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@SJS No it isn't. It's a parameter that you pass to the performSelectorOnMainThread: method. Have you written a reloadData method?
@Abizern nope
@Abizern and still it is executing tableview's delegates methods
- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
@sreecharan : stackoverflow.com/questions/11665083/…, I have posted a Question , The above is the link
@Abizern but this method is not getting called.
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
@Abizern It is a method on UITableView
@VidyaMurthy @anonymous aaeen
@Abizern - (void)reloadData I mean
I am feeling weak in iOS.
@Terminator Would you prefer a neural net? xD
@borrrden Yes it is, but since the object he is sending it to is nil how does he expect it to actually reload his data?
@iYahoo Where is your request [gsAPI sendRequest:@"socialize.publishUserAction" params:pParams delegate:nil context:nil];
@borrrden @sjs - Ignore everything I've said. I'm half asleep and talking rubbish.
Hi, I have a doubt : How to put clickable URL on UIAlertView ?
@Hrushikesh - hi
@Vaibhavi Basically, you don't
@Abizern Still sleeping at 10:00 AM
@Abizern - hi
@sreecharan : When i am writing that code app is getting crashed, so i commented it
I should probably have breakfast before I talk.
@Abizern I want an English breakfast!!!
@borrrden Then is any workaround ?
So, when one line of code is causing a crash to your app, then you comment it, Very Good Practice Mr.iYahoo
@sreecharan When I'm not working for anybody I can keep my own time.
I ate Chicken Hakka Noodles
@Vaibhavi You have to override the UIAlertViewDelegate method willPresentAlertView
@Terminator have you worked with performSelectorOnMainThread method ??
@borrrden So do I. I get a cup of tea and a couple of biscuits instead.
@sreecharan : Nope, I thought i should not write , i was trying withat piece of code
@Abizern Awwwww~~!!!
@SJS Yes
@Terminator have you reload your tableview with this method ?
@iYahoo Without sending request, how do you think that you can share an image to all the synced accounts
@sreecharan - have you worked on gigya ?
@SJS Yes.
@Terminator can you give me the code or some help...
@VakulSaini Yes, long time ago
@sreecharan - ok, I have made an account on this, but unable to get API key. Can you help me ?
hi i m back
@Vaibhavi, namskar
@SJS First show your code
@Vaibhavi Its better to make your own alert view
@borrrden, so what up man
in that case
I have downloaded the Gigya.IOS, and also have converted it in ARC, and my project is being build success now. @sreecharan
@sreecharan : Okay , I have checed now with keeping this code too pastebin.com/TySuEv52 than i got Got error on getUserInfo: Invalid parameter value
@VakulSaini Hold on
@iHungry Xcode 4.4 made me sad by supporting literals, but not all the way for iOS
@sreecharan - Okay
@iYahoo In my view, it should not connect to this method, is it connecting to this method ?
@iHungry So I added some stuff in so that code written for new objc syntax will work on Xcode 4.4 also
@Terminator yaha pe likhu kya ??
@sreecharan : yes
@borrrden, common keep fighting ......some where have to be a way.... which u doesn't seen
@iYahoo Yeah! without sending request, it will not connect to this method
@sreecharan : after the login process is getting completed this method is getting fired
@iHungry Lol, I was too slow saying the last part, I did it, it wasn't that hard actually
@sreecharan : I have send the request too
k grt8 dude
I think everyone will want to do it
the new syntax is sooo nice for me :D
@Terminator Pastebin is not accessible here :( cyberroam security :(
Mountain Lion ??
@borrrden, i m so much bored to doing current application....
Yep. I've got three computers to upgrade.
@SJS Which office is that, Not allowing Pastebin ??
@iHungry Then time to finish it :D
@sreecharan : I have uncommented that line [gigyaAPI sendRequest:@"socialize.publishUserAction" params:pParams5 delegate:self context:nil];
@Abizern, u also dwonloalding xcode 4.4
@sreecharan Pastebin se log code le ja sakte hai isliye not accessible
@Abizern Me two, But I have upgraded Mac pro already and Macbook is remaining
@Terminator Well done.
