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11 * 11 * 683
"To be fair, I'm worried less about making question upvotes worth more than I am about them re-imposing the 1 rep penalty for downvoting questions." - Robert Harvey. Harvey what r u doin' m8. They're listening.
I'm now under 20k away from 100k swag. That's going to be an interesting day
(Although, ironically I didn't even know of this feature today, so it's pretty much no skin off my bones.)
I don't think they send out the 100k swag any more (he said without a hint of bitterness in his voice)
It's going to be interesting week regardless tho because of all the drama that's about to unfold.
wait...what's this about rep and downvotes?
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who wasn't aware of this
today's been a semi-stressful day. My boss is on site with a client demoing new features and I'm still in the office putting out the fires that arise.
so not much time for meta drama today
Q: Upvotes on questions will now be worth the same as upvotes on answers

Cody GrayThose of you who suffer from banner blindness may not have noticed the announcement: Stack Overflow is changing the reputation scoring system to make the reputation earned from upvotes on questions equal to the reputation earned from upvotes on answers. Previously, upvotes on questions netted yo...

the quote is in this question
Oh btw meta hasn't updated my rep so 840+ rep to me. 12433 -> 13273
oh...there was some banner on the main site that I closed without reading
@Code-Apprentice That was probably to Chipp's blog post, which is basically that question in blog-form
95 for me
why? because he has a lot of questions?
yeah, only one answer over 1000 questions
Dupe needed: pandas diff'ing on a series/group with a single item returns NaN. There are many previous questions, couldn't find a direct dupe though.
@Dair in "blog form"?
on meta it's like: "here's this thing they're doing. wtf, facepalm" on blog it's like: "here's this thing we're doing! isn't that great?? aren't we great? that jeff guy was an idiot! welcome everybody"
> we celebrate the question askers. HOORAY FOR THE ASKERS!
how's your homework going? don't be afraid to ask, now!
are there any statistics on how many questions go unanswered? I get the feeling that increasing the flood of incoming stuff isn't the greatest idea
well you can search is:q answers:0 , but it doesn't really tell you about how many got roomba'd
Tim now 30k away from getting mugged
good for them
So is it time to write the DupeHammerBot, NoMCVEBot, and DoYourOwnHomeworkBot?
3 hours later…
@roganjosh Notice I mentioned "uwsgi" too.
cbg guys o/
btw @roganjosh Have you worked on custom Flask Cacheing?
Ah! Never mind.. I remember you already told "No" to that.
Hi guys, i'm trying to analyze the relationship of a product's price to the number of reviews it has
But I do not know the best way to approach it
I tried using a scatterplot but they just clump up at the bottom. Y-axis is number of reviews and x-axis is the product's price
Naturally most products do not have much people buying them compared to the strong selling ones, also naturally people will buy more if the price is lower. So explains lots of the data being clumped up at the bottom left. But I am trying to find ideas how to analyze the data to give important information regarding consumer behavior
You might try calculating the number of dollars per review (that is, 100 reviews for a $1000 item would score '10') for each item. Then analyze the variance on that.
Though it seems like you really only have meaningful data for items < $1000
Right I was focused on getting some insight on the items < 1000
I am wondering what price point I should enter
In a mock interview, the problem asked was to find the longest consecutive sequence can be built from a given list L.
For example, for L = [5, 100, 3, 99, 4, 2, 1] the answer will be 5
As we have {1,2,3,4,5} as the longest consecutive seq
I came up with a solution posted here - pastebin.com/Fjwnjz36
As a feedback, the interviewer told me that I'm using too much pointers
@Rob But dividng price by review is a good angle to look at it will check on that. Thanks
Can anyone tell me how I can rewrite this in a better way
@Quark I'm not sure how in nums_set is implemented in python, but assuming it's O(1), your runtime will be O(n * (n -1)). If the set lookup iterates... then it's actually O(n * n*(n-1))
... I think I got that right
Anyway, the way I would do it would be to sort the list, then iterate through it and count the longest sequence
@Rob Set lookup is O(1)
I think what the interviewer means is that, in python we can iterate over the items themselves. Iterating using indexes is considered unpythonic.
Well, that's good at least... but then you're still sitting on O(n^2 - n)
Having said that, i havent really looked at the code beyond that so far. Just noticed that.
