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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

hello! Can I have some help? I am trying to create Tkinter buttons with a for loop, but I keep on getting the IndexError: list index out of range error. The relevent code is here:
        self.button_array = []

        self.button_array.append(Button(self.mainFrame, text = "%d" % i))
        self.button_array[i].grid(column=1, row=i+1, sticky=W)
@xxmbabanexx What is the value of i"?
And where's the for loop?
    for i in range(1, 11):
I think empty loop bodies are only legal in C & co.
Er... anyway, never used TKinter, but are you sure your grid is big enough, or is it supposed to be sized on the fly?
@xxmbabanexx Your problem is that lists are indexed starting at 0. So the first time you append you have a list of size 1 and a single element at index 0.
Just change the loop to be for i in range(10):
Agreed... there you go.
Or, since you are using those numbers as the text what you can do is keep your loop as is and do self.button_array[-1].grid(column=1, row=i+1, sticky=W)
Indexing -1 always gives the last element of the list.
4 hours later…
Good morning to all
1 hour later…
bananna morning
umm, does anyone mind writing recursive function for me :D gist.github.com/anonymous/407af02c6c9b2457bde6
why do you need recursive?
because I am "studying", I need to use recursive backtracking
then if you're "studying" it means that "you" should be doing the "work".
on topic of recursion. Is there a graph or something that helps to visualize how recursion works?
@limelights, agree
Recursion is the process of repeating items in a self-similar way. For instance, when the surfaces of two mirrors are exactly parallel with each other the nested images that occur are a form of infinite recursion. The term has a variety of meanings specific to a variety of disciplines ranging from linguistics to logic. The most common application of recursion is in mathematics and computer science, in which it refers to a method of defining functions in which the function being defined is applied within its own definition. Specifically this defines an infinite number of instances (funct...
Recursion in computer science is a method where the solution to a problem depends on solutions to smaller instances of the same problem. The approach can be applied to many types of problems, and recursion is one of the central ideas of computer science. "The power of recursion evidently lies in the possibility of defining an infinite set of objects by a finite statement. In the same manner, an infinite number of computations can be described by a finite recursive program, even if this program contains no explicit repetitions." Most computer programming languages support recursion b...
done :)
mirror in a mirror doesn't help to be honest
and do a google image search for "recursive diagram".
search "recursive explained" on youtube
a bunch of tutorials... seem quite nice
and for your problem, recursion would be overly complex when perhaps a comprehension of sorts could do the trick
I get the tree and fractals and I get the end condition in recursion. What I don't understand is how it "returns" stuff.
think of the process as a u-turn
hey all :)
you go one way and when you get to "the end" you turn and go back the same way
hello @Daniel
anyone know of a technique I could use to map value ranges to specific values, that is, [0, 10) maps to 0, [10, 42) to 1, [42, 43) to 2, and so on.

I'm thinking I might be able to do a custom binary search easily enough, but, maybe someone has another idea?
atm, my solution is O(n), and its not playing nice with my framerate :(
it is guaranteed that one range always ends with the start of another, so the above could have been [0, 10, 42, 43]
mapping to [0, 1, 2, 3] respectively
I want to be able to choose say, 41, and be given the value '1' :S
a list of dictionaries where you loop on the keys and append the values?
There is a dictionary which accepts floating point ranges?
I'm not sure
But you didn't mention floats at first :P
haha, ideally it shouldn't matter
but my solution should scale for [0, 10000] or [0, 1]
so manually filling in dictionaries isn't an option lol
I'm thinking a binary search is my best bet :|
where do the value ranges come from?
and where do you get the 42 from?
or the 41?
{0: [10, 42]}, {1: [42, 43]}, {2: [43, 44]} is what you want?
@Daniel i never said manually filling in the values... once you define a list of dictionaries and you loop on the keys, you can decide what to append according to your binary search idea
limelights: no, more like:

scores = [0, 4, 5, 5]
concat = [0, 4, 9, 14]
r = random.uniform(0, sum(concat))

