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So you communite with rabbit via a userscript and rabbit communicates with us via chat?
Yeah, that was the idea.
We need secret ballot functionality.
I'm not even sure how much rabbit would post, most of the stuff I came up with so far was enhancements in the interface.
That's why I asked for fun ideas a while ago. Unfortunately, the Dark Council has withered my ability to imagine fun.
"A motion has been made to force davidism to change his avatar to a smiley avatar due to his bright and sunny demeanor - all in favour?"
That would be more creepy when he chews out help vampires
ROs votes cound as double. Idjaw and Morgan's votes count as 1/2.
like the Joker
cbg guys
how's your Wednesday going
I may have installed Oracle so incorrectly that I'll have to reinstall the OS, but other than that I'm pretty good
No other way to be absolutely sure that I've removed all of the creeping tendrils from the registry and the machine config and from c:\windows\system32 and...
Did you mispronounce the 7th seal again?
It's that 17th glottal stop, gets everyone.
grading makes my eyes bleed sometimes but its fun :)
I used to help my dad grade chemistry papers
@Ffisegydd Me IRL:
(warning: potato quality)
grading proofs is the hard part - no way to automate that
cbg guys
with probability and combinatorics questions at least I can use some multiple choice - so that helps
I can imagine some kind of online proof composer that students could use to construct proofs in a machine-gradable way, but given the state of educational software in general (cough Blackboard cough), I don't have high hopes of it ever existing and being good
My computer has 0% charge and it's still running, interesting
Yeah modern computers can keep going by turning zero-point vacuum fluctuations into equal parts electricity and anti-electricity, the latter of which gets vented out by the CPU fan. Don't breathe it in.
....I remember having to tell students (during TA work) not to give the professor bad reviews just because of Blackboard - we cannot not use it (yes, that is the correct syntax) and they couldn't control its problems.
Tragic yet understandable.
It got better when we added a shared drive functionality through the email which let me add example notes, code, and math shared papers. So students would edit with their comments and problems and then I would go and either revise or expand the answer - or know to add a new paper with more examples and explanations.
i.e. I would just ignore blackboard as much as possible
Haha. I was looking through the source of SO chatbot OakBot to get an understanding of how our own chatbot, rabbit, might talk to SO's servers. I was thinking "how ethical is it to take algorithms whole-cloth from another project to use in your own?", and I came upon a comment that suggests that the author sought similar "inspiration" from CapricaSix.
why do you have to use blackboard?
(To answer my own question, it's not particularly unethical since there aren't very many ways to authenticate with the same third-party server)
cause a lot of schools use it and have agreements with vendors which limit professor's options
If I have an object that contains nested objects, and I want to add a new nested object in a JSON + RESTy way, do I do a PUT on the parent with all its data populated, and all the nested objects (including the new one) as an array inside it? Or do I POST to a nested object URL and pass in the parent ID as a parameter in the URL?
wat? :D

alexAccording to the HTTP/1.1 Spec: The POST method is used to request that the origin server accept the entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line In other words, POST is used to create. The PUT method requests tha...

in rest, POST should be to the parent url, PUT to the actual URL :D
PUT is like “save as”, replacing the existing entity or saving it as a new entity
of course unless you don’t know the uri of the new entity
PUT seems weird to me because it's the app generating the id (and thus the url), not the request. So you never know the uri ahead of time assuming you want to use it to create an entity.
Well, depends on the resource. Sometimes you can know it ahead of time.
for example file system over dav
you never ask filesystem to "just please name my file, ok?"
There are also systems that require you to post first to get the uri for the new entity which you can then PUT.
and in distributed systems you can use guids
uhoh, offline for maintenance?
@MartijnPieters or bankrupt like www.anttila.com :d
just got an electric shock when trying to locate a problem in the faulty hair dryer. turns out the problem was in the flex :]
strangely refreshing
I once accidentally used a continuity tester instead of a voltmeter and had it blow up in my hand
ah yes...I shared this already
May 14 at 21:45, by idjaw
@tristan high five. I no longer play with electricity because I did that to myself too many times. My latest stupidity was not paying attention and I used a continuity tester instead of a voltmeter. The boom was loud, and the device blew up in my hand.
When I was a child, I once soldered a 12V switch onto a 230V multiple socket outlet.
SO is being maintained ...
Needless to say that the switch also blew up when I plugged it in.