@VakulSaini hi i am back to ask you question. haha...
@sreecharan : Can u say me a solution, what i have to do
@borrrden, yes ... but it has simple and vast coding .... that y
@Hrushikesh - ask
Somebody buy Mountain Lion OS for me.
@sreecharan And then there are all the app updates that have been released to support ML.
@Abizern Hmm? :S
@iYahoo Is it crashing now?
@sreecharan : nope
@VakulSaini i want to change navigation bar class i have created navcontroller programaticallly.
@Terminator I seem to have got it for free. I've been running the beta for a couple of months and when I went to get the released version it's not asking me for any money.
@Hrushikesh - then ?
@iHungry That's what part time workers as for!
@Terminator see this is my code :: gist.github.com/3181159
@VakulSaini here is my code UINavigationController *navController = [[[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:openCamera] autorelease];
[self.navigationController setValue:[[[CustomNavigationBar alloc]init] autorelease] forKeyPath:@"navigationBar"];
[self presentModalViewController:navController animated:YES];
@Terminator Using blocks instead of performSelectorOnMainThread
@VakulSaini but it's not working.
@Abizern Yep. I prefer the blocks but i shown both the ways to him :-)
@iYahoo So, if it is not crashing it should work
@borrrden, it very simple becoz just download the data from server and display it in the app ....
@VakulSaini the custom navigation bar class is not called although i change navigation bar class from xib it's working pretty well.
@iHungry My clients don't seem to understand the limits of anything. They feel that the iPad is a magic machine from God.
The view is struggling to refresh its content because it is huge and the client says "hey, it would be nice if we could double the size and have it scroll"
@Abizern I donno why, for me also it has shown INSTALL on the button, but i thought that it will show $ 19.99
@SJS Your error handling is pretty nice.
@Hrushikesh - have you set you navigation in appdelegate ?
@Terminator juthi ::
@borrrden, :( :( yes client are always like donkey...... they can't understand limitation
@Terminator ab tu bhi majak karne lagi hai :(
@Abizern But i also donno whether Apple has already taken my money or not, i need to check the bank sheet
@sreecharan : Can u share me your code kindly
@VakulSaini sorry but i want to change some of the only navigation bar so i don't want to make it in appdelegate.
but i will give every probable possibility of application to my client with technical specification and limitation of device..... so i can manage my application in well suitable time frame.... @borrrden
@iYahoo I dont have my code with me now, I have used this code
@iHungry I wish the client would hand us a spec lol
@iHungry RIght now our management just meets with them every week to hear what they want to change....add....etc.....it's a totally f*cked direction model
@sreecharan No - they usually ask for money. Maybe it was because you were at WWDC?
@SJS What happens if you just reload the table there?
@Terminator tableview will reload only after the complete xml will parse
@Abizern May be
@Terminator i want to display with the time of parsing continues...
Hello All.
@SJS So why to reload complete table?
@borrrden. :( :( changes really headache once coding particular modules..... anyways my client are really doesn't know anything in iOS ...and i m here only one senior guy ... so my boss and client being work as my wish
@SJS Add rows to the table as you parse each element.
@Terminator how to add that and increase the counter
Good morning
@SJS There is method to add rows to table. Check the documentation.
@Terminator; I approve of your picture of Summer Glau.
@PeteC Hello, how are you?
@Terminator okay...let me check by that way
@Unicorn good morning, I'm well, just got a cup of coffee and sit down to work for the day :)
@Terminator May be this one --> - (void)insertRowsAtIndexPaths:(NSArray *)indexPaths withRowAnimation:(UITableViewRowAnimation)animation;
@Hrushikesh - what are you doing in your custom class ?? Do you just want to change the navigation background, labeltext or something else ?
@SJS Have a look at this as an example of handling dynamic table updates.
@sreecharan : It is crashing
@PeteC Where at office or at home?
@Unicorn Office
@VakulSaini i am changing the whole navigation bar with whole image like instagram or picyou. applications you can see
@PeteC Cool, Have you downloaded Mountain Lion?
