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Q: How to selectively import only lines of words with genfromtxt into Python?

perfectionm1ngI have a data text file which has the following format: 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 1 5 8 9 3 4 2 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 Timestamp 1 5 4 8 9 8 7 2 1 5 9 6 3 1 2 Timestamp 2 ... I wish to import the data in such a way that: I can ignore the timestamps first and process the data. AND I can also handle the t...

@perfectionm1ng I wrote you an answer
4 hours later…
i wrote a llama
see you agin, beatiful lady @EiyrioüvonKauyf
try clicking on my profile pic and hitting f5
i'm a llama now
2 hours later…
Pfff, the VTCs are coming in thick and fast.
1 hour later…
i think someone thinks i'm actually a girl
i'm actually a llama
You changed your profile pic I see
Even more volatile than me ;)
That's what you get when you use a asian model as your profile picture.
i'm still using a model as my profile picture
also @kbok uses a french model as his prof pic;
Yup, and people think I am an actual Ninja.
go figure..
well i'm an actual part time ninja
or, rotated 90 degrees: QK.
_/ \_
Yeah, I think his head is a bit flat too
cbg all
@JonClements cbg!
@MartijnPieters wow - that's an enthusiastic " cbg!" - happy Monday to you sir ;) How goes it?
@EiyrioüvonKauyf wow - you sexy llama you :)
hello @JonClements
it's 6 am
i should try sleeping :L
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Nah... llamas don't sleep at 6am
@JonClements well i haven't slept yet so .....
awesome website
oh ikik
unfortunately it can't index everything :(
@EiyrioüvonKauyf ahh well... then no point sleeping now.... go another day without any sleep... ;)
@JonClements wat but :[
i sort of wanted to do work
You can do work... it just won't be of any particularly usable quality ;)
Just be worried if no one notices any difference ;)
@JonClements Just peachy, albeit slow here on SO.
Need to pop to the shops... bbiab
okay guys wtf is this?
inputFile = open('Z:\\list.txt', 'r', 'utf-8')
TypeError: unsupported operand type for int(): 'str'
like ... int() and str and what why how wha...
What Python version?
The third argument is the buffer-size, regardless of Python version.
hmm removing the 'utf-8' fixed it.. oO
encoding='utf8' for Python 3.
or import io; io.open('Z:\\list.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') for Python 2.
the latter also works on Python 3, and is compatible across Python 2 and 3.
ah alright, thank you
clear now (I used the codecs.open + encoding once, when Jon helped me when I started all the work)
holy hell I spent 30 minutes already with extracting some simple http links from a text file.. even python extracts the end of the lines, with any regex I could try.
Clearly this is too much voodoo for people to appreciate:
Q: Change what dictionary serves as a function's global scope

JPvdMerweI want to make an @pure decorator for Python, part of this is being able to selectively disallow access to the global scope of the function. Is there a way to programmatically change which dictionary thing serves as a function's global/external scope? So for instance in the following I want to ...

I get 3 votes for a simple 'alter dictionaries' loop, but nil for 'replace the globals of a function' answer.
2 hours later…
I was going to spend some time this weekend making a bot that plays Minesweeper.
But In between XP and windows 7, they changed the layout of the window.
Before, it was a simple field of gray boxes, all alike.
Now, some boxes are one pixel taller, or wider than the others.
And there's a gradient effect over the whole board. so it's no longer as simple as saying, the rectangle with color value #202020 is an uncovered tile.
guys, does anybody in a mood for a little brainstorming?
//btw cbg!
This user is rather rich: stackoverflow.com/users/926143/7stud
> List of plagiarizers I've run into on SO:
> -- Martijn Pieters
Now I'm considering my options. I could dig deeper into the Windows library to see if there's a way to get the cell states, other than inspecting pixel data. I could learn about edge detection and character recognition. I could write a fragile hack that compensates for the 1 pixel "seams" that make some boxes different sizes, and the changing colors. I don't really like any of these :-(
Why doesn't he just report the posts where he feels I plagiarized?
i dont know... seems like a bit of an ass
The poor moderators he listed will just suppress his free speech!