@Rob I think using visited is reducing the time complexity
Oh, yes, that's true
For the above example L = [5, 100, 3, 99, 4, 2, 1] , There will be only 2 time when the program will execute the inner while loops
Unless the items are entirely disjointed, I suppose :)
Once for 5 and then for 100
@Rob Yeah
So... worst case of O(n^2 - n)... best case would be O(n)... I think. Not too bad, I suppose
@Rob Yes
Actually, no... I was wrong. Even disjointed would be fine. It'd fail immediately on both the inner whiles, so it'd still be n.
@Rob Oops, I also thought worst-case O(n^2) :p
@ParitoshSingh I've used indices only once(in the outer loop)
I know, it's just that i don't really see what else they could have meant by "pointers"
looking at the code again, you really didnt need to use indices, did you?
so id say 1 time was 1 time too many.
@ParitoshSingh Ok
@TheLittleNaruto :P sorry. But what is it you're trying to do/ the difficulty?
@roganjosh There is some internal logic for one of the routing which has few cases based on the filter passed in request. I want this cacheing to work for one of the case.
Something like this:
def dirty_result():
    if case 1:
        # do this
    if case 2:
        # do that and flask cacheing as well
So the issue is that flask-caching will catch all cases or what?
Morning guys, I have a Python script running perfect on my machine. What is the best way of distributing it to other people, not having to install anything ? I tried pyinstaller and py2app, both failed due to extra shell parts that are in my script like : Imagemagick and Potrace.
@AnotherUser31 same os? if you don't want to install you'll have to use some kind of dirty hack, there are a couple
@Arne emmm...definitely Macintosh but maybe not the same OS System. Would appreciate any help !
*os version i mean
ok, took me a second to recreate this snipped because pip changed its internal API in version 10.0
is this what you meant, or is pip in general not usable?
That is too nice from you ! @Arne ! I got pretty close using Pyinstaller, running simple scripts. But like I said, I have imagemagick installed and potrace through terminal. Some people have only Python 2.7 on their machines...
Sorry if it's too confusing :(
no problem, issues like these are usually a little messy
ah, the dependencies you listed are not python packages, are they? they'd need to be installed with some kind of os-level package manager. I don't use mac, so I don't know what that would be.
@Arne - exactly ! They are not python packages, that's why it won't work :(
anaconda :(
and do these other people have anaconda installed?
nope :( unfortunately not :(
I was thinking something like a raspberry pi that has everything installed, and people can run it from there...no idea if this would work...
yeah, that would be an option. you can deploy it is a webserver that they can log into, or (depending on what your script does) offer your service via a web browser
from pip._internal.main import main as pip_main gives me ModuleNotFoundError
all it does its : downloading images, removing background, trim, crop, rename, combine multiple images together.
@TheNamesAlc then your pip version is <10.0, in that case it's from pip import main as pip_main
importing pip._internal then doing pip._internal.main seemed to work though
they changed the api AGAIN?
well, it is internal, so they have every right to.
WARNING: You are using pip version 19.2.3
19.3.1 here
I will update and give it a try, I need something like this, though its only for one 3rd party library
@AnotherUser31 sounds simple enough. the only thing I don't know how it would work is the part where you'll probably want to download the processed images
yeah, that's what I thought...like a zip thing or something ?
@Arne only processed images ? how and where would the unprocessed images would be processed ?
a popular choice for webservers is flask, you can try to write a simple server that you can talk to locally that executes your script for a start. since it's well known, upcoming issues will usually yield a couple of good results on google
@AnotherUser31 dunno, I'm just guessing at what you want to do.
@TheNamesAlc whatever you're doing, don't do it
hehe @Arne alright, thank you :) i'll keep searching and get back if I'll find something new :)
you're welcome
@AndrasDeak It was Arne :P
The shame!
exposed! D=
Where's that slapping fish...
You were gonna try get away with that scapegoat, weren't you? :P
if it's labelled as bad code, is it still a sin?
@AnotherUser31 tell your users there are dependencies they have to install?
@Arne yes
@AndrasDeak way too many people to tell too...and to install :(
I don't understand that logic
i just want to make it a simple standalone application :(
Perhaps windows users are unfamiliar with the concept of dependencies
it's mac
Surely there's something equivalent to making a .exe on Windows?
Installer shell script?
yup, like I said, simple applications like scraping images, and save them to they local machine would work. but not the Imagemagick part and Potrace which are not Python packages :(
@roganjosh would you really want to bundle the entirety of imagemagick into an exe if you could?