for i, c in enumerate(concat):
if (r < c): return i
except, that is O(n)
sorry, @limelights
that is O(n) worst case
Ideally O(1) would be great! :D
but I'm thinking O(log n) will be all I can get
anyone have ideas? :S
i might be getting hung up on stuff but what is concat?
0, 0+4, 0+4+5, 0+4+5+5
I totally forgot the mathematically word for what those numbers are
kind of
and you're relying on random to be the same for every iteration?
its a weighted random, basically
the higher score, the higher chance you have in the random weighting
you mean, the higher the sum of the factorials?
no, the higher score
but your code works of the factorials
  ulong findParent(real summed_fitness) const {
        const r = uniform(0, summed_fitness);

        real sum = 0;
        foreach (i, f; this.fitnesses) {
              sum += f;

              if (sum >= r) {
                    return i;

uh, I know thats not python, but doesn't matter
its the same code I wrote a second ago
real sum = 0, is basically the factorial sum
if the sum is greater than the random value, than that values index is returned
that is, for the ranges [0, 3), [3, 5), there is a 3/5 chance of it returning 0, and a 2/5 chance of it returning 1
yeah, your code is doing >= and your python is doing < and not <=.
@limelights, you were right, the python code I wrote above isn't correct
but the question is the same :S
by adding <= for your code i will get 3.
I'm not trying to fix the code as such
I'm trying to optimize it
its currently O(n) in both the (badly re-written) Python implementation and the D implementation
I was wondering if anyone knew of some alternate solutions to the problem, possibly lower than O(log n)
second answer
nvm, still O(n), got confused
2 hours later…
cabbage folks
Hi @Tshepang
How are you?
hey @JonClements :)
Ahhh, cabbage all
How is your mmo project going?
slowly ;)
if you need inspiration or someone to talk to, I'm right here ;)
If there's anything i can give advice at, it's video games
i feel old using the term "video games" lol
how is it called?
Cabbage Online?
LOL - just playing with some technology at the moment to see how difficult it miht be - so not expecting to get anywhere anytime soon - just finding the tools first
world of cabbages
@rxdazn no idea - but it's gotta have cabbages in it I guess
usually modeling and art takes a lot of time
@JonClements in that video you posted, the trick seem to be planning the fram of the model from a flat picture, this seems so much easier/nicer that randomly making trapesiums in 3D space (which is how I remember making things!).... He doesn't really explain how he makes the picture though!
@AndyHayden yeah - I have more luck using inkscape to create things, then 3d-ify them later....
and using the greyscale version to do textures etc. very wizzy!
You should make a 3D yellow dog!
I should - but this is a magic hyper-dimensional 2d dog....
(wow - that's certainly not the best excuse I've come up with...)
(this is where I should be embarrassed that I have no idea what that dog is from.)
@AndyHayden if it saves you embarrassment - I have no idea - I think I stumbled across it looking for a cartoon character of some sort, saw it and thought - oh that'd do
Have you tried making eyes yet?
@MaxPower am good
but I lost my 3g dongle, and sad that I have to buy another (they are overpriced)
@Tshepang people still buy dongles? Mostly just use a phone for that these days...
I have a flat-mate who does not have a laptop
we share its use
where are you from Tshepang?
SA, i have a few friends from SA
am in SA, yes
Hello everyone
Would someone be so kind help me update my post because I'm very tired by now with this problem and can't focus. I think it's all wrong how I ask my question but can't see how: stackoverflow.com/questions/17151163/…
It has been [0] days since Python last crashed my computer.
I've been doing some data processing that keeps pushing me into swap ...
With the apparently innocuous code:
total = 0
for i in range(1,100000000):
    for j in range(1,21):
        if i % j == 0:
            total += 1
My computer doesn't like that too much...
can't imagine why, it uses only constant memory AFAIK
python2 or python3?
How much memory do you have?
4 GB
Maybe it's because I'm running the script from a console with Administrator privileges. Maybe it takes that as a sign that it may use all processing capability, to the point where the mouse and keyboard are unresponsive.
@Kevin hang on - that looks remarkably similar to an SO question about a euler project question....
Yeah, it was for that question.
Oh - sure you want range instead of xrange ?
I was trying to find out how many elements possible would ultimately contain.
I'd be interested to know which euler question it is - as it doesn't look familiar...
Have you calculated out how much memory that range will take?
(Hint, it's ALOT)
Are you using 32bit or 64 bit python?
well, 100,000,000 bytes at least. How much space does a Python int take up?
