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Perhaps you meant to use slicing?
l[:a%b], l[a%b+1:] = list(range(b, a+1)), list(range(1, b))
Hi. I have another question, but now It's about nested for loops. Can you check my code? My problem is specified in a comment (my code it's 21 lines long)
@a7xrturo paste removed?
Sorry let me update it
Sorry my internet made a travel to Slowconectionland
I think you don't need the outer loop, just throw it
But what could I do to show the other lines?
2 hours later…
heya @Ignacio
you appear to go through phases of reclusion
Really? I though it was just one long phase...
always good to have you here though :)
To what do we owe the honour of your appearance - except the cuteness of my avatar of course :)
Back to office :) Cabbage all
@thefourtheye awesome - wedding went okay then :)
@JonClements Even if I didnt go, it would have been perfect Jon :P
Site went down for a bit... and it doesn't redirect you to the front page when it comes back up.
@thefourtheye it's occured to me, I don't actually know your first name :)
Its there in my SO profile :)
@Ignacio can I ask - do you find you're often called "Iggy" ?
I know three people called "Ignacio"...
@IgnacioVazquez-Abrams How do people call you normally?
and they normally "accept" being called "Iggy"
Hello, Python!
Usually "Ignacio".
Otherwise, something unprintable.
Pretty sure it's technically printable, just undesirable :)
@Ignacio - can I ask if you've checked out sopython.com?
Just a project I set up in Feb... starting to gain momentum "yet again"
What's the purpose?
@JonClements And is it dynamic? or just a static page?
am I a total n00b for thinking python is harder than java?
@Code-Guru it will be dynamic - at the me moment it's a prototype design
@CoffeeMaker in what ways?
got a massive amount of data in edits and such
multiline stuff is hard
keeping track of "grace period" edits
because pressing enter is equivalent to adding a semicolon
syntax is weird
and some analysis of data dumps, live closed questions, etc... then classifying Qs
using init instead of the class name as the constructor is really ugly
gah forget it
@CoffeeMaker really?
I actually find it nice in some sense
and I come from a C++ background
I think as a simple scripting language ruby feels better
@CoffeeMaker init -- use the backquote
I like some of the syntax and the features the language offers, but it goes way too far in OO imho
@CoffeeMaker any chance, if you're a ruby user, I could ask a Q?
@CoffeeMaker I kind of like not typing semicolons at the end of each line. It's one less keystroke.
I just started learning ruby yesterday so doubt it jon
I just have this weird feeling of emptiness whenever I don't type a semicolon
So you've come to a Python room, commenting on another language and don't have experience of either?
just python
and yet you think a lack of a named "constructor" is ugly ?
no just __init__
looks so out of place
for a language that's designed to be high level
you clearly haven't thought "high level" through
@CoffeeMaker Why would that be out of place? :(
like why can't it just be init man
or the class name
When __init__ is invoked, the object is already created in memory. So, __init__ is just a chance given to the developers to initialize the object properly.
@thefourtheye the whole new and init thing
@CoffeeMaker why should it be the class name, the whole point about not being statically typed, but strongly typed...
@CoffeeMaker In C++, Can we explicitly call a constructor without creating an object?
We can't. Because, the syntax which we use to call a constructor is the same as creating an object.
It implies that the constructor can be invoked only when the object is created.
@thefourtheye also do Ruby, but had a bit of an "experience" with that
a.zip b
I'm okay with b.zip a
But that's not the case in Python. When the constructor is called, the object is already created. So, constructor invocation is just like calling any other method. To avoid creating an object every time people intend to call the constructor, they might have come up with a common name like that. Also, __ in __init__ has a special meaning, please go through this once docs.python.org/2/tutorial/…
I realise the diff
It zips till the length of the object its invoked on?
interesting insight
I could be that insightful if I had a 4th eye too
@thefourtheye indeed...but in some cases, I don't have an "object" to put on the LHS
and perhaps I don't want that object to already be an "Array" type
Aaah.... Don't tempt me to learn Ruby now, Jon :P
@JonClements Is this you twitter.com/JonClements2?
also I don't like python arrays
though I might just be doing it wrong
I do have a twitter account - you're just stalking me wrong :)
@CoffeeMaker I fell in love in Python when I learnt about the lists
@CoffeeMaker arrays or lists? :)
whichever one makes everything a string :)
I'm guessing lists :)
@CoffeeMaker no idea what you mean then :)
I think for real arrays
@JonClements lol. What is your id then?
you have to import something
which is kinda weird since arrays are like basic
@thefourtheye what's yours? :p
@CoffeeMaker why weird? Something of guarenteed type is different than something of arbitrary type
like can't I just access an array element without having to typecast it from a string
you just have to adjust for whatever language you use, and it sounds like you're doing it wrongly :)
"cast"ing anything after input is a sign of wrongness :)
let me find an example :)
well I kinda lost the one example I had
so I shall recreate it
one of my favourite radio presenters
nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for i in range(len(nums)):
:I neverminnd
previously the elements were stored as strings and now they're ints
so, you thought integers were strings, and iterated over them in a sense that didn't make much of
I remember getting errors before because it was telling me that they were strings
fantistic then, you're clearly not dealing with the data you thought you were
@JonClements twitter.com/dfourthi :P Now, yours?
2 hours later…
anyone from Django?
@jack cabbage! For future reference, take a look at numbers 1 and 2 here: sopython.com/ChatRoomEtiquette
Also, I don't know Django so I can't be of any help here
ok thanks samrap.
No problem
Anyone know how to download coursera course materials?
I use Windows, and I wanted to download all the course materials for this one course I liked, but I do not want to go week by week, and download video by video and quiz by quiz. I want a tool that can do that just by one click. Please if you know any similar tool, don't hesitate to email me at [email protected] Thank you very much. Please help :)
1 hour later…
F1 F1 F1
ya man. Thanks :)
how to swap values between two variables without using third variable?? anyone?
x,y = y,x
did you google it? google.com/…
ahh i didnt know it was that easy, Thanks, i just wanted to know from programmer point of view.
just tell me how this works? did python execute two instructions at a time?
Items in right hand side are converted to a tuple and then they are unpacked over the left hand side items.
WHAAAAAAAAAAT?!?! No tuples? :'(
ok right thanks, nice link. informative.
@Jack I was wrong, please check the answer posted by @IgnacioVazquez-Abrams
ok i got it. :) (Y)
stackoverflow.com/q/20190055/1561176 OT - wants library recommend
Done :) And I think this is a dupe stackoverflow.com/questions/20189814/…
Hola cabbage guys
Does anyone know how to play with the strings used as primary input - in the IDLE?
@alKid I think that depends on what you wanna achieve.
@tMJ Just change it
Like from >>> to --> or even :)
By the way..
Why is SO on read-only mode?
We're having a nostalgic moment with web 1.0 :)
Changing sys.ps1 doesn't do it?
Oh wait.. it does.
I was doing it from the wrong place
@IgnacioVazquez-Abrams ?
sys.ps1 doesn't exist?
import sys
>>> import sys
>>> sys.ps1

