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7:00 PM
@idjaw Interesting. That's more of a difference than I was expecting. And it'd be interesting to see how it would scale, eg with lists / sets of a hundred or so items.
i can run it on my data, how to check the time performance?
>>> import re
>>> html = "<span title='blah'>"
>>> data = re.search("\<span title\=\'(.+?)\'", html, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
>>> print(data.group(1))
>>> from timeit import timeit
>>> print(timeit(lambda: bar()))
if your function takes an argument then:
Also, building a set has a little bit of extra overhead compared to a list or tuple. So if the collection is very small, it can actually be faster to not use a set. IIRC, in my timeit tests comparing speed of membership testing, sets don't speed things up unless there are 5 or more items to check.
7:01 PM
what's with the starboard, I step out for a few hours and new posts no longer fit on the screen D:
@idjaw isn't that one just print(timeit(bar))?
So i dont use forward slashes before and after the pattern @Kevin ?
@AndrasDeak you're so right....wow haha
the "curried" one might be more relevant
7:03 PM
@dyb I'm crazy just do this:
>>> print(timeit(bar))
I know that's not curried but you know what I mean
@KristianHareland Nah.
Alright :)
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x1048520a8>
@idjaw and if i have no function then i'd do just: print timeit() ?
And this means ?
7:04 PM
That's the object that contains the data you matched. You can extract the string you captured using the group method.
@KristianHareland My messages were for dyb and Andras
@dyb I believe you need a function
@idjaw yeah i know, my bad being bad with the @mentions
@AndrasDeak @dyb otherwise you have to wrap all that code in triple quote strings
.group(0) will give you the entirety of the matched string, .group(1) gives you the first capture group.
7:04 PM
timeit calls the callable object passed to it
oh, it works with strings too? neat!
it's a bit messy with spaces and all that
but yes
but then you need globals, apparently
I'm trying how to figure how to do it cleanly if bar took an argument
See my timeit tests (with results) at How to find list intersection?
>>> timeit.timeit(bar)
>>> timeit.timeit('bar()')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/timeit.py", line 213, in timeit
    return Timer(stmt, setup, timer, globals).timeit(number)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/timeit.py", line 178, in timeit
    timing = self.inner(it, self.timer)
  File "<timeit-src>", line 6, in inner
NameError: name 'bar' is not defined
>>> timeit.timeit('bar()',globals=globals())
@idjaw one way is via a string call with globals() passed?
of course in the above dummy case you can just pass globals={'bar':bar} unless I'm mistaken
7:06 PM
weird. but, what if you have many globals, how does it know what to pass
@Kevin i love you now <3
Mm tasty validation
@KristianHareland join the club. There is a long line
Kevin is aware of his fandom. Just wait until you read the fan fiction
@idjaw I bet ;)
@idjaw ?
you have to know what to pass, or pass the entire globals()
7:08 PM
I need to setup a Patreon so people can buy me the yacht I deserve
@AndrasDeak I'm probably having a hard time wrapping my head around that one, but if bar took just one argument 'x', then how do you pass x in to bar?
using timeit
@Kevin just a yacht ? now you are too subtle...
@Kevin you solve world problems??
It is written, "And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world"
>>> def bar(y): return y*2
>>> x = [1,3,5]
>>> timeit.timeit('bar(x)',globals={'bar':bar,'x':x})
>>> timeit.timeit('bar(x)',globals=globals())
would this be sufficient? stackoverflow.com/a/12444065/1658151
7:10 PM
the lambda one works but incurs overhead
>>> timeit.timeit(lambda:bar(x))
I have answered a number of questions that were prefixed with "My boss will kill me if I don't get this working" so I guess that qualifies???
@AndrasDeak Oh right....it looks much more clear now. :)
@Kevin Did you also hide a snippet in your answer that calls the police to OP's premises?
@idjaw also, I'm not sure how different things are if you put some of that in the setup
>>> timeit.timeit('bar(x)',setup='x=[1,3,5]',globals={'bar':bar})
maybe that is what setup is for?
