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▶ find src_js -name '*.jsx' | xargs wc -l | tail -n1
    2289 total
if i sat down at a job interview and they asked me to write JS, I'd probably open a text editor and stare blankly
I work on the assumption that as soon as you observe a Tristan, its wave function collapses and all interesting ambiguity disappears like a diaphanous veil blown away in the wind.
yet, ostensibly, i've written > 2k lines of JS in the past month (dependencies/imports are in a different dir, that's source count)
@JRichardSnape I can confirm.
@AnttiHaapala Fair enough. But (of course) I didn't know about the new ordering behaviour of dict when I wrote that.
Haha, yeah. We played cards. And had polite conversation.
@PM2Ring :D how can you expect to survive on SO with such meagre clairvoyance...
And drank until 2AM.
Also true.
@AnttiHaapala :) My connection is a bit flakey tonight. I replied almost immediately, but it didn't go through, and I only just noticed it.
Sounds like a good night to me. 2AM drinking, cards and conversation.
Oh yeah, 10/10 would do again.
SoPyCon will have all of that and more! Reserve your ticket today.
@JRichardSnape not to me...
I've been having fun with f-strings. Here's a dice addition table.
t=[' '.join([f'{u+v or "+":>2}'+' |'*(not v)for v in r])for u in r]
 + |  1  2  3  4  5  6
 1 |  2  3  4  5  6  7
 2 |  3  4  5  6  7  8
 3 |  4  5  6  7  8  9
 4 |  5  6  7  8  9 10
 5 |  6  7  8  9 10 11
 6 |  7  8  9 10 11 12
@PM2Ring did you build beta1 yet :D
I was meant to spend the weekend drinking with @Intrepid, but he foolishly was unable to get a ticket.
and obviously, loads of people haven't turned up, so he could have come anyway.
@PM2Ring That is awesome!
so you're now there alone
yay for sopycon @pycon
I'm the only Room6er that I know of, though I saw a guy in Slack called Flexo that might be mod Flexo.
We should all meet "halfway" in Iceland. A week later the Icelandic government will decide that they don't actually want to encourage a technology-based economy.
@AnttiHaapala Nope. I'm happy enough with what I've got, for the time being.
it got plenty of new features now
@PM2Ring also: print(*t, sep='\n')
ah no
@MorganThrapp Ta! I haven't played with f-strings that much. They're just too much fun, and extremely addictive. :) And I want to be able to post SO answers that are usable by people without 3.6, so I mostly use .format these days. OTOH, I'll always have a soft spot for printf-style % formatting, mostly because I've been using it since the early 1980s, so it's kinda hard-wired into my brain.
@PM2Ring ... crank :D
@PM2Ring Yeah, I'm really excited for 3.6 to come out so I can start using f-strings.
@AnttiHaapala Yeah, that works.
@AnttiHaapala What, too much conversation?
@AnttiHaapala I suppose % formatting is a bit hard to read for newbies, but you could say the same thing about regex.
@JRichardSnape yeah.. "What if..." "Hey, did we came here to drink or talk?"
@PM2Ring there is nothing particularly fancy about % formatting.
it was just something that worked in the 70s
@AnttiHaapala I admire your dedication.
actually I do not drink much
The thing I don't like about string formatting in Python is that there are now too many different ways to do it, and according to the Zen of Python there should only be one (obvious) way to do it.
just a standard Finnish sterotype
I like the adherence to the Finnish stereotype.
@PM2Ring the obvious one is f''
I recall a joke along those lines...
it also follows the other zen rules
@AnttiHaapala I knew you were going to say that. :)
Beautiful is better than ugly.
Simple is better than complex.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules. (tuple vs one item in %!)
Today $NEW_HIRE learned that the legacy project throws a fit if your computer's regional date formatting settings are mm-dd-yy instead of m/d/yyyy.
@Kevin Did (s)he clean their fingernails thoughtfully while pondering it?
@Kevin Does new-hire get to fix the bug?
The pure and good and right solution is to find all of the instances of DateTime.toString() and DateTime.parse in the project, and modify them with CultureInfo.InvariantCulture. But there are a lot of those, and there may be other functions that also need the cultureInfo object that I'm not thinking of right now.
