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@all hi
@Unicorn You did in the link you gave to me. I have flagged that comment for moderator.
@orgami Yes. An easy way is to Use GameKit. But you can do it manually as well with a bit of help from Bonjour.
Don't get me started on GameKit ><
@sreecharan hi,How r u
@sreecharan k got it. So now I need to delete all my datamodels and recreate it with name as (SPDataModel1 , SPDataModel2, SPDataModel3 etc)
@Abizern @Unicorn it is said that add all files from old target to new target, here all files means each n every file (all images, all .h and .m) ?
@NaveenShan Now you are on the orbit
@Terminator Actually a bit rough. The link puts in the users details. When I went to the link it actually had my details in it. Much as I dislike him - it wasnt' his fault and he wasn't being malicious.
@sreecharan means "right way"?
Hello @bugfinder I am excellent, enjoying my holy climate with my parents after long time
@ArchanaChaurasia No. Hang on.
@NaveenShan yep
@Abizern ok ... cool k ... is it possible if other iphone/ipod has connected to host iphone/ipod to can transmit the datas and it is reflected on host device
@sreecharan ohhh..nice keep going
@borrrden whats wrong with gamekit
@orgami The bluetooth information in the docs is flat out wrong....
@sreecharan k, Is there is any renaming option that will help me. because my Database is very large
@Abizern haha Wasn't my fault too until i got to know :-)
@Archana - you select it in the target membership box:
@Abizern MEANS ?
oh ok
We tried for about a month to create a bluetooth network, only to give up and contact Apple Japan and have them tell us the maximum amount of devices that can reasonably connect is 7
only 7 ?
Above that and it gets unusably unstable
@borrrden that sounds like a hardware limitation for bluetooth
@ArchanaChaurasia the source files need to be included in the test target as well as the actual target, but the test classes only need to be in the test target.
@BertieLiu Then it should be reflected in the docs (where it says that the max is 16)
So we tried for Wifi as well but again....we were met with nothing but disappointment
my app needs to have airplay option so i am thinking i can transmit data using airplay since wifi is already using airplay
@NaveenShan Actually the error message means it cannot find the .mom compiled model file for the existing store. Core Data is looking for the exact .mom version that configured the store. The .mom file tells tells Core Data how to map the serialized data in the file into objects. Without that model file, it does not know how to migrate the store to the new model because it doesn't know what data goes with each entity or entity property. "
We have a requirement to link together around 35 ~ 40 devices
to one host....and game kit simply can't handle it
@borrrden Raw sockets might work, but it seems to be a lot of connections going around.
oh so which is the better option
@Abizern Yes, we got it working with sockets
@borrrden or all devices-> server -> all devices
@Abizern Oh, and a wireless router
> Much as I dislike him - it wasnt' his fault and he wasn't being malicious.
I like it.
@BertieLiu One device is the "master" and the other are the "children"
master can talk to all children, but children can only talk to the master
lol ^
@sreecharan so I need to delete the three mom I had and re-create the new three models is it?
@NaveenShan And i also think that after making changes in your datamodel, you are not deleting the app from your device and re-installing that again
@Unicorn You forgot to change your profile to "Please delete me" as the link says.
So in response to @orgami
@borrrden i was thinking about make a server as the transit and all devices connecting to this server by socket. but i guess i missed your point.
Yes it is possible, but above a certain threshold of devices it is difficult
Actually I think it is probably either the most difficult or second most difficult thing my team had to do on this project so far
@Abizern ok, now how to write test cases ?
@sreecharan Yes I didn't delete the old app. is that the way the app version update works na
