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faltu...... meal.....
@Prim.Muthu He is not gonna write a whole program for you
@Unicorn You have to email the stack overflow team mentioning your profile URL.
@borrrden yes bro
@Prim.Muthu Part of programming is breaking down your problem into smaller pieces, so you need to do that and then ask about the particular piece that is giving you trouble
@NiravLimbasiya Did you see this? -> stackoverflow.com/questions/4785568/…
@Unicorn Also send email from the registered email id with that profile to be deleted.
@Bobj-C Great. Competition is over?
@borrrden, u have so much patients ... answering to question since morning
Keeps me on my toes :p
@borrrden i am not need a whole program i need only how to display the calculator screen in the format 3+5+7
@Terminator no on friday i will make the presentation
@Prim.Muthu Look. Read What have you tried? and try to apply some of it before asking again. You're question is very broad - you're basically asking me how to write an entire app. If you are specific about what you are having a problem with we can be specific about help.
@borrrden nope, thanks
@Terminator do you know how to make a presentation for mobile app. i only have 10 mins
@NiravLimbasiya Just FYI, it was the first result from this search query -> "[ios] store Facebook credentials"
@borrrden but i m using facebook graph api , it returns facebook oauth as object
and we cant store it in nsdefault
@Terminator he puts a link into his question to you that gives him exactly the same answer as you gave. Why not just read the answers in the link?
@borrrden i have used all this things , like NSDefault and Keychain store, but still not working properly
@Bobj-C Sorry nope. I have never done presentations. I only did once in College. It was my first presentation in a Seminar with so many people. I was nervous but i got highest marks in my team.
@NiravLimbasiya You shouldn't store sensitive information in the User Defaults.
@Terminator great
@borrrden when i stored the credential in keychain store using , facebook api method, access token goes nil , and only refresh_token persists
@Abizern Oh yes. I didn't open that link :P
@Terminator I hate presentation...
why it is happing , still not getting that @borrrden
@NiravLimbasiya Remember I've never used it :p
@iPhoneDeveloper :So now full of energy right ??
@borrrden i knw buddy, some day you have to use , so y not today :D :P
@NiravLimbasiya I have no reason to use it haha
My project is going to keep me plenty busy until at least March of next year
@Bobj-C I think Apple also provides presentation files for their WWDC sessions. If you can download them and see how they do it.
and it's entirely offline :D
@borrrden whoa hooo
@borrrden r u going to develop facebook or google+
@Terminator yes i can download them this is a good idea Thx :)
i wish to do one of the enterprise app in my carrier ...i m suck to doing small applications
@NiravLimbasiya Neither
@borrrden which is the app that takes more than 6 months
Q: Sign Up facilities using facebook and twitter accounts?

Nirav LimbasiyaI want to do Sign Up facilities using Facebook and Twitter, I have done the connectivity and accessed data, but i dont know how and where to store this credentials, so user dont have to relogin later date and post on wall directly, something like ebuddy app, where you can add your account and the...

@NiravLimbasiya : No thaay
@iApple kem bhai
@Terminator Thank you.I'd found this but was wondering for direct deletion of account.
@Terminator Hi... Aaeen.
@Terminator @NiravLimbasiya Please guide for some doubts...
@iApple: nahi ab to nind a rahi hai.. :P
@SJS wht is ur question ?
@NiravLimbasiya I want to do asynchronous request - response.
@NiravLimbasiya that means as and when i start getting data... my table view reloaded automatically as per data came
@SJS it server that response when request is processed, so user process dont have to wait till response arrives , so user process send asynchronous request to server, and when response arrives it process response
@sjs yep
@NiravLimbasiya can you guide me simple example or tutorial
@NiravLimbasiya i also want to reload my tableview as per data cames
@Unicorn Why are you putting my details there?
@NiravLimbasiya Actually I've been working on it since Feb
so over 1 year of development :p
Eh? raywenderlich.com ??
@NiravLimbasiya : Ainveyi .. ;)
@iPhoneDeveloper : Go and wash your eyes,the most famous line I used to get from my teachers in school... :P
in the end
@sreecharan I think the people that dislike him are in the minority o,0
@sreecharan Can you help me to find out the error?