I think it's time for some go go gadget RTFM
sort of, but the function def is probably better passed in globals?
rhubarb :)
7:13 PM
@AndrasDeak The best I can do is fax their IP address to the police station.
@AndrasDeak With timeit, you often need to do this sort of thing: setup=from __main__ import stuff
@Kevin It's 2017 after all
@PM2Ring ah, neat
even the examples wrap it in strings. hehe.
Although, isn't that clearer with globals={'stuff':stuff}? Probably there's a potential performance difference.
lol. I didn't think official Python docs would have the word stupid in it
def test():
    "Stupid test function"
    L = [i for i in range(100)]
7:14 PM
@idjaw I assume in order to avoid the additional function call
> The stmt and setup parameters can also take objects that are callable without arguments. This will embed calls to them in a timer function that will then be executed by timeit(). Note that the timing overhead is a little larger in this case because of the extra function calls.
@Kevin i made it! my first python script haha
First one's the hardest.
@AndrasDeak ah so you want to minify all that junk around it
yup, that's why the lambda:bar(x) version was significantly slower in the above almost-noop example
7:21 PM
@AndrasDeak gonna run the code again without the lambdas
ugh nevermind...I don't feel like typing all that up again
I left the session to run work things
if isinstance(price, int) != true: doesn't look like it will run because true is not a built-in value in Python
so, != 1
!= True would be the closest valid equivalent
Ahh caps T
But in the world of Python it's more idiomatic to not compare to boolean literals at all: if not isinstance(price, int):
I would expect isinstance(price, int) to always evaluate to False, because re.sub always returns a string, and a string is not an int, even if it's composed exclusively of digits
>>> x = "123"
>>> isinstance(x, int)
7:25 PM
How can i then check if it is a number or not? can i convert the type ?
Because if it is not a number (even as a string) it should break and go to next item in list
after retrying
Perhaps getItemPrice should be doing return int(price)... But then, you don't need to bother doing an isinstance check, because either the returned value is an integer, or your program already crashed trying to convert a string to an integer when the conversion couldn't be done
>>> '1'.isdigit()
    if not price.isdigit():
        # Sleep a little because of rate limiting...
        price = getItemPrice(itemID)
        # double check ?
        if prise.isdigit():
            cursor.execute(GuidePriceSql, (itemID, price))
            cursor.execute(UpdateItemSql, (price, itemID))
            cursor.execute(RemoveFromQueSql, (itemID))
@idjaw the intersection method doesn't work with my case. my checkforthese list is a list/set of unicode characters that look like this: {'\xc7\xbe', '\xc7\xbc', '\xc7\xba'}
typos ik
7:28 PM
isdigit as a test for numeric strings is usually wrong.
Mostly on account of the fact that "-1".isdigit() evaluates to False even though "-1" could easily be turned into an int
but I'm sure there are other corner cases which I am not thinking of right now
Another question, how to add more than one variable to the same "print" statement ?
@dyb Um, that's not Unicode. But it could be an encoding of Unicode. Are you using Python 2? Are those strings supposed to be 'Ǿ', 'Ǽ', 'Ǻ'?
No æøå strings
@KristianHareland Extra credit: imagine your boss comes in tomorrow and says "great job with the price checker script. But I would like it to retry ten times before giving up, instead of just twice". Come up with a design that doesn't require you to write ten times as many nested if blocks.
its personal project but sure
so while not
ill fix it
@KristianHareland Print statements can have as many variables as you like:
c:\Users\Kevin\Desktop>py -2
Python 2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec  5 2015, 20:32:19) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> a = 23
>>> b = 42
>>> c = 99
>>> d = "blah"
>>> print a, b, c, d
23 42 99 blah
ok, i use commas!
this syntax is easy to learn once you get it fed into your head haha
@PM2Ring 2.7; it is an encoding, in my nestedlist i also have encoded names
    flag = 0
    while flag != 1:
this you mean
        flag = 0
        while flag != 1 && flag!=10:
or whatever
7:35 PM
Well, you're in the right neighborhood. "Use a loop" is what I was fishing for
@dyb Which encoding? But yeah, my intersection technique won't work if the items in checkforthese aren't single chars.
for i=0; i!=10;i++:
not python ^
@PM2Ring utf-8
A for loop may or may not be appropriate depending on how hard it is to break out of
Since you don't want to try ten times if it succeeds on the sixth time
7:37 PM
@dyb That's why we ask for MCVEs. Your example had checkforthese as a list of single item strings, and you didn't mention that those items might be longer than a single char, so I wrote code that works for that data.