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#29>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ps1'
~$ python
Python 2.7.4 (default, Sep 26 2013, 03:20:26)
[GCC 4.7.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> sys.ps1
'>>> '
You need to do it from the command prompt.
I just realized that.
I am in IDLE
@aIKid Command prompt?
I mean..
oh - windows cmd
That's what i meant
- |
. /\
@paco :)
Big head
I prefer it that way :p
'sup here?
Nothing interesting..
The big guys aren't online
@thefourtheye Hey, you there?
@aIKid yup
Classes over?
Me here.. From Django
There is nothing happening her
Curious enough to learn many stuff from Django(python)
By the way, @thefourtheye, about that sys.ps1 problem. I want to ask something.
Since the error is AttributeError, would this mean the module sys imported from the command-line version is different from the one in IDLE - Python GUI?
There was some discussion in the bug report which I shared but I am not very sure why it happens
I tried dir(sys) in my IDLE and shell. In IDLE, only ps1 and ps2 were missing :(
@aIKid Thank you..
@thefourtheye Hum..
Can we manipulate this behavior?
For example, i want this module to be imported from the command line but not from the IDLE.
By the way, do you remember the link of that discussion?
@aIKid It works fine in command line actually
In IDLE, I tried adding those variables manually
And that didnt work :(
Like.. how?
sys.ps1 = "> "
Oh that one
Okay just realized that
Of course, in IDLE it will have to deal with complicated things
to change it.
Done that
Thanks :)
@thefourtheye Please stop asnwering questions like this stackoverflow.com/questions/20194790/… It just breeds more people trying to jump in and answer for the quick rep - and more people asking silly questions
Just close them ASAP and link them here.
Sure @InbarRose. CVed it.
I was actually working on a DP solution for the subset sum problem.
But DP is not possible for this stackoverflow.com/questions/20193555/…
since he needs to enumerate the results
big_list = [ [ [448], [], [], [4962], [6475], [], [9521], [] ], [ [449], [], [], [4963], [6476], [7987], [9522], [ ] ] ]

