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damn these users who need to be spoon fed every step of the way
as soon as you fix one problem they bug you for the next thing they bump into
exit strategies anyone?
@toshbar fyi - you do not need any of the for i in range parts of that code (remove everything except c = list_comprehension and you'll get the same answer - your just overwriting c a bunch of times right now)
isn't there a meta post on that? I'd point them at that and just be done with it
@toshbar - if you then expand the list comprehension out it should become clear what it is doing
@JGreenwell I used PyQt4 before
and now i nede to build another GUI
should i use PySide or PyQt?
no idea, haven't used either of those in serious production (rarely do Python GUIs)
haha okay thanks @JGreenwell
anyone else?
hackathons.... TODO everywhere
@wim just stop responding.
or, if it's in an answer, just close it out with "this has solved the question you originally asked. please open a new question for blah blah blah"
oh no...a JS/frontend heisenbug that only rears its ugly head when page is left alone for some amount of time > 30 minutes
what kind of error does it throw
json.parse unexpected character at position.... but i accidentally refreshed
yeah, it could contain a hundred thousand
i know someone working on a test framework for frontends. hoping he beats me to launch.
really? Can you keep me up to date on that?
@tristan have you messed around with this? browserstack.com
@idjaw will do. i'm really, really excited for his product. i don't want to disclose info beyond what he wants to share, but from what he showed me, it appears like i can write powerful tests without having to have any domain knowledge of JS testing
@idjaw i haven't, but added to bookmarks.
the small amount of test workflow i have post-change is testing firefox, chrome, android chrome, safari, iphone safari, iphone chrome, then calling it good.
beyond those, i only bother with ie 11+
does one really need the + anymore? cause at this point its 11 and then dead :)
I consider "edge" to be IE family.
Edge (case) is just a hilarious branding effort because IE == janky in the minds of people under the age of 50, I think
I don't but only cause I want to introduce people to the idea to never, ever - on pain of pain - use IE for anything
so saying use Edge instead give me an option for those rare people who say "I like IE"
you know, once they stop whimpering about what happened to their keyboard
I'm going to start calling Internet Edgeplorer
I'll accept that - just cause MS was to chicken to complete remove Active X support from Edge (they removed it but now if you need active X you can set it to switch to IE 11 for those pages hence Internet Edgeplorer)
@tristan I (on behalf of our frontend team) would be really interested in finding out more info when that project is ready
fwiw, our front end guys use browserstack. If you decide to venture in there and have any questions let me know...I'll ask them.
@idjaw would your frontend team would be interested at the level of a paying client?
i'll make an introduction either way if that's cool (just sent him a message in the group we're in asking about beta/etc)
@tristan I can't answer on their behalf, but if it is an investment they see as something that can really make their lives easier than existing free tools they are going through, I'm fairly confident they would consider it.
@idjaw cool, yeah, worded in a sloppy way, just wanted to frame the introduction/pass on the message in the right context.
considering how annoying frontend testing can be (both of the last web dev jobs I had used browserstack) I could see the market for that
@tristan Yeah gotcha. :) Will definitely be mentioning this to them. So, for now, to summarize it, it pretty much allows writing tests without having to know the ins and outs of js-testing
to keep it really high level :)
@idjaw yeah. i'll let you know what he says or put the two of you in touch.
@tristan awesome. Thanks
the way that i understand the product, and i'm being careful to make sure i don't overshare, it's only slightly more work to write tests than it is to "manually" test in a browser.
yeah. It's all good. I totally get it.
your enthusiasm is enough for me to be intrigued by the product
@JGreenwell totally. my frontend testing is seriously just "open a console and watch server logs"
I had one company I worked for that used Selenium but that is its own pain
Selenium I believe is still quite heavily used.
A lot of QA Engineers I talk to use it a lot
it is, its also heavy
oh yeah
i've never worked with a QA team that's very technical.
not really great for a lot of project (that one the entire frontend of a DSS was JS so heavy testing wasn't a problem - other ones it wasn't needed)
I have. They were heavy in to automation and Jira Process.
that project drove me slightly insane I'm pretty sure...no, I'm not yes, I am
building machine learning which talks to JS shiver
I actually really like Selenium. It's surprisingly easy to use.
The ide is fantastic. You just do something in a browser and it records it and spits out js to automate it.
I had problems with asynchronous testing (using latch and polling) but I fully allow that it may not have been Seleniums fault but faulty setup
I didn't do anything that super fancy with it, just some basic automation.