@roganjosh I only post bad code in early morning, trying to escape watchful eyes. seems it isn't early enough any more
@AndrasDeak put it on my tab of sins then, right next to walrus advocacy =D
@AndrasDeak I'm guessing "no"... unless the user doesn't already have it, in which case, it's no different than getting the user to first install it anyway. I'm assuming though that it's something that comes as standard on mac?
Certainly it doesn't come as standard on Windows
It's semistandard on linux
if you can't control the env and are not allowed to alter it, outsource it to a webserver ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
every user has a browser/wget, right?
Probably depends on the distro if it's installed, but always available as package
@Arne >:(
That walrus needs to see a dentist...
funny coincidence, I have to go to the dentist today. good timing on that karma
but in my imagination that's a double chin on the walrus.
I can kinda see it. With 3 characters, it's kinda like looking at stars and everyone going "yep, that's a bear alright"
@roganjosh It should cache just one
Sorry i went for lunch
@roganjosh I've already hit some emoji spamming youngsters with a "back in my day with made do with ascii to convey complex emotions via text interfaces"
Alas, "my day" rapidly approaches "yesterday" :)
@TheLittleNaruto Why is this all handled by a single route?
@roganjosh Ok the cases are not directly appearing like I shared above; it is somewhere in the logic. That just for reference I shared.
cbg o/
My rep didn't go up so much...
Ok, then we can only really talk in abstracts. What is the nature of the the thing you want to cache? An integer result from some long calculation? How frequently does the cached value change? It's a value to be shared between all visitors?
records fetched from MongoDB and yes from some long calculation, value changes/updates every 2 hours. And yes it's a value to be shared between all the visitors.
Ok, so before I make my own blasphemous suggestion for this morning, what's the issue with flask-cache in this use-case?
I am unsure of how to make a custom one for this case.
As per the documentation, it looks pretty straight forward, i.e. we need to use cache decorator for a function which output we want to cache.
My case is bit different i.e. I want to only cache data of the function returned from a particular case.
But you don't really want to cache the view, you want to cache the result of a query for one particular path in that route
Right, so a suggestion
Yes and that's called function cache in the documentation
Create a global dict and use Flask-APScheduler to update the value of the dict
Although, I have to think about how this works across multiple threads/processes
Looks like it will serve my purpose
For gunicorn launching multiple processes, I have to lock the scheduled task down otherwise it gets repeated multiple times. But if you do that an try to update a global value, I'm not sure whether it would be propagated to all your other workers
@TheLittleNaruto it comes with a lot of caveats and "but"s
How big is the result of your query?
Result has 10k+ records
@roganjosh Ah! Point
Infact! In case of cacheing as well we will need to verify? *Thinking*
How often is this result needed?
The database will get updated every 2 hours
No, that's the refresh time. How often does the result get served?
That's frequent. We have already good number of users checking the site during working hours
Did I answer your question?
Roughly. Enough to say that you won't get away with a botch without affecting users. I think you should have a separate process that can be queried for this result if it really needs to be "cached"
@TheLittleNaruto what kind is that case? does it depend on the values your function receives?
is there any chance you can model this case as a separate function?
@roganjosh I see your point. That would be better to have a separate process.
@MisterMiyagi I can try
@MisterMiyagi Yes it depends on the values it received
I've barely used Mongo so my terminology is probably off. But create one document that gives "current_version" and another document that holds the result of the query. Every 2 hours, have another process that performs the complex query and uploads the result with some unique identifier. Once it's done that, update current_version and at some point (like 30 seconds later?) delete the old result. The flask app always queries current_version to see what it should serve
This way is better! We were actually doing it for couple of complex queries earlier.
But had to remove(not sure for what reason.)
I don't understand how lst[::-1] returns the reversed list. for lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], shouldn't it return :[1, 5, 4, 3, 2] ?
If it were SQLite, for example, the memory footprint of the DB would get a bit ridiculous because you'd need to VACUUM the DB to clear up the deleted table. Maybe Mongo doesn't reclaim the storage automatically
@roganjosh It takes what it can, I guess
But in that case, you'd only need to switch between two tables and update them. So you wouldn't need to be too wasteful
I think for this case I can take this approach.
BTW In This cache thing, Flask keeps the data stored in Python interpreter.
Which will be faster, right? @roganjosh
@Zeta.Investigator Huh? Why would it reverse everything except the first element? What's your reasoning behind that?
