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I am stupd but I can teach for you...
# we now create a 2nd link to the file, using the submitted
# filename; if we renamed, there would be a failure because
# the NamedTemporaryFile, used by our version of cgi.FieldStorage,
# explicitly deletes the original filename
theFile = formFields['theFile']
os.link(theFile.file.name, '/tmp/'+theFile.filename)
This is a part where this function
but I need of change the path!!
you need to change the path?
heya @poke
to what? a user-submitted path or a hardcoded path?
someone's excited to see us :) @poke
I want a upload the file and this I want to pass\paste on a directory of a server
Ah, nice thing about fall is, direct sunlight on my desk doesn't immediately raise the temperature ten degrees :-)
@Kneel Huh?
@Kneel-Before-ZOD Not to worry - it's pretty much always short lived...
@Kneel-Before-ZOD see :P
I don’t get it :o
@poke "Hey!" - with exclamation mark... :)
Oh, is there a “no exclamation marks” rule here? I didn’t know ;D
I’m sorry!
Ah, StackOverflow, where enthusiasm quickly transmutes into confusion and frustration.
I mean, I’m sorry.
Lol @ The cost of the new macbook.
I thoroughly expect a laptop with uh... a happy ending for that.
It weighs less, right? So it should cost less, as it has less stuff in it.
Try applying that argument to women...
@poke next time, we want you to be MORE ENTHUSIASTIC WHEN SAYING HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - we'll let you off this time though :P
(Tell me when you’re done editing)
@poke yeah - sorry about that LOL
@poke is your name a verb or a noun?
Haha :D
@Withnail Not really sure, I guess it works as both?
I did think - this could be annoying for Poke - but dammit - I've almost got the edit correct... I can't leave it now!
I didn’t mind ;) And thanks for letting me off this time :P
@MirkoCianfarani rather than using os.link to link to the file, why not use shutil.copyfile to move the file to the intended destination?
I'll try not to "Ping Poke" so much... which umm, sounds errrr.... interesting
I had ping poke once, but some antibiotics cleared it right up.
@Withnail I bet you did :-P
I’m used to it; and don’t really mind. Well, maybe I do, but I don’t have a chance now, do I? And for sure you can’t be worse than Twitter… ^^
(It’s my own fault for having this name :P)
I feel we're heading into an area best not explored... (or pinged or whatever...)... quickly thinks of new conversational topic..... Right... I know nothing about popular sports, so errr, "How's the weather? Would anyone like a cup of tea?".... Us Brits - ready for anything we are :)
Weather, that’s a good one. Surprisingly, the weather here was pretty awesome today. Lots of sunshine and spring-feeling ^^
Diversionary tactics! Let's talk about Magic: the Gathering for an hour and a half.
This weekend, I made a Maze's End deck, designed to prevent all combat damage for the entire game, until I assemble my ten card win condition.
@Kevin I'll put it down to coincidence that's about the time you're finishing work then?
from childhood import magic_the_gathering_knowledge
@poke the weather here is starting to get a bit pokey :)
This style of play is known as "turbofog" and tends to annoy the opponent terribly.
(sorry - I couldn't resist!)
I don't know if it will work, though. I need a couple twenty dollar cards to give it the proper oomph
@Kevin I've got a red deck that picks at blue decks like that, but is basically a blue deck
If you've got direct damage spells like lightning bolt, I simply lose
@JonClements I'd like to point out that your mention of tea has prompted me to make some.
Lots of flame cones, searing spear thingies, some quick 1 mana 2 shock damages (good for high mana blue illusions)... and some low level little attackers/sacrificial artificat destroyers
Was always more of a W40K kind of guy than M:TG. Liked WFRP as well, though.
I have no artifacts, and 4 creatures in the deck, all 0/2 walls.
You have to destroy my lands or kill me to disrupt my plan.
But, I can normally do 10 direct mana a turn after 5 land
That's what I have Riot Control for ;-)
And Fog, and Defend the Hearth, and Aetherize, and Blustersquall...
@Kevin it'd be a boring game then
Yeah, any game I win with that deck will necessarily be boring for the opponent.
I'll probably play it three times and get bored.
