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There is an option in Xcode 4.4 to convert your code to modern Objective-C as well.
All champions are together.
But remember that if you use auto-sythesized variables, the backing store will have a leading underscore by default. So if you have @property (strong) NSString *myString; You access this property by either self.myString or directly with _myString.
And a Autolauout: Runtime
At runtime, when adding subviews to a split view while loading both views from nib files, you may see log messages about unsatisfiale constraints because of autoresizing mask constraints on the split view panes. These are benign lob messages because a split view automatically fixes the problem after adding the subview.
i have doubt can we install mac is in dell laptop with intel core2duo processor
any one plz
@SAHARA Unlikely.
Mac in Dell ?? Gosh! God save him
@Unicorn lol.. I ain't any champion , pal
@SAHARA : illegally you can do it
@Unicorn what is your old SO name ?
@anonymous You are not champion, that image which you are using was champion and will be champion.
@mountainlionmoorthy Why do you want to know?
@mountainlionmoorthy Manjot --> Think Different --> TDS --> Ninja Turtle and unicorn Now
@anonymous Not really - it depends on the components - not all are compatible with OS X. Most hackintoshes are desktops for that reason - because the components can be changed.
Is he talking crap again? I thought he was going to delete his account. :(
in uilocalnotifications can we change the message dynamically
with any method
@sreecharan ohh that sweden guy!!!!
@Abizern i donno, he is in my bin, Just mountainlionmoorthy asked his old names, i have mentioned them
@Unicorn mate how r u ?
Hackintosh version.. But remember I also heard if something goes wrong during installation your Graphic card may be gone// @SAHARA
@sreecharan : i am able to do it, Finally Done That
@Abizern Nothing just a little joke from him..
@mountainlionmoorthy fine and you?
@iYahoo i knew that you could do it, Just a starting trouble for your self motor
@Abizern cooolll..
@Abizern What will you get if I'll delete my account?
@Unicorn fine mate..:)
@sreecharan : Hmm..Thank u SO Much Sree
@Abizern What was on 1st Sept 2006?
@Abizern Are all language specific rooms frozen ??
@sreecharan I don't know - why do you think they are?
just for information Apple Shares are low @ 574$/share.. Anyone wants to buy its a good time as its gonna rise above 600$ soon.. :-) @sreecharan
@Abizern My telugu room is frozen since a month and i've kept 5 mails for moderators and nil response
@sreecharan Even room for @Abizern and Laddu got frozen since she went to Singpore trip..
@anonymous lol, Good one
@sreecharan That's gone - part of the tidy up of rooms that do not support SO's core site.
@anonymous That got frozen for inactivity
Actually I used to go to that room when i wanted to talk non tech stuff
A: Definitive rules on chat rooms with non-technical discussion

balphaFirst of all, thanks a lot for your help in this. Really appreciated. Now, while there's obiously no clear-cut answer to this, here are a few tell-tale signs I can see. You already identified much of this yourself, and I agree with your reasoning so far. All of these are merely hints that should...

@Abizern So, whats the solution?
@sreecharan None. It's gone
@sreecharan How are you today? will you please help me to create query to populate some data from sqlite3 data base using join
I'm trying to get some of the other non-English one's shut as well.
@Pandey_Laxman I am not perfect at sql queries, you may ask any one else
They wont delete them.
@anonymous And if you manually provide getters AND setters for a property, beware it's not generated for you.
@Terminator Yeah.. Generally I do not go that approach
Hello @Ravikant
hello @anony
@anonymous And if you declare a readonly property - you have to write the accessor yourself. Unless you redeclare it as readwrite within a class extension.
@sreecharan ok No pob
Thanks @Abizern @Terminator
Also - you don't need to declare private variables in a class extension anymore - you can just put them at the top of the implementation block
@Terminator kya haal h
hi friends , i have a question related in app purchasing .
i can restore my purchased product by [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions]; , but when i removed my app from device and install again then can i check that from my id i had purchased any product ?
@sreecharan any idea about my question related inapp ?
@PJR better you ask your question on Stack Overflow site and link it to here.
have somebody here worked with NSRgegularExpression ? i cant find the <li> tags between <ol> and </ol> with my regex..
@sreecharan : I am able upload a Message but image is not getting uploaded,
@brush51 I am done.
@VakulSaini bro did you find any solution regarding to my resolution problem while capturing image?
@Hrushikesh - just 5 mints i'm sending you code
@VakulSaini thnx dude.
@Terminator thank you
@brush51 It works with the #define HTML i have used. Let me know if it causes any issues.
@Terminator thank you, that works.
@Terminator but i am facing some issues with NSScanner.
@brush51 The lists array will finally have your characters between <li> and </li> tags. Then you can format them and display anyhow you like.
@brush51 What issue?
@Terminator because of this i am trying to use regex. nsscanner cuts the first parts of the text. hello<ol><li>me</li></ol> goest to: me
@brush51 Yes, I thought you wanted the characters between <li> tags?
@Terminator yes, but also need the rest of the string apart of <ol> and </ol>
@brush51 How is your string going to look and how do you want the result to look like?
@Hrushikesh - add me on gmail chat
@Terminator pastebin.com/LSM6qpi7 see here please
@VakulSaini lol, what a great picutre
@brush51 - :-)
@VakulSaini i have already sent you mail on [email protected]
@Hrushikesh - i sent you chat request
@Terminator i am trying to find the li tags between the ol tags with NSRegularExpression. but not work for now
posted on July 26, 2012 by marie