@TheLittleNaruto I imagine it would be faster, but it's not the general case for you. I suggested originally whether you could separate the route out and MisterMiyagi suggested something similar after, but it seems you can't make use of the cache
@roganjosh Okay I'll check if I can extract that out as a function.
and other ways you guys shared
melon @roganjosh @MisterMiyagi
YouTube advertising leaves me so conflicted. The last time I dug into their model, you only got charged for long adverts if the user watched at least 30 seconds. Hopefully that's changed now they pile in the double adverts, but it leaves me feeling I should endure at least 31 seconds of adverts that I hate, just to make the advertiser pay for my suffering. Where is the balance? :/
the advertiser wants to pay for that, you know
that's, like, the whole point of ads
They want to pay for me to never ever click on their advert that they paid for?
lol in India, Youtubing became one more career option.
The advertiser wants me to skip if I have zero intention of clicking the ad
well, it depends I guess. Some ads just want to remind you "hey, this product exists"
@Aran-Fey What does lst[::1] do? it starts from 0, returns first element and increments the index. lst[::-1] should also start from zero, return it and increment the index by -1
I hear it as "hey, we're still garbage" but in any case, I'm gonna have to endure at least a portion of their reminder, if I endure a bit more, they pay for it
@roganjosh YouTube Vanced is the answer
@Zeta.Investigator No, if the step size is negative it iterates from the last to the first element
@Aran-Fey So for negative step size, we should patch our logic?
@Zeta.Investigator the step is multiplied with the index. if it's negative, it will yield from end to start
also, slices don't "wrap around". If it starts at the first element and then reduces the index by 1, the iteration ends and you only get 1 element
@Zeta.Investigator not sure what you mean
whoa, I just realized I gained almost 2k rep from yesterday's change
@Zeta.Investigator huh, thanks for that, I'll look into it. I have youtube running constantly while working so the ads are starting to make me crack :P
"DataScience is not just a hot new career path, it's an essential ..." <-- get in the bin
cbg Jon
@roganjosh There is also the youtube-dl script which is suitable if you want to mass-fetch vids/mp3s from YT
@Zero 'ello 'ello stranger :p... you must have heard rumours about a general election or something...
It had crossed my radar.
I actually wandered by to express an epiphany I just had, though: I think I worked out why people don't get 100k swag anymore.
It came to me in a flash after reading about the question rep doubling. Putting that together with the illegal licence change and the libelling of Monica Cellio, I think they've just been having a really hard time sourcing a vendor for flaming paper bags full of dogshit.
They're single-use so there is a global shortage currently
Is this anything other than a bug in numpy?
seems more like a side-effect of overloading + for different shapes
Or maybe just a weird corner case. I don't see the purpose of + np.array([]) so I don't understand why that in itself doesn't throw an error if they know it's going to wipe out a list/array
notably, np.array([0, 3, 4]) + np.array([]) is an error
@Zeta.Investigator [::1] is more like "infer a start point. Infer an end point. Use a +1 step (or increment)". The important point to note is that the start point just happens to be 0 for positive indices. There's no reason the negative step sizes have to still use 0 as start point either. So, [::-1] is again, "infer a start point. Infer an end point. Use a -1 step (or decrement)". Except in this case, python chooses the start point as end of list, the end as -1. Call it convenience.
It's a simple if-else based on the sign of step for the "infer" stage.
So, [::-1] gives exactly the result it should give because it was very deliberately coded that way.
@roganjosh added an answer, I think it makes sense even if it's surprising
Has there been a sudden jump in rep for anyone today? (like a shift by 500-600)
I definitely wasn't 9k AFAIK, and it's showing me I have 9.25k rep & as per this screenshot, it's definitely not my bad memory to blame - twitter.com/shad0w_wa1k3r/status/1189470399907557376
@shad0w_wa1k3r closing as a duplicate of "what is banner blindness"
@shad0w_wa1k3r go read meta.
ah, thanks
@AndrasDeak perfectly good answer to me.
or read the logs
yep, my brain just assumed it was being stupid rather than blaming my eyes :-p
(eh, even here brain chose to ignore)
A: Upvotes on questions will now be worth the same as upvotes on answers

Denys SéguretI'll ignore the problems of the decision being made behind walls and being contrary to what the community asked. I'll ignore the fact that what we, as engineers, wanted, was more quality and less noise, not a bigger amount of trivial questions that maintained documentation (or sometimes similar ...

honestly, I find the overly dramatic tone that is in many of these meta posts really exhausting.
yeah, I also spend a good amount of my time on this network and care about its state. but some of these answers read as if the world is going to end.