It will have to do until I get more Theros cards to make a combat-oriented heroic deck
Umm... did you end that sentence correctly - "and be of pension age" sounds about right :)
Guess chat.SO has forgotten everything I’ve ever done on it…
For maximum game play time, put Shahrazad on Panoptic Mirror. Yes, Magic has exponential recursion!
@poke doesn't seem to remember anything before then...
I was on here before that…
Should come more regularly. I spend too much time on SO anyway…
Do you mean in this room, or the other Python room... and definitely SO chat, not the other networks combined/whatever chats?
Any SO chats, so not only this one, no
Just answered my own question for the first time... bit of a revelation there.
Been there… because usually I seem to ask questions I myself find to be a completely obvious situation to be in but nobody ends up answering… :/
OH MY GOD I'M SO ANNOYED. That's taken me 12 hours to work out AND IT'S SO SIMPLE.
goes to make tea
When I have a question worthy of being asked on SO, I usually end up answering it while I'm writing the question.
Can anyone help me with my setup.py file? I'm really struggling here. :( The installation looks fine but then when I try to import the package, module or class python says it doesn't exist. See here: i.imgur.com/XJNEpBj.png
Mostly because I have to do a lot of due diligence to feel good about my question. So, documenting the things I've done and why they didn't work, recording all stack traces, providing best guesses as to the problem... etc
Usually half way through I spot the issue.
anyone use argparse in python?
@Crowz I do
Wow... did we have people that run The Lounge in the early days? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/20309/2012/11/30
@poke so like... what's the benefit of it over sys.argv[]?
@Crowz Internally, the argparser still runs through the script arguments. It’s just that the argparser does all the work in parsing parameters, ensuring types, giving help texts etc for you
@Kyle - Whenever you get a chance here's more information on my issue: stackoverflow.com/questions/19526766/…
Anybody here know a thing or two about google-app-engine and webapp2 web framework?
@JonClements, that looks like all the stuff that I think when I'm short on patience, but know not to say :-)
@tMJ yup; GAE was created by Google and webapp2 is a python framework :)
@Kneel-Before-ZOD I guess I'd be needing a lot more than that :D
well, those are the stuff I know about them :)
Those are the two things he knows. If you need to know more than a thing or two, please specify the number of things you need to know ;-)
@Kevin see this question. stackoverflow.com/questions/19526058/… I need an answer to this
@Kevin it's this card that in the PC Game - I can never get to play properly... it's annoying - not sure if I'm supposed to stop the timer and click, and you can't not select as the UI's a bit buggy... so it always ends up being wasted... (to the point I removed it from the deck for the moment) javascript:void()
Umm.. interesting link there... let's try that again
I'll ask the obvious question first. Are you using it to counter a spell? Remember, a spell can only be countered when it is on the stack. If it's on the battlefield or in the graveyard, it's too late to counter it.
Many players think "counter target spell" is some kind of catch-all for "send a card you don't like to the graveyard"
^ That's the MTG equivalent of "are you sure it's plugged in"?
@poke hmm all I am trying to do is make a json config file that will be read from
I suppose it's possible that the game is bugged... MTG Online is notoriously buggy, and you can tell from the patch notes that their code base is 99% handling corner cases.
I suspect any other PC version would be similarly troubled.
@Crowz Not sure how that’s related to argparse. Do you want to have a json file as a parameter, which you then use as the config file?
@poke basically yeah. I am trying to do simplejson.load(open(arguments.directory).read())
@SpencerRuport Should be.
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Application description')
    parser.add_argument('--config', '-c', default='config.json', type=open, help='configuration file (default: %(default)s)', metavar='FILE')

        args = parser.parse_args()
    except IOError as e:

    config = json.loads(args.config)
With 40.5k rep you should know how to format code :p
(I’m a chat noob!)
4-space indent or ctrl+k - just like on so proper ;)
@Crowz That code above is what I have used in a project of mine. Basically, if you choose type=open it automatically opens the file for you, which is then available using args.config. You could probably even use json.load as the type to make the json automatically parse the file, so args.config would be the object.
@Kevin I think I was trying to use it on an instant that was going to blow up my creature
@poke maaan. You're awesome. I like you
That ought to work, @JonClements
And I'm damn sure the game has played an instant while I've been blocking to stop my creature blocking, but it never goes the other way around...
