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Cbg, more of a broad question but how many days(months) did it take for the pandas users here to get syntactically proficient? Not referring docs for indexing etc
Planning to pickup pandas and in a bit of a time crunch
6 hours later…
@python_learner you probably didn't mean "syntactically"
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,10))
sns.set_theme(font_scale = 1.5, style="whitegrid")
sns.barplot(data=df_revenue, x='Year', y='Amount', ax=ax).set(title="Yearly Revenues", xlabel = 'Year', ylabel='Amount')
@Pherdindy yes?
Just want some feedback on these few lines of code. I kind of mixed matplotlib and seaborn to edit the y-axis tick labels and change the size of the figure
I am having issues with the font_scale parameter of sns.set_theme()
If I keep re-running the code the size displayed seems to keep changing for some reason
Combination of set_theme and set looks suspicious to me, otherwise you probably have to use mpl for the formatter. I've never used seaborn.
Hm yeah the weird thing is I have to run the code twice
For the font_scale() to take effect
But drop the whitespace from around kwargs: kwarg=val.
Lol yea I tend to have inconsistent spacing
@Pherdindy does that .set return None or something else?
Actually I commented it out
And ran sns.set_theme() alone
Same problem applies where I have to run it twice to display properly
Not sure if it is a jupyter notebook issue
OK. It's just that if .set returns None the API is not fluent, so I'd recommend hb = sns.barplot(...); hb.set(...) for readability
If set returns the same object it's probably idiomatic the way you wrote it
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,10))
sns.set_theme(font_scale=1.5, style="whitegrid")
h = sns.barplot(data=df_revenue, x='Year', y='Amount', ax=ax)
h.set(title="Yearly Revenues", xlabel = 'Year', ylabel='Amount')
Yep it works like this as well
of course it does...
:P well gonna read on seaborn theme and styles and all i've been trying to figure out how that font_scale() works
Making my chart look like it's confused lol
Btw, where can I find other people's work so I can copy/paste some code
I am pretty sure someone has made something for robust charts
I seem to be building my charts from scratch and maybe there's a site where people often look for user made functions
Ohhh github :/ first time I looked closely and people did make some nice and complete seaborn tutorials. I always relied on the docs and SO only
Surely the docs have the skeleton code for which you can build on?
@AndrasDeak well I thought it meant what I thought it was anyways, i wanted to mean "good with pandas syntax"
I'm afraid to ask, but... does anyone know a dupe for "use elif instead of else: if"?
@python_learner again: pandas syntax is python syntax. What do you really mean?
@MisterMiyagi trickier after the edit
@AndrasDeak I'm willing to take both.
My mind is boggling itself over how that is possibly a question, so it's hard to decide what to ask for myself.
@AndrasDeak I mean pandas syntax, I did look into some tutorials and now I have some understanding, apologies for not being clear earlier
@multigoodverse please don't ask for help here with fresh questions on the main site as per our rules
@python_learner pandas does not have syntax. it is not a language.
@python_learner you keep saying the same thing and expect something else to happen
@AndrasDeak sorry, one of the meta answers was suggesting to do this: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/251430/1585017
what are things like iloc and loc, what are they called?
that is what I meant by syntax, now I realize its wrong usage from my part
@multigoodverse yes, that's a general suggestion
@python_learner it's not just about pedantry. I didn't understand the question.
@multigoodverse the answer also suggest to "make sure to read their local rules first, assuming there are any indicated in the room description".
@python_learner I'd probably call them indexers but it doesn't seem they have a specific name
@MisterMiyagi I just added that :D
multigoodverse saw the version without parens
thanks for pointing it all, will try to be more clear the next time
I think I understand your question. The "syntax" issue would perhaps make more sense if you spend some time learning numpy before pandas and get used to array programming
It's a good idea to get comfortable with that before looking at pandas because I know from my own learning that, from the outside, it looks like it's almost a different language
thats what I had in mind @roganjosh, you seem to have cleared it for me
For me, that made it difficult to understand pandas properly because I compartmentalised the "syntax" rather than seeing it as just a part of python
I will check some numpy tutorials then, tysm
@AndrasDeak sneaky :P
@AndrasDeak, but I can ask questions here that I haven't asked on the main site?
I don't see a reason why not looking at the rules.
But want to make sure not to break them for a second time today.
@multigoodverse yup
Thanks for your concern
hey guys how can i make one exe file with alot of dll files and a folder, and the main exe file
Sorry, I have no idea what that even means.
Is the exe file supposed to contain itself?
like u see there is a folder which contains main.exe, alot of dll files, and one folder, ok what i want to do is i want to bind them all in one exe file
why an exe file? why not an executable archive?
what does an executable archive mean?
