yes, I had exportSession.outputFileType = AVFileTypeMPEG4 as my source file is a .mp4, but I changed it to AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie and it works fine hahaha
i was working on the solution u mentioned about player automatically shifting to next track once current song gets played out .. i was not able to figure it out .. and i want to control it even in remoteControlledEvents so tht when the app is minimized or when the user double taps the home button if he wants he can skip to next song via remoteControlledEvents ..
@Byte all you can do is monitor the connection strength and act accordingly - however, the Reachability code is useful to see if you are on 3G or WiFi. Generally, keep 3G downloads as small as possible by default.
I'm aware that you can set the compiler flag -fno-objc-arc to disable Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) for each file in Compile Sources in XCODE but how can I do this for an entire group of files without having to do each file at a time?
The reason I ask is that I've added a large library to m...
@Byte as I said - just keep an eye on the connection speed and if it drops too low make a choice about whether to ditch the current download and get the smaller image, or just carry on.
@JohnMerlino You need to remove the Info.plist file from the copy bundle resources.
@byte - youre delegate methods tell you when you get new data. Each time it does that you start a timer, and when the next chunk comes down you get the size of the data and a new time. You now know how much data has come down, and how long it took. That should let you estimate the download speed.
Be as technical as the audience expects. I've given 2 minute demos where you can't talk technical at all, and longer ones that went into my coding choices.
I wouldn't go through it view by view. I don't know what your app does. But pick a scenario and work that through in your demo, talk about the views, yes, but about the choices in layout, program flow, extensibility. etc.
Just going through each view makes people go to sleep.
Good presentations usually have some sort of narrative.
@Bobj-C So? You still need to tell them a story. I don't know how many proposals they will have read, but if you don't do a stand out presentation, they are unlikely to remember you when they come to review the proposals while judging.
@Abizern in the demo they will use camera so can i talk technical while the view is loading the image ? ie: "as you can see here a model request the image using the place image url property" ...
@Bobj-C Good luck with the presentation tomorrow. To be honest, most of your work has been done. If you worry too much about this last bit, you'll just be too stressed and perform badly.
@kaspartus Apple hasn't written anything about Network check, thats your responsibility to inform users about the network which user is using and if the network is present or not