Try the following code:
import csv
from pprint import pprint
with open('sample.csv') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
for i, row in enumerate(reader):
if i == 0:
TITLE_LIST = [var for var in row]
I tooootaly overkilled the answer :)
@GarethRees You sneaky devil, I didn't notice you come in :P
I have written the script, which unzips a zip file (passed as argument to the bash), loops through directory and files, then perform different actions based on directory or file. It is working fine.
However I would like to know some things:
Is it possible to do this without the unzip command? ...
I need to test in a bash script if a given user can read a given directory with all files and sub-directories inside. The script runs as root.
Assuming the given user name is $user and the directory to test is $dir I added the following line to the script
su -m $user -c "test -r $dir && test -x $dir"
if [ $? -ne ]; then
1. First version
I can't run it:
>>> import game
ImportError: No module named Vec2D
There's no Vec2D package available from the Python Package Index. So where does this come from? I guess it must be your own vector package, but if so, you need to post it here.
Similar remarks apply to the c...
@aIKid maybe there's been an alien invasion and most of the planet has been wiped out... and I've just been a bit too busy to notice or something - hello there fellow survivor! :)
It calls for a file called benParentizada design a function (s) that returns true if the string s is well placed parentheses. Only consider the characters '(' and ')'. A string is well placed parentheses if
First. analyzed from left to right are never more open than closed parenthe...
You can just call the isupper function, like loc.isupper(). Punctuation does not affect this. Let me demonstrate:
>>> a = "CHEESE-CAKE"
>>> a.isupper()
>>> b = "SAN JOSE"
>>> b.isupper()
Take a look at the documentation for it. isupper only takes alphabetic characters into considerat...
I wonder if it's kind of the same thing that makes people "clean up a bit" before their cleaner comes round, so the cleaner doesn't think they're too messy
The annoying thing is, the really hard questions aren't asked by people that can understand and appreciate the answer... it's mostly people that have an XY question, and explaining how to fix it is not going to be worthwhile most of the time :(
Most hard questions I see are 1) easy questions, communicated very poorly, 2) configuration problems with rarely-seen combinations of third party libraries, or 3) open-ended theoretical problems
@poke if someone I did actually know form the Python community was to ask a stonker of a question that had me thinking... wow... I know that can be done, and they've demonstrated they know enough to actually want to do this, and will be able to appreciate an answer, but boy, oh boy, is this going to be some f*ing about with the internals and head scratching... I'd go for it though
I noticed the copy-pasting of comments, but it's best not to comment on it. We want to create the illusion that we care about fresh-off-the-boat users, or we'll hurt their feelings.
tlndr: how to tell in a function if it's called from an except block (directly/indirectly). python2.7/cpython.
I use python 2.7 and try to provide something similar to py3's __context__ for my custom exception class:
class MyErr(Exception):
def __init__(self, *args):
@JonClements Yeah… but sometimes there are even those hard questions where I am personally interested in to end up spending a few hours working on until I completed it myself. It’s a good learning process for myself.
For example back in 2010, there was this question where I had a lot of fun working on. Yet, I only got 4 votes for it but I don’t care…… (Warning: Not Python!)
I always love the "OMG MAN - YOU SAVED MY LIFE - THANK YOU THANK YOU", and I'm thinking - woo hoo, that's nice... "just bloody well accept the answer then..." :P
The first matches the a - one or more word chars.
The second is one or more word chars immediately followed by a : which there aren't...
[a-z,A-Z,_] (the equivalent of \w) means a to z and A to Z - it isn't the literal hyphen in this context, if you did want a hyphen, put it as the first or las...
@GarethRees I see that Raymond assigned himself that issue... be interesting to see what's said... I'm wondering if they'll just go for the: "it's a bit late now to do a fix as it'll break stuff - oh well!" approach
@JonClements (Talking about Python issue 19363.) I think it probably is a bit late to fix, but you never know. Even a mention in the documentation would be better than nothing.