@Praveen I guess you're trying to make a onefile
u mean like a setup file?
@Praveen an archive that is executable
like only one main.exe
call it main.exe.zip, problem solved
@tanish u see i dont have any py file
users will never know the difference
no lol
@Praveen So is this really something you have to ask in the python chatroom?
"we" don't normally package non-python things
ok so i asked this because i used cx_freeze to make the exe file i want to make it onefile
So why not go back one step and create all of your project in the one final exe?
not using pyinstaller
@MisterMiyagi Yeah, I despair. Here's the new thread, which will doubtless quickly become four when they try to separate out the different PEPs, and ..., and ... mail.python.org/archives/list/[email protected]/message/…
yeah ok so how can i do it using cx_freeze?
@holdenweb "motivation and rationale" in a separate PEP?? That can't be a bad sign at all.
> If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
how can i do onefile using cx_freeze?
one executable
Q: cx_Freeze python single file?

pajmI've been using cx_Freeze for a while now and there is one thing I've really wanted to do: put ALL files into ONE executable that I can distribute. It's not really user-friendly to send around a folder filled with 30 files, all in the same directory. How can I accomplish this? Thanks.

two more versions and I'll become like one of those "ew no python 3" trolls
@AndrasDeak Oops, lost an edit. One can only hope it's not significant that the specification PEP is numerically lower than the motivation and rationale PEP, but I suspect the sequence accurately defines the history.
u see bbfreeze does not support py3 @ta
@Praveen could you please type out full words like "you"? Txtspk is hard to read especially for non-natives such as myself
ok i am sorry
No worries, thanks
@holdenweb also "Side Effects and Undefined Behavior", that section can also not be a bad sign at all
probably a bit of a basic question here i am trying to use ajax to dynamically fill a select fields options now in building i am trying to display the following information dpaste.com/E87P4N44S now I know the for d in days part isn't working my question is what is the best way to get this information in there?
d is essentially the many side of a one to many relationship with lessons as they can happen on multiple days
would like to display for each lesson coming into the select field the days that is happens
so i created an exe in pyinstaller and now when i run it it gives an error as "no such file directory as D:/output.txt"
ok so the code is:-
f = open("D:/output.txt", "w")
f = open("D:/output1.txt", "w")
@holdenweb I am really surprised by this, not exactly in a positive way. This is this huge blob of a thing, both in terms of spec/impact but also manpower/effort, that feels completely contrary to Python's strengths. Most critical voices I have seen brushed away so far. Seems like PEP 572 on steroids.
what does PEP mean? politically exposed person?
Python Enhancement Proposal
so what does it do?
what does that mean?
OMG just ggl plz
@Kwsswart I'm having a really hard time reading this code. Is that one expression, or are that several? Is that a for statement inside an expression? Am I correct to assume this currently fails with a SyntaxError and you are asking how to write it properly?
LMAO "post-exposure prophylaxis" this showed up
@MisterMiyagi What I have got so far is this while trying to figure it out dpaste.com/FN58NFR9J but in not sure if working because as i did it and ran to test it i got this which i am trying to figure out lol TypeError: Object of type generator is not JSON serializable
@Kwsswart [(x for y in z)] is not json serializable because it's a list that contains one generator. [x for y in z], on the other hand, may be json serializable.
@Kwsswart You might want to take a step back. Try to build a toy example without the entire web framework around it. Start with some statically defined input, build the data from it, and json.dumps the result.
Hmmm now recieving TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "generator") to str having changed it to dpaste.com/6N8ANFU8J
@MisterMiyagi will do
Try writing the code using regular loops instead of list comprehensions.
'application/jsons' - that's a new one :)
@JonClements what would you set it to
I'd set it to application/json so it's actually a valid content type...
morning cabbages, folks!
cbg doc - how goes it?
I finally figured out how to draw pretty pretty graphs yesterday. So I celebrate at today's demo. Aside from that, nothing much. How's you, puppy?
Sounds interesting... nothing to report here... just the normal SSDD and all that :)
Solid State Disco Drive?
did NOT know they had that technology in the 70s
@Kwsswart Rule of thumb (i.e. you can break it when you know it's OK to, but not when you don't): First get the data, then use it. Try and keep the code that gets the data separate from the code that uses it.
same s*t different day :)
Sometimes Some Drives Die?
In this case, that would involve computing the string with the days in it before you started formatting.
@JonClements Ain't that the truth. One tries, even against the obvious futility of such an enterprise. I'm suich a good-hearted soul sometimes I can hardly help myself. Mea culpa.