After a point the devices are too busy passing around messages to actually deal with them.
Frankly saying I don't want to leave.
@NaveenShan No, if you make any changes to the data model (.xcdatamodeld) then you'll need a reset. To reset everything, delete the app on your phone and then compile your project to your phone again.
@Unicorn So why waste everyone's time asking about how to delete your account? And then you wonder why I call you a troll.
That part is behind us now though, and thanks to the hard work of my team we have a stable reusable networking backend library
@borrrden although with some ultimate server or whatever having control over the transaction between devices sounds nice
@Abizern You only call me that, that was my thought to delete my account but I'd changed my mind.
@sreecharan But when I submit the apps to app-store they user with old version update the app in this case we need to keep all the user data stored in old version is it
You're a troll and a tease.
If I call you troll then?
so how many of u guys are app developer ?
I'm a tester :p
And if you think it's just me you wind up - there are many people in the Android room who dislike you as well. You're part of the reason that that room is locked. We almost had to lock this room because of you.
@orgami All are here app developers and borrrden is a tester.
@orgami yes I am an iOS developer
hi, do any one have faced an issue of custom fonts not working
@orgami I'm the cleaner. I'm just using this computer because it wasn't logged out.
i have also sent application provided fonts property
@Matrix .. add the correct font name .. search it in its family
And the only reason that Unicorn boy is behaving even a little better is because the mods are being more watchful about him. And changing his name and avatar doesn't hide him.
its a custom font, which is not available in iphone, so i drag and drop to supported files
@Abizern Only two owners think like this, the reason behind lock rooms are their ego and arrogance. They think they are GODs like you think.
and mention it in application provided font property
@Matrix yes check its familyname
@Abizern What do you think? Does it affect me anyway?
and when i trying to access [UIFOnt fontwithName: customfontname size: size] , its not working
Ego and arrogance. Yeah. Nothing to do with you. No. No. You're just an innocent sweet person and we're all just bullies.
u must have given wrong fontname
@Abizern - You are right :-)
@Matrix The font family name is not always what you think it is.
Nothing affects you. You're online. You hide behind your anonymity because you feel you can do what you want.
Interesting that you can choose to be whatever you want to be when you're online and anonymous - and you choose to be a creepy troll.
It wont affect me even if we will be face to face.
I am waiting for one more bookmarked conversation.
@Unicorn Of course not. You just keep hold of your mum's pallu she'll protect you.
@Abizern I have created video from iPhone screen and share with face book I had done all things..Problem is That I have to Add logo of company while video is playing..so I have no idea and I used google also.....Have u any idea??
@Matrix - you are trying to access font name ? of label or textview ?
I know your intentions, what are you doing exactly. You are flagging my messages to mods.
@Abizern - pallu ???? you know hindi ?
I haven't flagged any in a while.
i am trying to set lable font
How would I access the equivalent of the appdelagate's self.window from a view controller?
label font
@VakulSaini ha, bhai. Mera shakal naha dekha, tumne?
@VakulSaini He is Indian who has shifted to London 20 years ago and knows Hindi, Gujarati too.
@Abizern - hann dekha hai :-) Par shakal se language ka pata nahi chala :-(
@PeteC [ [UIApplication sharedApplication]mainWindow]
More than 20. And it was my parents who moved.
hey done solved
@BertieLiu: Thanks :)
@Unicorn - I know he is indian but thought that he lives in England since his born
missing space in font name
thanks :)
@Matrix NSArray *names = [UIFont familyNames];

