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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

I want to (whimsicly) name a function in a script.

If Python were used in an anime, and the hero raised the fists of his giant robot, and yelled that he was going to invoke Python, what whould he yell?
I'm looking for something better :)
@MooingRawr cbg
Do we have an undelete-pls tag?
was saying cbg to user but cbg to you too Olivier
@user3483203 cbg
cbg triangle
I think a lot of people would benefit from a "How and when should I use super?" canonical on SO. It's a broad question, but considering how important of a role super plays in python, I think it would be a good resource to have. What do you folks think?
It's fine if canonicals are a bit broad or otherwise close-worthy. It's hard to construe a useful canonical which has a legit-looking question part.
the answer has to carry the weight
So I have to write the answer myself? I'm not sure if I'm qualified...
of course make sure there aren't good posts in the subject already
@OlivierMelançon you can post and we'll understand
How do we make these tags already?
There are questions about super of course, but only about specific use cases. What I have in mind is more... broad. All-encompassing.
I've gotta write a daemon by that name :D
that's an undeleted answer
What exactly is the issue?
Nevermind, it was undeleted by a moderator just when I posted the tag
Mod power came to the rescue.
oh, I see
the answer link confused me, because there's no deletion in the answer's timeline
Brad, nice
Oh oops, I linked the answer not the question
But as I said
context saves lives :P
Guess I'll try my luck and see if the question's closed
what room are the stack overflow moderators in?
none I think
and if they are in a room, I think it is a private room that is not publicly exposed.
This is purely guessing
But I'm almost sure there isn't a public channel
afternoon cabbage
evening cabbage here
Early morning cabbage here
Hello guys, I have been working on trying to extract data from API; and I am getting stuck somewhere. Can anyone please guide me? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51860927/print-attribute-and-element-in-xml-with-python
I asked this question 3 weeks ago, but didn't get any response. Can someone please have a look at it?
@Rick does a falling tree make a sound when there's nobody there to hear it? :P
while item.find('city') is str: <- pretty sure that's not doing what you think it is. #2: don't use bare excepts, they hide the nature of the error.
@AndrasDeak answer this and ill answer you. Does a drop of rain hold any meaning in the rain?
what I was trying to say is "the room where the mods are" is exactly where mods are, so unless you're a mod it's a question of no practical significance
cold cabbage
@AndrasDeak that is rickdiculous O_o
Basically, if it doesn't have <city>...</city> it should just ignore it or print 'Not Found'. But it prints for all the nodes, even if there is no element <city>. I am trying to work through it, but can't think of a good logic here. Even tried doing
if (item.find('city')).text is None:
print('Not Found')
But still the same result :(
IIUC, you just want to loop over the items and skip it if 'city' isn't one of the child tags. Is that correct?
A: What if I don't want to answer but still want to help?

wimWhen you click "add a comment" link underneath an answer, you are presented with this textbox: The help text is quite clear that answering directly in the comments is discouraged: Avoid answering questions in comments. Comments cannot be downvoted, only upvoted, and so an answer that cou...

@abarnert I was really hoping to see you on that inspect question!
^ what do you think?
@wim works for me
I won't necessarily live by it but it's a good guideline regardless
ironically, I arrived there because of some comment noise underneath some question and the inability to ping JFF in here because he doesn't participate in rm 6 ... :)
you can find him in SOCVR
I know that's pretty much beside your point, just saying
@DSM Yes
Well, you can get a list of the tags via something like [elem.tag for elem in item] and check to see whether 'city' is in there. (You don't need to materialize the whole list, of course, you could do 'city' in (elem.tag for elem in item) or any(elem.tag == 'city' for elem in item) or whatever.)
I'm tempted to recommend xpath but let's get something simple working first.
@DSM Okay, will give it a try :)
riddle me this: when is an empty string not an empty string?