On trying to test In-app purchase using test account, our client tester gets an error message "This is not a test user account". But the same account works for me. Is it happens on a jail broken device?
Yes @borrrden I've seen that idiot at WWDC
@Karna I haven't worked more on In-App purchase, sorry
@iApple, can u tell me how to wash eyes?????
@sreecharan You still didn't say what you problem was with him
@sreecharan ok.
@borrrden ohhhh, dont u have team ?
@borrrden But forgot to slap him
@borrrden i want to see ur app on istore, give me url
@NiravLimbasiya The first part I worked as part of a team, and some people will enter my team again next month
@NiravLimbasiya This app will not be released in the app store
@borrrden then ?
It will be deployed privately
@borrrden wht is the use of that app that doesnt get released?
via a publisher
@borrrden have a look at my rant from last night.
@Abizern I don't know how -_-
@borrrden, please let me know if anybody vacancy in ur company ....... i glad to work under ur guidance ... :)
@iHungry You are required to be able to speak Japanese lol
Is my Japanese enough for them?
@borrrden, yes i will speak Japaneses but in English ... Big LOL
@NiravLimbasiya not this one yaar
Get the rooms info up the click on transcript.
@Terminator help me...!!!
@SJS i knw dear
I'd send you a link but I'm on a mobile right now.
@SJS it shows how to fetch data from webservice asynchroniously
@NiravLimbasiya that i know....but i want to know how can we reload table on fetching data both at the same time
@SJS but u can parse the array from webservice and can reload table from it
@SJS u have to fetch data first and then reload the table
@SJS [tableview reloaddata] after fetching and parsing records
@NiravLimbasiya if i am getting five records then if 1st came display that one when 2nd came display that one.... and same for all...I want to do like that
@NiravLimbasiya that i know
@Abizern is it possible to select people first and then use it in a MFMessageComposeViewController?
@Abizern I found it
@iHungry : Water + Eyes... thats it
@NiravLimbasiya : Store them in userdefaults
@Abizern I can't agree with your standpoint though :p. Lazy people will be lazy and copy and paste code from anywhere. I enjoy the line by line analysis because it gives me a chance to reflect on what each line of the code actually does, in case I want more information on a certain section
@iApple how to store GTMOAuthentication object in NSDefaults ?
hello goodafternoon @all
@SJS not possible dude, u have to provide whole data at once
@iHungry @borrrden or you may know "is it possible to select people first and then use it in an MFMessageComposeViewController?" it seems if i use an MFMessageComposeViewController directly then i can't control the part of selecting from phonebook
@SJS when whole response arrives then only u can process furthur
@BertieLiu I know that you cannot alter that controller after you present it, so be careful
@BertieLiu Alter it programatically that is, only the user may edit it
@NiravLimbasiya then can I display at the time of parsing...
@iApple, u mean we need to first take our eyes in our hand .. washing with water :D
parsing is to fast process, u could not be able to see that
I'm not going to get into it again. Some people use it as a resource. Others use it as the handbook.
@BertieLiu, sorry i m not getting u
it completed in one moment @SJS
@Abizern Like Wikipedia? :D
Hi All
I had a doubt regarding Core-data migrartion/versioing can anyone help me?
"I made a code using toolbar with bar buttons but some times clicking on that button doesn't do anything instead of just glow " . Any body tell why it is so? @Abizern @borrrden @iHungry @NaveenShan @iApple
@DAB, can u share ur code also?
@DAB let us see the code
ok wait
@iHungry Core-data migrartion/versioing can anyone help me?
Morning all.
here is my code
@DAB "The URL you requested has been blocked as per DOT guidelines"
@iHungry @borrrden sorry i didn't make myself clear. if i use MFMessageComposeViewController, then from the VC i can select contacts (who to send SMs to), but if i need to select contacts first (need to customize the vc for selecting), then is it possible to pass the contacts selected from this vc to the one actually used for sending SM?
@VidyaMurthy aaeen
then hw can i show my code
@iHungry : Yeah,that can work fine ...:P
Hi .. @sree chara
@Terminator Wassup?
@Abizern: To answer your question, Nottingham.
@PeteC Do you have any idea about Core-data Migration/versioning?
@iHungry have u got the url
@NaveenShan: not a firm grasp, I've only really dabbled in it myself. Can you be more specific with the issue you're having?