@dyb I decoded them as UTF-8, and I got 'Ǿ', 'Ǽ', 'Ǻ'. Isn't that correct?
where's that Kevin quota
sorry, what is MCVE ^^'
@Kevin might be time to point at the what tutorial page
the example i gave before was psuedo... with the intention of asking which kind of loop you want me to make :p
2 days ago, by Kevin
"Oh, could it be this one thing that I didn't mention before but in hindsight is probably extremely important?" is a failure mode I fall into very very frequently when soliciting help on SO ;_;
this was harder than expected
@dyb That intersection technique will work if checkforthese contains single Unicode chars, testing against Unicode strings, but it won't work if you use it with encoded Unicode where checkforthese contains multibyte sequences.
@PM2Ring it depends on language, Norwegian characters are: Æ Ø Å, and æ ø å and from your example it looks like you want them...
@PM2Ring Your characters seem more Icelandic tbh but might be correct but i have gotten those wrongfully when testing Norwegian chars.
@KristianHareland They aren't my characters, they're from code dyb posted. I merely decoded them.
7:44 PM
Jun 1 at 14:38, by Kevin
A Møøse once bit my sister
aha, then i got you wrong @PM2Ring
Definitely not a Canadian Moose.
Unicode is the common heritage of mankind; they belong to all of us :-)
No bogarting the fun letters, Kannadigas ಠ_ಠ
@KristianHareland Your earlier response confused me, and made me think you must be working with dyb, because you said "No" to me in response to a reply I made to dyb.
hahaha @PM2Ring i assure you, this is my first time in this room!
But i intend to stay, cuz PHP isnt cutting it for my needs anymore :/
7:49 PM
@PM2Ring this is correct
Oh, good. :)
BTW, Unicode handling is much nicer in Python 3 than it is in Python 2...
Got me worried that i got the encoding wrong for a sec ^^
I know but i need to use 2.7 :/
link = "http://example.com/viewitem.ws?obj="+item
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
Because you can't concatenate strings and integers, that's why.
How can i make it append the value no matter what type it is ?
7:59 PM
convert it to a string
+str(item) is the laziest approach.
how? try to find out
item.tostring() ?
considering how this is your first project, perhaps you should skim a tutorial
i tried, but i didnt understand +str(foo)
i wanted to understand what it does before i do it...
8:01 PM
>>> foo = 234
>>> str(foo)
yas thanks <3
it wont melt your computer if you just try it :)
in python doing is often paramount to understanding
@KristianHareland Python is strongly typed, so you can't just concatenate an integer to a string and have the integer automatically converted to a string for you. You need to explicitly convert the integer to a string. Fortunately, that's easy to do.
that's what's great about the interpreter
8:02 PM
yeah, i figured... i come from a very loosely typed language and i wish i went to python first tbh everything seems so much more slick
stop everything everyone
new greatest cat picture coming up
pair programming omg https://t.co/4d7WMHKBUQ
And if thing is already a string, doing str(thing) just returns the original string object.
alright, good to know thanks man!
@KristianHareland We don't have item.tostring() in Python. Instead, a class can define a __str__ method that returns an appropriate human-friendly string representation of the object, and when you call str(obj) it gets magically converted to the obj.__str__() call.
8:10 PM
I see :p @PM2Ring
There's also a related "magic" method __repr__ that returns a programmer-friendly string representation. You can get it by doing repr(obj). The __repr__ method also gets used if you call str() or repr() on a collection, eg if some_list is a list of objects, then doing str(some_list) or repr(some_list) will use repr() to make strings for the items in some_list.