Not only has Apple released what seems to be a zillion new updates with the  release of OS X Mountain Lion, but they have also released updates to their OS X Server, Xcode and Remote Desktop. OS X Server 2.0 is a $19.99 Mac App Store purchase that can be added to any Mac running Mountain Lion, [...]

@brush51 - if you like this image you can save it :-)
@brush51 But there are no strings present before the <ol> tag? And why don't you want to remove the </li> tag?
@VakulSaini i also sent you chat request. i think there's problem in my net connection.
@Terminator i have to replace the <li> with the current list number. and have also to delete the </li> because of text to speech. if not, the voice stops reading at </li>
@Terminator and the sentence before is the example string before <ol>
@Hrushikesh - refresh your browser then see
@brush51 Basically you want to do text to speech for all <li> tags, right?
@Terminator yes but only for the li tags between the ol tags
@VakulSaini it's just hang on loading tag.
@VakulSaini i have tried logout and login also but not working.
@Terminator the whole text would be readed but the li tags should get numbers.
@VakulSaini do you use skype.
@Hrushikesh - :)
@Hrushikesh - NO
@VakulSaini can you sent an email or continue talking here.
Hi all, quick question, I'm setting up an audio recorder, and have a "mute" button, i want to be able to start recording, so the user is talking, then when they hit mute, keep recording, but have no input saved, i.e. mic volume is 0, I can't see anything in the AVAudioRecorder class reference to indicate I can do this here, Can anyone point me in the right direction?
@VakulSaini i have tried chrome and firefox but same result not loading chat page.
have you got my mail ?
@brush51 In my example, you want 1. Hello and 2. World ?
@Terminator yes.
@Terminator i am getting it, thats not the problem. but t he strings outside of ol tags should be still there and not be removed
no idea how to do that
@brush51 But you have them in the array. So why not iterate in the array and format them?
I have noticed there is a currentTime property, would I just log when the mute button was toggled, and process the audio through AVFoundation applying the volume changes? I'll be mixing the voice recording with a video eventually, so that seems like a sensible route to me, is there any other way of doing this while recording?
@Terminator you mean the <li>'s?
@VakulSaini i just recieved that hello on