NSArray *fontFaces;

NSLog(@"Font FamilyNames");

for (NSString *name in names) {

NSLog(@"Font Family: %@",name);

fontFaces = [UIFont fontNamesForFamilyName:name];

for (NSString *fname in fontFaces) {

NSLog(@" %@",fname);


@PeteC [(YourAppDelegateClassName*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] window]
@Matrix - this was a simple thing :-)
yes, just space was missing in font name
I'm off to enjoy the summer while it lasts.
@Abizern nice to know that :)
@orgami I wasn't expecting from you, use pastebin or gist for code pasting.
Me too.
oh ok
@BogdanOnu: Is this more reliable than the solution BertieLiu posted?
sorry .. i am new to chat ...what are the rules
@Unicorn - how sincere you are....good
@Abizern: Enjoy it, it's not so summery here right now :(
@orgami click on the FAQ link in the top tight (under the room name)
@PeteC try his solution, haha. i may fail in spelling :) his is sound
I must go as well....
@borrrden - bye bye
see you
@borrrden bye ..thanks for the help earlier
@BertieLiu: Your solution looked familiar, but I'll go with his if you insist ;)
lot of trolls word i see in FAQ ... haha
@PeteC i'm on pc now or i'll just paste the line from my code. try his, i guess both will work. it's a simple case/
@Unicorn i have a question to ask ..
@orgami haha, that is for trolls.
@orgami ask sure.
@BertieLiu I'm on a PC too, I have my mac set up with Synergy KM and it's own monitor, copy paste doesn't always work with Synergy, but it's a free network KM :)
i am displaying songs list which is selected from ipod library in a uitableview .. when i try to add few more songs the old list is getting erased ... ..
shall i use pastebin to show my code
@orgami the array or whatever used as datasource for the tableview, if you add new songs, do you appenobject to the array?
@PeteC haha, actually i'm off work now. so without mac around. shame that i can't give you a more detailed answer.
@PeteC you don't have a mainWindow property on the UIApplication object .. but a keywindow. but you can get in trouble with that when you have an alert or keyboard present... My method ensures that you are using the app delegate windows property directly
@Unicorn - you are gonna to kick me ?????
@NaveenShan i was away, No need to store all the user data in old version, if the store names are matched
@BertieLiu: Don't worry about it :)
@BogdanOnu: Thanks for the clarification, I'll be sure to use the most reliable code I can :)
@VakulSaini oh lol, I got it.
or keywindow but not mainwindow
@Unicorn - Tubelight :-)
@sreecharan I did get u
@VakulSaini @BertieLiu @BogdanOnu @orgami @PeteC @NinjaTurtle @Matrix @Lucifer @Armaan @MohitGupta @dragosrsupercool @NaveenShan @Narayana hello friends do u know about how to make image slidshowin iphone ??
@orgami what do you want?
@BertieLiu the keywindow may not be the one you want
@NaveenShan Cool
@Unicorn i am displaying songs list which is selected from ipod library in a uitableview .. when i try to add few more songs the old list is getting erased i have posted it in pastebin
@Nikki - i have never done it, but i think it is possible with NSTimer
@sreecharan I think he wants to say didn't get you.
@BogdanOnu um... that's an issue
You can change image on imageview after some interval
@VakulSaini ok
@Nikki Just add the images in scrollview and a play button that will change the offset of scrollview with interval
@Nikki what kind of slidedown?
@orgami Are you able to print number of songs with their id?
@BertieLiu Slide Show
@BertieLiu image slideshow with pagecontroller in that images are one by one change
@sreecharan means ??
@Unicorn yes
@Unicorn The people here have brains, all are not like you
can i pm u
@Nikki just use scrollview instead
@BertieLiu Isn't that i told Nikki
omg seriously guys i thought ppl fight in normal chat .here as well ..wow
1 min ago, by sree charan
@Nikki Just add the images in scrollview and a play button that will change the offset of scrollview with interval
@orgami pm?
@BogdanOnu, @BertieLiu: Your suggestions have reminded me to a question I had about makeKeyAndVisible, just looked it up on the Window Programming Guide, interesting stuff I never knew, thank you
@Unicorn yeah
@orgami It happens sometimes as we all love eachother :)
@orgami What does it mean?
@sreecharan oh, my fault. i'm not totally focused on what's on the screen unless being pinged
@Unicorn what does what mean ? did u meant pm
pm = private message lol
@sreecharan ok
@orgami Is pm means project management or Private Message
private message
@orgami Ok, why do you want to pm me?
why will i talk about proj mgmt
@Unicorn: to message you privately? :p
oh I thought Post Meridiem :D
lol ..to ask about the Q .. i want to show my code
wth is post meridiem
@orgami ask it here. and why me only here we have @PeteC too.
i think u know my question
@orgami please use Ubuntu's pastebin.com
to show ur code
@sreecharan It is not Ubuntu's pastebin.com.
when i try to add new songs the old list is getting erased
@orgami get the last id and make it flag with it and don't allow to erase it.
@keepsmiling: caps is unnecessary
[collectionMutableCopy addObject:mediaItemCollection.items];
is this correct ...i dont think so
@iPhoneDeveloper @iApple @borrrden @VidyaMurthy @sreecharan @SJS please could anyone help in this question : stackoverflow.com/questions/11646752/ios-ntp-framework
@keepsmiling Why are you shouting?
@Unicorn just need answer a little quickly...nothing else.
@keepsmiling What if I wont answer quickly? What if I answer slow and steady?
@keepsmiling just like everyone else :) If you can ask your question, and give us a little background information as to the question itself, people aremore likely to help if they can
patience is virtue my friend
@orgami: what's the issue you're having, I missed that part of the conversation
posted on July 25, 2012 by Sushant

The UINavigationController maintains a UIToolBar for each view controller in its stack. This toolbar is normally hidden, but we can place buttons on it and display it any time we want. Let’s see how this is done. Start Xcode, select “Create a new Xcode project” and select the Empty Application template. Click Next, name the project [...]