Someone landed something that broke SO, and the resulting 500 errorpage pretends it is maintenance. Or so I suspect.
ah @MartijnPieters ...
Maybe disabling the output cache wasn’t a good idea after all… xD
We are aware of the Stack Overflow issue, working to address it ASAP.
it's always weird to me when SO is down but I'm still using chat
It’s always weird to me when SO is down but I’m still able to write code at work
Makes sense when they're different servers :)
This is messing up my chat protocol experiments. Now I don't know if http://chat.stackoverflow.com/ws-auth is giving me a 404 because it's down or because I didn't format the parameters right.
makes sense and not weird are two separate things :P ;)
It's always weird to me when SO is down but my build doesn't fail.
Ah, there it is, a build failure.
Normality is restored.
my requests.post has been blocking for thirty seconds and counting now, and I still don't know if it's my fault
Anyone of you know what Fastly is...?
Gastly's pre-evolution form?
I was not aware of that pokémon
Kevin 1. Internet 0
@AndyK The CDN?
So, do I win?
@idjaw Can someone please verify if the barcode really encodes what’s written below?
You will have to travel to your nearest internet shop to test for yourself
it can't be UPC as it is not 11-characters and code-128 would have different end lines
and question marks are only allowed in code-128 anyway so it shouldn't be any other type
I tried the barcode scanner app on my phone but either it's not a valid barcode or the image is too blurry
all right, 200 OK. Now I'm back to where I left off on June 5th 2015.
sloppy work, would have been so easy to print out a real barcode
It took me less time to find the dupe than to type this comment. — davidism 53 secs ago
Never change, davidism
> Apparently you're searching skills
Your searching skills are so powerful that you have become searching skills itself.
@RobertGrant i'm sorry for doing that to you
Sanity check: am I doing something obviously wrong here?
import requests
#                  vvv redacted: my personal 54 character hex string  vvv
x = requests.post(
      "Content-Length": str(len(s)),
      "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
print x.status_code, x.reason
Other than using Python 2.x and invoking the wrath of the room?
I'm getting 404 Not Found. When I make the seemingly equivalent request from the Firefox developer tool bar, I get 200 OK and all the response data I desire.
@IntrepidBrit Yes, other than that.
@Kevin what if you fake a user agent?
I'll try that.
bye all
@Kevin not sure, but try passing a dict to data instead of encoding it yourself
    'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.155 Safari/537.36',
hsould be okay kevin
User agent shouldn't matter from what I remember from earlier experiments.
Ah, okay. That's my go-to when "works in browser, not in script"
@Kevin The url also gives me a 404 in the browser
Thanks for the example user agent. Adding it to the headers dict didn't change my result.
I feel somewhat bad for this comment now :(
I'm inclined to blame cookies right now, somehow
The developer toolbar is doing me the (dis)courtesy of adding a bunch of headers that I didn't manually specify. Maybe one of those is making the difference.
I'm with poke on this one, the url 404s for me too
If you mean you get a 404 if you paste it into the url bar and hit enter, me too.
But if I send a POST request using developer tool magic, I get a 200
oh, right
(should it not return a 405 then? - not wanting to get bogged down in status code semantics though)
Looks like it's sending data as application/json - in the browser screenshot
Ok, I dumped all the involuntary headers from the toolbar into my code and I got a 200. Now I'll delete them one by one until I figure out which ones are actually necessary.
One and a half quatloos on "Cookie" being the only important one
Update: Yep.
standard conversion rates?
Yeah, whatever the guys at DS9 will give you.
@Kevin oh yeah, use requests.Session() to make all your requests so it tracks the cookies.
For the record, my working code was
import requests
    "Content-Length": "46",
    "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
    "Cookie": "prov=REDACTED; _ga=REDACTED; __qca=REDACTED; acct=REDACTED; chatusr=REDACTED",
x = requests.post(
print x.status_code, x.reason
@Kevin about the bankruptcy of the dept store chain, the plot is getting thicker
@davidism okay, thanks
pretty sure the mgmt did try to get more money in just before
they announced that PS4 will start shipping today and asked for prepayments :D
@davidism Well... looks like there was a gap of 6 weeks since that last happened at least :p
the owner was the largest creditor :D
and the previous owner sold it to the current owner (a German fund based in Luxembourg) last year for 1 M€ :D
Sketchiness abounds.
so I am pretty sure they paid off-record some more,
btw, did you guys talk about httpoxy yet? :D
@Kevin better not run that code in CGI ... :D
It was so quiet D:
Without being too biased, the error here is a typo. Based on what they are trying to do, their "patch" attempt created a method foo that takes 'self', hence the error.