Wish I had known about the Selenium IDE in my early years. I tried using splinter to automate a task once, back before I knew what a for loop was. It was a challenge to say the least.
passing tests always gets the same happy reaction out of me
I love it
4 hours later…
On the train, drinking coffee, wishing pycon was in Cheltenham D:
how many rep for self-deletion?
of questions?
Yeah I think so. I swear I've had 1 rep people self deleting on me
But my memory is fading with oncoming senility
Oh I might have misunderstood your Q. I assumed you meant how much rep to be able to self delete
no, that's what I meant
wowo, world cup will start tomorrow
@Martijn were you attending pycon UK this year? I recall you saying something about a booth.
Good morning everyone [ :
@Ffisegydd search for "poster" :d
martijn pieters and postergate
The only result for postergate is what you just said :p but searching around it seems they accepted his poster?
Lots of homework due yesterday it seems
github.com/nodejs/node/issues/8558 @thefourtheye wow dude I'm so happy for you. You totally had it coming and you deserve it.
Good job.
That's awesome.
Nice 😊
For anyone else that has to Google it, CTC is Core Technical Committee :p
It's basically project leadership.
Yeah that's really awesome
@Ffisegydd nope; the organisation did accept my poster proposal but 'forgot' to tell me until this Saturday, midnight.
By which time I had made other plans for the weekend. Two colleagues are going to take the poster to the conference instead.
Wow. Sorry to hear that Martijn. I got here and they hadn't printed my badge or ticket which I was slightly annoyed at, but yours is much worse :p
A few aspects of the organisation have been a bit off, though I suppose they're volunteers so they don't have that much time.
But that's pretty shocking.
@AndrasDeak isn't it ironic that the spokesperson for "Finland First - close borders" movement is named "Marco de Witt"
@MartijnPieters know any de Witts? :D
@AnttiHaapala not of the top of my head, no.
@Ffisegydd Isn't it quite short from Chelt to Cardiff?
@Withnail woke up at 5. Talks started at 9 so got the 0640 train.
90 minute train
Wow, 5 is harsh!
I woke up earlier than I needed to really
Are you just sculling about between talks now?
(Unrelated, my kid didn't get up until 7:45 this morning, this is unheard of, and utter bliss.)
Yeah in a talk on distributed systems
There's a ridiculous amount of people here. This talk is standing room only
Got my first sticker, that's really the only reason I came.
English question: If A has a dependency on B (needs B), is A “dependent” or is B “dependent”?
A is dependent on B. If A has, A is
Okay, is there an adjective that describes B? ^^
I always joke that it is dependend :d
A is the dependent, B is the dependency.
That’s not an adjective though ^^
dependency is not an adjective
But I guess, I should just stop worrying about commit messages so much… xD I’ll just leave it simple. Thanks for your help ^^
guess that would work
:D @ this being for a commit
Commit messages describing the actual commit? Well someone is a professional.
I know right!
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks Benji :-) To think of it, you are the reason I started with Node.js. Thanks a lot man :-)
@thefourtheye this is all you and your hard work :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks, but I learnt/am learning a lot from a lot of good people like you, on a daily basis. We can't deny that :)
Thanks, I appreciate the gratitude and I'm proud of what you've accomplished. I'm just making sure you realize this is your accomplishment and hard work :)
To be honest, I still have to learn to lot to be in par with other people in the CTC.
I'm trying to create a swagger API for my django app using django rest swagger. I followed the steps on the tutorial on django rest swagger site. Getting the following error when hitting localhost:8000/docs: AssertionError: Expected a coreapi.Document, but received <type 'NoneType'> instead.
couldn't find any results on googling
I'm finding myself using node.js a lot nowadays.
I write significantly more JS than Python (he says while sat at a python conference...)
def f():
    except RecursionError:
@Ffisegydd be sure to leave feedback.
@codeln do you have a mandatory document (or subdocument) somewhere that you're not supplying?
@AnttiHaapala Needs a finally clause.
CBG all.
Hey, @The6thSense Long time no see!
@PM2Ring yeah was very busy.
How are things :).
Not too bad.
I just wrote a tiny bit of C. It's been so long since I've done anything in C, it was scary. :) stackoverflow.com/questions/39529799/…
@PM2Ring some remarks
a) must save native format, not little-endian; fread just reads native after all; then also this is not portable
b) return value of fread - could be that less items were actually read
you should use the return value as the loop variable, accessing any other items might have undefined behaviour :D
@AnttiHaapala Good point. I assumed the OP is using an Intel system, which is why I specified little-endian.
