!
I got over reputation after like 16k+
Actually that's a lie. probably 20k+
hahaha yeah you still get it like crazy!
Actually, check my reputation gains in the last week
ok well compared to me! hah
Eh, that's just because I have more answers
I take it back you havent got much lately!
But I finished school today for the year, so more free time yay
im not even half way through the year haha
My goal is only to get 10k
Then i will be considered by my father as "quite experienced".
your father knows that you go on SO?
My dad does too he sometimes comes in and asks how much rep i have then proceeds to tell me Im not that good haha
For real?
My dad barely knows I even program
Really! my dad knows I do he always tells me I'm not very good but that's his way of making me try harder
Im sure your dad would be proud haha you play a pretty big role in the SO community
you would think he would have seen you on the site as much as your on! aha
@Haidro Of course
My dad is a programmer too :))
I'll tell you all something
I've been involved with the internet pretty much when I was 6 years old
what is it
And then?
Well, at 6, I started playing RuneScape with my brothers
(and I still play it :))
yeah i knew that haha
At age 9, I joined a community that was based on a flash game called N
@Christian When did you started playing with internet?
dunno if any of you have heard it before
@Haidro You're early
Okay, but think about this
nope, and probs like 7 or 8
A nine year old, joining a community probably full of teenagers
Now, think about a nine year old posting questions on SO
You'd have the poor grammar, the repetitive characters (help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
haha of course
That was pretty much me when I was 9 in this community, and only recently have I realised how much of a dick I was
hahaha well you didnt know much better
So yea, I was part of this community until like 2011
So, that would be when I was... 12/13
In 2011 I joined the RuneScape Wiki
And have been there ever since
I think i overwhelmed this person with my answer:
A: How do you make an image move through the screen and then make it disappear in python?

Christian CareagaWhat you can do is use the sprite class make a class for a block like so: from pygame.locals import * import pygame import os class Block(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, pos): #make it a sprite pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) #create a rect at positi...

Looking at his code, I doubt it. Sometimes it takes all that effort to teach people :)
Sometimes it's a bit too much :)
Yeah, but I remember how confusing Pygame was at first but it is so much easier to use sprites and rects in the long run
I want to start working with pygame...
do it!
Its a lot of fun
@aIKid was it you that made that data exchange thing of the teens?
Hum? Yeah haha
But not so accurate, since many don't post their ages
@Haidro is an example..
i was gonna ask you to link it but i found it
@aIKid What do you mean?
and yeah there are probably more teens
How did you find it?
@Haidro nothing :p
you linked it one time
But you pinged me :p
nevermind it doesnt work
it is a like top teens thing for rep
@Christian You're 34th i see XD
hahah yeah
Eye suk lol
Nope, that's nice..
When i was 15 i have 0 :)
Not really, i was just only turning sixteen last october.
haha i turn 16 in july
That's still quite long
Which means you're 15 and 5 months now?
You'll get a whole lot more when you're sixteen.. :(
I'm late to the game
hahah I'm not worried about it, SO is more of a learning tool for me
For me, it's more like testing tool.
Well, learning tool as well
Anyway, i got to go
See ya later, rhubarb!
alright talk to you another time! rhubarb
1 hour later…
Hi Good Morning
3 hours later…
Any Python-programista around?
@Andy ask..
Are there any simple object oriented Python programs that I can learn from?
I somewhat understand OOP, but I would understand it more if I can read a program written in OOP style.
I think you will uinderstand more easily, if you do it (learning-by-doing) -- so why don't you try to write a GUI app? a simple text-editor for example? You could start with tkinter it is a built in module in the standard lib.
Okay,I'll give it a try, and I'll probably come back tomorrow.
Thanks for the suggestion
np.. as I can remember I learnt a lot about OO by doing some GUI stuff
GUI stuff like making a real program?
Like a window and frames, and stuff like that?
yepp.. and tkinter is an OO designed GUI framework
or if you are interested in graphics, I can suggest you the pyglet
it is a much more modern library, and as a bonus, you will learn about OpenGL
Okay, I'll start learning tkinter and then pyglet
What's OpenGL?
if you want a more higher level GUI lib, a I reccommend you to use kivy
and you should look at the source there -- as you asked
it is a beautifully written lib
For sure I'll do that right now
kivy look very professional
it is!
@PeterVaro Never mind.
but I thank you for it.
about the Google search.
oh.. well sorry if you take it as an insult... ;)
Oh, kind of. But it's truth. I mean I should have at least searched OpenGL myself. Instead of keep bugging you. Sorry about that.
absolutely no problem..
Anyways, do you have any GUI programs in mind that I can work on, besides a text editor?
I would appreciate it if you gave me some suggestions.
a text-editor is a good start, and then you can move on to a drawing app
and at the end to a vector-graphics drawing app?
Oh, that's a good road to take.Then a text editor it is.
I'll start with kivy first.
good choice, it is very modern, and under very active development
Okay, I better get busy with Kivy.
@PeterVaro Thank you sir. You have been very helpful. I appreciate your generosity. Have a wonderful day.
you too, and good luck with understanding and building beautiful GUI apps;)
I see the great work of the famous samartian @PeterVaro again
It's sickening ;)
How's it going?
so-so.. but I'll live.. you?
Getting back on the productive wagon. Chucking out all of the bad habits. Man, does it feel god
Bah! I keep forgetting that I can modify sent messages in SO chat
anyway.. what r u working on?
Currently, trying to balance the needs of clients (ie, MOAR FEATURES) with going back through the old codebase as I got, creating unit tests for them
People with RegEx experience with grep, please check my question
Q: grep - regular expression - match till a specific word