about 20odd bytes ;)
For me, it's 24 bytes
Ok, so 2 billion bytes then.
But then, your list holds a pointer to each integer which is an additional 4 (or 8) bytes per element.
@mgilson you said "ALOT" - someone needs to post the compulsory picture now.... sighs
@JonClements I dimly recall a Project Euler question like this. It was like, find the first number with 20 distinct factors. Or something like that. It's in the first 100 questions, probably.
>>> len(x)*32/(1024.*1000*1000)
that's probably not the actual question, since the answer would be the product of the first 20 primes.
If your OS/editor/other programs are taking another GB or so of memory, you're already going past your 4GB limit
BTW, not mentioning the PE number in one's question is one of my many pet peeves. Why would you make it harder for us to understand what your code is doing?
@kevin sum(1 for i in xrange(1,100000000) for j in xrange(1,21) if not i%j) ?
Yes, @AndyHayden, I probably should have used xrange.
@Kevin I'd imagine it's one of the early questions - scrolling through them now, but can't seem to find something that looks related
The more you know! shooting star pans across screen
And when I create that list, my memory usage spikes from 39.5% (3.1GB) to 78% (6.24GB) which is on par with my 3.1GB estimate.
In which case, they're not going to get an answer with their outer range
umm, pen and paper jobby that one ;)
OP is actually just looking for the product of all the primes between 1 and 20;-)
It's slightly more complex than the product of all primes. 2*3*5*7... is not divisible by four.
You have to do 2^a * 3^b * 5^c... Using appropriate values for a,b,c
Oh, right.
well you know what they say
"brute force"
it's the greatest algorithm
ex. a == 4, since 16 decomposes into two, four times.
This does not require programming at all. Compute the prime factorization of each number from 1 to 20, and multiply the greatest power of each prime together: 20 = 2^2 * 5 19 = 19 18 = 2 * 3^2 17 = 17 16 = 2^4 15 = 3 * 5 14 = 2 * 7 13 = 13 11 = 11 All others are included in the previous numbers. ANSWER: 2^4 * 3^2 * 5 * 7 * 11 * 13 * 17 * 19 = 232 792 560
brute force: it gets the job done*
*job may complete after all the stars in the sky have long since become cold dead husks
From the first forum post on it...
Ah I see: 8*9*5*7, so you have to find the largest power for each prime
If only OP had scanned from 1 to three hundred million, he'd eventually find the solution.
Or better yet, itertools.count
would like to go back to project euler but they are quite time consuming...
yeah but that solution will be slow
@JonClements -- That's exactly what I get.
I stalled at 100 questions solved, about two years ago. Everything past that requires a prime number generator fancier than the Sieve of Erastothenes, and I just don't have the patience to implement anything else.
I've never done any of them ...
Except this one I suppose.
Some of them are excellent demonstrations of dynamic programming & memoization. But a lot of it just requires obscure math facts.
Well ... then I suppose naming them project Euler is appropriate ...
seriously ... Who would have thought e^(i*x) = cos(x) + i*sin(x) ?
Granted, You can prove it pretty easily if you know the taylor series expansions of exp(x), sin(x) and cos(x) ...
But still ... Obscure.
Well - the cabbage would know that...
The wiki page on that formula is surprisingly short. You can fit three proofs of it on one page.
It's the kind of thing that's obvious only in retrospect I guess.
there's a nice proof using differential equations
y'' + y = 0
solving that equations two different ways leads to the equality
Yes, I suppose it would
And it's a pretty common differential equation too (thinking Quantum Mechanics)
that's almost the Time independent Schrodinger equation if I remember correctly
amazing story: I answered a question few weeks ago, and of course the answer itself was good but the OP didn't accept it, maybe he forgot it. I wrote a comment on that yesterday or the day before that, and luckily he was accepted today. It is not good, that we have to write some extra notes on answers, but better than not accepted at all.
I know Martijn has a canned response for such situations, when the OP says, "thanks, this works" but doesn't accept.
"Glad to have been of help! Feel free to accept my answer if you feel it was useful to you. :-)"
Seems like an effective and non-confrontational way to get the OP to hand over the green checkmark.
Cabbage all, Anyone want a good laugh this morning?>
I do the same thing @Kevin, and of course I always link this page.
hey @Inhale.Py
@PeterVaro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbT7lEHFDGw Go to 2:01 and listen
anyone else feel free to listen to that
@Kevin my versions are the similar: "If you think, my answer was real help to you, don't hesitate to accept it! Thanks!"
@Inhale.Py check!
@Inhale.Py what is this?
just some fun
A: Tkinter instantiation fails in Python 3.3.1 on OS X 10.8