I have a big list containing lists within it in the above form. I cannot simply save it to file using np.savetxt. I deally for each I'd like to have every entry in the sub list in a column (i.e. 448,449 etc. in one column , "nothing" "nothing" in the other column, 4962,4963 in the other and so on).

If there is no fast answer, maybe someone could advise how I should state my question ? Do you think something like "from lists within lists to arrays ?" or something like th
Perhaps you could use pickle, provided the save file doesn't need to be human-readable
or csv if it does. Although the entries wouldn't line up neatly into columns in Notepad. You'd have to fire up Excel for that.
Thanks ! I'll look into pickle. It would be nice to have it human readable, but not crucial.
import pickle
big_list = [ [ [448], [], [], [4962], [6475], [], [9521], [] ], [ [449], [], [], [4963], [6476], [7987], [9522], [ ] ] ]
with open("saved_data.txt", "w") as file:
    pickle.dump(big_list, file)

print "big list saved."

with open("saved_data.txt") as file:
    big_list = pickle.load(file)

print "big list loaded:"
print big_list
big list saved.
big list loaded:
[[[448], [], [], [4962], [6475], [], [9521], []], [[449], [], [], [4963], [6476], [7987], [9522], []]]
Who want to see something amazing? "how to make 100000 euro in 5 steps" This is a Dutch PSA about hacking and being careful, the video is actually fake - though everything shown is possible and happens all the time video, article. Enjoy!
I'm curious how this would perform for an actual really big list. I know that sciencey types love to do work on 10 GB data structures :-)
with that kind of data - databases are already a must.
s = [57, 71, 87, 97, 99, 101, 103, 113, 114, 115, 128, 129, 131, 137, 147, 156, 163, 186]
import itertools

def a(idx, l, r, t):
    if t == sum(l): r.append(l)
    elif t < sum(l): return
    for u in range(idx, len(s)):
        a(u + 1, l + [s[u]], r, t)

def b(lst, target, subset_lengths=range(1, 21)):
    [comb for i in subset_lengths for comb in itertools.combinations(lst, i) if sum(comb) == target]

from timeit import timeit
print timeit("a(0, [], [], 270)", "from __main__ import s, a", number=10000)
I tweaked function b a little
and I wrote function a myself
Looks like my version more than 80 times faster
it doesn't return
I made sure that b also doesn't return
But - How can you know that the answer is correct?
I tried that first and then only gave it to timeit
Still, I would like to see it
Especially if that is recursive. The return plays a factor here.
print a(0, [], [], 270)
print b(s, 270)

[[57, 99, 114], [114, 156]]
[(114, 156), (57, 99, 114)]
s = [57, 71, 87, 97, 99, 101, 103, 113, 114, 115, 128, 129, 131, 137, 147, 156, 163, 186]
import itertools

def a(idx, l, r, t):
    if t == sum(l): r.append(l)
    elif t < sum(l): return
    for u in range(idx, len(s)):
        a(u + 1, l + [s[u]], r, t)
    return r

def b(lst, target, subset_lengths=range(1, 21)):
    return [comb for i in subset_lengths for comb in itertools.combinations(lst, i) if sum(comb) == target]