This is a true story:
@QuestionC I fixed a little bit of it. Just the parts interfacing with the db.
Logical thinkers
A Finnish wife asks her software engineer husband "Hey, could you go to the shop for me and get a litre of milk? And if they have eggs, get six."
The husband returns with six litres of milk. "Why on earth did you buy six litres of milk??" asks the bewildered wife.
"They had eggs."
So now he only gets clientside bugs and not serverside ones :-P
It's a real low priority bug anyway because prod/QA isn't going to change its regional date formatting settings any time soon, so the actual customers aren't affected
o/ o/
Just developers with the temerity to have special snowflake date displays
Hey, idjaw!
Lots of coffee today?
@AnttiHaapala A real software engineer would reply ArgumentError: function get(object item, int amount) requires two arguments, got one
For it is written, "in the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess."
Now is better than never. python has some fucked up ideas about plagues
@Kevin Still, it's sad that roughly 20 years after people were freaking out about Y2K bugs that people still build systems with flakey time / date processing.
Some of that flakey code was written by me, much to my shame.
In my defense, this is exactly why I wanted to use an orm and not compose sql queries directly.
Sometimes it's easier to just go with the flow. :)
same, but with the opinion that if you're still running my code 984 years from now, you deserve whatever terrible thing happens
Dates are one of the worst engineered solutions in human history, and we keep fucking with the specs. I have nothing but sympathy for programs with date handling bugs.
Just had a talk on property-based testing, really interesting.
I count myself fortunate that I live in the same country and time zone as the prod server and all our customers.
Time zones and leap seconds. What are you even doing, datetimes.
@Kevin you don't just UTC everything until view?
Whch seems quite relevant to KevinCorp[-1] Employee.
@tristan Yeah probably. I think the .NET datetime object handles that.
cbg all
do duplicates have to have an accepted answer (I remember reading that somewhere in the deep archive that is meta)
logically, no (not sure if the SO hivemind disagrees)
to be hammered I mean (just system-wise)
@QuestionC People have been notating dates & times in various ways since prehistoric days, so you'd think we could get it right by now. :) The calendar is an irregular beast, and there's generally a lot of inertia against changing calendar-related stuff. Duncan Steel's book Marking Time has some great info on the this stuff, if you're interested.
sometimes with meta its hard to discern between: "the system allows you to do this but we don't think you should" and "the system doesn't even allow you to do it"
@JGreenwell who are you, my court-appointed therapist?
@tristan ASP.Net backend logic calls the localtime from the server and converts UTC for you so you don't have to deal with it at view (and backend unless you force it - or at least that was the default behavior haven't messed with 4.0+ but don't think that would have changed) - well, unless your using ASP Classic in which there is no way to get UTC without actually programming it through C#
which used to be really fun
@JGreenwell O__O well, at least it UTCs it
^ for metal fans and/or J.R.R. Tolkien fans
A few centuries ago they had this crazy system where the change of the year number didn't happen on the first day of January, so they often wrote two year numbers when they needed to avoid ambiguity. See genealogy.stackexchange.com/questions/132/what-is-a-double-date
yeah, that was one of the big changes from Classic to ASP.Net cause it was such a headache having to always deal with timezone based on localtime - you'd actually have to make a JS call with new Date()).toUTCString() or C# (DateTime.Now).ToUniversalTime()) (but I remember that having problems)
My favorite date weirdness is how there used to be a 60 day period of the year where there just wasn't any month at all.
@JGreenwell No. And if someone posts a dupe of their own crap question you can hammer the new one to the old one even though it's closed and doesn't even have any answers.
neat, thanks
> Traditionally, the original Roman calendar consisted of 10 months totaling 304 days, winter being considered a month-less period. Around 713 BC, the semi-mythical successor of Romulus, King Numa Pompilius, is supposed to have added the months of January and February, so that the calendar covered a standard lunar year (354 days)
And then OCTober and NOVember and DECember were no longer the eighth ninth and tenth months, annoying linguists forever
then lunar went to solar and it all went to H-E-double hockey sticks
to be fair - its easy to annoy linguists
Or, wait, didn't it have something to do with someone naming August after themselves...
In which year did the Egyptian god Ncaa plague the earth with March Madness?