6:59 PM (5 minutes ago)
i sent you only hello :-)
@brush51 Characters outside of <ol> tags are out of scope of my code. My code takes <ol> .. </ol> string that may have number of <li> .. </li> and return you an array of characters present between <li> </li>tag.
file is of 27 mb i cant sent you in mail
@VakulSaini ohh shit. than how can i get it?
@Terminator: Have you worked with recording voice on an iphone/ipad?
HEllo all, i need Sample code from apple for usage of UISwitch, i couldnt find from this link, can anyone please hlp
@all hi everyone =)
@Hrushikesh - DROPBOX :-)
@Slake hi
@Hrushikesh - skype id - vakul.saini1303
@Terminator i thought to check the string with nsregex and replace on match
@all i'm having the a so STRANGE problem on my iPhone; the apps is done, and the apps work with an API key. But, the apps use a different apps key when i run it on the iPhone (ipa). Then when i run it on the simulator.
@Terminator my method is very ugly. i have to change that. with NSScanner that does not work how i like.. :(
@VakulSaini sent you request on skype.
I love NSScanner <3 :)
@Slake That information is not useful to us. Tell us exactly what is happening, and why it is not what you want, and what code you used.
@borrrden have you worked with regex on ios?
Yes, extensively @brush51
Ok, i'm debuging an apps on Flash Mobile Builder, and i used an API key with oAuth. And since 1 week, i changed that API key to an other one.
1 week ago, i launched the apps with the old API key to debug it.
Now, i'm launching it again on the iPhone but in my code i use the new API key.
But it's still using the old one
Like, is there some settings that i can delete on the iPhone about the old apps ?
It's really wired
@CanburakTümer you are definitely turkish! i think you are the third here :) hosgeldin.
@PeteC I have used AVAudioRecorder
@borrrden can you help me with regex. i try to get all elements between <ol> and </ol>
I will show you something helpful
@Terminator: Do you know if it's possible to mute while recording? i.e. set input volume to 0, then back to 1 on unmute, or would I have to log the times when it is muted/unmuted, and then process the finished file, setting volume up and down where appropriate?
HEllo all, i need Sample code from apple for usage of UISwitch, i couldnt find from this link, can anyone please hlp
@Slake Do a clean install
@ilis type uiswitch in xcode and check in quick help. there you can find sample code
@brush51 wow inteligent:)
thanks bro
One more thing @brush51 regextester.com
@borrrden see my regex here: pastebin.com/JQp3nYVC
@borrrden thank you. i have tested my regex on javascript and it works. but not in objective C
@brush51 What are you getting instead?
The entire string with <ol> included?
@borrrden no. i am getting no match
Did you verify that your string is not nil ?
@borrrden definitely not nil.
@brush51 but it just brings this, the class refferance to UISwitch on apple
@borrrden How i do clean install ? i deleted the apps (from iTunes & iPhone). And reinstall it from the new IPA file.
@all - Is it possible to debug an apps while it's running on the iPhone
i need sample, especially to turn the texts in my app by turning it on/ogg
on/off *
@ilis hocam
@ilis orda sample code yaziyor
pardon pardon
@Slake Of course it is....but I don't know anything about Flash Builder because I hate flash almost as much as I hate Flash Builder
gördüm- isaw
@ilis And is there anything that you are looking for that isn't in there?
No no, i'm a little upset today, sorry for disturbing. @Abizern @brush51
i mean i found what im looking for
@brush51 You have to divide your task into sub tasks. Getting all <li> tag strings within <ol> tag could be one of them, which my code does. If you mix up everything it will become difficult. Mixing the string present outside of <ol> tag is one of them.
@brush51 I don't see anything wrong with the code that is making the regex
I suspect problems with your data
I have a favor to ask of you, o great IOS developers. I'm developing a HTML 5 app using Phonegap or Cordova (yes, please look down on me :>). Im using web sockets as communication protocol to talk to arduino. This worked perfectly on an iPad2, but now i'm testing it on an iPad3, and it does not work... i have posted about this here: stackoverflow.com/questions/11669891/…
@borrrden no problems with data. sure. there must be a problem with the regex
@Terminator: Having read further in to this, it appears you can't mute while recording directly, but if you process the audio file with AVFoundation you can set the input's volume to 0
@brush51 Then you need to step through line by line
and watch what happens to the data
@borrrden the issue is in regex, iam sure. but i dont how to change to correct regex.
You said the regex works in javascript @brush51
@borrrden i have tried to match a string between words and also not worked
@borrrden yes, right.
so there is nothing wrong with the regex
@borrrden no need of escape in my regex?
@PeteC I was thinking to record always but when its time to play, set the volume to 0 for the time gaps we intended to mute lol
@brush51 Only for characters that need to be escaped in strings, but there are none here
@Terminator: The app is for recording voice overs for a video, and then mixing the video and voiceover together, so need to do it at mix time?
@Terminator i will give regex a try, if i get that not to work, i will work on your code.
@brush51 However, NSCaseInsensitive is not a valid constant for matchesInString
so replace it with kNilOptions
@borrrden i see on regextester my regex find no matches
I tried your regex for <ol>hahaha</ol> and it worked
@borrrden on website? or in objC code?
I'm not at work so I am on Windows
@MichaelTrouw That question is incredibly localized, you are very unlikely to get an answer here
Going home. See you after 2 hours.
@Terminator bye.
@Terminator: cya later, don't forget to watch Firefly ;)
@borrrden Thanks for the reply! I know... i'm trying to find a better chat for my question, but there isn't one :(
@Terminator bye
@PeteC Hey, are you still here?
@Unicorn I'm around
@borrrden i need something like a network debugging with IOS chat or something
@PeteC Cool, wazzup? Have you visited Greenwich?
@borrrden installation of mountain lion started after 6.5 hours
@Unicorn: Not a lot right now, looking in to audio recordings on iPhone and listening to Lost Prophets.
@brush51 ???
@borrrden my mac can restart automatically. i am sorry if i cant write back.
20 sec to go....
@Unicorn: also, i've never been to greenwich, not that I know of haha
I see
I'm leaving cuz it's late :p
@borrrden ok, bye. thank you.
@borrrden bye bye :)
@Unicorn London trips tend to be central for me
@PeteC You are not in London?
@Unicorn no, east midlands
@PeteC Leicestershire?
@Terminator hey you know how to prevent a touch to fall through overlay and making "touch to focus"?
@Byte: Terminator said they're going home, 2hours or so
cool, she ll be back :)
@Byte hope so.
lol, nice picture again :)
@VakulSaini :D
@VakulSaini do you have an obsession with whistling near Terminator? :p
@PeteC - nope
dont talk about her behind her back
she will be angry
@VakulSaini Are you afraid from him?
@VakulSaini I just wondered why you keep putting pictures of your two avatars up then? :p
i'm just kidding
you can also upload lol
@VakulSaini: anyway, I wasn't talking about Terminator, I was talking about your obsession with them :p
@PeteC - leave it
@VakulSaini: :P
@Unicorn - there ?
@VakulSaini yes
how are you ?
we are together :-)
friends lol
@VakulSaini fine
@VakulSaini friend and why for lol?
for you
you are trying to turn arround
Is it possible to programmatically prevent an app from going in to the background when the user presses a button, i.e. something like "are you sure you wish to go to the background, long process is currently running?"
@PeteC - you can use uilalertview for this
You can prevent the app from going into the background
I don't know if you can throw a UIAlertView before the app requests it though..
@TRedman: Thanks, was just curious :)
@PeteC Np :)
@TRedman How?
A: Disabling home button on iPhone/iPad