@AnttiHaapala Another good point. But I did say it was just a simple example. :D
without flags it does the correct thing, there is no saying that any other would be even remotely correct :d
morning-lost-to-train-delays cabbage, all
@AnttiHaapala When I wrote the C code it was just intended to be a very simple proof of concept, since I assumed the OP was really after C++ code. But I will fix the fread, and leave the OP a comment.
Hi all!
@PM2Ring I've got alternative solution, will propose it as well
@AnttiHaapala Please feel free! :)
@holdenweb That's one thing I don't miss about not living in the city. FWIW, yesterday a bus caught fire on the Sydney Harbour Bridge and that caused traffic chaos for hours.
I've a question about habits in SO.
I've just seen this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39530967/why-am-i-getting-indentationerror-expected-an-indented-block-when-i-have-inde being put on hold by Martijn Pieters as dupe of this question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4446366/why-am-i-getting-indentationerror-expected-an-indented-block that as been seen more that 100k times, but only have specific answer and not so detailed.
Therefore I was wondering what do you think if I post my answer from here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39395226/indent-expected/39395307#39395307
Yes, you could post your detailed answer on the duplicate target, and the also vote to close the question your answer was originally posted at
Thanks poke for your answer. :)
It’s generally a really good idea to try to combine all the knowledge for common problems into canonical questions/answers which will then be used as the dupe target for all other questions
So yeah, I’d say that’s a good move, thanks!
Yes, but as that question was from 2010, I was not really sure...
SO isn't nearly as critical of "necroing" posts compared to your typical computer help forum.
@PM2Ring added
@PM2Ring learned this when programming my kernel
@XavierC. yeah, please do that, you can ask for hammer here :D (and will probably get some upvotes)
@XavierC. but also make sure that you're exact about what kind of error would happen in Python 2 w.r.t. tabs vs spaces...
that is not TabError
>>> def foo():
...     if 1:
...         baz
  File "<stdin>", line 3
IndentationError: expected an indented block
@XavierC. ^ Python 2, shell, I used tab on the 2nd line, 8 spaces on the 3rd.
Hi all is there any way to download complete html page using python
@The6thSense Come on dude.
@The6thSense it is pretty much impossibru to do that in just python...
Ok wanted to know that.
Thanks for the information.
usually you'd need a web browser just to find out that which actually needs to be downloaded
@AnttiHaapala Interesting! I had no idea that objcopy existed.
not many web browsers are written in python
@PM2Ring no need to use any silly assembler :P
I read a thing that said HTML rendering is so insane complicated that everyone pretty much just uses what, QT's HTML renderer?
@AnttiHaapala Funny about that. :) I once wrote a special-purpose web browser in Python that was customised for browsing a now-defunct chat-forum. It was a lot of work, but kinda fun.
I followed this SO links method used selenium with chrome but it goes upto only save as dialog box.
@The6thSense yeah it might very well be that only that much can be automated with it
I would think that a Firefox/Chrome extension could let you to do that from command line
@WayneWerner correct
@AnttiHaapala I'm gonna edit my answer :)
@WayneWerner ... except Firefox
@WayneWerner edge doesn't use webkit
but will aim to be 100 % compatible layoutwise
"WebKit's HTML and JavaScript code was originally a fork of the KHTML and KJS libraries from KDE"
blows own trumpet "Thank you so much for such a detailed and helpful answer ..." stackoverflow.com/questions/39510399/…
@holdenweb you still need 500 more rep
@Kevin there's a session on writing chat bots, I'll take note for RABBIT but I suspect they're more talking about bots that parse language and try to reply sensibly.
hmm so many people are now very close to 10k or 20k
@The6thSense If you literally just want the contents of a static .html file located at some URL, that's easy. But most pages on the modern Web aren't just a simple static .html file.
@Ffisegydd we could do that :D
<3 AIML :d
Just train it on the entire Tristan Corpus.
Watch it set fire to the room.
Even better, let's train it on Tristan and PM2's corpora, so it'll be nice and polite ultra snark.
@PM2Ring yeah most are not static.
@Ffisegydd I do try. :)
@Ffisegydd it would diversify the room.
non-natives wouldn't notice the snark
Morning cabbage.
There is a distinct lack of seating/hacking area here.