And if you do print(some_list), then print will call str on the list, which in turn calls repr() on the list items.
Often, repr() and str() give the same result, (mostly) because if a class doesn't define a __str__ method then its __repr__ will get automatically substituted, and every class has a __repr__, either one it defines itself, or one it inherits from the parent class.
But here's an important example where they're different:
>>> a = 'hello, world'
>>> print(str(a), repr(a))
hello, world 'hello, world'
Note how the repr of a string has quotes around it.
@PM2Ring long live , runs away
woah woah....who invited Johnny Java to the party
@PetterFriberg Java has it's place...
...preferably a long way away from me. ;)
8:20 PM
puuf, I was expecting something worse
Seriously, though, I admit that Java is faster than pure Python (but I bet Numpy could give it a run for its money), and my Android phone wouldn't work without Java.
@idjaw just scanning your transcript ;) and could not hold my breath, how's life idjaw?
But I don't use Python for its runtime speed, I use it for its development speed and comfort.
I have no clue about python other then that I like the community part on SO, some how R and python brings a lot of people that care about content.
@PetterFriberg Hey Petter! :) life's great. Nearing the end of the day for me here. How about yourself?
8:27 PM
as usual, flagging stuff, I have no clue why, but I still have fun doing it, now I'm also back from vacation and could not wait to consume all my flags :D
I just got my gold badge, so I've been enjoying the novelty of dupe hammering everything
it's been quite wonderful, really.
it's a pitty, I should answer questions, but all these plag, NAA, offensive stuff is more interesting to deal with
How can this even be wrong:
addToQueSql = "INSERT INTO guide_prices_que (item, status) VALUES (%s, 0)"
ctx.query(addToQueSql, (item["id"]))
    raise errorclass(errno, errval)
pymysql.err.ProgrammingError: (1064, u"You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '%s, 0)' at line 1")
@idjaw nice CONGRATS! if you like to get pinged on every python dupe you know who to ask ;)
any one familiar with Django/Angular integration
8:31 PM
@KristianHareland try (item["id"],) (notice the comma)
@Rawing same result, yes i noticed :3
hmm. I'm afraid I'm out of ideas then
@MalikBrahimi the rules
@PetterFriberg hehe...if you find a dupe that no one has hammered, feel free to drop a line here using the [tag:cv-pls] <link> <reason> format
8:37 PM
Have I missed anything fun while dealing with annoying production issue?
@DSM I posted a really cute pic of two cats sitting at a laptop
other than that, business as usual.
yo, @Petter
you can leave your java outside ;)
@idjaw just join the old room and send command @que opt-in [python] be sure to bring the hammer ;)
We need that No Homers Simpson caption, but have Java instead
8:41 PM
Fizzy started working with Java. Then he started saying he didn't think it was so bad. Now we never see him any more.. you do the math.
@AndrasDeak I was just checking room mod ;)
@PetterFriberg oh yeah!!!!! you know what? Thanks for reminding be about that
yeah we still have vaultah trying to clean some
@KristianHareland: are you sure you want query there and not execute?
anybody have been under surveillance?
8:47 PM
If it was good surveillance, how would we know?
someone tried to distract you?
while spying on you
That sounds a little circular. Anyway, the Python relevance isn't clear to me, so you might want to find a different room. ;-)
@DSM yes... how stupid should i feel now ?
not stupid at all
8:49 PM
@KristianHareland: not at all! I didn't recognize query, so I downloaded pymysql and grepped through it for def query. That gave me
(36) dsm@winter:~/coding/PyMySQL$ grep "def query" **/*.py
pymysql/connections.py:    def query(self, sql, unbuffered=False):
x) It's my first day with python hehe so thanks a lot man
and that made me pretty suspicious the second argument wasn't what you thought it was, given that the error message made it clear interpolation wasn't occurring.
How does one go about using Django forms in Angular partials which are loaded by the state router service
That doesn't really speak to me. I'm also not a Django expert.