I'm calling this a typo
and closing it as such
hmm...would anyone consider thematic analysis (using NLTK) to be a part of sentiment analysis or would they just describe it as a form of text analysis (or something else)
a little of both, imho
I would not say that thematic analysis is part of sentiment analysis.
trying to write up some slides explaining text-analysis to people in the humanities (who are used to qualitative analysis) and thought explaining sentiment analysis as an sub-set of thematic analysis was a good connection....but started second guessing myself
You can analyse sentiment without taking into account themes, similarly you can analyse themes without worrying about sentiment, they're orthogonal concepts.
i think you have to do a bit of sentiment to get at thematic analysis, especially if the theme contains opinion
You might well do both at the same time (looking for positive Trump articles, for e.g.) but they're separate.
i suspect that fizzy is better versed in this than i am
How does opinion change the theme though?
yeah, I was just trying to think of a good connection to qualitative research and the use of sentiment analysis in/with NLP
because opinion and sentiment can pull out themes such as benefit/detriment
Too slow D:
actually, just simplifying it to determining opinions first, then building on this might be a better approach
@tristan I don't understand your point?
if i'm not making any sense, sorry, visiting someone in a hospital that has a roommate, and the roommate is watching some inane show at a volume so loud that the speaker is distorting
No worries, see your friend and forget about NLP.
@tristan What a great way to aid expedient recovery!? :p
there's still plenty of research areas left in NLP, don't worry I'll leave some for you ;)
@JonClements seriously. turns out that most of the hospital experience is "waiting" and that waiting experience is f-ing terrible
yes, yes to both of those @tristan
@tristan Yup - sadly an experience I seem to have all too frequently in life...
@tristan "waiting for recovery"
@JonClements Yeah, I remember buddy :(
@tristan At least you have signal. All my hospital experiences were met with no signal. So it's a game of waiting and growing depression.
I had so much fun in hospital with my appendicitis that when they said I could perhaps go home today, I asked to stay one more night :d
Oh yeah, totally. This hospital system even has wifi. Unfortunately, I didn't bother to check before installing FTL to pass the time :P
One time I was waiting I didn't pay attention and my phone was "fighting" for signal that it drained my battery
I couldn't even play tetris
most hospitals in the US have wifi (it helps reduce complaints)
first world complaining at a hospital ........
@idjaw no electricity in hospital? :D
I didn't have my charger
I only have myself to blame. I know.
hospital 101 :d
is pygame still the go to for game dev in python?
well, except in the ICU where they tend to get blocked
when I had stomach ache, I packed my backpack full of stuff...
Don't think it ever was @tristan:P
hospital checklist in order of importance: phone, charger, bit of you that you want reattached
books, I live on books when my wife or son are in the hospital
laptop before the bit
i wrote enough frontend JS to realize that a) i no like. b) if i don't trick my brain by programming something i want, then quickly switching to JS, i won't do work
@Ffisegydd actual "hehueheee" sounds came out of me
read all of Game of Thrones when my son was born (was in hospital for 6 months) even though I hate it cause they had copies of the books free in the "lending library" thing
if the bit is the right arm then perhaps the bit before laptop
@JGreenwell oof, is he okay now?
sucks to use laptop without right hand, srsly.
yep, was born at 27 weeks -> is now 4 years old and may just have to deal with asthma as he gets older (I call that a win)
yeah, i'd take that deal too.
@tristan Don't think it's ever seen any commercial application, but by my reckoning it's still the fastest way to get from 0 LOC to playing sounds and blitting sprites to screen
27 weeks is early, glad he’s okay
anyway, rhubarb
rhubarb, poke
the worst part of this whole hospital month? my gtx 1060 is going to arrive and i won't be there to greet it. it must be so scared :(
@Kevin yeah, same. i typically get to ~600 LOC and go to unity
@tristan I can keep it company if you want. Feel free to send it to my place. I'll make it feel at home
The gtx will dream of electric sheep, at 120 fps and frankly gratuitous poly count.
still love that book (and movie)
@idjaw I accidentally sent it to my old address at first, and newegg was nice enough to cancel the order without me losing my place in line (as it sold out)
coming soon: tristan streams FTL at 43,000 FPS
which reminds me, I am really annoyed at paypal.