@AnttiHaapala we don't need no stinkin' rep, man. We doing this for fun
@PM2Ring sorry :">
@holdenweb what's more fun than deleting crappy questions
@Ffisegydd "here" being Cardiff City Hall?
@holdenweb Yeah
@Ffisegydd post a group photo :D
doxx everyone
There is a "Quiet Area" but I don't really want to interrupt anyone with my typing.
@PM2Ring @The6thSense I have in the past been known to use Python to get Selenium to load pages in a browser then send me the DOM. That can work quite well.
@Ffisegydd that's one good thing about the venue we used last year in PyCon fi
the auditoriums had tables and power for everyone...
Nice. Yeah unfortunately I don't think that's possible here. It's a City Hall so has to double up as other things than conference rooms
stupid me, I thought "nice, a city hall"
The building is beautiful, but not that modern :P
but... almost all the times I've been to city halls it has been about receptions...
so a) I've not actually been to a conference there, but rather drinking and eating...
@RobertGrant I don't think so. The error got resolved on changing url from: url('/', views.schema_view), to url(r'^docs/', views.schema_view),.
b) and even then, my thinking could have been affected by the former of those 2.
The whole of Monday morning is on NLP and ML :D
and this actually sucks
I haven't done any NLP in a while.
had I come there I would have left in the Sunday evening
I am trying ;(
I've managed to get more stickers.
Unfortunately, they've decided to not have any python swag at all to reduce ticket prices.
I understand why they've done it, but for me personally it's very disappointing, having a t-shirt or something would be a nice thing to go away with.
morning everyone
@Ffisegydd are there any pyramid tshirts? :d
I've got this:
@corvid cbg.
@AnttiHaapala No there's nothing like that. There's some sponsor stalls. Hopefully there will be some stuff like that in the other days.
that was $20 in PyCon US, not for free :P but worth the money (since Mikko bought it for me :P)
Yeah I knew those cost money.
Your new job corv?
yeah, there's a ticket for it in github
Fair play. Must be hard to write tests for that.
@corvid should we give davidism a head start :P
I'm hoping to get some sopython dev done this weekend on the sprints.
Picked up FizzyGirl a Django Girls button.
@Ffisegydd recruit more room/6ers
ewww, no.
I don't like change.
I don't like people either, I only put up with you lot because I don't like change more.
@PM2Ring I stole your accept, please point me to some answers that I can upvote :d
morning all :)
no no don't recruit more people for room 6 from a python conference. they'll want to talk about python
@AnttiHaapala That's ok, your answer deserves it. :) But if you insist, I guess this one could do with an upvote: stackoverflow.com/a/39096349/4014959
I've done my best here to not talk about python @tristan, but people seem to expect it D:
@PM2Ring ^upvoted but one correction, "order until 3.6..."
I am not sure if I am going to give a lightning talk in PyCon fi about the chatroom :D let's see what happens... probably a Finnvasion... and then this room would be all but Finnished.
any objections :D
@Ffisegydd Haha, I'd love to see what a chatbot talks about if only trained on what I've said in the room. The difference between me and a machine is that I know how terrible I'm being.
Oh man, that sounds like a great idea.
creates repo
mkdir snarkbot
Call we call him snarky?
git commit -m "The hell did you say?"
Urgh it's like clippy but snark, urgh it's perfection. URGH.
git commit -am "This is a great idea you guys.  Great stuff. This is totally what you need to be working on right now"
@Ffisegydd yeah i have my moments. clippy/snippy, snark and also has py in it
[and i checked that it was available on pypi first]
Within the narrative of the factual Pythoneers universe, a snark is usually the "soul" of a Pythoneer. Likewise, the AllSnark is an ancient artifact or object capable of creating new Pythoneer life by bestowing programmers with snarks. The entity called Tristan was actually the AllSnark, consisting of "the snark of every pythoneer who has ever lived, or ever will live".
Missed a find & replace at the end there. ;)
Come on Antti fix it, fix it Antti.
sorry, I used nano
Pythonaut. Pythoneer is acceptable. Anything but Pythonista.
That's a starrin' though
can't edit :D
I wonder if people would meet me IRL and be deeply disappointed that I'm actually quite boring and polite.
Never let that happen ;)
Also, you have a similar level/style of snark to another Tristan that I know IRL, and I just work on the mental heuristic that you're actually just him.
Thanks folks, I'll be here all week month year decade probably too long.
@Withnail He is but a single reflection of the OverTristan.

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