thefourtheyeLets say I have a file with lines like this abcefghijklxyz abcefghijkl I want to get only the string between abc and the end of the line. End of the line can be defined as the normal end of line or the string xyz. My question is How can I get only the matched string using grep and regular ex...

(like all the best projects, this was a prototype to throw together to prove a principle, then somehow ended up in production)
@thefourtheye Why not just use split()?
@IntrepidBrit I am not using Python :) just grep
Sooooooooooo why are you in the Python room then?
Besides, looks like your question is garnering enough attention as it is
What are you working on @PeterVaro?
hey guys
can someone help me plz
Q: iphone push notifications passphrase issue (pyAPns)

Armance WissalI'm trying to implement push notifications for iphone based on PyAPNs When I run it on local but it blocks and prompts me to enter the passphrase manually and doesn't work until I do I don't know how to set it up so to work without prompt This is my code: from apns import A...

Sorry bud, I don't know the first thing about pyAPns, so I wouldn't be able to help you
How this got an upvote, and is getting (some incorrect) answers is beyond me
@IntrepidBrit actually nothing special -- tinkering with raspberry pi (I'm almost done with it, I mean, I wired up all my sensors and other stuff and make them work with Python).. but since yesterday, I'm planning a new Kickstarter project..
heya @JonClements long time no see (probably I was the one who wasn't here.. but still)
Howdy :)
@JonClements ew
@PeterVaro Oooh exciting. What you planning to do?
Or is it hush hush?
no it's not, I'm planning to create MindStorms with Raspberry Pi hopefully <1/3 the price of it, and of course this all connected to Pyoneer ;)
Awesome :)
so it will a perfect learning environment without the soldering and the calculations
a C library wrapped with a beautfiul Python API
As long as nobody loses an eye!
Hope CabbageBot doesn't interface with them as start using them as building blocks to build its robot army for world domination...
@JonClements yyou mean RABBIT?
how is (s)he?
Running free in the wild... assimilating knowledge and developing (no doubt evil) plans
so: same old, same old ;)
So - you've disconnected him/er off
- the ethernet?
I pulled the plug... but fear it may have been too late
Dear lord
So - expect a bad sequel with cheesy FX... but on the plus side, it won't involve Pierce Brosnan
Ahhh.... catch up on PMQs - should be interesting - Nick Clegg vs Harriet Harman
Excellent. When can we expect the master pest to be back?
@JonClements Let me know how it goes. I have little interest in what Clegg has to say. He's managed to single handedly kill off the Lib Dems
Hahah... Harriet Harman referring to Clegg: "Isn't he the best Deputy a conservative government could want"
@JonClements Rofl
I think the Lib Dems did an all or nothing gambit on AV
I reckon that's what all this has been about
Well, I like Clegg like I like Boris
they're amusing
I'm just gutted that the good work of a decade of Lib Dems has been trashed. They're going to become a non-party again
Boris is amusing. But not amusing enough for me to vote him rector of Edinburgh University. No matter how many boobs he signed
cbg ya'll!
@KDawG howdy
@KDawG Cabbagy mornin' to you
@IntrepidBrit morning fellow pythonian!
@JonClements howdy partner! :)
@IntrepidBrit well, the 3rd party is going to be UKIP now... I think you're right that Clegg has dragged the party into a suicide pact
man this guy gets way outta hand stackoverflow.com/questions/20375954/…
@JonClements I'm gutted, because I felt the Lib Dems were the only party that actually looks forward to the long term. Not that I agree with all of those policies, but I'm all about some good long game
@JonClements Eurgh UKIP. I wouldn't mind them as much if they weren't filled with mentally raging racists
did we hit 200k yet?
I have a problem with __eq__. I would like to have my cake and eat it too.
class Widget:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.value == other.value

