Feeling very slow today. Can anyone help with the following: I'm checking if an element from array X, is in array Y. Problem is, array Y is of the following format [[Target,NotWanted],..,..]. How do I reference the first element of each element in the array?
Sorry, LIST not array.
There we are. Knew it would come back to me: [x[0] for x in Y]. Cheers :)
I get this error: <__builtin__.python instance at 0xfc0316c0>>
My code:
class python:
myvar = 0;
def __init__(self, number):
self.myvar = number;
def hello():
print myvar;
test = python(5)
print test.hello
I program in Java, php, javascript, and to be honest Python is so different.
back to your question: in python you don't need public, private, protected vars or methods -> the philosophy is: we are adults here, we know what we want and when we want
there is a formula, if you want to make sure that a function or anything else is only called and running, while you are running that script/module as the main script
Peter, how can I pass my inputs to the script's console, for example I write in '5', and the script will take user's input and do actions with it, and return a message or something.
I know it's much easier to ask -- and in this room we try to help to anyone but, if you didn't tried something before -- just asking -- that's not good
you won't learn how to use the docs and you won't learn how the language is working in the first place
for example, python has a legendary error traceback -- but you have to understand it
so you have to make mistakes, to see, what python says about those, etc.