@Unicorn: No, keeping with Lion, due to split responsabilities, I'm not 100% focused on app development, which means I don't need latest and greatest, I'm happy with sdk5 right now
@VakulSaini they are setting there navigation bar name as image in title view so whenever the back button become more than the title view adjust with it. and it's also compitable with all ios.
@PeteC What about XCODE 4.4?
@Unicorn: too much change for small project work, I've had a hard enough time learning this much :p
@Hrushikesh - ok
@PeteC Are you not in application development?
@sreecharan : When i hav tried with different piece of code it is not crashing as well as not posting , But When i am using the code that i have shown u , it is getting crashed
@Unicorn, sometimes, mostly PHP/MySQL work
this weeks focus is an app though
@sreecharan Yep.
@sreecharan : Can u look at this
@PeteC SDK 6 is not related to mountain lion :D
@borrrden: my understanding was you needed mountain lion for sdk6 beta?
@Hrushikesh - is navigation bar show ?
@PeteC Then why don't you consider Web Development, what will you get into app development if your domain is PHP and MySQL.
@PeteC Nope, running it on Lion :D
@borrrden: ah, ok
@borrrden SDK 6 was running on Lion too, I'd used it.
@Unicorn I do do web development, as I said, this is a little side project kind of thing I've had to shoehorn myself in to for the company
@iYahoo Crashing, Crashing, Crashing. We are using a very good IDE, the debugger will show you why the application is crashing, check the reason and fix it, Xcode is the Best IDE i have ever used
@VakulSaini yes the navigation bar shows when i am not creating this custom navigation bar from pragmatically although working from xib. do you have any idea about it. and i have another question how to add border on images.
@PeteC Cool, multi talented person ;)
@Unicorn don't know if you can call dabbling a talent, but I try
@Hrushikesh - you want to add border to UIImage or UIImageView ?
@PeteC You are in UK right now, IIRC.
@Unicorn: true
@PeteC Yep. I knew her only as the Terminator, through @Abizern :-)
@PeteC Usually people from UK are intelligent. One of my good friend is in UK :)
@Terminator: She is also in a great series by Joss Whedon called Firefly, if you like Sci-Fi, I'd look it up, it's incredible.
@PeteC Who?
Hi evrybody ... @Unicorn @VakulSaini @iPhoneDeveloper @Terminator
@VakulSaini i want to add border on image or imageview but when i upload image it should contain the bordered image. but before that do you have any idea about navigation bar class changing programatically.
@Terminator Then after watching FireFly - watch the film Serenity
@Terminator: She also has a small ish part in Doll House, which is another series I love :D
@Abizern: Right on!
@Abizern Looks like i need to make a doc about debugging, some of my team mates also dont know about debugging. Disgusting mate really, they create problem and they dont know how to trace it
Ok I will.
I have a question does the tabbar not work properly in views other than the RootView ??
@sreecharan i need your time
@Hrushikesh - If you want to set border to ImageView then you can add it.
Import the QuartzCore.framework to your project. Then Import #import <@uartzCore/QuartzCore.h> to your viewController class.
then write imageView.borderWidth = anyFloat;
imageView.borderColor = color
@sreecharan can u help me out?
She also knows Kung-Fu and Kickboxing, just like me.
@Terminator hello hows u?
@NikhilBansal You need my time? I am busy now, can give my time this evening
just like me?
@Hrushikesh - @Abizern can help you regarding this .
@sreecharan It's the hardest part of programming, because there is not code to cut and paste. You need to have some understanding of what your programme is doing in order to debug it.
@Terminator can u tell me how can we make effect of coin toss in iPhone?
@Terminator i need to show coin toss in iPhone?
@Abizern can u tell me how can we make effect of coin toss in iPhone?
@Abizern Well said~ There is nothing worse than saying "well what is the trace up to that point?" and being met with a vacant stare
@Abizern i need to show coin toss in iPhone?
@NikhilBansal OpenGL and may be by something else too but i can't help with 3D.