I imported a module foo and its got functions and normally you have to access it by foo.bar()
In soli-lunar calendars you don't have a single leap day, you have a whole leap month, that's so that the calendar keeps in sync with the phases of the moon and with the seasons. But in many such calendars they don't just stick an extra month onto the end of the year, they insert it into the middle of another month! So you have (roughly) 2 weeks of month A, followed by the leap month, then the rest of month A.
is there a way to access it as just bar()?
Gregorian is solar is all I know (also that alot of "lunar" calendars are actually a mix of solar and lunar called solilunar)
@Inthuson from foo import bar
ah, PM2 beat me to it
Petition to have July & August renamed back to Qunitilis & Sextilis. Please sign below this line.
there are so many tiny functions @tristan
isn't there a way to import the whole thing as global?
@tristan March 17, 1939 This makes me re-think all of history now
@Inthuson from foo import * , but then you have to be careful not to override in your namespace.
and access them such as bar1 bar2
yes, but don't
oh okay :D thanks! @tristan
do what you want, i aint you real dad
unless your golfing
no problem @Inthuson
If you're importing a whole module as global, that's a possible indication that you have a design problem
i'd check out a python tutorial docs.python.org/3/tutorial , it will greatly improve your understanding and end up saving you time
Having a module with so many functions that it's tiresome to import them all one-by-one may mean that you have too many functions
or that your using numpy ;P
I wish that was a joke but I forever see people trying import numpy into global and then wondering "why is my code so slow?"
gamers - There are some specials on Steam that might interest you, WB Publisher sale and Aspyr Media(?)
In the late Julian & early Gregorian calendars the leap day wasn't the 29th of February. Yes, it was added to February, but it was inserted between the 23rd & 24th. There are some details here
that's awesome
That's a p. good visual pun
When I woke up this morning, I didn't even realize that I needed to listening to a song about Fëanor and his sons burning ships in middle earth
@idjaw isthereanydeal.com worth comparing here to see if it's actually a good deal
that is a freaking awesome song @tristan
@tristan :O
@JGreenwell yeah. i'm pretty into it right now. i forget this album exists, then one of the songs will come up on shuffle in itunes and i'll immediately start the album again
always beware the shuffle
one day, i'll end up drunk at a company outing at a karaoke place, will discover "mirror mirror - blind guardian" in the song selection book, and won't be able to keep myself from shrieking along as i transform into this for 5 minutes
What kind of karaoke places are you frequenting that have music like that? And do you know any that have death grips?
@Inthuson Please, please, please don't use from foo import * in real code. Yes, it's more typing to do foo.bar(), but it makes your code a lot more readable when you know where the functions are coming from. If the module name is long you can give it an abbreviation like this: import longmodulename as lmn, then you can do lmn.bar().
If you do "star" imports with 2 (or more) modules, it can cause chaos: if both modules use the same name, the second one that you import will clobber the first one. And if you don't know all the names that each module imports you won't even know that this is happening, until your program starts having weird bugs.
@KevinMGranger lolll that would be amazing. just go for it with "i want it i need it"
We have karaoke bars here with private rooms
"karaoke": from the Japanese words for "tone deaf" and "drunk".
Haha yeah. There was/is a karaoke place a block away from where I used to live in NYC and the private room always got super weird. Actually, per many SO rules, that's as descriptive as I can get.
No, I must stress test my lungs with some GUILLOOTIIIIIIIIIIIIINE
I'm proud of my take on doing a very metal rendition of Hit Me Baby One More Time. I just didn't want to sing it for reals.
something about "private room" and "karaoke" just makes me shudder
it's a room for 5-20 people with a waiter/waitress that brings alcohol in, sometimes with a window on the door, preferably not.
They sell alcohol...it makes it easier to deal with.
rule one of karaoke: It is physically impossible to go to a karaoke bar without one person, at least, singing "Don't stop believing" by Journey
Last time I went to karaoke I chose 99 Red balloons, forgetting that there's an entire verse in german
So? I sang all of Gangnam Style and Dragosta Din Tei last time I did karaoke. Just memorize the sounds.