KennyTMYou can't disable the menu button. This is handled by the SpringBoard which you cannot control unless the device is jailbroken. You can relaunch the app immediately after the user quit, however. Assuming you have registered the kioskRelaunch112084 URL scheme: -(void)applicationWillTerminate:(U...

Well, for one, I think Apple only allows in certain requirement-based cases. Like for an audio app
You can't disable home button.
Exactly, but you can prevent your app from being put in the background to complete processing
I doubt you can jack the home button, think about what can happen?
His question was can we prevent an app from going in to the background when the user presses a button?
You definitely can't. You're app will appear to be in the background, but unlike normally, it will continue to process
simple answer is no
If he's talking UI - then no. Not happening.
It is really hard to wait for right person in life,

…..especially when the wrong ones are sooooo damn attractive :-)
because if you somehow hack it so that it prevent the minimize, apple will reject your app
If he's talking about completing processing, then yes, it's possible.
@PeteC No, you can't.
@VakulSaini Are you not leaving?
@Unicorn - after 5 mints
and you ?
@VakulSaini How far is your home place from work place?
it takes 30 minutes
what about yours ?
@VakulSaini 1 and half hour and sometimes 2 :)
so where are you right now ?
@VakulSaini @office.
@Unicorn Hi there. Have you captured screenshot with glreadpixels in iOS?
@VakulSaini Hi there. Have you captured screenshot with glreadpixels in iOS?
@thoughtbreaker ask it on Stack Overflow site there are more chances of getting answers,
@Unicorn - you should go now, its 8:42pm
@thoughtbreaker and I don't know.
@thoughtbreaker - nope
@VakulSaini Facing issue in generating apk file on the fly.
@Unicorn - gud Luck
@VakulSaini Thank you and time here is 17:15 :)
@Unicorn - ok, but i cant blv you you always lie :-)
@VakulSaini Whatever.
ever what
@VakulSaini I am not getting are you with me or running from me?
@Unicorn - with me means,........ is there being any war ?
all developers are same for me
@VakulSaini It seems from image icon.
you are learning so much from me
@VakulSaini No all developers are not same.
you have learnt to notice the chat box :-)
@Unicorn - i'm not talking about their mind
@Unicorn - i meant that i would like to talk everyone , no one is my enemy
they all are same for
@Unicorn - bye
see you 2morow
@VakulSaini, hello sir
Ignore that?
no one here?
I'm kind of here, not sure if Vakul is

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