# from timeit import timeit
# print timeit("a(0, [], [], 270)", "from __main__ import s, a", number=1000)
My version is like 70 times faster
It actually applies an optimization
It doesnt check all the combinations, if the current sum is > than 270, we dont have to proceed further
Yes, I see that.
I am breaking it down over here - very nice work man.
I think I can make a better one.. :)
Thanks :) Would you please include this also in your answer, so that it will be complete?
Can't you answer?
One thing I don't like about your solution - is that you use the global s
instead of passing it to your function - it's kind of sloppy
Also - the list is of length 18, meaning that it can't get to 20 on it's own - which is why I think the OP was okay with combinations_with_replacement ... so your solution doesn't work there either.
When I pass s as a parameter, its 65 times faster than yours
I am fine with that
And it's not like I really developed this solution as my very own algorithm.. it's just the most basic logical approach to solving that problem.
if we need combinations_with_replacement, we just have to use u instead of u + 1
I believe
@InbarRose Oh yeah. I didnt mean to point you, just a figure of speech :P
I wonder if s will always contain numbers greater than zero? The question seems much harder otherwise.
@InbarRose With that change, the results are like this

[[57, 57, 57, 99], [57, 57, 156], [57, 71, 71, 71], [57, 99, 114], [71, 71, 128], [114, 156]]
[(114, 156), (57, 99, 114)]
Can you make a robust function?
That I can include?
Actually, I am leaving home now :(
very hungry also
Sorry :(
def a(lst, target, with_replacement=False):
    def _a(idx, l, r, t, w):
        if t == sum(l): r.append(l)
        elif t < sum(l): return
        for u in range(idx, len(lst)):
            _a(u if w else (u + 1), l + [lst[u]], r, t, w)
        return r
    return _a(0, [], [], target, with_replacement)
Robust :)
>>> s = [57, 71, 87, 97, 99, 101, 103, 113, 114, 115, 128, 129, 131, 137, 147, 156, 163, 186]
>>> a(s, 270)
[[57, 99, 114], [114, 156]]
>>> a(s, 270, True)
[[57, 57, 57, 99], [57, 57, 156], [57, 71, 71, 71], [57, 99, 114], [71, 71, 128], [114, 156]]
Thank you @Kevin
question, can you alias a path to run a command in shell?
ie, I type py27 and it does source /path/to/virtualenv/bin/activate
but how would it be done?
You could create a batch file named py27.bat, and stick it in your path
isn't that more of a windows thing? I'm using OS X
Everyone on the Internet is a 20-something white male that exclusively uses Windows, unless they explicitly state otherwise
well, you got the 20-something white male part almost right
I dunno then. Surely OSX has an equivalent to batch files
^ I don't know what any of this means
wth is wrong with extend
VTC as unclear. What could be neater than a.extend(b)?
indeed, I just down'd it, VTC as unclear could be viable, didn't consider it
Maybe the OP mistakenly thinks he needs to call extend from within a for loop? So by "neater" he means "something that can be done in one line"
In which case, the answer is "extend can be done in one line"
I think he just didn't see extend
Do you know (by chance) of an operator that allows me to do the following:
2 lists that have to be merged/summed so that if list 1 was (1,10),(2,20) and list 2 was (1,15),(2,30) the merged lsit would be (1,25),(2,50)
currently I have an ugly large chunk of code that iterates both lists and if x[0] == y[0] it writes to a new list...
but also allows for unique values (so a 'value' that occurs only in either list should still be in the merged)
Nothing in the built-in functions that I know of. I could write a one-liner to do that in a minute, though
let's see...
@BasJansen look the list-cohomprension
I was looking at this question
but it's not what I need
Q: Merging/adding lists in Python

Tim PietzckerI'm pretty sure there should be a more Pythonic way of doing this - but I can't think of one: How can I merge a two-dimensional list into a one-dimensional list? Sort of like zip/map but with more than two iterators. Example - I have the following list: array = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]...