When it has the half width hangul space?
is projecteuler.net/problem=18 and projecteuler.net/problem=81 basicly the same riddle? in both problems we can always only choose between two directions, the only difference is that in problem 81 the last number added is always 331
fortunately I don't have anything that exotic...just a space in a string that is being converted into a number to do some maths
@Null they look very similar, yes
now i only need to invent the "clever" method mentioned in problem 18... to solve 3 riddles at once hehe
did you solve 67?
obviously not^^
good points made, even if I find this answer a little too "by the book" for me. I asked the question because I really disliked that who-know-better-than-me people ping me to tell me "don't do that". Maybe next time they should try flagging see what happens. — Jean-François Fabre 32 mins ago
so much for pinging him :D
mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/4084/… <- i find it interesting, just by looking at the graphics^^
@Null Hint: if you are at position (x, y) in the square. Can you quickly decide whether to go right or down?
i think the "clever" method is this:
what do you have in mind?
mmh, no i was to fast
but we can agree that it involves comparing the two directions
if one is 0, and the other 1, then we choose 1 i guess
I don't see any reason to agree on anything atm. I'm just prompting you to help get those problem solving skills going.
but what if after the 0 is 1000 and after 1 is 0...
umm...are we talking about the same problem
oh sry
suppose we are at (x,y), and the two options are: go the pass where a 0 is, or the path where a 1 is
I'm referring to PE81
I don't see any 0s or 1s in there...
then let us talk about the first position, (1,1)
the task is to find the minimal route
or (0, 0) since we are programmers...
how do you decide to go right or down?
therefore we first try our luck with 201
by comparing the two options
can you do better than "try your luck"?
why do you choose 201 instead of 673?
because its lesser than 673
I think that's a good place to start. Just pick the smaller of the two
I'm not sure if that will always get you the minimal path, but it's something to try at least.
at (3,3) this doesnt work
(3,3) while (0,0) is the start
oh...so when you are at (3, 4)
yah ;-(
i mean, it works but somehow the program must magically "know" that it walks into a NUMBERtrap :D
81 is a large number. It needs more advanced techniques. Odds are you need a way to explore the available paths. See also the title: "path sum".
right, going to the 111 isn't going to ultimately result in the minimal solution.
i think the two extreme pathes have to be explored fully
oh...you can do something like Dijkstra's shortest path
it's a rather easy problem.
Null is learning python and maybe mathy programming too
the word "easy" is so problematic
@ypercubeᵀᴹ frankly, I don't care much for whatever is implied by that message of yours. Null is trying to have fun.
even if i knew how the algorithm would look like, i dont even know how to import a file^^
@Null always a good opportunity to learn
@Code-Apprentice I meant we can find an efficient and simple algorithm
1. learn about reading and parsing files, 2. read about path finding algorithms
@Null That's a good place to start then. Write a program that opens a file, reads each line, and prints it to the screen.
but don't be surprised if jumping ahead will suddenly give you harder tasks
@ypercubeᵀᴹ "easy" and "simple" are relative
@Code-Apprentice off course.
@Null A big part of computer programming, and problem solving in general, is breaking a large problem into smaller problems, then finding solutions for the smaller problems.
@Code-Apprentice that's what i learned reading the god-object article on wikipedia
cool, good luck with the programming. Eventually be sure to look at articles about Dijkstra's algorithm. It will be very helpful to you.
or even google "shortest path". There are several algorithms for solving this type of problem.
i guess go always left is not the answer to any laberynth haha
Actually, "go always left" will eventually get you out of most labyrinths I believe
but it will take a long time
and by "go left" I mean "along the wall and stick to the left in junctions, so not applicable to your number matrix
@AndrasDeak only if they are simply connected.
and not only then
It's probably the other way around: if it's simply connected then sticking left will work. Or something like that.
@AndrasDeak yes, exactly.
If it isn't, it may work or not.
nonsimplic would be a circle for example?
no, "simply connected" is a topological term, look it up
an island inside a lake inside a continent is not simply connected to the mainland
man i threw my math study, and now where i am again, at math :D
I guess "simply" is an unnecessary complication: in 2d they are either connected or not
or to make it worse: a 2d labyrinth is always non-connected :P
@AndrasDeak I'm not sure what you mean with that
Imagine a 2d labyrinth of the usual kind, a rectangle for instance. There's an entrance on one side and an exit on one side. The path connecting the entrance with the exit will always cut your labyrinth into two
but I know what you're talking about so there's no need to overformalize it
simply-connected for the labyrinth means (if I am not wrong) is that there is a single path from the entrance (and any point) to the exit.
hmm, yeah, I guess that makes sense in that context
@Aran-Fey A couple of suggestions for your question: "Are the parent classes designed for cooperative multiple inheritance?" should just be "for cooperative inheritance". it's also a concern when using single inheritance - better not to conflate multiple inheritance with that.
and all 3 mentions of "forwarded to the parent method", I recommend not to use the terminology "parent method" here. Because the thing returned by the super call may or may not be proxying a parent at all. I'm not sure a better term, but perhaps "forwarded to the proxy".