I probably insulted people's mothers in both of those languages, but it was close enough.
rule 2: One should not sing until the amount people have drank is equal to or greater then the level of your lack of talent
@corvid sorry for OT, but do you think it's super icky to have an action that takes a look at the store to dispatch the right data to a reducer?
@wim I'm at work, so I don't want to click that link. Is it really?
@wim why is this voted up?
@tristan It's probably against the functional paradigm, where a function should always provide the same output. I suppose technically it does because it returns a function rather than a result
@tristan cause people want their p0rn
@idjaw it's anime fan/cosplay creepy. the amount of flesh makes it SFW, but the context and general anime feel make it obviously porn for someone with a body pillow girlfriend
....and now there is that image in my head ^
thanks, thanks for that ;P
what specifically are you trying to do?
@corvid Yeah, that's kind of what I went into. Also, it's JS and the DOM, so there's always going to be some state. I'm building URI params based on some settings in my state object.
It's called a daikamura, you normie
Not-too-proud-to-admit-I-like-fox-ears cabbage for all.
@KevinMGranger actual lol for being called a normie
@tristan What's the URI do?
@KevinMGranger searched for that and now I see there is something called a "bamboo wife" - I do not want to know what that is
Well, why do you think pandas were endangered?
Welp... I just googled daikamura at work (spoilers: It's a girlfriend pillow).
@corvid fetches content. e.g. i look at user_location[(lat/long)] and user_preferences['lang'] and determine results and the language that the user wants to receive
@tristan "what have you tried" .. he wrote already 3 attempts !
@KevinMGranger cause they are not - at least anymore
it builds a URI for dispatch that's like ?lang=ru&ll=42,37
Pandas were endangered because they are no longer endangered.
Actually, if you're pointing out my use of "were", that makes sense
@wim and none of them was complete MCVE
@wim yeah, that wget standard lib call.
i'll edit
yep, grammar geek moment is done though
@tristan Oh okay, so something like https://{getState().locale}.battle.net/api/characters or something?
@corvid Yeah, basically. It's so I can look at my state object and generate my URI params in one location as opposed to per func.
I think it should be fine, I've done that before. The state should theoretically always exist, right?
@corvid Yeah, it's established in the reducer in some default state/shape always.
Thanks for letting me bounce this off you and sorry for the "ping" when you were idle
it's no problem I was just watching terrible music videos
Silverlight seriously doesn't work on Chrome the browser everyone uses?
@QuestionC interesting...apparently there is this
(if you haven't seen it yet)
> On Chrome version 45 or a later version of Chrome, there is no workaround for this issue.
This is actually a pretty big deal. The project I'm working on revolves around a Silverlight product. According to my PM we're going to have to force all users to not have Chrome as their default browser.
X, Y problem
bad decision is bad
building on something that's been deprecated on the dominant client for more than a year and a half and something that's been formally disallowed for a year and 15 days.
I do like the idea of other companies giving Microsoft standards the middle finger.
Didn't Netflix have a short love affair with Silverlight?
I told my PM, my hands are clean of this dumb bug for now.
Same, but this is about a 20 year old thing that allowed running content out of context.
Haha "bug"
Forcing users to change their default browser shouldn't be acceptable and we're the ones depending on default browser. We're being forced to use this dumb product but at least we could work around it a little.
lol that's an upstream failure to depend on a product that doesn't work in at least 30% of your users environments
If Firefox users got pissed off that we're not loading in their default browser then good. They should be pissed at the Silverlight product and that's how we get it out.
So wait...*apparently* (would like to find more sources) Microsoft doesn't even want Silverlight anymore: theregister.co.uk/2015/07/02/microsoft_silverlight
a+++ superb businessing. would disregard importance of technical skill in technical leadership/decision making positions again.
it won't work in FF/Chrome. maybe only internet edgeplorer
oh the other thing that Microsoft dropped too?
tristancorp will only work on blackberries. they're still a sizable market, right?
but the old blackberries right?
I need to take a walk or something. This is seriously BS.
pre "tried to be cool again" blackberry
@QuestionC Yeah. Get some air and remember that none of this is on you.