a = Widget("foo")
b = Widget("bar")
c = Widget("foo")

print a == c
#I would like this to print `True`

seq = [a,b,c]
print seq.index(c)
#I would like this to print `2`
This is an extension of the block-pushing game problem I had yesterday. I've got a collection of blocks, and I want to get the position of a particular block. But block equality is based purely on whether attributes match. So when I say, "find the location of this particular Boulder", it replies, "I found a Heavy Solid Pushable object in position X"
but id(my_boulder) != id(the_block_at_position_x), so I am unsatisfied
I could remove __eq__ and let them compare by id. That doesn't affect anything now, but I may miss the ability to compare blocks later.
I could move the logic to some second-hand equals method, so that I can still use it but index won't, but that seems weird.
I could create a new kind of collection with a index_by_id method, but that too is weird.
@poke cabbage!
I could give all blocks an x and y attribute, so I don't need to ask the collection for the object's position, but that seems like the wrong way to allocate responsibilities
Is there another Jon here, or why is your name displayed in full, @JonClements?
That last one I am never really sure about. Using a real-world analogy, I assert that "position" is not something that an object inherently knows about itself. Ex. People need an external GPS device to determine that information.
(And even then, that's position in relation to the Earth, and not some "universally correct coordinate system", which probably isn't a real thing)
@poke not sure... It's a name worthy of being shown in full :)
@Kevin You could use this to make it less dependent on Earth…
@Jon Heh, I was just wondering because I’ve never seen it happen here before :)
@poke Smaller screen?
@IntrepidBrit Smaller screen, higher resolution :P
But oh yeah, that could be the reason
resizing the window changes it
How many more flags does this chat post want before it stops bothering me? <_<
@Jon That starred message of yours is awesome :D
I'd so like to be able to turn those off :)
Q: How to force release a str in python?

e39a562rBefore the question I want to say sorry to you, because i'm not a native english and my english is very very poor. i'm writing a python program to read a file to a string, and then analyze it, and then pass it to some other programs.(They can't work with stream) simple code like this: conten...