Is "singular inheritance" a phrase that exists?
just "inheritance" is OK there.
@Aran-Fey "lame inheritance"
@wim I think I'll stick with "parent method" just because everyone understands that, incorrect as it may be. "proxy method" is confusing IMO
everyone understands that, or misunderstands that?
you may be reinforcing their misunderstanding, by using this terminology
You've got a point there.
I still don't like proxy though
maybe "forwarded to the super instance" ?
"base method" maybe?
"passed to super"?
oh, those cyber corparations in my homecity know about stackexchange, there are jobs in my city. sorrely i can't take them cuz of no knowledge. but good to know
now that I think of it, don't use the word "forwarded" either. the point being that a super instance is the thing that figures out where the args/kwargs are forwarded to.
@AndrasDeak have you heard of the algorithm (for labyrinths) that says "in every intersection, pick at random"?
nope, but I'm sort of allergic to CS so my knowledge in graphs is very limited :P
computational science, or something
@wim so nitpicky!
@AndrasDeak is "new line" a character? i guess yes
it most certainly is
in .txt files
@Aran-Fey I get the impression that my suggestions are not welcome and will refrain from commenting further.
I do think it will be a useful content to have on the site and hope that maybe Raymond himself will contribute an answer.
Not true. Everyone's contribution is valued and welcomed here.
Egos may sometimes be bruised but that's also part of the learning process
Devil's advocate: it's entirely up to Aran whether he values wim's input or not
@wim No, sorry, I do appreciate your suggestions. It's just that I have more pressing things to attend to, like trying to not get my question closed :D
can a language write it's own compiler?
@Aran-Fey with 0 close votes and +3/0 it's looking good so far
I've had a few high-rep users question the question's usefulness in the comments though
A compiler for a language can be written in that language.
@Aran-Fey Ah, I hadn't realized that you tried to ask the Q part of a canonical Q&A. Good luck with that :D
If nothing happens, I'll probably offer a bounty and post a self-answer just to get the ball rolling. Then probably delete when the criticism starts piling up in the answer's comment section :D
@Null yes and often do. compiler-compilers call it bootstrapping.
(for 2 minutes)
I'm trying to convince someone that Pandas series of lists of numbers is inefficient and not recommended. Is there a good canonical or reference in the docs for this?
I know most of us, myself included, are just willing to answer the question (1, 2 are recent ones), but I feel we should be able to link to somewhere giving in-depth reasoning about why it's not recommended.
if a programm opens a file but doesnt close it, does shutting down the programm close the file in the ram?
Pretty sure all operating systems release all open file handles when a process dies, yes
But that's no excuse to write bad code. Close your files. Use your context managers.
yeah, its not even hard to close the file, so i will do
@AndrasDeak ok, i now made my first test program that reads a file, prints its content and closes it. but i don't understand the syntax of it :/
f = open("test.txt","r") #opens file with name of "test.txt"
why not just print(f)?
or is f now a minifunction?
or a renamed function?
f is a file object. If you try print(f), you'll get the file object's representation printed, not the file's contents.
does something like this work?
get input from user and store in variable1
f = open(variable1,"r")
to open a file the user wants
Of course. Variables would be pretty useless if that kind of thing didn't work, wouldn't they?
if using the same program which can parse, and not use some RNG, will the parsing always be the same?
what is a beginners task to parse a file?
Would it be parsing if I sort a string: abc123def456 by numbers and letters?
mesmerizing video of a Hilbert curve being constructed from spatial Fourier series i.imgur.com/JdVfrts.mp4
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