Inhale.PyYour problem is the name of the file is tkinter.py So when import tkinter it imports the file itself instead of the actual tkinter module. I ran into this problem myself once, it took me a while to figure it out. Change the name of the file and it should fix your problem.

I actually answered a question =D
nice one
I doubt the person who posted the question will accept the answer seeing as the post is 4 days old
Nice answer though.
I had this problem for the longest time
I named a file tkinter.py and I kept it in the file I keep all my other python stuff in
it broke everything and I was freaking out
I went through 12 pages of questions and thats the only question I was able to answer. =(
Nothing to be sad about. I got 0 answers :P
I remember saying, why can't I be a normal dog, just play fetch and piss on things, and sniff my own butt.
Ah, it's so nice being able to look back at the review queue to see what edit was made to your post (and rejected)... Was so confused for a while!
was an edit with title "no need to spend ages explaining" lol
@Andy ?
was interesting to know dates just work though, would be nice to be notified of rejection (rather than it just disappearing into the ether)
@Andy oh - suggested by Chris Withers - I've been in contact with him a few times about xlrd and other stuff...
had to look back in thre review queue to ind it
he was the OP of that question
it was quite funny as seconds after I'd answered it the same exact question appeared on the pandas mailing list..
what does "list" stand for in "defaultdict(list)" ? It says "default_factory" but what is that exactly?
I would say it's syntactic sugar for d.get(item, list())
i.e. if you get from a default dic, and don't find a key in the dictionary, it returns list() and sets that to dic[key].
@AndyHayden or, just what __missing__ should call ;)
well it also has to be added to the dictionary :s
@JonClements who has the best answer in your opinion
oh i see
eeep take back my earlier over simplification
@Inhale.Py i don't think he will understand how to incorporate that into his code :P
@Inhale.Py I think your play_again should be the main as it has the top level flow control in it...
also he will probably accept the answer that will work for him when he copy - pastes
I agree, but he made it sound like he wanted the game to start by default, which I guess it still could if I had
    def main()
        play again stuff
    def game():
        game stuff
@MaxPower your probably right
d = {a: not b for c in d}
would this result in reference before assignment?
@MaxPower -- What do you mean?
since i define d as a dict and use it as one of the values?
It depends on if d was in the local (or global) scope before you did the loop
yeah it wasn't
Then yes.
i think i know what to do
For what it's worth, that dictionary would only have 1 key-value pair since a doesn't ever change in the loop.
oh yeah
Cabbage folks
heya zod
hey Jons
if I have a list = ["cabbage", "yam", "sausage", "melon"] and would like to use list comprehension on it such that the index and value of each element is printed, how do I write it?
Why not just list(enumerate(your_list)) ?
okay; didn't know about that, but checking it out
He can't use list because he overshadowed it with his local assignment :-)
>>> for a, b in enumerate(l): print a, b
0 cabbage
1 yam
2 sausage
3 melon
@Kevin good point ;)
Yea so don't use list as a variable name :P
lol....I don't; this was just an example cause I wasn't sure if it had a solution anyways
>>> print(*enumerate(a), sep='\n')
(0, 'cabbage')
(1, 'yam')
(2, 'sausage')
(3, 'melon')
list comprehension only works with single statements, right?