@ParitoshSingh Well I guess I can memorize this inference
@AnttiHaapala I've voted to close that question as "unclear what you're asking", just because it's fun, yes, at the expense of the inconvenience caused.
Does anybody remember Documentation? You know, that one time SO really, really screwed up and refused to listen for months on end to everyone telling them how badly they'd screwed up? I'm sure glad nothing like that ever happened again. And again. And again. For ever, from now on, until the last server is dropped off a bridge through the windscreen of the last surviving answerer, with a blog post scratched on the side explaining how this will make the site friendlier.
mmm, ok, when combined with the : end index, I guess "infer" is the right word. I just makes my brain a bit mushy reading it that way :P
@roganjosh OK, added some more concrete info about the broadcasting
@ZeroPiraeus I think they somehow feel dictatorship and decisions taken behind closed doors work very well on a community maintained highly open platform. I've given up making sense of their moves.
But sand is very important for the health of the shoreline, and the oceans are the largest biome. We have a global crisis, after all!
Stuff will adapt to live on the plastic bottles we keep throwing on the shoreline
Unpopular opinion i guess: i honestly don't see the damage higher rep on questions would do.
Like in my mind, i can count away the bad questions as often being written by "new" posters, who never really have much rep anyways.
<strokes stubble pensively>Maybe global warming is all the heat generated by Meta
@ParitoshSingh but I just provided a counter-example
whom this is going to help is those who asked off topic questions 10 years ago
oh. aah, i missed that statement.
It doesn't really help anybody. It gives them fake interweb points. The examples you gave; they already had all the privileges that rep brings
Does it make any thing worse though? Just trying to piece together that line of thought
I'm not so much concerned by bad question upvotes giving more rep than these upvotes being there in the first place. The above "Does "\d" in regex mean a digit?" is straight up RTFM material, not anything close to 150 upvotes quality. How much each upvote is worth doesn't change that.
RTFM was all considered on topic when the site was being built though. A kind of: if its not on the site, it should be added, type of thing
So the issue is a global culture of people that don't want to RTFM. The rep that user got changes nothing about the question, the frequency that it shows up in searches, the number of people that use the answers, <insert anything else here>
@ParitoshSingh they will have now. A question with +1/-3 (-2 score) is worth +4 rep even if the upvote came first
And a lot of crap doesn't get the downvotes it deserves
The one thing that came out of this is surprise that several of the regulars here didn't know that downvoting questions comes without penalty.
@AndrasDeak This line of thought i definitely agree with
@roganjosh me included
I'm shocked. That could easily backfire for SE
But there'll be another happy-clappy solution in the pipeline to fix that, I'm sure
@roganjosh really? Huh
@roganjosh I would expect that to change fairly soon.
@AndrasDeak reading the transcript from yesterday, it's like 3 or 4, and now Paritosh has added himself to the list
downvoting costs the time to read all that crap...
not downvoting something because fearing the loss of 1 rep is doing it wrong anyway
@MisterMiyagi ^ and also, whatever you think of my level of knowledge, it's massively supported by SO at least giving pointers if not a solution. So I do regularly wade through the crap to try preserve that resource and, now less frequently, find something interesting (like that numpy situation earlier)
Giving pointers seems to be the least supported contribution. I'd really like to see (some) comment rep; most questioneers don't need answers, they need counter-questions and hints.
errrrr this has just been deleted. I happened to have it open. It's got something like 800 upvotes but I can no-longer view it. This feels like a massive footgun, regardless of whether it's offtopic
@roganjosh it is off topic
But what about the answers? Was everything bad advice?
@AnttiHaapala In case I was unclear, I'd agree that SO management is doing a sub-par job atm. I'm just put off by the amount of emotions that are invested by parts of the userbase into the discussion.
@AndrasDeak Not fussed about the question as such, I'm more concerned that clearly it has high footfall and questions don't get 861 upvotes if the answers are crap. All that's just been wiped out
it's been closed for 6 years so perhaps it's not a great loss
That's a decision made by 5 people.... vs the 1.3 million that have seen the page, the people that have contributed answers and those that have even bothered to upvote the question
10 people, and old rep sticks
"bothered to upvote the question" is hardly a skill
I don't like this at all.
none of us do, probably :P
@AndrasDeak How many questions do you upvote that yield answers that you use daily? It's rare that I upvote a question that resulted in the answer I go on to use
Ugh, do I really have to face Meta here? :'(
@roganjosh probably none, I rarely need to google things I use daily
@AndrasDeak exactly, so what does it say if 800+ people did? It means it's useful
I think "use daily" is a non sequitur
Ok. I won't disagree with that. But I'm not clear on your standpoint against it being a valuable resource
I never said it's not a valuable resource
Shouldn't the question be in SuperUser instead of SO?
