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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

Can you tell more clearly? Which part of the error message?
I solemnly swear that I henceforth will no longer touch any question without an MCVE
I've tried the exact code and the error occurs.
@ShreyanAvigyan the newer issue is that you paraphrased the error message and only part of it, which was obvious to me but Aran-Fey still had some iota of hope in humanity left (no longer a problem, it seems :P)
I don't know anything about this stuff, but my money's on name mangling
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\shrey\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39-32\lib\ctypes\__init__.py", line 387, in __getattr__
    func = self.__getitem__(name)
  File "C:\Users\shrey\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39-32\lib\ctypes\__init__.py", line 392, in __getitem__
    func = self._FuncPtr((name_or_ordinal, self))
AttributeError: function 'testingfunc' not found
there we go :)
now we just need someone who actually uses windows...
Aran-Fey doesn't volunteer as tribute
<sarcasm>Have you tried rebooting your machine?</sarcasm>
The error only occurs with cl.exe not gcc
Does this happen even running the most simple of scripts? try running on the command line python -c "import math" do you get an error from that?... I have no idea what cl.exe ... brb
Any chance that you need other switches with cl?
@piRSquared clang, probably. C compiler.
right you are.
Everything is working fine. Extension modules, OK. Normal modules, OK. Pure C DLL, OK. Python C DLL, Error.
And yes I've used many switches and options with cl.exe (MSVC). But can't find the right one.
You could try comparing what symbols are defined in the dll built with clang vs gcc. But I have no idea how any of this works on windows.
ah, so it's not clang
I'm like the guy who stopped to help you because I saw you stranded on the side of the road with your car hood up. Now I'm looking at your engine asking if there's oil. Truth is, I shouldn't have stopped because now I'm just in the way.
"Yup, that's an engine"
"See there! I knew it was an engine. Don't worry, we'll figure this out."
MSVC is not good on the command line :(
well it has MS in the name...
But the IDE is good. Not command line.
See if you can figure it out.
This abomination [*product((a:=range(2)), a)] is fine. This one [(x, y) for x, y in product((a:=range(2)), a)] throws:
    [(x, y) for x, y in product((a:=range(2)), a)]
SyntaxError: assignment expression cannot be used in a comprehension iterable expression
what a shame
so is [*range(2)] not a comprehension? I guess not.
it's not at all
but it also doesn't contain an assignment expression so this is quite the non sequitur
why did I assume it was? I need to do some soul searching
ah, I missed the first half of your first message, sorry
comprehensions always have for in them
yeah, that makes sense. So how do we classify these things {*iterable}? literal variable unpacking?!
@piRSquared and for the record the former is not "fine", just syntactically valid
lol, I'll take that
@piRSquared I'd just call it unpacking
Ugh. Compare 3.7 grammar (150 lines) with 3.8 grammar(207 lines) and 3.9 grammar (492 lines). If I understand correctly the formalism changed due to the new PEG parser, but still.
Heh, 3.10dev with match: 624 lines
How does it go? "Complex is better than simple. If the implementation is hard to explain, it has to be a great idea"?
Is it considered bad practice for a method to just save it's entire locals() into a class variable for another method to access? It works, but it's upsetting pylint
Wow, that sounds terrible
Not asking as a question because it's "Opinion based"
lol it works so easily tho
If you have a class that can store state, use it
its just easier than typing out all the variables
What even is the point of the class if you're just gonna turn the instances into dicts?
So then what's the point of turning objects (that have access to your methods) into dicts (that don't have access to those methods)?
Oh, I misunderstood what you're doing
self.print_help reads every single variable here, so why not pass locals()?
Well, locals() includes some stuff you probably don't want, like self and (potentially) __class__
It's also very brittle in regards to changes; you can break something just by renaming a variable
i find it very funny that type(type("x")) is a type.
@SurpriseDog are we really talking about typing out 4 names?
no, 5
args, title, sortme, kargs, group
I was just about to ask. Which variables are actually intended to be there?
...and with that, we can already conclude that this makes code harder to read than it should be
Pretty sure kargs isn't supposed to be in there. print_help never accesses it. This is some quality spaghetti
well I do love a quality spaghetti :P
well it was fun while it lasted
and the correct answer was 3 names :p
self.groups.append(DotDict(args=args, title=title, sortme=sortme))
oh the horror :P
reminds me of life before f-strings:
name = 'Pi'
'Hello!  My name is {name}'.format(**locals())
at least have the decency to use format_map
and miss the opportunity for **?
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

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