@NikhilBansal Maths and animation.
@Abizern can u give me some code?
@borrrden are u there?
@Abizern Yeah! if they have written the whole code, then it is easy, other wise if they are C + P from blogs like Ray, then No body can help them
for a price
@NikhilBansal :)
@Ranjit I am
@NikhilBansal Are you hiring?
@NikhilBansal I have already given you my code of 3D Flipping, then what else do you want
@borrrden can we open the drawing view( canvas) in edit mode
Cant you customize it according to your requirement
@NikhilBansal you can try with bunch of images too.
@Terminator pls help
@Ranjit I don't know what that means
@borrrden downloaded?
@Terminator No products available kyo aa rha hai
@iProgrammer valid products nahi mil rahe delegate me?
@Terminator nahi
@sreecharan yeah right sreecharan i can't customize it acc to my requirement
count me kuch hai hi nahi
@iProgrammer Invalid products ko log karo
@sreecharan as its not understandable
@iProgrammer invalidProductIdentifers property hai usme
Thats what i am asking, why can't you customize it @NikhilBansal
@sreecharan thats y asking for ur time so that u can make me understand.
@NikhilBansal try this link may be usefull acc 2 u r requirement stackoverflow.com/questions/9068539/coin-toss-smooth-transition
glCheckError: 0501 caught at /Users/mac/Documents/PhotoFrameApp/PhotoFrameApp/Debug.c:177 any idea what this error could be ??? its a debugging error where i tried to implement openGL for increasing decreasing the brightness , contrast etc using the GLImageProcessing sample from apple
@NikhilBansal Well, First try to understand that code
@iPhoneDev ok
@Terminator ok
@borrrden, I have a button on my main page, on click of which I open the drawing view, now the users draws something, and when he closes the drawing view I have written code to extract the image which I show on the main View, Now when I click on the image I want to open the drawingView with same image .
@sreecharan i have already but dint get anything
@iProgrammer Ready for sale check kiya iTunes me?
@iProgrammer Product Identifiers ko correctly likho code me jaisa iTunes me hai
@borrrden 27?
@Ranjit Yes it is possible, but I think you should try to accomplish it on your own
@Terminator clear for sale No tha
@Unicorn mountain lion ?
@iProgrammer Use check karo
@mountainlionmoorthy yes, how is the experience of ML?
@NikhilBansal I can, but i dont have time now, sorry
I am downloading WWDC 2012 videos and studying iCloud Storage. Brb
@VakulSaini sorry i know about that <@uartzCore/QuartzCore.h> functionality but as i said i want to create custom frames like instagram app and picyou app.
@Terminator YEs hi hai
@Hrushikesh - Sorry, NO idea
@Unicorn not yet
@iProgrammer Kabhi bolti ho No tha fir bolti ho Yes hi hai
@borrrden, ya I will do it, but give me few hints or show me direction
@VakulSaini no dude nope.
@Hrushikesh - well, where are you from ?
@VakulSaini what have you asked to me?
@Ranjit By now you should understand how to do it, you just need to render the saved image into the context like you would a stroke
@Terminator sorry
@Hrushikesh - when ?
@iProgrammer Ready for sale checked hai fir bhi nahi aa raha?
@VakulSaini @Hrushikesh - @Abizern can help you regarding this .
@VakulSaini here's something you asked.
@Terminator ready to submit kyo bol rah ahia
@Hrushikesh - I'm not asking, i'm telling you that he can help you
@VakulSaini ok nope same as your question am i nice person?
@sreecharan its ok
@Hrushikesh - LOL :-)
@VakulSaini you r asking me where from i?
@Hrushikesh - i asked it later
@Terminator dekhti hu
@iProgrammer Cleared for sale checked hai? Aur product identifiers ko correctly likho code me jaisa iTunes me hai
@Terminator com.widevision.InAppFengshui.01 invalid me ye aaaya
@iProgrammer @Terminator hie
@DimplePanchal hi
iska code use kar rhi hu
@iProgrammer kya haal hai

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