that works! Melon, Jons
Haha, this question:
Totally slams Python's regex capabilities: "I am NOT interested in a list of features present in Perl's REs that aren't in Python - mostly because I worry that the list would become too big to be manageable within StackExchange framework."
@Kevin wow - they self-deleted that quickly
translation: your language has so few features, that just listing what's missing would crash the browser.
@JonClements, aw :-( Fair enough though, it was a "I need a list of..." question, so not a good fit for SO.
heya @AlexMost - welcome
hey @AlexMost; nice flask tutorial
oh my god @AlexMost is here !!!
@rxdazn fanboy of Alex? :-P
yes! he's my favorite cabbage grower
want an autograph? :-P
no you're zod, not alex
Does anybody own a new laptop that he is happy with and would recommend me getting? without having to sell a kidney
Oooo, can recommend several, but would cost you a liver...? :)
I sold half a kidney a couple of years to get a Win 7. Thought of selling my soul to get Win 8/10
so - you have 1 1/2 kidneys ?
I will buy one soon too
I think I will be getting a new 13" air with 8gb ram
that's two months of internship :(
yeah pretty much the only option i'm always left with is a macbook air
it grew back; I'm a descendant of Zeus :-P
but aren't there new models coming it that are worth to wait for?
why a Mac?
i don't know, give me a better option
had a macbook pro for like 6 years then i gave it away
it was really awesome
no; I'm just curious to know. Whenever I see videos of developers, many of them use Mac, even with open source software; just trying to gain some perspective on why that is
1469 Australian dollars = 1 038.3818 Euros only 1.2 months of internship if I buy it in Ausralia with the education prices
isn't that excessive for a PC?
only in the US you can get it for cheaper
everywhere else you get crapped on
in Germany it's 1300 euro for the i5 4gb ram 13 inch macbook air
why not purchase it cheap from Amazon or somewhere and have it delivered?
I'm pretty sure you will have to pay taxes for that which will add up and it won't matter that much
It's like in pc / console games... 60$ and 60 euro
@JonClements if I need that, I'm likely solving one of the world's foremost problems; or hacking the NSA :-)
Alienware are really overpriced though :\
I mean, they do pack a lot of crazy hardware
not quite as good as they use to be
but that falls under the category of selling a kidney
wasn't Alienware bought by another computer company?
Yeah - but you'd still have half a kidney left - and a f*ing great laptop - so who'd care!? :)
Yup - by Dell @Kneel-Before-ZOD
freaking great!
Alienware is all hype
IMO......unless you do a lot of gaming or something that requires computational power, you hardly need a machine that powerful.....or expensive
databases count - and if you happen to be playing games, then errr, cough
and want to watch blu-ray, cough
it's errr, a requirement... cough
need a cough medicine, Jon?
3gb dedicated graphics card is also required - for errr, data visualisation cough
heya @Bishnu
hi @BishnuBhattarai
it's always nice to have a fast computer ...
And, FWIW, I push my desktop to the limit pretty frequently (i7, 8gb memory).
and I hate it when I start swapping. Then everything gets really bogged down and slow :)
seems I need to increase my memory too; still play with 4GB
Plus, getting a powerful machine (hopefully) means you can wait an extra year before it's too outdated to run anything and you need something else.
I've never pushed my desktop to the limit(before I sold it)
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

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