@ThiefMaster Interestingly I did indent the code with four spaces (as usual) before pasting it in :P
@Crowz You’re welcome :)
argparse is a huge beast which may or may not be worth it for small applications, but as soon as you have some more arguments, it’s really worth it.
Although, unlike an ordinary counterspell, Draining Whelk must first resolve and come into play before you target the spell you want to counter. Maybe that matters?
argparse sounds like a green mana card... Maybe it comes after Primeval Titan :P
Like, you can't say, "I play draining whelk, targeting your lightning bolt"
You have to say, "I play draining whelk. Does it resolve? Yes? Ok, the "enters the battlefield" ability triggers, targeting your lightning bolt"
In real life, the first statement is just understood to be a shortened form of the second statement. But your PC interface might not be so smart.
@Kevin okay... now I'm getting confused... since... I've played a +2/+2 (or tried) once the blockers has been defined, but then my +2/+2 has been blocked
That's the situation I'm trying to play the draining whelk in
except from a 7/7 or something it was
That's definitely not allowed in real life magic. Once blockers are declared, that's it. If your opponent plays giant growth on an unblocked creature, too bad! You can't decide you want to block the now huge dude.
@Kevin this is where I'm also confused... 'cos the game does some stuff that I think would be cheating and just end up in a fight if we were all sitting down...
One of the "Challenges" is that you have three 1/1 creatures and you have to win against an opponent this turn who has 8 health and 2 1/1 untapped creatures
Easy, attack and play Vitalizing Wind :-)
Except you don't have that card :)
But you do have a card similar to magiccards.info/m14/en/170.html
I like that card because of the funny cat :-)
Funny cat? inb4 cat pictures in chat
If it's Might of Oaks, the proper line of play is to attack with all three creatures. Your opponent blocks two, and you MOO the unblocked one.
@Kevin that's it... so then, imagine my opponent had a counter spell of some sort - they could then f* the MOO ?
but then I'd want to whelk the f* ?
Yeah, they could use Counterspell on Might of Oaks, and you'd be able to use Draining Whelk the Counterspell.
Except it never lets me
I'm glad I'm correct in thinking I should be able to do that - I was starting to have doubts
Wow - useful site: magiccards.info/search.html
Yeah, it's regarded as a step above the search features on Gatherer. I'm not picky, though, I'll use both.
@poke okay... room rules: 1) Upon entry, you must be enthuastic about say "Hey!" (flashing text and gun blasts), 2) Tip ya hat to Cabbage - make sure you're up to date with the salad language, and 3) Find a weird cat picture (or dog, or funny mammal of some sort) to share with everybody at a moment that's sure to confuse people)...
Must be an interface issue. I know on MTGO, there's an option for "automatically pass priority unless I hold some button"
In which case, it's like a quick time event. Oh no, a counterspell, press tab to not die!
There we go guys - first draft of room rules - they'll never be mis-interpreted or confuse people will they :)
@Kevin you can hit space, and it freezes, but then the card coming out never can act on another card
I'm getting tired of noobs asking me to write all their code for them.
Unless, you have to hit space at the point the card that you want to counter has targeted the card you don't want dead
I'm becoming increasingly angry.
I could be hitting it too early, and just hitting space when I see another instant coming out
But then, when I try to leave it long enough... the battle goes ahead and I end up dead
My impression MTG isn't really about reflexes and hitting a button :)
Yeah, usually not
I bet the gaming stackexchange would know what to do :-)
That's an idea I hadn't thought about
One of these days it'll sink in that there are other sites than SO
If the cause is an aggravating UI quirk, then at least they'll grumble and commiserate with you.
@GamesBrainiac, the stream of newbies will batter you unceasingly if you let it.
If you really want to use asterisks, wouldn't (lambda *x: zip(*x))(*[a,b,c]) be more fun? — abarnert 1 hour ago
Be like the stone in the stream, worn smooth. Water flows around the stone, not through it
But - looks like the OP is sticking with their answer :)
Unless it's a porous stone?