@tristan soldout.....well I guess that's good for me. I have other expenses before I get tempted to hit the purchase button. And avoid another "why did you buy this" conversation from the more sane person in my family. :)
the default delivery address is my and ex gfs apartment in Helsinki, where we resided 7 years ago.
@idjaw seriously, like every single model of it is sold out
yeah. Newegg is fresh out
when I buy stuff from ebay, I cannot delete that address...
and after I have bought stuff, I forget to remove it
when i'm home next week, i'm going to stream DOOM at 720p
some day I will ask them to ship there...
@tristan that is still less than 1080p
I ship everything to work because delivery people love to never ring your bell and just leave the we-were-here paper of frustration.
actually, I remember getting into cyberpunk after reading my first Shadowrun novel in a hospital when my grandfather was dying (this was early 90s and he was 80 so not sad just remember a lot of waiting and my father handing me the book)
@AnttiHaapala the higher you go, the harder it is for people to watch due to delay/bandwidth concerns
@idjaw in Finland the postmen are called "post ninjas".
I just yell out <redacted> <redacted> <redacted> <redacted>
they come to your door, then leave a card that says "you weren't at home"
Have we finally found something that's constant among all our cultures? :-)
I caught one of them once and just met them outside asking them why they didn't knock. He didn't even have the package. He showed up with the paper. So he went to get the box from the truck and gave it to me.
^ had that happen to me too
The concept of sneaky deliverymen transcends all boundaries, it seems.
@idjaw ha, same. i considered ordering bags of sand off amazon as punishment
@idjaw ahha, did have the box there...
here you need to pay extra for them to deliver to your door...
yet they decide already at the post office that "naah, Antti's not going to be home today"
Have you guys had any of those "delivery man threw my package and broke it" situations? never happened to me. I only see this on the reddit-type feeds.
must be US.
looks towards Tristan
once but it was in military so don't know if I should blame post-office or some Private
never in civilian US
I expect it's quite rare. Even if a new example hits reddit every day, that's still one out of a zillion other packages being delivered that day.
oh, and once in Iraq but weellll warzone seems like an outlier type situation
@idjaw guy doesn't have a pen to write on the card, so he rings doorbell instead.
Even accounting for the fact that only 1% of such incidents will be recorded, you're probably still pretty safe
this question is OT ... but can someone explain to me how the heck they get 5n for worst case complexity .... it makes no sense and now im curious stackoverflow.com/questions/38485830/…
MIA for a bit. Gonna eat lunch outside. It's too nice to not take advantage. And I like watching all the other suckers (me included) walking around sitting on our grass because of all the lures my co-workers set up to catch 'em all.
My apartment building has concierge service, so it's pretty difficult for delivery people to claim no-one was about :-)
@ZeroPiraeus nice
@ZeroPiraeus third-world advantages
actually, Finland is still a third-world country ;)

i'm trying to do the same thing except for the first index of the following list:
testing=[['foo', 0, '1'],['baz', 1, '2'], ['bar', 2, '3'], ['foo', 0, '1'] ]
uniques, X = np.unique(testing[][0], return_inverse=True)

i'm getting invalid syntax. any advice?
testing[] is wrong.
perhaps just a list comprehension: [i[0] for i in testing]
@JoranBeasley that question is a duplicate: stackoverflow.com/questions/24795595/…
@JoranBeasley I expect the author just got confused because there are five statements with a "constant amount of time": total = 0, the three increment/decrement statements, and return.
Even though only two of them are inside the loop.
But even if he wrote 2n instead of 5n it still wouldn't be a very good exercise, because "constant amount of time" is pretty arbitrary and adding them together doesn't give you a useful measurement of anything
Also I don't think adding integers together in Python is O(1) anyway. Not if long ints are involved, at least.
@AnttiHaapala That worked. thank you
> securely signing serialized data
I'm a poet.
Much later than normal cabbage for all!
okay, my speaking points for explaining sentiment analysis look much better now. Thanks for the help @Ffisegydd and @tristan
Now to learn how to use websockets. How hard could it be? I'll just look at the examples in the docs and

async def hello():

aaaa no I don't like this! change is scary
Which websocket library has the async syntax?
websockets. Here is the page I'm reading.