Could this guy's memory problems actually come from doing open(filename).read() without ever doing a close?
@poke errr.... lots of them are awesome cough - did you have one in mind in particular? :)
When, if ever, do open files get collected?
@JonClements It would be a lot better if they were at least relevant to my own chat rooms.. I really don’t want to have to read the context first to evaluate if it’s offensive or not..
@JonClements I was referring to the ignorance/apathy one
Also, I wonder how he determined that the string "lives until the end of the process"
@poke well, we can't get inline markup... and the times it's been requested to change the flagging system :(
Maybe by keeping a reference to it and checking periodically... In which case, observing the event changes its outcome ;-)
@Kevin it sits on his desk, stealing tea from his cup
(then, when he turns the computer off - it promptly dies)
@Kevin Probably when OS decides to do that.. ^^
@Kevin That’s like the tree in a forest falling making no noise when nobody’s there, right?
"OS The Great And Powerful" - I'm sure that's a film :)
(Seriously, eleven flags, and you are still asking me to vote too? <_<)
That tree falling riddle is dumb. The only ambiguity is in which definition of noise you're using
They're gone!
No they are not :(
They are for me... so na na de na na :)
Maybe I should just vote.
If noise is "a local oscillation in pressure in the atmosphere", then yes, the tree makes a noise. If noise is "the perception by living things of a local oscllation...", then the tree makes no noise.
But I actually don’t want to..
Yes... at this point it feels less like a democratic vote though :p
@Kevin Now apply that same definition problem to a “string living until the end of the process” and you will agree that this is actually a similar situation :P
Haha, from a recent machine learning post: "pretty sure I need to apply some sort of math"
Ah yes, the old "do math to it" algorithm
Hey folks, I need your collective hivemind for something.
Ok, everyone else is napping though
I have a log, I parse this log looking for certain keywords, there is a dictionary which collects the line numbers for each keyword of lines where that word appears.
I want to then find any bunchings of lines where there is much activity
for instance, if I see that I have lines 1,2,3,4,5 all with keywords. then those lines seem like something interesting happened there
I am sure this kind of heuristic exists, but I have no idea what its called
I think the magic phrase is "cluster detection". Possibly relevant
Like.. the idea would be that you would have a list of all the lines, each starting with a score of 0 - anytime a line.. say.. up to 10 away has a keyword, that score is increased... at the end, any line above a certain score is "interesting"
That's all graphical
Yeah but the solution applies in any problem space where you have values appearing in different places in a range
@Kevin That's an impressive question
@JonClements, I wish my projects had such thorough specifications (although I TLDR'd that one)
"I was wondering if someone could do the code for this" was sufficient evidence for me to cast my vote
So... I don't see any solutions there that aren't images
I already know the approach - I just want to know if there might be any prebuild modules out there with some nice robust functions.
Pardon my ambiguity. I meant that the general approach described by the accepted answer would work, but not necessarily the example code he posted.
You could always convert your data structure into a 1xN image, though... ;-)
the pixel at (0,x) has RGB values (V,V,V), where V is the number of times any keyword appeared on line x
Not exactly
let me make an example.
One we can all use
from collections import defaultdict

keywords = 'python help foo bar'.split()
hits = defaultdict(list)

with open('C:/python27/README.txt') as f:
    for idx, line in enumerate(f):
        for keyword in keywords:
            if keyword in line:
Now you have a dictionary, which will have all the potential lines.
Then score each line, such that in the end, you will have clusters which are keyword heavy - these clusters of lines are what I want to find.
Wow... gotta love smart suggestions: system: "Here's some content you might be interested in..." me: "Ummm okay, actually, I am slightly interested in that.... click...." system: "nope - actually, decided you can't view that... na na de na na"
I don't have a "C:/Python27/README.txt" :(
Found a /usr/lib/python2.7/LICENCE.txt though...
I think this is one of those things that humans are better at than computers.
People can look at a picture and identify clusters in like O(log(n)) time
(although you might not get consistent answers between people)
Are we just talking density/cluster analysis here?
I think the only useful information I've provided so far is that the word "cluster" exists
Statistical analysis is one of my many weaknesses
Just don't ask me to explain any of it... I barely grok it enough to use it myself
I've actually been looking at statistics and machine learning courses - must make sure that happens for 2014
I love that SO question that's like, "how do I find Waldo(/Wally)?" and the answerer does it in like ten lines
If only to satisfy my curiosity
Well... this mock up I just wrote kind of does what I want - but I am sure there is a better way
from collections import defaultdict

keywords = 'python help foo bar'.split()
hits = defaultdict(list)

with open('C:/python27/README.txt') as f:
    for idx, line in enumerate(f):
        for keyword in keywords:
            if keyword in line:

def increase_score(idx, amnt):
    d = score[idx]
    if 'score' in d:
        d['score'] += amnt
        d['score'] = amnt

score = defaultdict(dict)
for index in [idx for vals in hits.values() for idx in vals]:
@Kevin I loved that question that was someone asking how did they work out the route through a maze... and I think everyone was surprised by the quality of answer they got
That's one of those that I'd love to be able to vote +50 on
I can't use external libraries for that Jon. Needs to run on native Ubuntu 12.

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