@keepsmiling and who is mgp? Where is your question?
I could have sworn I added Feeds to my ignore list...
@PeteC i am displaying songs list which are selected from ipod library in a uitableview .. when i try to add new songs the old list is getting erased from tableview
@PeteC S/He is adding songs from iPod library then list of songs in tableview is getting erased.
@PeteC this is my code pastebin.com/t0MA1ZEX
@Unicorn mgp is a friend...instead of asking other questions..could you please tell what could be the answer if you know.?
@orgami and i think the array copy part might be the problem
Where are you storing the information for the tableview?
@orgami After reloading the tableview, it first calls the number of rows in section method, just immediately after adding the song, put a breakpoint in that method and check the row count, it should be increased
if not, the song is not added, then i have to check the code where you are adding the song
@Unicorn so when someone would meet an accident...you would say...what if we take him slowly to the hospital...very slow and steady...is it ??..I need so light quickly because it was little urgent...!!. :)
@sreecharan i have put it in pastebin ,
@orgami I've seen that code, again i am telling
1 min ago, by sree charan
@orgami After reloading the tableview, it first calls the number of rows in section method, just immediately after adding the song, put a breakpoint in that method and check the row count, it should be increased
Check it and let me know
@BertieLiu, sorry no idea
@sreecharan in numberOfRowsMethod i am returning [collectionMutableCopy count] the count is getting increased
@orgami Well, then the problem is in cellForRowAtIndexPath
pastebin your code in cellForRowAtIndexPath
is this correct ...[collectionMutableCopy addObjectsFromArray:[mediaItemCollection.items mutableCopy]]
@keepsmiling: Unfortunately, not everyone in here is waiting for you to ask your question so we can all jumpat the chance to help you. Some people here may not be able to help you, other people may be away, and others may be busy helping other people.
@keepsmiling If you ask your question in a nice manner instead of demanding we help you right away, and waiting for people to look at your question, we are more likely yo help you. If you don't get a reply within a reasonable time frame, then consider asking again.
@keepsmiling Agree with @PeteC . You asked question on Stack Overflow atleast have some patience, people here are not paid to help you out.
@keepsmiling understand
its not about answering your question its about sending a message
@all ok ok.
so who all liked the dark knight rises ?
@keepsmiling I am downloading the code from Git, Hold on, let me help @orgami First, then i will come to you, Hold on
@sreecharan thanks a lot.
@orgami: I've seen it twice already, and I'm going to see it again in Imax on the 2nd August ;)
Our Sree Rocks.
wow pete
@PeteC Twice, I didn't get chance to watch it once.
why not
@orgami On weekend, I'll think about it.
ppl actually compare it with TDK which is actually different cause joker is not bane r vice versa
i missed Heath Ledger as joker in tdkr
@Unicorn I have a cinema card that I pay for each month, it lets me see unlimited films, but I have to get the tickets in person on the day. That said, seeing two films in a month covers the cost of the card, so batman has covered this months costs :D
@Unicorn cool
pete r u from uk ?
@orgami: Yeah, in the midlands
@all After downloading the code ,I ran in it in simulator and after changing the device time, the app shows some oscillating time.
Is it taking from the server every seconds or manipulating from device time
@orgami you too from UK?
Have a tech talk guys, No goofing. Well @orgami What is collectionMutableCopy over there?
@sreecharan: oops, sorry! ;)
Hi all
@orgami I think the problem is in initiating the Mutable Arrays
@sreecharan any luck ?
cool .. no i am not from uk
@PeteC hii..did you also download dear ?
collectionMutableCopy is an mutablearray which consists of all the selected songs
@sreecharan konjam help pannunga pls.
@keepsmiling: No, I'm currently working on a project myself, sorry!
keepsmiling geez man have patience
@keepsmiling Have you seen the documentation which they have given in Git Hub
This project contains code to provide time obtained from standard time servers using the network time protocol (NTP: RFCs 4330 and 5905). The implementation is not a rigorous as described in those RFCs since the goal was to improve time accuracy to with in a second, not to fractions of milliseconds.
This means that they haven't optimised the code for time accuracy
So, the oscillations will happen obviously
i was watching batman forever and was lol all the time
@orgami Where are you initiating the synthesized arrays ?
