# we now create a 2nd link to the file, using the submitted # filename; if we renamed, there would be a failure because # the NamedTemporaryFile, used by our version of cgi.FieldStorage, # explicitly deletes the original filename theFile = formFields['theFile'] os.link(theFile.file.name, '/tmp/'+theFile.filename)
I feel we're heading into an area best not explored... (or pinged or whatever...)... quickly thinks of new conversational topic..... Right... I know nothing about popular sports, so errr, "How's the weather? Would anyone like a cup of tea?".... Us Brits - ready for anything we are :)
Lots of flame cones, searing spear thingies, some quick 1 mana 2 shock damages (good for high mana blue illusions)... and some low level little attackers/sacrificial artificat destroyers
Can anyone help me with my setup.py file? I'm really struggling here. :( The installation looks fine but then when I try to import the package, module or class python says it doesn't exist. See here: i.imgur.com/XJNEpBj.png
Mostly because I have to do a lot of due diligence to feel good about my question. So, documenting the things I've done and why they didn't work, recording all stack traces, providing best guesses as to the problem... etc
@Crowz Internally, the argparser still runs through the script arguments. It’s just that the argparser does all the work in parsing parameters, ensuring types, giving help texts etc for you
@Kevin it's this card that in the PC Game - I can never get to play properly... it's annoying - not sure if I'm supposed to stop the timer and click, and you can't not select as the UI's a bit buggy... so it always ends up being wasted... (to the point I removed it from the deck for the moment) javascript:void()
Umm.. interesting link there... let's try that again
I'll ask the obvious question first. Are you using it to counter a spell? Remember, a spell can only be countered when it is on the stack. If it's on the battlefield or in the graveyard, it's too late to counter it.
Many players think "counter target spell" is some kind of catch-all for "send a card you don't like to the graveyard"
^ That's the MTG equivalent of "are you sure it's plugged in"?
I suppose it's possible that the game is bugged... MTG Online is notoriously buggy, and you can tell from the patch notes that their code base is 99% handling corner cases.
I suspect any other PC version would be similarly troubled.
@Crowz That code above is what I have used in a project of mine. Basically, if you choose type=open it automatically opens the file for you, which is then available using args.config. You could probably even use json.load as the type to make the json automatically parse the file, so args.config would be the object.
Although, unlike an ordinary counterspell, Draining Whelk must first resolve and come into play before you target the spell you want to counter. Maybe that matters?
@Kevin okay... now I'm getting confused... since... I've played a +2/+2 (or tried) once the blockers has been defined, but then my +2/+2 has been blocked
That's the situation I'm trying to play the draining whelk in
That's definitely not allowed in real life magic. Once blockers are declared, that's it. If your opponent plays giant growth on an unblocked creature, too bad! You can't decide you want to block the now huge dude.
@Kevin this is where I'm also confused... 'cos the game does some stuff that I think would be cheating and just end up in a fight if we were all sitting down...
One of the "Challenges" is that you have three 1/1 creatures and you have to win against an opponent this turn who has 8 health and 2 1/1 untapped creatures
@poke okay... room rules: 1) Upon entry, you must be enthuastic about say "Hey!" (flashing text and gun blasts), 2) Tip ya hat to Cabbage - make sure you're up to date with the salad language, and 3) Find a weird cat picture (or dog, or funny mammal of some sort) to share with everybody at a moment that's sure to confuse people)...
Hey all, I have a list of tuples that I want to prepend another tuple to the beginning of the list.... I'm not seeing a straight-forward way to do this... any help?