@JonClements That's too bad. Hope your day improves.
cheers :)
Thanks @holdenweb @Kevin @MisterMiyagi for the advice probably not the most optimal solution but worked it to this which returns the json object dpaste.com/D83EZ7L2X
days is a Django queryset, right? Why not filter it and use the name field as the only output field, then you could just iterate over that with ", ".join( ... )?
its flask sqlalchemy query set
I didnt think i could join it as its the many part of the one to many relationship I was trying to join it with another issue but found that not working as expected so worked around it with an if statement checking the days.lesson_id == lesson.id
On a side note... popping in and out here... there's flask.jsonify which does the needful creating a response, setting it's content type, filling it with the equivalent of json.dumps etc...
It's kinda frustrating that after all these years, a canonical for psycopg2 still has the wrong answer on top. Not least because that's the only wrapper I know of where executemany basically doesn't do what you'd expect it to do :/
Oh, but at least there's a warning in the docs. I can't remember if that was there when I started using the library
@Kwsswart Are you also going to use AJAX on the form submission?
And back to my initial question (got distracted by the canonical). Has anyone here used RedShift much? I currently don't have write access but I'm trying to build some code infrastructure anyway. From what I've read, I won't be able to use cursor.copy_from in psycopg2 to write something from a CSV in memory? It looks like I have to write the file to S3 first, then perform the copy from there. Is that correct? It seems a superfluous step
@roganjosh basically using ajax to take the info they enter inorder to load the classes available into the form
In other words, the pandas approach in bullet point 2 and the approach in my answer here aren't going to work?
@Kwsswart sure, I mean when it comes to the point that the user submits the form
@roganjosh wasnt thinking of doing that... thought with loading it with the data should be able to handle submission as normal no?
Well, you still have a choice whether to allow the submission to also be done through AJAX. That's the part I've discussed with you multiple times w.r.t. WTForms. I was just curious if that was your plan because I was interested to see how you handled it. I had a way but it felt messy
does anyone knows answer to this
If you do happen to go down that route, please do let me know what you implement :) At this point you almost certainly have more experience with the library than me so maybe I can learn something if you get it working smoothly
@Praveen I suspect it wasn't addressed the first time you asked because it's not at all clear what the exe has to do with a .txt file. Also, we can't see your filesystem and the error is pretty specific so there isn't much we can help with beyond that
@roganjosh will definitely do mate
how are you @ll ?
Glad that it's Friday, you?
Hmm, just did pip install pyinstaller and the second it's done, Windows says it found and removed some malware for me. Comforting
I am fine ....
I guess I will not be trying to diagnose Praveen's pyinstaller problem today.
I wonder what upset it; I don't think I ever faced that issue from Windows itself with python libraries. Sure, I gave my old anti-virus a complex, but not Windows
I'm glad you're saying "huh, I wonder why Windows would raise a false positive there?" instead of "you buffoon, everyone knows that the pyinstaller on pypi is a virus that translates all of your files into esperanto"
I am about to say "no repro" though on Windows 10 unless it's secretly removed it for me because it was thinking your latter point about me and declined to say anything at all
For the record the detected item was Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml
Ok, running pyinstaller on the command line triggered AVG but it passed the test
He protec, he atac, and most importantly he is wac
I am doing NLP in tensorflow. It is a flask project
Will NLP be sustainable in long term or is it just a tech hype ?
What do you think guys ?
Haha, but then again I might just be on a grossly negligent version because that filename triggers my own suspicions <laughter quickly subsides>
I don't think NLP will become a trivially solved problem any time soon, and there's plenty of applications to drive demand
@AStranger I don't see how there's much of an answer to that since it's a field of study and we're unlikely to develop telepathy any time soon
@Kevin I agree with you ...
I am doing research work on NLP
But I do not see too much hope in this branch of computer science
@roganjosh after seeing the research work done in CS, I believe human can do eerything
It's one of those things that's been "five years away from a breakthrough" for fifty years
Note that you can edit comments for up to two minutes by clicking the arrow on the left next to the comment
I mean, certainly speech recognition has improved since the 00's, but AFAICT by small incremental improvements rather than some amazing paradigm shift
But I'm not sure what point you're making about CS. You believe that we don't need computers because humans can do it all already, or that we definitely can do everything with computers, in which case you're implying that the issues of NLP will be sorted eventually
The former would be a pretty extreme point, and the latter surely contradicts your point that NLP has no hope?
I agree with "a human can program a computer to do anything a human can do". There's nothing special about our meat brains that puts language comprehension forever out of reach of silicon brains.
I am doing gender identification from youtube comments
Mind you, we might need to multiply processor speed by 10^8 or so if we want our humanlike programs to complete a simple task before the sun burns out. Details, details.
