Hi. I have another question, but now It's about nested for loops. Can you check my code? My problem is specified in a comment (my code it's 21 lines long)
When __init__ is invoked, the object is already created in memory. So, __init__ is just a chance given to the developers to initialize the object properly.
But that's not the case in Python. When the constructor is called, the object is already created. So, constructor invocation is just like calling any other method. To avoid creating an object every time people intend to call the constructor, they might have come up with a common name like that. Also, __ in __init__ has a special meaning, please go through this once docs.python.org/2/tutorial/…
Anyone know how to download coursera course materials?
I use Windows, and I wanted to download all the course materials for this one course I liked, but I do not want to go week by week, and download video by video and quiz by quiz. I want a tool that can do that just by one click. Please if you know any similar tool, don't hesitate to email me at [email protected] Thank you very much. Please help :)
Since the error is AttributeError, would this mean the module sys imported from the command-line version is different from the one in IDLE - Python GUI?
@thefourtheye Please stop asnwering questions like this stackoverflow.com/questions/20194790/… It just breeds more people trying to jump in and answer for the quick rep - and more people asking silly questions
I have a big list containing lists within it in the above form. I cannot simply save it to file using np.savetxt. I deally for each I'd like to have every entry in the sub list in a column (i.e. 448,449 etc. in one column , "nothing" "nothing" in the other column, 4962,4963 in the other and so on).
If there is no fast answer, maybe someone could advise how I should state my question ? Do you think something like "from lists within lists to arrays ?" or something like th…
Who want to see something amazing? "how to make 100000 euro in 5 steps" This is a Dutch PSA about hacking and being careful, the video is actually fake - though everything shown is possible and happens all the time video, article. Enjoy!
One thing I don't like about your solution - is that you use the global s
instead of passing it to your function - it's kind of sloppy
Also - the list is of length 18, meaning that it can't get to 20 on it's own - which is why I think the OP was okay with combinations_with_replacement ... so your solution doesn't work there either.
def a(lst, target, with_replacement=False):
def _a(idx, l, r, t, w):
if t == sum(l): r.append(l)
elif t < sum(l): return
for u in range(idx, len(lst)):
_a(u if w else (u + 1), l + [lst[u]], r, t, w)
return r
return _a(0, [], [], target, with_replacement)
I'm pretty sure there should be a more Pythonic way of doing this - but I can't think of one: How can I merge a two-dimensional list into a one-dimensional list? Sort of like zip/map but with more than two iterators.
Example - I have the following list:
array = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]...
a = [(1,10),(2,20)]
b = [(1,15),(2,30)]
print (lambda d_a, d_b, keys: [(key, d_a.get(key,0) + d_b.get(key,0)) for key in keys])(dict(a), dict(b), set(x[0] for x in a+b))
basically it's 2 lists of measurements where the x-coordinate can be unique (depends on the cut-off) and the merged list has to contain all the observed x-coordinates (and summed for coordinates that were present in both)
def bas(a, b):
a, b = dict(a), dict(b)
for key, value in a.items():
if key in b:
b[key] += value
b[key] = value
return sorted(b.items())
print bas([(1,10),(2,20)], [(1,15),(2,30)])
[(1, 25), (2, 50)]
anyhow, this is what I had as a prototype but I asumed there should have been a better way (hence I didn't fix the missing unique values in list b for instance)
new_list = []
for x in a:
observed = 0
for y in b:
if x[0] == y[0]:
observed = 1
if observed == 0:
bloody outlining, why won't you work after copy/paste
def bas(a, b):
a, b = dict(a), dict(b)
for key, value in a.items():
if key in b:
b[key] += value
b[key] = value
return sorted(b.items())
def alt(a, b):
d_a, d_b = dict(a), dict(b)
keys = set(x[0] for x in a+b)
return [(key, d_a.get(key,0) + d_b.get(key,0)) for key in keys]
import timeit
a = [(1,10),(2,20)]
b = [(1,15),(2,30)]
print timeit.Timer('bas(a, b)', 'from __main__ import a, b, bas').repeat()