Not that he's a bit of an ass, that he should just flag. :-P
cbg @PeterVaro
Probably just someone answering stupidly easy questions and claiming others who post the same answer are plagerizing
despite the fact that anyone answering the question would come up with the same answer
And then he wouldn't get a boost in profile views, that he would get from a public squabble (although, who cares about profile views?)
I got ~25k profile views on a diablo fansite lol
wow, that's depressing - his answers are all like -2 to 2 range
so, I was thinking and designing and drawing and thinking again in the last 2 days about how to put the if/if|else/if|elif|else statement into my VPL system. What I come with is working -- although it is a pretty bad solution, because it runs first and then decide later. What I want is: decide first, then run later!
so for this:
data = []
for n in range(10):
    if n % 2 == 0:
I come up with this ^
data = [n if n % 2 == 0 else None for n in range(10)]
I know, thanks @MartijnPieters
that's not the point
I could not resist, sorry.
that's OK
so, the limitation of my language, is that it can't look behind
What does append do in the for block?
Not certain what the append does there in the for block.
ah, yes, what @Kevin said.
it add the value to the output list
[n if n % 2 == 0 else None for n in range(10)]
This action
In your sample code, that's not what the for loop does.
The for loop simply assigns to n. What the loop body does with n is of no concern to the for construct.
so my sample code should look like..?
I'm not quite sure; are you transforming an AST into this structure?
Intuitively, it feels incorrect, but I haven't done much with ASTs lately to tell you what it should look like.
This models code flow, but I also see objects (range() for example), so why not have the data object in there somewhere, and n?
yeah, well, this is not an AST although it looks like one
this is a fully working visual programming language, based on python
(a visual implementation of python)
I'm curious as to how you would visualize more than one statement. Or is this just for single expressions?
the 'data is there, that is the first output of the for loop
although it is unnamed/anonymous
@Kevin it is working one sec
will create an elif inside
Right, it felt like a visual programming language indeed.
I have little experience with those; I cannot say this feels too intuitive though.
@Kevin there you go ^
@MartijnPieters it is not for developers, who already familiar with textual code
it is for the one, who doesn't know anything about syntax, or the commandline, etc.
But if we have trouble parsing that image into figuring out what happens, how are novices to figure it out?
The figure eight on the right perplexed me for a while. I wonder if you could nest boxes inside one another? For example, the lower half of your first example could go inside the for block.
actually that is my problem: the IF is not intuitive and not efficient and hard to read atm
all the other things are easy to catch up with
@Kevin you could!
I'm working on it atm, but I have bigger issues now;)
@Kevin you could make 'classes' which looks like a regular box, but has other boxes inside them -- infinite layerability
I gotta run now, rbrb in 30
Hate to have to be heavy handed, but I don't like being libelled: stackoverflow.com/questions/18181769/…
Something like ^^that image, @PeterVaro
@MartijnPieters I didn't know that word existed :P
What's the proper course of action here? Can you flag a profile?
Defamation—also called calumny, vilification, or traducement—is the communication of a false statement that harms the reputation of an individual, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation. Most jurisdictions allow legal action to deter various kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism. Under common law, to constitute defamation, a claim must generally be false and have been made to someone other than the person defamed.False: *Ron Hankin, Navigating the Legal Minefield of Private Investigations: A Career-Saving Guide for Private Investigators, De...
I'll flag that post (or another of his) for mod attention if the profile is not updated.
@PeterVaro, in any case, I wonder how you would render [n for n in range(10) if n%2 == 0]
@MartijnPieters wow - who pooped on that guys party hey? Seems very opinionated
oh, cbg all btw
@PeterVaro Have you got short-circuiting? For example, will [1.0 / n if n != 0 else None for n in range(3)] give [None, 1.0, 0.5], or will it raise a ZeroDivisionError?