yes, but it' 11 years late for migration
That's just now been wiped out, presumably (and you could argue with that) for political reasons, over that user getting rep
and I bet we already have a dupe on superuser
@roganjosh I can't speak on behalf of others :P
you can also view it this way: the rep change has directed attention on content that could've been deleted long ago
You could view it this way: The site is flooded with content that we don't delete, and we've just taken down something that 800+ people upvoted
arguably 80 upvotes per year is not that much
And the question is off-topic, no doubt about that. Whether it holds value depends on the answers. Questions don't hold value.
The answers have gone with it
You're playing devil's advocate here, but do you really agree with just removing content that has helped so many people? Who gives a toss whether it's on topic or not? That's like taking a book out of Fiction and just burning it because it's real
This seems like a dupe of the deleted question.
@roganjosh Okay. Now that sounds kinda like the burning of the library of Alexandria which caused us lose around 2000 years of knowledge.
@roganjosh it's complicated, since it's off-topic there's a lot of room for judgement, and there are many factors at play. At the end of the day I'd have to read the Q&A which I don't want to.
@SeanFrancisN.Ballais it would be, but we're talking about the brilliant stamp collection stored in the cellar of the library, which was nice, but not what the library was about, and which unfortunately burned too
@roganjosh Interesting analogy. What if it's one real book in fiction section..now add another..and another. at what point is having those books detrimental in a section labelled as fiction? What if we also said it's not the only real book, it's also available on the shelf next to it? It's like, tricky tricky.
@SeanFrancisN.Ballais That's the point I'm taking issue with. But I've said more than my bit here. If I dare, I'll raise on Meta. That place is just a mess atm but I can't help but feel like this is self-sabotage in response to the recent rep change. I need a brew
@roganjosh hey it was a bad question, it did not even explain the problem so that it was apparent to me as a screen user so I wouldn't know if it would have solved my problem or not...
I'd view it this way: Lets look at the question title, see if Im in a position to judge whether it's really useful or not. Upvotes on old questions is a thing, and not necessarily a signal of question quality. And if it's off topic, it's off topic.
@ParitoshSingh I felt that the current approach is to keep the old books and not allow new ones
Fortunately, i have no idea what the title said even after reading it*, so i am happy i don't have to pursue this line of thought any further
@roganjosh I don't think SO needs our help with sabotage ;)
@Arne same.
@ParitoshSingh I posted a screenshot
the only people who complain are new users who know these old posts and base their own questions on it, and promptly get their posts closed with reasons that feel arbitrary to them
@roganjosh I'd still vouch that it doesn't belong in SO. I would have preferred if there was a way to move it to the relevant site.
@AndrasDeak as in, i saw the title, and then i was like: i have no idea what this says :D
ah :)
screen is like a terminal in your terminal, which you can detach and let it run in the background (for instance when you ssh into a server), and it stays there until you log in next time
there's also tmux and a bunch of other utilities that do this
great, now my brain is trying to think whether terminalception is a new word or did someone already come up with it.
But i see, appreciate the explanation!
no problem
@ParitoshSingh it is not a programming tool at all
in fact the very first use that I knew for it was for running irc clients permanently on school servers
at the time when there were no messengers or anything such :P
@ParitoshSingh exactly. Off topic. Which it was already flagged with. Now it's just been deleted. There was no need to delete it. It helped a lot of people, clearly. I can't see any other reasoning than a vendetta; how many other questions (and, most importantly, answers) are we now gonna lose over a pathetic rep row?
@roganjosh Oh gosh. I think one of my old questions is probably in the kill list, if it weren't deleted already.
Then again, that was a totally off-topic too opinion-based question.
@roganjosh you can't see: how about there is a place for questions where they're on-topic.
they stay open there.
@AnttiHaapala or eggdrop bots :)
and people can contribute more answers as knowledge is increased and software being developed...
@AnttiHaapala When I see you closing and deleting questions on the main feed, maybe I'll be more sympathetic to your message there
@JonClements I didn't know that at first ;)
a MATLAB professional asker went from 50k in August to 105k today
Is "professional asker" actually a thing? :p
a MATLAB/python one went from 2k to 6k
@JonClements I find it hard to describe the situation without mentioning orifices

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