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where to set the frame in uiviewcontroller
You don't set the frame for view controller, you set the frame for the viewcontroller.view
hey guys
hi pete , sree
@orgami: helloooo
Oh brilliant, what a useful error message
trying to export a AVAssetExportSession mixing a mp4 and a caf file
and it's returning a zero byte file
so I put in some code to see the error message
"Cannot Complete Export"
Thanks for telling me why! hahahaha
It's useless!
i didnt knew we could mix mp4 n caf files
or any other format
Apparently you can make a composition
what r u going to do with the composition ?
watch it, upload it to a server for a customer to review, that kinda thing
ah ok
thats pretty nice ..
oh ok
you have to export in quicktime
you can't use mp4 apparently
can u convert mp4 to mov and export it to quicktime ..
it might be a lengthy process
yes, I had exportSession.outputFileType = AVFileTypeMPEG4 as my source file is a .mp4, but I changed it to AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie and it works fine hahaha
well, depends how long the video is
I've only tested with 10 second~ clips
for longer clips it might take time to export i guess
will give it a go with a minute long one now and see what happens
Yeah, that's likely, I'm gonna look up the background task thing, incase the user hits the home button or something
I just need to test it, put up a notification saying " processing in progress, please wait" ;D
i was working on the solution u mentioned about player automatically shifting to next track once current song gets played out .. i was not able to figure it out .. and i want to control it even in remoteControlledEvents so tht when the app is minimized or when the user double taps the home button if he wants he can skip to next song via remoteControlledEvents ..
not looked in to it at all :(
although I suppose you could use a BOOL isPlaying flag, and a int currentTrack <-- to keep track of the index of the song playing?
can u look into it later when u r free if possible ..
then you can play currenttrack+1 for next etc...
Does that make sense?
i have put up isplaying flag
in q2, the line which has the play command at the end
put if (!isPlaying) { play command... }
that way if song is already playing it leaves it alone :D
my friend says i shouldnt play in didpickmediaitem method
probably not, but given what you've got already that's my suggestion :p
think about when you want to play an item, only when you tap it in the playlist?
well i have playbutton .i wouldnt mind to start playing when i tap on playbutton
then remove the play command from anywhere that isn't your play button
i did..
Awesome :D
so is it adding the new songs to the playlist ok now?
And store the index of the song currently playing somewhere, so you can reference it for next/previous etc
i cant check it .. i am using windows pc now :( .. i wish someone make xcode work on windows
remote desktop in to your mac? :D
i dont have mac at my place
what do you code on then?
Or is your mac at your work place?
can you not get remote access to it?
then you can work from home too ;)
but the sys at my work place should be on right ... i can work on windows by remote desktop my mac ?
AFAIK it should work by VNC? Or maybe there is software to do it
ah k
naa when i like to work when i am at work place .. at home i tend to relax :P
haha same, which is why I don't VNC in :D
wow that is really cool .
hehe ..do u own mac at ur place ?
not at home
only windows PC
I could set it up, may have to configure the router too, but I don't ;)
if u r free can u help me out the problem which i am facing ..i'll mail my proj .....if thats ok with u ....otherwise its cool
did u download mountain lion ?
no, I haven't
not many ppl do get on at this time ?
I guess not
It's almost the end of my work day, so I'm about to go home :p
cool :)
I am at home having dinner.
Hello @Terminator
@PeteC can u look at my code when u r free later
@PeteC Hi
@orgami I'm busy tonght, unfortunately
@PeteC ok np... i'll try to figure it out .. i'll let u know about it tomo
@orgami good luck :)
haha ty :)
@Terminator: Vakul keeps refering to you as a she, if you don't mind me asking, are you?
@PeteC Yes. But I am Female Terminatrix. Technically, a Cyborg.
Terminatrix sounds kinky.... :p
i am pretty sure terminator is a guy .. cause girls dont like to see terminator movies :P
I am cyborg from 2040.
ok i am out .. bye y'all
cya later @orgami
hmm, quick search says Cameron wa from 2027, so you are not Summer Glau :( :p
I used to have my real face when i was new here.
You missed seeing Terminator 5.
ah, I haven't, no, I've not watched terminator in a long time, not since a few episodes of sarah connor chronicles
Right see you later all, home time for me!
back again
front again
@MichaelDautermann hi
hello @luyuan
What does unbilled amount refer to?