@BertieLiu There is a "recipients" property on the controller
@iApple: lol thats a good idea..
@BertieLiu Set it BEFORE you present it
@borrrden gorgeous~ thanks a lot. i may fail to express in english sometimes...
hello @iHungry ??
@VidyaMurthy Client is getting current location some distance away due to Cell Tower Triangulation. And even Google maps does due to same reason. Non-Technical clients are so dumb.
@Terminator Yeah true. I had the same problem in my previous project, but there - these doubts were raised by the testers, not client. They are dumb too!
I hope there are no testers in this chat room.
Our testers are telling that when a photo is captured and added to photo library, that pic should not be added to the photos native app, it should added as an album inside the app itself :)
I am a tester :D
@borrrden Yep.
@PeteC Okay. So you're baking in the heat as well. Sorry, I remember you telling me before.
@Abizern: No worries, not sure if I said I was UK or Nottingham. It's a lot cloudier here today, which is preferable when I'm stuck indoors :/
Hi All,
I had a CoredataModel named (XXXDataModel.xcdatamodelId) in it I add three version named as (DataModel1 , SPDataModelV2, SPDataModel 6.6). So it had three (.xcdatamodel).
In my first version my store name is hardcoded "SPDatabase.sqllite" but when I create new datamodel (SPDataModelV2) I changed store name to "SP MDM". And migration with forst to model is working. And Now I create new datamodel (SPDataModel 6.6) no change in store name.
It cause crash when I update the app. Saying "reason = "Can't find model for source store";" Any help?
@Abizern @anonymous @ArchanaChaurasia @AntonioMG any help?
@Terminator Where am I putting your details?
@Unicorn @Karna @PeteC @pearl @PaulFarry any help?
@NaveenShan ask it on Stack Overflow site.
@NaveenShan: Please don't ping multiple people like that. I'd follow unicorns suggestion
I love the way you are happy to recommend everyone asks their questions on the Stack Overflow site, but you have never asked or answered a question there yourself.
@Abizern hi, how r u ?
Actually I need a quik fix
@ArchanaChaurasia Hello.
waiting for app-store supmission
@NaveenShan Go find your local dealer then.
please help me
@Abizern have u used unit testing in xcode ?
I don't want to increase number of duplicate questions on Stack Overflow site and people who are more experienced then me gave already good answers so no options for me :)
@ArchanaChaurasia Using SenTestinKit?
@Unicorn yes
Oh shut up with that excuse. You ask many questions in chat that you could put on SO. You choose not to.
@ArchanaChaurasia Yes.
@ArchanaChaurasia What is the issue in it?
More popcorn munch munch munch
@borrrden I can't help it. He just gets my goat.
@Abizern plz guide me how to write test case, and how to use it in our app @Unicorn
@ArchanaChaurasia How far have you got? Because that is a pretty big question.
Questions that I asked is usually with referred Stack Overflow questions or explanation what have I tried?
@Abizern No need for apologies :D
Re: unit testing -> look at all the results! google.com/…
@Abizern i have set up my app for unit testing by adding new target, now when, where and how to write test cases ? @Unicorn
@NaveenShan You are messing something when you are creating the New datamodel, check all the names properly, other wise it wont throw that crash Can't find model for source store
@ArchanaChaurasia It's easier if you read the guide developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/developertools/…. As I said, it's a difficult subject to explain step by step in the chat.
@sreecharan thank u
@borrrden Am I goat of Abizer Nasir?
@sreecharan then how can I fix it right now?
@sreecharan my previous build is in app-store
@ArchanaChaurasia Make a new file using Objective-C test class case. and start writing test cases with like null or blank.
can i setup iphone/ipod as a host server and transmit datas to other iphones/ipod which is connected to host iphone
It's cute how he thinks that knowing my full name is a big deal. Because It's not linked to at all in my profile. Unlike some people, I'm not hiding behind anonymity.
@Unicorn How's the weather in Texas?
@NaveenShan In Short and sweet, it is trying to search for a store name called NaveenShan but there is other name and it is unable to match the name which it is searching for
Or is it Sweden?
But really it's Delhi
28°C @TX and 24°C @Sweden and 33°C @Delhi and 24°C @London and 37°C @Gujarat.

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