@Prim.Muthu Part of programming is breaking down your problem into smaller pieces, so you need to do that and then ask about the particular piece that is giving you trouble
@Prim.Muthu Look. Read What have you tried? and try to apply some of it before asking again. You're question is very broad - you're basically asking me how to write an entire app. If you are specific about what you are having a problem with we can be specific about help.
@Bobj-C Sorry nope. I have never done presentations. I only did once in College. It was my first presentation in a Seminar with so many people. I was nervous but i got highest marks in my team.
I want to do Sign Up facilities using Facebook and Twitter,
I have done the connectivity and accessed data, but i dont know how and where to store this credentials,
so user dont have to relogin later date and post on wall directly, something like ebuddy app, where you can add your account and the...
@SJS it server that response when request is processed, so user process dont have to wait till response arrives , so user process send asynchronous request to server, and when response arrives it process response
@sreecharan Can you help me to find out the error?
On trying to test In-app purchase using test account, our client tester gets an error message "This is not a test user account". But the same account works for me. Is it happens on a jail broken device?
@NiravLimbasiya if i am getting five records then if 1st came display that one when 2nd came display that one.... and same for all...I want to do like that
@Abizern I can't agree with your standpoint though :p. Lazy people will be lazy and copy and paste code from anywhere. I enjoy the line by line analysis because it gives me a chance to reflect on what each line of the code actually does, in case I want more information on a certain section
@iHungry @borrrden or you may know "is it possible to select people first and then use it in an MFMessageComposeViewController?" it seems if i use an MFMessageComposeViewController directly then i can't control the part of selecting from phonebook
"I made a code using toolbar with bar buttons but some times clicking on that button doesn't do anything instead of just glow " . Any body tell why it is so? @Abizern @borrrden @iHungry @NaveenShan @iApple
@iHungry @borrrden sorry i didn't make myself clear. if i use MFMessageComposeViewController, then from the VC i can select contacts (who to send SMs to), but if i need to select contacts first (need to customize the vc for selecting), then is it possible to pass the contacts selected from this vc to the one actually used for sending SM?
@VidyaMurthy Client is getting current location some distance away due to Cell Tower Triangulation. And even Google maps does due to same reason. Non-Technical clients are so dumb.
@Terminator Yeah true. I had the same problem in my previous project, but there - these doubts were raised by the testers, not client. They are dumb too!
Our testers are telling that when a photo is captured and added to photo library, that pic should not be added to the photos native app, it should added as an album inside the app itself :)
I had a CoredataModel named (XXXDataModel.xcdatamodelId) in it I add three version named as (DataModel1 , SPDataModelV2, SPDataModel 6.6). So it had three (.xcdatamodel).
In my first version my store name is hardcoded "SPDatabase.sqllite" but when I create new datamodel (SPDataModelV2) I changed store name to "SP MDM". And migration with forst to model is working. And Now I create new datamodel (SPDataModel 6.6) no change in store name.
It cause crash when I update the app. Saying "reason = "Can't find model for source store";" Any help?
@Abizern @anonymous @ArchanaChaurasia @AntonioMG any help?
I love the way you are happy to recommend everyone asks their questions on the Stack Overflow site, but you have never asked or answered a question there yourself.
I don't want to increase number of duplicate questions on Stack Overflow site and people who are more experienced then me gave already good answers so no options for me :)
@NaveenShan You are messing something when you are creating the New datamodel, check all the names properly, other wise it wont throw that crash Can't find model for source store
It's cute how he thinks that knowing my full name is a big deal. Because It's not linked to at all in my profile. Unlike some people, I'm not hiding behind anonymity.
@NaveenShan In Short and sweet, it is trying to search for a store name called NaveenShan but there is other name and it is unable to match the name which it is searching for