@JonClements He also chased that specific non-reproduceable BeautifulSoup issue down the rabbit hole.
I'm back
@PeterVaro welcome back ;)
@Kevin THAT's the problem of "run first than decide"
instead of "decide and run"
actually, I don't think that the for loop is the problem here -- and I want to avoid nested boxes as long as possible -- my opinion is that those nesting in a visual language is for better code structuring, not for new features
@JonClements potato?
Not bad - just got £100 for talking through a company on how to set up a new email account
@Kevin do you know labVIEW?
Yeah, you could demonstrate the short circuiting problem without a for loop. Ex. 1/0 if False else 1
@JonClements that's actually kewl;)
Nope, I don't know labVIEW
Now, if only I could do 20 min jobs like that all morning... then I could skive off most of the week
@Kevin they use "switch-stacks"
I was only joking when I said it'll cost yuo £100 per 30 minutes.... (I've done bits and bobs for them over the years)... didn't expect a transfer to my account after I got back from lunch for something I didn't actually charge for...
that means, they create layers for the same problem, put it into a box
Oh well.... that's more in the holiday pot ;)
and the name of the layers are the choices (like True or False, or anything else)
Hey Jon :)
but it is unreadable, it is hard to edit, etc.
heya @MaxPower - how ya doing buddy?
great... as usual
so... you charge 200 pounds an hour? :P
@JonClements so you are some kind of a "fixer", aren't you?
@MaxPower I wish
@Kevin I'm only talking about LabVIEW because that is one of the oldest and most popular visual programming language in the world. (most of the science labs, hundreds of thousands of engineers use it..)
but you can find a complete list about these languages here:
In computing, a visual programming language (VPL) is any programming language that lets users create programs by manipulating program elements graphically rather than by specifying them textually. A VPL allows programming with visual expressions, spatial arrangements of text and graphic symbols, used either as elements of syntax or secondary notation. For example, many VPLs (known as dataflow or diagrammatic programming) are based on the idea of "boxes and arrows", where boxes or other screen objects are treated as entities, connected by arrows, lines or arcs which represent relations. V...
Reminds me of a class I took for VHDL. You could wire together a circuit that takes up the whole screen, and then stuff it into a tiny black box for use in a larger system.
I can say "quids" instead of pounds right?
Or maybe the visualization was just a feature of the IDE. I'm a bit fuzzy on the details
@MaxPower no "s" - it's "quid"
oh alright
£10 is ten pounds, a tenner, or ten quid
And there's 7 knuts to the galleon
Hmm, it's troubling that 70% of my knowledge of Britain comes from Harry Potter.
£20 is either "twenty" or "a score"
@Kevin it doesn't matter:) my point is: it is really a hard stuff to deal with loops and branches in a visual representation -> I read a dissertation from 1988, it says this whole visual representation thingy started back at 1967
@Kevin It would be troubling if you really think we hosted the world Quidditch tournament not too long ago....
@PeterVaro: I note that the loop in that screenshot is depicted in a box. Nesting the statements. :-P
and the loops and branches are still the hardest things -- if we choose procedural language as a base of the VPL, but if we choose a functional language... well taht is a whole different story;)
@MartijnPieters are you accessible on Skype for messages while you're at work?
I think it's very possible that mainstream languages will increasingly move away from purely text-based representation. It's just convenient now, since virtually all computers have a plain text editor.
@Kevin I don't think so -- writing is always going to be the fastest way to scracth our ideas, and also the most explicit way of doing this
although I belive that most of us are really "visual" (70% of the informations are stored in our brain is coming thru our eyes) so that's why we need a good VPL
lol @MartijnPieters that user is unbelievable
Ooo, and it's got 2 delete votes now... interesting
he posted the same question earlier
but without any code and it got closed
Depends on the problem being solved, IMO. For example, creating the layout for a GUI can be done quickly with a visual-based drag and drop interface
so before someone (like a kid in a school or an artist in an experiment or an engineer in a research) could use to abstract thinking and aspects of programming, it is important to make this whole thingy visually imaginable for them
@MaxPower Yup, I VTCed that one too.