Is 'state router service' a django thing, or angular thing?
8:57 PM
are you a front-end developer?
who me?
I'm a "both low budget" developer lmao
Basically Django interprets template tags in the templates directories but not the partials that are dynamically loaded into those very templates via Angular state routers
@kkkkk Does that make sense?
i was thinking about the same
9:02 PM
i can't believe how ppl spend their time on frameworks like angular
I can't believe JS is the only language that supports dynamic HTML
There should be a server side solution instead of having to resort to Angular lol
i have been doing web apps for years and its killing me
Hahaha I'm a high school intern kms lol
i hate back-end development too
I am reading the python tutorial (Spanish) and I found something like this: def f(a: str, b: str = 'b') -> str: return a + b. I don't understand what does str, That turns a value into str(a), b value into str(b) and return a + b into return str(a + b) or is like a comment?
9:04 PM
@EnderLook these are type annotations
@EnderLook It returns the concatenation of two strings
@vaultah but these str does something?
The function has annotations that indicate the intended return types and arguments types
str is the built in string type
So if I try to put an integer it will raise error?
use it as a function to cast objects to strings
9:06 PM
That function will not do any casting.
Depends on what you enter for the other value
if you enter a string and an integer yes you'll get an error
>>> def f(a: str, b: str = 'b') -> str: return a + b
>>> f(1,2)
If you enter two of the same type you're fine
annotations don't actually cast any thing or even check types
But, if it says str why the input isn't 12 ('1' + '2')
They're glorified comments
the annotations simply indicate your intentions
9:08 PM
@MalikBrahimi So they are like a "suggestion"?
what type do you intend to pass as arguments
ah, I think that now I undestand, thanks.
Honestly intention is the only word I'd use in this case
More like a cue, or a hint
Yep np
9:09 PM
Not really a rule so much as it is a guideline
Ok, thanks.
@EnderLook Yeah, you can think of those type annotations as a special kind of comment. They don't actually have any effect on how the code runs. But they give hints to humans reading the code. And IDEs and other tools that examine code can use them too.
Shall I use them?
That's up to you. A lot of Python old-timers don't like them much. But I guess they can be useful, especially if you're writing a large and complex program.
ok, thanks.
9:22 PM
hello everyone, I started learning python today. There is something I don't manage to do:
I have this code snippet
(which I didn't write)
        shape = predictor(img, d)
        print("Part 0: {}, Part 1: {} ..., Part 2: {}".format(shape.part(0),
which gives this output:
part 0: (611, 263), Part 1: (606, 294) ..., Part 2: (609, 327)
I am now trying to write a for loop to write every element shape.part(i)
ie no shape.part(1) or shape.part(1) but shape.part(i)
I tried this: for i in enumerate((shape.part()))
that's syntactically incorrect, among other things
have you considered reading a tutorial?
but that didn't work. Could someone tell me what the correct way is to write the for loop
@AndrasDeak you'll never guess what I m doing...
Which one are you reading?:)
I'm rolling a hard way on this one.
@AndrasDeak just switched to a SO post: stackoverflow.com/questions/522563/…
9:25 PM
@trilolil that is not reading a tutorial.
and are you looking at the question or the answers?
@AndrasDeak that's why I wrote "just switched"
tapping out
"you'll never guess what I m doing" sounded as if you were reading a tutorial
rhubarb, idjaw
Andras you have that thing you have to go to
The tutorial would show you what's wrong
9:26 PM
fun fact: I "know" trilolil from the matlab room
not in a good way though :P
still doesn't change the fact that you're late
ie: for i in ((shape.part()))
but didn't neither. So I guess I'm missing an important point about indexes
you are missing multiple important points
which is OK, since this is your first day:)
idjaw wait up, I'll be there in a jiffy
9:28 PM
I'm waiting for you near the blue door across from the pub
@AndrasDeak I am reading those one of those tutorials you linked. Would you mind correcting me/helping me out on that one?