@QuestionC yeah...I've been where you are too...it sucks...
stackoverflow.com/questions/39534830/… dupe (if you find a more general dupe target, that's even better)
@tristan from the comments, it sounds like I should be glad the url doesn't load for me.
yeah...just let it be :P
Also sounds like they're being blocked by the site, not that they don't know how to download.
@davidism it's camgirl cosplay
@davidism sure they can download, it is an ani gif, PIL just shows the first frame
I was referring to the "error image" part. But I didn't really look into it.
I bet way more people complained when Safari dropped Flash support than do about the absence of Sliverlight in Chrome ...
as for the content, it is like "hey I am a creep, but I am such a creep I don't even know how creep I am and that is why I didn't even try to cover it".
and I do not know why the q gets upvotes
What was Silverlight being used for? I remember it was briefly needed for Netflix, but that hasn't been the case for years.
@davidism to watch almost all paytv online extras here
I've never seen any other use :D
no silverlight games, no silverlight teleconferencing...
wasn't it pretty much trying to compete with Flash
yeah. microsoft wanted their own proprietary lock-in
the funniest thing was that it is popular because of the DRM... also, it was supported in Linux with moonlight...
Barely. It broke constantly.
... but moonlight didn't support the DRM, subsequently I never encountered any page at all that used silverlight that could work in Linux :D
hmm..So GitHub's latest update for approving pull requests is very Gerrit-like
I am very glad it is dead
Before Chrome, you had to use a custom build of Wine to watch reliably.
@idjaw yeah, i think they wanted to steal from gerrit and trello with the new features.
@tristan only a matter of time before "git review" is used :P
Yeah, there's some obvious Trello knock-off features in there.
I do like the comments stay in draft until you're done commenting on everything
Yeah, as a Trello user, I'm cool with it. I hope it means gitlab steps up their game for when github implodes. Well, not implodes, but I think they'll continue burning social capital.
github is so damn expensive
i'm okay with how much it costs compared to its utility.
I use it enough that the price is fine for me
I am not talking about how much it costs to me
(side note, I really need to take advantage of company perk for free hosting)
Their code of conduct is micro-fascist lunacy (see: "We will not act on complaints regarding...Refusal to explain or debate social justice concepts"). Per these rules, I could reject idjaw's "privileged perspective" in a PR, then refuse to meaningfully respond, stating that I don't have to explain my SJW point of view.
also, why don't they have any discount for yearly billing
that's a good point
Because they don't need to.
but...they don't have to. hehe
Gitlab is still proving itself.
I'd rather see them increase the monthly by $1
cloud storage companies on the other hand have to, because there is much more competition out there.
I remember one company I was with was really trying to give me discounts...but I had enough of the whole "you must pay extra for this file type"
Gitlab is coming up, and I think as long as they don't also try to go full-tumblr to virtue-signal/get free marketing, I think they'll do quite well.
oh well, I will still keep using bitbucket :D
It's hard to beat free
BB is not free.
least headache
I don't need to explain anyone what we're paying and why
If you're using it with <8 people (well, 5 by default) it is
last time I was working in a project with more than 8 people ... hmm... never.
I answered the creeper gif question LMAO
@here what's all y'all upvote/downvote ratio?
@wim it was a shitty dupe
the linked answer is needlessly complicated imo
ugh that answer is a truck stop bathroom of references
@Ffisegydd Aaaaand they're all out of stock. :P I really do like those.
"fapping", "pr0n" ? .__.
Would you say it's NotPr0n?
i'd avoid it entirely because the ground around that question is polluted with reddit sludge
Oh, I didn't even look at the question. Have you played notpron? Crazy internet riddle from the early '00s (I think).
sorry for the tone and coming off strong @wim
A challenge presented to me today: write a python program that outputs "Hello, World!" and whose source code contains no comments and is a palindrome.
Just because.
@Kevin like, sprint palindrome or?
also python 3 or 2?
I don't know what a sprint palindrome but I assume any python is allowed
maybe he's talking about sprintf
@Kevin argh, *string palindrome, or just words or ...
@MorganThrapp I had to write a paper on using heuristics and statistical analysis to create a "porn or porn-like" filter (basically pointing out how un-reliable this idea is and looking at other options) and it caused quite a bit of a ruckus at my college's IT department
@Kevin "a\";)'!dlroW ,olleH'(tnirp;";print('Hello, World!');"\a"?