@Kevin if you use some kind of a basic layout system, then yes -> but how about dynamicly changing constraint based UI?
Text is better for that, at least for now. Perhaps the language developers of tomorrow will have a brilliant solution :-)
once we develop neural transmission technology to a point where it's fully understood, everything will become possible so programing with your mind is also a possibility
but that could take 50-500 years
The day the computer can read my mind and determine what I want, is the day I'm out of a job :-) Hopefully the concept of "paid labor" will be obsolete by that point
@MaxPower 50-500 years to program with your mind? Wow - think I'll stick with the keyboard
well according to Moore's law we will eventually reach a point where we won't be able to actually meassure our technological advancement
Since it is constantly developing at such a rate...
@Kevin anyway, back to my problem: most of the 'nested' or 'stacked' solutions are hard to read, and they only exist, because they can not solve the problem, that a branching is not about pushing a value thru the flow, but about changing the direction on where to push the new value to...
I mean, in a for loop like mine, the 'yielded' value is coming from the input list
but in an if branching? if 2 > 1: print('hello')
the thing is, since such a technological knowledge could also bring new meanings to aspects that we consider to be set in stone like time or light... The possibilities of such an event are seriously unimaginable
the action coming after the condition has nothing to do with the condotion itself
in a way that it won't be manifested as a point in time but rather have an implicit shaping of all reality as we know it... past present and future
except that it will only run if the condition is true
so to conclude... one word: singularity.
The idea of the singularity is a nice ray of optimism. They say that for most of human history, everyone believed that they were in a decline following a golden era. Now we're heading towards a golden era :-)
Barring nuclear war, meteor strikes, etc
That said, not sure how long Moore's law is going to hold up, considering we're making transistors the size of a few atoms.
There is no difference between natural organic evolution and the development of our scientific capablities
both are everlasting processes
> [precise photolithography] is expected to continue into this decade for even denser chips, with minimum features reaching below 10 nanometers.
For reference, a helium atom is 0.1 nanometers
which will lead to programable atoms
People give up so easily...
When I see @Martijn's question edit - I just close the page, no chances :) — alecxe 5 mins ago
@MartijnPieters, such a fatalist attitude... If anything, you're handicapped for such questions because you can't edit the OP and write the answer at the same time :-)
Maybe they think your mere attention dooms them. Like the Eye of Sauron sweeping over the land.
1 out of every 3 of my answers does not get accepted. You have a 1 in 3 chance to nab that accept when posting head to head with me!
Statistical fact, that.
I do not fear posting as long as your answer isn't a superset of mine :-)
I'm just a little short on brilliant original insight these days ;_;
This OP uses node and ndoe interchangeably. Beware the OP who rewrites problematic code from memory!
Not including real code is one of the situations where I like the new "On hold" terminology. I'll be happy to reopen as soon as they post an actual problem :-)
no SSCCEE, no input sample, no expected output, code that won't even run without adding a unspecified ndoe global..
I think the OP didn't get my hint that we actually want the actual code. (actually.)
I was rewriting it from another screen, ndoe was a typo, my bad — avorum 1 min ago
"I have fixed the one inaccuracy you pointed out, without addressing the root problem"
Ooh, this close reason has a link to the SSCCE site. Haven't noticed that one before. I think it will come in handy often.
Hello everyody
Hi there @ShannonStrutz.
How are you doin @MartijnPieters
First time in this neck of the woods?
Oh no no no, I came here all the time bck in the day
This place is pretty awesome, unlike the javascript group, which is where I've been
why hello friends.
Hey there @Crowz
Hows it goin?
I find the lack of cabbage very disturbing
trying to improve my python app and get rid of these lists of dictionaries of tuples of lists
Question, what OS do you use to develop python stuff?