@Terminator hello
@luyuan Hi. Can you tell what is unbilled amount?
My English is poor :(
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
are you serious with that question @terminator ?
@luyuan what a funny coincidence... I've used ELC Image Picker also.
@Terminator @@
@MichaelDautermann XD
I sold my last camera just now...
I've commented on that issue for you, @luyuan
You should change that code to do something different if there are no assets in the photo album.
I may do the same in my branch of elc.
@MichaelDautermann thx, i will check it tomorrow:)
tomorrow! I thought you wanted an instant answer.
I should have waited until tomorrow to answer.
Is there a way to determine how good the internet is?
There are some websites.
on iOS
in an app :)
sorry, those are in my head
I've heard the internet can be a bother sometimes.
I haven't been feeling okay with iOS lately.
it's a side effect of working with Android
I think i dunno anything in iOS. And i have really forgotten a lot.
@Byte What does unbilled amount mean?
I've decided you are not the real @Terminator. She wouldn't talk in such ways.
Is anyone here good with the facebook graph api?
Why not? I don't get a good definition in Google for that.
Im confused, @Terminator unbilled means either it was withheld from or dropped off
lol explanation is as difficult as the word.
give me the context, i will put it in hindi
It says Your last month unbilled amount is so and so. Meaning?
phone bill?
Credit card.
If i have a dinner in a restaurant and did not pay the bill. Does that mean the restaurant has an unbilled amount?
Can't they write in simple english. Stupid fellows.
ok in credit card, you dont nescessary pay the whole month up to say 30th of the month
because they need to gather the statement
and finalize how much you should be paying
so they cut off say 24th
But what does that actually mean?
so from 25th to 30th, the money you spent will be carried over to the next month
ie: unbilled
got it?
Please explain in Hindi :D
mera nam byte hae
that is as good hindi as you are going to get from me
unbilled amount simple words me kya hota hai? Explain karo with an example.
no idea :) but did you get what I say in english?
Nope. Anyways, it's fine. I made my credit card payment.
tumhare pese bakya hey
jo tumhe jma krne hey
well in simple english is that the unbilled amount is carried forward from the previous month
that it did not make the cut off point
Why it got carried forward even though i paid it?
no no you didnt pay it.
you paid what you spent from 1st to 24th. for example
so 25th-30th was unbilled
and thus carried over to the next month
and that happens every month
so you pretty much paying 25th - 24th
as an example since the date depends on you
good! now help me :D
im designing an app that needs to download an image
these images come in 2 sizes. small and large.
how do I determine which to download according to the internet availability?
is there a way to speed check?
My iOS knowledge has got vanished.
fine :( then I will ping @Abizern or @MichaelDautermann for their super knowledge!
@luyuan I don't think that tells you how fast the connection is.
@Abizern Me neither
@Byte all you can do is monitor the connection strength and act accordingly - however, the Reachability code is useful to see if you are on 3G or WiFi. Generally, keep 3G downloads as small as possible by default.
when I go to build, I cannot find anything that says "phases" as suggested in this post:
Q: How can I disable ARC for an entire group/folder of files?

CamsoftI'm aware that you can set the compiler flag -fno-objc-arc to disable Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) for each file in Compile Sources in XCODE but how can I do this for an entire group of files without having to do each file at a time? The reason I ask is that I've added a large library to m...

I think the only way to get the connection speed is by training the connection...
ok i found it
@luyuan Thanks, that is already in placed, just wondering if there is a way to tell the speed.
@Abizern definitely agree. Sometime wifi connection can be slowed, Im just hoping to not download big file while on slow wifi :)
@Byte lol
Warning: The Copy Bundle Resources build phase contains this target's Info.plist file 'XKRemote iPhone/XKRemote iPhone-Info.plist'.
does anyone know what that means?
thats the only warning i get in my application
i have no clue what that means
I have something called InfoPlist.strings in my copy bundle resources. should i remove it?
@Byte as I said - just keep an eye on the connection speed and if it drops too low make a choice about whether to ditch the current download and get the smaller image, or just carry on.
@JohnMerlino You need to remove the Info.plist file from the copy bundle resources.