	# Write landmark coordinates to file
	coordFile = open("../examples/facesandmarkCoords.txt", "w")
	for i in (shape.part.items())
Tried multiple things so far
Did you try reading the tutorial?
the thing is, shape is a nontrivial object and its indexing doesn't seem to be proper python indexing; it's function calls you're doing
in order to tell what you really need to do we'd have to make you explain what that object exactly is like, then tell you what to do, both are beyond the scope of the available time of the users present right now
9:37 PM
@AndrasDeak yes, it s not my code. I am learning basic python to analyze the results the code provides
which is why I'm telling you to learn a bit of basic python first, then you'll be able to see the basic blocks you can and should use
please delete that and repost in a pastebin
The code is not so long, compared to C or cpp
and expect a high chance of it not being read by anyone
what makes you think that you can and should "learn basic python" by trying to understand someone else's complicated python code?
9:39 PM
Finish the tutorial, and read the documentation for the library that it's from. That's really all you can do right now.
@AndrasDeak I understand what the person is doing. I just don't know the python syntax. I usually write C and asm on embedded platforms...
that's why you need to freaking learn it first
and no, it's not just syntax
I just want to print out that function's results, nothing more
I could probably tell you how to find those 2 lines that will do what you want to do, but something tells me you'll keep having 2 lines that you just need written
9:42 PM
@AndrasDeak hmmm probably not. I'd need to get those values written to a file. And I'll pass that file to my own C/C++ code :)
Final remark: read a tutorial. From start to finish. Then read this and make sure you're not producing any symptoms next time. Have specific questions. We can't teach you the language and we won't write your code.
... I love when high-rep users ask questions that can be answered via RTFM or LMGTFY: stackoverflow.com/questions/45361323/…
@TemporalWolf in those cases it often turns out that the user asked a simple but popular question 9 years ago
never trust a user with that many gold badges and <10k rep
9:44 PM
oh my.
So @AndrasDeak was that explanation convincing enough? I'll have enough time to read the entire tutorial by the time I'll really need python again.
Sorry, I'm not buying it.
the fact that you didn't even nail the basic for loop syntax suggests that you're not pulling your own weight
@KevinMGranger they deleted their self-dupe right now
lol, everyone has their own speciality
Jun 17 at 14:13, by Andras Deak
Feb 4 at 15:44, by Andras Deak
People are too friendly and helpful when they should be strict and critical instead, which is the bane of Stack Overflow in the long run. The only way to maintain a culture of high-quality content and high signal-to-noise ratio is through ruthless peer pressure.
this is mine ^
@AndrasDeak Questions (482) Answers (23), with over 100k views on the top 3 questions.
9:47 PM
I'm not looking at any of those questions
I bet some of those answers are questions :P
Can someone see what the deleted question was duped to and dupe the newer one?
@AndrasDeak please don't speak about SNR, you probably barely know what that really is :)
Oh nvm you're on it
If we upvote the dupe target which is deleted... can it go through?
@TemporalWolf nope
9:47 PM
never mind, thanks
@TemporalWolf upvotes are not an action, but an automatic consequence of close votes
@trilolil do read the help vampire post, it's really written for you. Well, some part of it.
I guess I just assumed they were equivalent.
nah, >3k rep users can vote to close, and if you vote to close on a dupe that has been mentioned, there's an auto-upvote on the comment
wait, you can do that too :P
9:50 PM
I'm not sure why, but I assumed upvoting it would log a dupe vote
nope :)
that would be cool though
in a weird-and-unexpected-behaviour kind of way
But non-obvious. Kevin'd!
It was expected behavior to me :P
someone's bug etc
Almost anyone anyone can upvote comments (I guess you need commenting privileges, which comes at 50 points), and you only need 15 to flag a post, but you need 3000+ to vote to close. Upvoting a "Possible dupe" comment is kinda like a flag, I guess. I don't think it would be appropriate to make it automatically generate a close vote for those with enough rep.
9:59 PM
I'm not sure there's even a rep limit
We'll have to ask a <50 rep newbie if they can upvote comments. :)

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