Is this possible to multiply processor speed by 10^8 in Quantum computing ?
I don't think a flat multiplier is what they're trying to accomplish
Huh, it appears I misremembered a news headline. I could remember that Facebook could relatively accurately predict sexuality but I remembered it as being based on statuses. Now it seems it was just based on "likes" so that's not chalking up a win for NLP that I thought it would
For much the same reason that a four core computer is not always four times faster than a single core computer
@roganjosh lol
Oh wait, no, I was right cs229.stanford.edu/proj2016/report/…
Does really Facebook detects sexuality based on likes ?
cant believe ...
Really? That surprises you? Their entire business model is based on predictions like that
Does not facebook understand gender after analyzing status ?
or they merely check like number and predicts sexuality .
I gave you a link to the research...
checking ....
That paper doesn't appear to show any affiliation to facebook itself, but it's a pretty safe bet that whatever they do internally will be more sophisticated than that research paper
I was about to say, the paper proves they could do it.
Economic incentives and a poor ethical history merely very strongly imply that they do do it
Here is a paper to identify gender from Araboic articles ..
And I'm sure there will be many other similar articles. My point wasn't really to try cover the literature here - just to say that these things can and are being done
@roganjosh yes this research is done in context of many language
but is not done yet in my language
Thats why, I am doing it in my language ...
@Kevin And it just so happens that it took place in Palo Alto. suspicatus est :P
Though, tenuous evidence at best
I wonder if it's been done for Ubang. That could be a quick foot through the door for me in the world of NLP publications...
what is Ubang ?
@ASt are you in front of a keyboard?
then please press tab after you type enough letters to ping someone
ok thank you .
Thank you :)
Curious... on a rather rubbish server with no swapfile etc... just as a quick work around (because it's not in my remit to actually upgrade the server itself) I create a 1gb empty file, then enable that to be swap, and suddenly, the system thinks it has 4gb swap? Somewhat confused...
too tired and hungry to think about it too much tonight though... I'll chalk it up to magic or something for now
My best guess was some kind of compression but that's just pulled up a load of zswap stuff and... <i-have-no-idea-what-im-doing.meme>
Was sorting out my music library the other day... found some gems (or at least I think they are):
I loved the original version, but this slow-play version is way more haunting in a way and I think I like it more
the song has a lot of points... and it's possibly the beat/tempo of the original lost some of those, this version is beautiful
(just imho though)
Still unclear to me what "take on me" actually means
Good song though
@Kevin perhaps the last meaning noted with "dated, slang" en.wiktionary.org/wiki/take_on
Trying to figure out why it sounds strange to me. "He's taking on the establishment" sounds idiomatic, and so does "he's taking me on", but not "he's taking on me"
Maybe there's a little kernel of a garden path sentence in there or something
@Kevin like "I would do anything for love"?
And original is youtube.com/watch?v=-xKM3mGt2pE - so completely different
Reminds me of the significant tonal differences of NiN's Hurt and the insanely popular Johnny Cash cover
I enjoyed the JC version more - probably because of the croaky voice and him being dying and all that...
Yeah, it's poignant
Possibly one of the best music pairings I've ever seen: A contestant on Total Wipeout with only the side of their face contacting the floor, sliding along a platform in super-slow-motion with "I hurt myself today" being played
@Kevin "American V: A Hundred Highways" was definitely an awesome album
"Hello darkness my old friend" pairs nicely with a wide variety of videos where the subject makes an unwise decision
(Disturbed's cover of Sound of Silence is also good btw)
Yup... it's quite nice
@Kevin "I have made a terrible mistake"
@Kevin while I love Sound of Silence... I do love "Kathy's Song"
hmm, I'll give it a listen
My exposure to simon & garfunkel is pretty superficial
anyway... food time and 2nd episode of ST: Discovery is available... bbiab
@AndrasDeak Job of Arrested Development is the canonical example in my mind
But I believe he's Gob as in George Oscar Bluth :)
True. I guess he reminds me of the eponymous biblical figure who loses absolutely everything of value to him
Although Job is a good guy and Gob is a terrible little goblin
Hi guys. I hope you all had a good week. Enjoy the weekend and get ready to start the new week ahead. πŸ˜€πŸ‘
@Destroyer-byte And the same to you :)
I suspect that we've become accustomed to things on the negative side of the spectrum so are dumbfounded in how to respond when someone is conveying a positive message. Apologies for the silence!
Thanks a lot Rogan. Laurel, no worries.
I actually have a question for the room. I've always wondered if I can control my phone with python. Like any packages or something that I should try?