@keepsmiling: Thinking about this from a purely logical point of view, if you are continuously polling something to get an accurate time, there will be oscillations if you are relying on a network where messages may take longer or shorter to propagate.
@iApple: i need your help
@keepsmiling: Surely you would want to poll once, update to the returned time, then in 10-15 seconds (or other abitrary time interval) poll again, and check if you are within a reasonable tolerance of the time?
@sreecharan thanks sree. Can you tell me where are they handling the received packets ?
And @PeteC In the Git code it self they have told that the project is not optimised for time accuracy
@iPhoneDeveloper : Hi,what ?
@sreecharan How to make borders on image like instagram and picyou application?
@sreecharan shall i send u the proj via dropbox
@iApple: yar i have an array and i want to store it to plist
@sreecharan: I saw your comment, I just had a thought about the frequency he is polling the server anyway.
@sreecharanL just some food for thought :)
@PeteC thanks. But i m not able to interpret from the code where have are handling thepackets.
@iApple How to make borders on image like instagram and picyou application?
but the user can delete any of the objects so i am updating the plist. but the next time when the program opens, the plist has same old values..how can i solve this?? @iApple
@iPhoneDeveloper : Why don't you use database?
@iApple: its just a simple array..will using a database be ok??
@Hrushikesh : Are those borders round shaped?
i mean wont it be heavy for the appllication?@iApple
@iApple not at all
@orgami No need, The only thing is you should maintain some patience with Xcode in debugging the code which you have return, I hope you can debug it, Other wise my first question to you should be what have you tried?
hello guys good evening Hw r u
@sreecharan and @PeteC. They are calling this networkData function that returns the network time. But I did not understand why are they adding it to the current system time. It was supposed to be network time right?
why are they depending upon system time
@iPhoneDeveloper : Wont userdefault be helpful in that case?
@iApple but some borders should be in round rect.
@iApple: see problem will be the same...whenever i will restart the program.. all values will again be stored in the arrray :(
@keepsmiling This is not the thing which can be solved within fraction of seconds, i need time and i have my work to do, I am just volunteering here
as i'll be doing that programatically
can we able to add blinking animation on barbutton
@sreecharan anna konjam uthavi seiyungana
addObjectsFromArray this my solve my problem
@keepsmiling: i've said i've not downloaded or looked at the code, I offered purely speculative thoughts on the logic of constantly polling a service like that. I've got my own work to be doing right now, I wish you the best of luck in finding a solution. From what sree charan has said, you may have to look else where.
@Hrushikesh There are two steps to do it
1) Add Quartzcore framework and #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> to your file
2) then just use Image.layer.cornerRadius & layer.borderWidth & layer.borderColor
@keepsmiling: as in to a different library, not outside this chat room, although we might not be able to help you here right away.
@PeteC anyways thanks
@orgami Cool
@sreecharan sorry but i know this layers and corner radius effects.
i am wondering how to implement addObjectsFromArray
@sreecharan i want to create my custom border like some frame there will be or some scratches on the image.
@orgami Read NSMutableArray docs
@Hrushikesh Nope, i donno and your question is not clear to me
@iPhoneDeveloper hey..when you run the app again...do you delete and run it ? or just run it ?
@keepsmiling: just run it
@sreecharan please see the instagram app images or some picyou images.
@sreecharan should i upload here?
@iPhoneDeveloper because even I used an offline plist and it does not get deleted from the library folder path of the app...and the values are retrieved.
@sreecharan are u there?
@iPhoneDeveloper when you run it again..does the plist file still remain there..??..have you checked ?
@Hrushikesh Do you mean in Camera?
@sreecharan the first image shows border on image.
@keepsmiling: see the problem is that i am putting values in plist in the viewDid Load..now the values are deleted by user...and when i again run the app,ViewDidload gets called and same values are retained there...even the ones deleted before
@Hrushikesh Yeah! after capturing a pic
@sreecharan yes.
@Hrushikesh Yes, that one is also Quartz, thats just modes of blending, Clipping, Masking, Gradients etc
@sreecharan you can see there are multiple and diff. borders.