@JonClements, yesss, I love unnecessarily complex solutions
One stone cannot change the course of the river. Even a million stones cannot stop it from raining.
Er, unless you are taking a stone and bashing the dam release lever with it. But let us not discuss corner cases here.
itertools is pure genius
For the first sentence... is a boulder a stone?
As a stoneologist, I can tell you, no. Only stones are stones.
Well, I was trying to see if there was a funny twist that stoneology was a study of something like, pink rabbits, but alas it wasn't... However...
If you search for "stoneologist wiki" - Google perks up with: "Did you mean: scientologist wiki "
Since Google knows all.... is there something you should confess before finishing work @Kevin! :P
Quit sullying my profession, Google
see, each stone contains what we call "thetans"...
@JonClements Okay, I’ll try to memorize that.
@poke animated gifs... the more annoying the better :)
So umm... be bananas to the peaches, no calling em yamming tomatoes, and if you get black eyed peas, ask for some asparagus... Potato?
Gotta go, see you guys later
@Kevin see ya tomoz :)
Just for reference, images will automatically appear when I post a link?
That’s handy.
Yup. Also wikipedia links, tweets and SO questions and answers (they will all appear with a little preview)
I don’t even know what close reason to use there..
it’s so off-topic, we don’t have an option for it :(
I've gone for asking for resources
Yeah, guess that works..
I do miss the general “out of scope” off-topic reason though..
I sometimes miss the "too localised"
@poke Welcome! :D
@poke loved your comment.
It seemed to be an obvious solution.. ^^
> this is probably a better fit for programmers.stackexchange.com – inquisitiveIdiot
I’m not sure they would want that there either…
@poke Agreed
Wow... I was writing a comment to that effect.... interesting
I like the title "Should I be using regex in Python"
@Jon Nah, rather use os.system and grep.
“singer is not a verb” heh.
Not quite sure why sewing machines should come into it either, but :)
That question is still sitting at 4 close votes…
Sometimes I don’t get people.. can answer a question within seconds but fail to close a question..
Thank you @ThiefMaster ^^
Right - I gotta go for a bit guys... hopefully see you around later @Poke
@Jon Yeah, I’ll try to get here more often, see you :)
Well, 15 minutes, and I was missing everyone cough :P
bye everyone, see you later @JonClements
see ya @Abhishek
I’m off to bed, good night!
@poke night night
Hey all, I have a list of tuples that I want to prepend another tuple to the beginning of the list.... I'm not seeing a straight-forward way to do this... any help?
@sadmicrowave lst[0:0] = [newtuple]
(And with that, I’m really out, good night xD)
thanks and night
@sadmicrowave An alternative to @poke's solution:
>>> t_list = [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)]
>>> t_list.insert(0, (7, 8))
>>> t_list
[(7, 8), (1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)]
oh nice
heya @zero
Wotcha @JonClements
(was just out shopping)
How ya doing?
Ahh... I'm just laying back, watching some yogscast
Can't complain ...
... well, I probably could if I set my mind to it, but how stereotypically British would that be? ;-)
What is a yogscast?
Indeed... let's not fall into that stereotyping trap and instead divert out conversation towards the weather :(
@Zero they do gaming youtube videos - have become massive in the last few years
Reviews, playthroughs, something else?
/me is woefully ill-informed whan it comes to games.
If I didn't read Penny Arcade I'd know nothing at all about them.
Hard to describe really - they're probably better known for minecraft maps, but they've done reviews and play throughs
This one made me chuckle: youtube.com/watch?v=KzPeP75PZLo
My level is the occasional blast at Tetris, and the even more occasional install of a ZX Spectrum emulator, when I'm feeling nostalgic.
Will check that out later ... got a sophisticated young Chilena visiting right now, so trying not to be too stereotypically geek.
Yet - you're online in a room on SO
not gonna get a 100% success rate on that one :)
Hmm. You have a point there :-/
She's over on the sofa doing coursework, so for all she knows I'm working ;-)
Ahh huh - that one works :)
In fact, this requires keyboard activity, so it's more convincing than web-based procrastination.
Ahh... you're doing "coding" kinda thing :)
Anyway... I'll bid ye good night... catch ya tomorrow or something - have a good evening :)

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