@Abizern oh how do I find out what connection strength I have?
@Byte You're using NSURL connection?
Whoa! @MichaelDautermann Where have you gone?
let me search around, not sure how to do that.
@byte - youre delegate methods tell you when you get new data. Each time it does that you start a timer, and when the next chunk comes down you get the size of the data and a new time. You now know how much data has come down, and how long it took. That should let you estimate the download speed.
ah! Thank you. Let me see how that all works.
whoa... is that you out there, @sree ?
@Abizern there ?
@Bobj-C Yes.
@Abizern I need your help but not in code :$
@Bobj-C Well, you can ask…
@Abizern plz read the second page first paragraphe here balamand.edu.lb/english/AWMS/uploadedfiles/Information_about/…
@Bobj-C Okay.
@Abizern should should i talk technically ?
@Bobj-C You mean in your presentation? It depends on the audience.
@Abizern or just screen shots for the app and talk about every view
@Abizern i dont know anything about the audience
Be as technical as the audience expects. I've given 2 minute demos where you can't talk technical at all, and longer ones that went into my coding choices.
I wouldn't go through it view by view. I don't know what your app does. But pick a scenario and work that through in your demo, talk about the views, yes, but about the choices in layout, program flow, extensibility. etc.
Just going through each view makes people go to sleep.
Good presentations usually have some sort of narrative.
@Abizern plz read the second paragraph the jury know about the program they have a proposal
@Bobj-C So? You still need to tell them a story. I don't know how many proposals they will have read, but if you don't do a stand out presentation, they are unlikely to remember you when they come to review the proposals while judging.
@Abizern they have only 20 proposal
From my experience - An interesting demo of a few screenshots beats a boring presentation of a working demo.
@Bobj-C 20 is a lot.
@Abizern so u want me to talk technical and less screen shots right ?
@Bobj-C No. I mean demonstrate the product by means of a story - don't just go through it screen by screen.
@Abizern i made my presentation Like
1-the idea
2-the app
@Abizern the idea : why i developed the app
@Abizern the app some screen shots .... views
@Abizern benefits How could make $$ in future
@Abizern is this good ?
That works. As long as you're comfortable with it.
@Abizern ok but there is no technical world
@Bobj-C You can talk about the technical aspects of it in any of the first 2 points.
@Abizern in the demo they will use camera so can i talk technical while the view is loading the image ? ie: "as you can see here a model request the image using the place image url property" ...
Yes, its me @Michael
@Abizern are you have MS power point ?
@Bobj-C Nope.
@Abizern ok you can use preview on mac so can i send the presentation to see it just give it 1 min
@Bobj-C sure
@Abizern i know what to talk in every slide
@Abizern preview changes the color so you will see a false colors
Okay. It seems alright. Not a lot of slides for 10 minutes, so you're going to be talking above static screens. so be aware of that.
@Abizern also i am preparing a technical slide after the benefits
@Bobj-C Nah, you sent me a link to the .pptx file, and Safari is showing it to me.
@Bobj-C okay.
@Abizern this presentation only 5 mins not 10 ---> 5 mins presentation/5 mins DEMO
@Abizern hello
@Bobj-C Good luck with the presentation tomorrow. To be honest, most of your work has been done. If you worry too much about this last bit, you'll just be too stressed and perform badly.
hi all!
do anybody know where Apple write about necessity of checking network connetcion before loading?
@kaspartus There is Reachability class,apple's sample code check it
i know
just wanna know where Apple write about checking connection
I tried find but..
@kaspartus Apple hasn't written anything about Network check, thats your responsibility to inform users about the network which user is using and if the network is present or not
hm, ok
Sorry, Coding return, return. It just came out like return instead of written, lol
I think he wants to know where Apple say, "make sure your app dont crash when there is no conductivity", which I guess, just assume it
He wants me to show him whether the network availability check is mandatory or not
no, I thought that it is in the smth like HIG, for example
@sreecharan you are right!
Well, I haven't seen anything regarding that in doc's other than the Reachability sample code
@sreecharan ok, ty
@Anthony Any luck with the loop?
Do you use reachabillity in appdelegate?
1 hour later…
@sreecharan it's who? and why? do you have a solution to my question on SO?
evening all

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