Apple has a sample code for this, hold on
@Hrushikesh Check the Quartz Demo
@iPhoneDeveloper : userdefaults will work i think O.o
@Hrushikesh Everything they are doing with image, means you can do this after capturing the image and not while capturing
@iPhoneDeveloper the user deletes some values before starting the app again...so can't you replace/change/delete that particular value(from the plist) by finding the key of the value the user deleted..and then save the plist finally ?
@iApple: yar baat to wohi hai..user default me value viewDidLoad se hi jaygi and fir second time run karne pe same values fir store hongi through viewDidLoad :(
@keepsmiling: see i am doing that but on running view did load again..same values are saved in plist..
@sreecharan ok but i am getting this error Illegal redeclaration of property in continuation class 'AppDelegate' (attribute must be 'readwrite', while its primary must be 'readonly')
@iPhoneDeveloper : samja nahi !!! array mein to values changed hogi na ??
@iPhoneDeveloper can you do an if check in viewdidload and find whether there is difference in the content of the stored plist and the deleted one...and then load only when there is no difference...!!
@Hrushikesh Nice application 750,000 downloads in 4 month.
@sreecharan this is another error Illegal redeclaration of property in continuation class 'AppDelegate' (attribute must be 'readwrite', while its primary must be 'readonly')
@keepsmiling: so then i'll have to create two plists??
@iApple: ha usme change ho gayi...
Hi all, i want to add a a text like "You have no messages" as far as my user deletes the last message from tableview. for the moment when i delete the last row(mean, the last message) my app crashes
@iPhoneDeveloper an if check in viewdidload would prevent the saving of same values(and retain it if the values of both the plists :stored and the one created new temporarily; are same).
@ilis: can you show the code??
Code i delete? absolutely
@iPhoneDeveloper : then update userdefault after that...:D
@sreecharan do you have any other ideas. or samples
@keepsmiling: ok i'll do that.. i had a similar idea in mind but was looking for a better solution :(
@iPhoneDeveloper ya..a temporary plist would not be a big trouble..and it would not require all that database thingy.
@iApple: ok thnq hai...
Ugly @Hrushikesh Cant you solve it ?
@iPhoneDeveloper have you tried viewwillappear.
@keepsmiling: ok lemme implement this one.. then i'll tell you if its workable or not.. :) thanks
@keepsmiling: that is the same thing..
as viewdid load in my case
@Hrushikesh Tell me what does this mean --> Illegal redeclaration of property in continuation class 'AppDelegate' (attribute must be 'readwrite', while its primary must be 'readonly')
@iPhoneDeveloper ok...do and let us know whether it worked or not :)
@sreecharan sorry but i am working on it and i have to make fast implementtation so i am not looking for solving errors sorry once again.
@sreecharan solved errors but this not looknig perfecly what i exactly wants.
anybody tell me how to add blinking effect on UIBarButton with animation
@iPhoneDeveloper here is my delegate methods and also crash report is under the text. i shared all delegate messages i used for populating tableview.
i need to either increment fetchedresultscontroller.count or add a line like "you haveno message" when the last message is deleted
@Hrushikesh It wont be perfect, You need to customize it. I can teach you to fish, but I am not giving out free tuna.
@ilis You are facing this problem from 2 days, right?
@sreecharan It is not your sentence, you stolen it :P
Hi all can anybody tell me when will be CGContext nil?
@unicorn hello
@sreecharan ok let me check more on google.
@Unicorn m still in confusing about unit testing
and also about UIgraphicsGetImageFromCurrentgraphicsContext
please reply
@sreecharan Yes right, but since i couldnt find a proper way to handle it i'm working on some other things. i just need an aspect of view, not code solution
well @ilis i can give you an aspect check it, I have already asked orgami to do this
53 mins ago, by sree charan
1 min ago, by sree charan
@orgami After reloading the tableview, it first calls the number of rows in section method, just immediately after adding the song, put a breakpoint in that method and check the row count, it should be increased
@ilis: is the fetchedresultscontroller.count getting updated on deleting the rows???
@iPhoneDeveloper In your case, it should be decreased
@iPhoneDeveloper yes it does, becouse it deletes a row from tableview(i think it does)
@sreecharan thanks, i will try that
@sreecharan: thanks for telling
@keepsmiling: @iApple: done :)
@iPhoneDeveloper : How? I mean nothing is impossible for you,but how ?? :P

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