Python on mobile is... shakey
also, I have tried many times to download a python coding app on my phone- but although they work, I cannot get packages to download.
Ah I see. I will definitely download that Rogan.
Is it an app? from PlayStore?
or a special website I should visit for downloading?
No, I mean shakey as in like a building collapsing with a minor earthquake
Laurel , Ohh
Yeah, I agree with that
I've tried so many apps
Kivy is the library that is mobile-orientated
Ooh, That is for spyder ide?
Er, I think there's some misunderstanding here
Why would a library for mobile be aimed at the Spyder IDE?
No No, I thought It is a package that I can do pip install which is able to control my android phone.
Laurel. Yeah I googled it now.
I see it is a package
I also see it has a few dependencies.
@Destroyer-byte I understand that. "Control" is a vague term in itself - does it need to be running on the phone or interface with it somehow? The mention of Spyder seems spurious in the problem you're trying to solve either way
Interface with it somehow.
My apologies for the ambiguous question.
I would like to know answers to both actually.
Ok, so give us a use-case and maybe we can search for something
Ah I see. Thanks a lot Rogan
There are "obscure" libraries like pymodbus that can communicate with devices that most people don't even know exist... but it requires a network connection. Maybe there's one that can work for your specific purposes. I have no idea unless you explain a solid case of how things should work
Oh I see. Yeah I have only thought about it and tried a few times to do something, but I did not succeed. Basically, If I have my phone and my pc, am I able to control (like clicking an app) my phone using python (Spyder IDE) from my pc.
For what purpose?
To expand my python knowledge.
I am thinking of a few packages to experiment with during the holiday time- December-January
Mmmm. I don't want to argue against that endeavor (to expand python knowledge) but it doesn't seem like it has any real applications to me and probably isn't supported by many (if any) libraries. I'm unsure why you've identified that as an area of learning
Ah I see. Laurel, that thought came to my mind when I had to learn about the pyautogui package in my course.
Ah I see. Maybe they shall add libraries as such in the future updates.
I hope they do.
Rogan, where are you from?
Why? I still don't understand the application
Laurel, I do not know- my mind asks a lot of questions.
@Destroyer-byte You can see my profile by clicking on my name next to a message I've written and clicking "user profile on stackoverflow.com"
Ah Lovely place Rogan
What is the time at your place?
.... Josh :P
Rogan is not my name, just part of an online handle (and a tasty treat) :)
May I call you Rogan?
I shall call you Josh
I see the modification
It's 20:10 here
here is 21:10
We are one hour apart
Are you a student or a working professional?
Again, it's far easier to view my profile. I went to the effort of building a website from scratch that would answer all those questions :P
Full-time curmudgeon
Ah YAM, I forgot that in my "about me"
Laurel Josh, I shall have a look at it right away.
@Destroyer-byte and that's how us Data Scientists shamelessly push marketing
That's the way Josh. Can never go wrong when it comes to workπŸ‘Œ
I'm going to view your website now
Oh the suspense
Ooh, It is goood.
Wow, It's nice being in the presence of individuals who are more experienced than myself.
@AndrasDeak You'd probably have needed one of my old microwaves to have made the popcorn in time for the suspense to end :P
Josh, I like the projects on your website.
It's really fascinating.
Well, I'm still trailing the guys that work at CERN on the cool factor :P
CERN as in where the LHC is?
In school physics was my favorite subject, so my speech and posters were about science related topics
I have a poster on 'The Atom' up on my wall. It is one of my personal favorites.
And like, you mean you have been collaborating with individuals from CERN?
Your website is cool Josh.
I've read it.
@Destroyer-byte No, as in people from CERN come into this chat room. It's good that you have enthusiasm and you have an opportunity to learn a lot from people in this room. If you're asking a question, just be mindful about how you express it and try make sure it's clear :)
Wow, I do hope that I'm online when an individual from that walk of life shows up.
Yes! I will definitely do that.
Josh, I will head offline for now.
Thank you for talking. Bye everyone. Enjoy the weekend.
Ok, good night :)
Good night :)
4 hours later…
cbg patch
cbg head
i will keep referring to multiples of programmers as a patch until it is incorporated into salad speak
its just the perfect name that is simultaneously farming and programming relevant
So a "cbg head" would be just one programmer (or probably not that widely applicable, maybe just Room 6'er, since I think a minuscule fraction of all programmers use salad language). Now we just need definitions for "cbg put", "cbg get", "cbg post", "cbg delete", etc.
heh, post can be seen as part of a garden in some capacity, are there any 1 syllable synonyms for scarecrows i wonder
since you can often decorate a post such

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