Presumably it's a character-level palindrome rather than a token-level one. In other words, source_code == source_code[::-1]
that has commas
put in chr(44) instead
There's no rule against commas.
Just comments.
@MorganThrapp Ooh, escape character trickery. I like this.
here I was trying not to put commas in LMAO
@MorganThrapp ) and ( are not a palindrome
Ah yeah, those parens are pointing the wrong way in the string. But the idea is sound.
@AnttiHaapala Herp de derp, yup.
not valid python 3.6
@MorganThrapp only just launched today. Printers haven't printed them yet. Should be in stock next week
who has data explorer / sql chops
ah yes it is
I would like to know the median upvote/downvote ratio amongst voters with > 100 votes
@Ffisegydd Oh, cool! I'll have to keep that link around. I'd love to get the simple is better than complex.
Yeah same I think.
Can someone explain how that code works.
Would need to buy a frame. I'm too old to have frameless posters now
@QuestionC Basically, "a\";)'!dlroW ,olleH'(tnirp;" is one giant string that gets thrown away because it's not assigned to anything.
And then we print 'Hello, World!'.
And then create another string that we throw away.
I'd buy Zen of Python in Chinese calligraphy <3
Oh hey, and look who the first comment is on the PPCG answer I stole the trick from.
Very Clever, I like the escaping quote. — Wayne Werner Aug 12 '11 at 15:24
So the bell character has nothing to do with it.
It could be anything really.
I'm amazed at the popularity of that code golfing and puzzles site
what with a job, cooking, dishes, gf, who has time for that shit?!
even all the special languages just for golfing these puzzles .. wtf
@MorganThrapp I was just about to post that
Is there a good way to conditionally replace with regex? EG: if the string matches one of many patterns, find which pattern it matches, and replace it
I'm always shocked when I come across past me when I no longer have that memory
the worst thing is that I spent about 30s looking at that answer before I realized I was the one who wrote that comment
codegolf and worldbuilding are the 2 sites that are brilliant successes and I never would have expected to work for SE.
@corvid Do you have an example of what you think you mean? I'm slightly confused by the verbage there
hmm I invented another way without escaping strings...
worldbuilding is such a big waste of time, I wish I could filter it out of the sidebar
almost works
print >> None, 'Hello world' ; 'dlrow olleH', enoN << tnirp
@QuestionC Psh. Those are pretty easy. I'm impressed that Christianity manages to be a civil place
need to find a way to short circuit in the middle
or exit
@wim worldbuilding is just as bad as TVtropes for me
@wim Yeah, right, what kind of crazy person would write their own golfing language.
well, no, I take that back
it's maybe half as bad
last time I got on TVTropes I think I spent about 4h there
I've never posted to worldbuilding, but I always enjoy reading the HNQ posts.
So you have a string like ${email}, or a string like ${name} or a string like kittens are fluff. Replace ${name} with some data, ${email} with some data, etc.
they have some interesting question titles that I can't resist to click sometimes. but I always regret it because of the low quality of the answers there
@corvid either use NLTK if it is a complex problem or write recursive regexes
@MorganThrapp are your dishes piled up in the sink?
if I'm understanding your question right
@wim Nope. I wrote it over a couple weeks while I had downtime at work.
So... you want to do a sequential replace? Or are you worried that you might be replacing something that's in a replacement and you want to do it all at once?
I don't like the posts to worldbuilding, but I'm happy that SE gives them a functional ecosystem.
I like worldbuilding, its interesting to read some of the ideas (esp those which apply modern science to science fiction questions) - at least to me
cause, you can do text = re.sub(...); text = re.sub(..., text)
I rarely read the answers on world building, mostly just the questions.
but then again, I also like books like "What, If?"
@Kevin hehee
Worldbuilding is pretty much just the crowdsourced version of xkcd's what-if
@Kevin I found the minimal :D
ah mhmm
need to think abit :D
@WayneWerner without the humour nor the intelligence
Let's get the cheaty answer out of the way:
>>> "Hello,World!dlroW,olleH"
prints "Hello, World!" as required. Also prints other things, which was not explicitly forbidden.
REPL echo doesn't count as printing

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