I use OS X
@JonClements: FWIW, we have surpassed the Java room in activity.
OS X here. But I have a Windows virtual machine and several Linux boxes at my disposal.
I'm on windows... sadly :(
Windows 7 here, although I try to keep everything OS-agnostic
Okay, I'm on windows 7 as well and I'm having the hardest time installing python packages and such
Not too hard, it isn't as though print works on one OS and not the others :-)
hi everyone
need one small help
Ask away.
I don't install too many modules. I think I use easy_install and pip mainly.
buy one small help get one large help half price
yea, I can't really get pip installed
I'm pretty bad with pathing and such for installs
@ShannonStrutz install virtualenv
i just started working in python, i'm able to code but it feels like i'm not using full power of python as a language. How should i avoid it? and think in python way?
The eternal problem seems to be installing to directories with spaces in them. That's why all my stuff goes in C:\programming\python
None of that Program Files stuff for me, TYVM
@NottyShinchan: keep at it. Read blogs, other people's code.
@NottyShinchan Avoid feeling like you aren't using python to its potential? Just practice man.
@NottyShinchan there's some good books on python. I like python in a nutshell
@Crowz OH! That's a good one
@NottyShinchan: Python is very powerful, discovering how powerful takes time.
Isn't that true to almost any language though? I mean it really depends on the person's experience
SO is a good resource for learning Python's idioms. Or at least, there are a lot of people that will shout that you're doing it wrong :-) God forbid that you use list as the name of your list
@MaxPower Yea pretty much
@MaxPower: It is true of most languages, yes.
Just gotta practice with the language
I'm suppose to write scripts but my mind starts thinking in c# and java and start dividing my code in as OOPS concepts :(
@NottyShinchan ah, thats where everybody starts usually. It just takes time
why is that a bad thing?
Python can do OOP too :-)
mostly yes @MaxPower
i know @Kevin
the things can be solved easily but my thinking of OOPS concept making it look like a huge project
this is the Java taking it's toll
That's a common problem for devs moving from C# or Java to Python.
Python's dynamic nature makes many tasks a lot simpler / easier / more elegant.
but again, it takes time to get to know the nature of the language.
@MartijnPieters but at the same time - sometimes a lot scarier
over-loading and polymorphism at least give some clue as to what the hell is going on... instantiating a class, that may not end up being the class you thought you instantiated with different methods than you thought it did have etc...
i create objects for no reason
@NottyShinchan thanks for sharing
i'm dividing my codes in different classes...then switched to methods actally none of them was needed
@MartijnPieters did you notice someone bothered answering stackoverflow.com/questions/18188307/…
Heh, that answer really 'helped' the OP..
@MartijnPieters I've commented, but feeling I've missed something here... stackoverflow.com/questions/18188903/…
I meant to go research that one a little; when it comes to security issues I want to be a lot more certain about what goes on than I am about that one ATM.
has anyone used scipy?
Where is Bas when you need him..
I think I am doing something incredibly stupid mathetmatically
which, really, isn't that surprising
@Crowz ummmm - I'm genuinely concerned you're trying to use something that requires some form of logic and general understanding of any form of principle.... please go on...
heya @brebs
@JonClements oh I'm just trying to find the percent increase in two points of data and it's coming out completely wrong... I haven't slept in 3 days so that might have something to do with it
I recommend sleeping...
I'll sleep when I'm dead, I'll sleep when I'm Ted
got to sleep @Crowz, really;)
I went to concerts every night for the past... three days. My brain's fried right now
like more fried than usual
@MartijnPieters always good fun __del__ when people want / think they want to use it
(I was caught out when I first started Python coming from C++ and thinking it was a normal destructor) ;)
I thank my lucky stars that I don't have to write my own destructors :-)
@MartijnPieters what a weird format
That's some peculiar input. Is it supposed to be an HTML query string? I didn't think field names could have brackets.

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