it's what you're looking for :)
a = [(1,10),(2,20)]
b = [(1,15),(2,30)]

print [(key, dict(a).get(key,0) + dict(b).get(key,0)) for key in set(x[0] for x in a+b)]
let me play around with that a bit
A bit inefficient since it's constructing a dict in every iteration
hmm efficiency is rather essential however but i'll see what speeds it gives me
@BasJansen I had a question like this a while ago: stackoverflow.com/questions/14180866/…
a = [(1,10),(2,20)]
b = [(1,15),(2,30)]

print (lambda d_a, d_b, keys: [(key, d_a.get(key,0) + d_b.get(key,0)) for key in keys])(dict(a), dict(b), set(x[0] for x in a+b))
pretty similar yes inbar
basically it's 2 lists of measurements where the x-coordinate can be unique (depends on the cut-off) and the merged list has to contain all the observed x-coordinates (and summed for coordinates that were present in both)
very very similar
This one does as little work as possible within the loop. so the dicts are only constructed once each
I am still trying to break what you just said just so I understand what's happening lol
lambda things are still 'magic' to me
def bas(a, b):
    a, b = dict(a), dict(b)
    for key, value in a.items():
        if key in b:
            b[key] += value
            b[key] = value
    return sorted(b.items())

print bas([(1,10),(2,20)], [(1,15),(2,30)])
[(1, 25), (2, 50)]
Simple Python :)
how do people get a new line in this chat again btw
oops nvm
:13146041 Even if not, I am returning b
@Kevin :)
The lambda thing I did is just for the sake of keeping it all on one line. It's equivalent to:
d_a = dict(a)
d_b = dict(b)
keys = set(x[0] for x in a+b)
print  [(key, d_a.get(key,0) + d_b.get(key,0)) for key in keys]
...Except for some scoping differences, which aren't too relevant here
anyhow, this is what I had as a prototype but I asumed there should have been a better way (hence I didn't fix the missing unique values in list b for instance)
new_list = []
for x in a:
	observed = 0
	for y in b:
		if x[0] == y[0]:
			observed = 1
	if observed == 0:
bloody outlining, why won't you work after copy/paste
Gotta prepend every line with four spaces
Or press the "fixed font" button that appears for multi-line comments
fixed font... awesome
    def bas(a, b):
        a, b = dict(a), dict(b)
        for key, value in a.items():
            if key in b:
                b[key] += value
                b[key] = value
        return sorted(b.items())

    def alt(a, b):
        d_a, d_b = dict(a), dict(b)
        keys = set(x[0] for x in a+b)
        return [(key, d_a.get(key,0) + d_b.get(key,0)) for key in keys]

    import timeit
    a = [(1,10),(2,20)]
    b = [(1,15),(2,30)]
    print timeit.Timer('bas(a, b)', 'from __main__ import a, b, bas').repeat()
Ouch - kevin, looks my solution is better :)
I suspect the keys = line is the killer here
Well, I bow to your superior implementation :-)
@Kevin hehe. I was surprised.
Mine is just totally boring.
still better than what I was writing
I really should use dicts more often
dicts are awesome.
There are also so many kinds of dicts to use! :)
Inbar's solution even has time to spare to sort his results, and beats me anyway ;_;
@Kevin haha :)
I guess it's fairly inexpensive for a list of length 2, of course
it's a list of tuples though.. so.. you know... :P
>>>  # no sorting
[3.341984197887793, 3.2625018115377062, 3.270646485066509]
[4.513548467576685, 4.534039114538713, 4.5295930965279005]
Not much difference
Found a much faster method for you @BasJansen
def awe(a, b):
    r = defaultdict(int)
    for k, v in a+b:
        r[k] += v
    return r
    from collections import defaultdict
    import timeit
    a = [(1,10),(2,20)]
    b = [(1,15),(2,30)]
    print timeit.Timer('bas(a, b)', 'from __main__ import a, b, bas').repeat()
    print timeit.Timer('alt(a, b)', 'from __main__ import a, b, alt').repeat()
    print timeit.Timer('awe(a, b)', 'from __main__ import a, b, awe, defaultdict').repeat()
[3.311922761535597, 3.2879759757996907, 3.2912079425150935]
[4.501620386082253, 4.466594877796878, 4.464780588387448]
[1.524197557588554, 1.5250351759347076, 1.5269305488546472]
@Kevin your move :)
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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