@davidism that answer is way better than the cockamamie thing i posted for like 1 second (before I saw your answer ...)
@Kevin oh cool, didn't realize they had upgraded. There's also autobahn and gevent-websocket.
I just went with the first thing that showed up on google.
websockets was the one I was looking at last year, they were using asyncio
@Kevin autobahn is a fairly decent library... I know it support asyncio - not sure if it makes use of 3.5 syntax though...
@JoranBeasley reinventing the wheel :-P
websockets passes the autobahn test suite
also the test suit, but that's not really relevant
I'm looking at the 3.5 Python Language Reference and I don't see any obvious references to this "async" keyword. I guess they haven't gotten around to documenting it?
Maybe if I dig around in "what's new in..." for a while...
It's mostly syntactic sugar for some asyncio stuff. You still need to use asyncio directly for some parts, such as the event loop.
Ok, I'll give it a shot.
@AnttiHaapala Thanks. I was ctrl-f-ing for "async" rather than "coroutine".
I want to use python3.5 ...
Actually, I just want to use python3.3 ...
For a thousand summers, I will wait for Python 3.3
stackoverflow.com/q/38486452 typo mcve (but also still a typo)
@davidism {% file.readline() %} doesn't look like jinja2 substitution
oh dur
Still somewhat surprising to me I got something to me I got something to work in Java. And no, I didn't copy and paste from Stack Overflow.. ;-)
@MartijnPieters -- That's not too surprising. You just have to type as much as is possible and you'll probably come up with something that will run in the JVM.
@MartijnPieters java 8 or are you speaking the language of the great old ones
@mgilson java is not perl :D
@AnttiHaapala this is supposed to compile with either java 7 and 8.
@AnttiHaapala -- That's true. Perl you don't actually have to type that much. You just need to use lots of punctuation.
@MartijnPieters condolences
@mgilson perl is the easiest language to write in.
if your program starts with # with no newline, it is correct perl.
I've heard that it's easy to write. I don't know that I believe that ...
if it starts with a word, it is still correct perl and runs...
Perl: the programming language for people whose keyboards only have SHIFT and numbers.
Sure, that doesn't mean that it's easy to write something that is useful :-)
My strategy of "write a regular function, then stick async in front of everything" has failed.
async def chat_listen(url):
    async with websockets.connect(url) as websocket:
        async for msg in websocket:
Gives the very helpful message ValueError: Line without CRLF
@mgilson: I think someone once said that a ten-line Perl script is easy to write, a hundred-line Perl script becomes tough, and reading a nontrivial Perl script is basically impossible.
anything following __END__ or __DATA__ will be ignored
My PhD supervisor loved perl.
@Kevin worksforme. check your python version...
And he'd distribute his scripts to all of us which we would quickly dismiss as completely impossible to figure out.
But then people who like Python are probably drawn to languages which are more readable anyhow, so we're self-selected not to be big fans of perlish syntax.
It's true. There's definitely a selection bias in this chat room.
I'm on... Let's see... 3.5.1.
@Kevin, do you have carriage returns and Line Feeds at the ends of all the lines?
I tentatively blame Windows. Anything involving CR/LF is Windows' fault.
I support that blaming.
@mgilson Yeah. I suspect there's something going wrong with the format of the data being sent between client and server, rather than the format of my source code.
Cool. That makes sense due to the ValueError ...
I'm off my game today apparently ...
And very distractible.
Doesn't lend itself to getting things done.
Guess I ought to share the whole stack trace. Here it is.
And you errored when you called your function with some URL?
Yeah. Specifically, wss://chat.sockets.stackexchange.com/events/1/a rather long hex code goes here
Zirak says I need an l parameter, but I don't know if leaving it out would give me a "malformed http message" error
Try ws, maybe ssl is messing with it.
Ok, changing wss: to ws:... Same error.
I'm going to try some of these simpler client/server examples in the websockets docs just to confirm that it's not a weird firewall issue or something on my end
Although if they work flawlessly it doesn't necessarily rule out firewall problems, since I'll be talking to myself via localhost and not actually sending packets over the wire...
Ok, the basic example works. This tells me almost nothing, yet I am comforted.
Changing raise ValueError("Line without CRLF") to raise ValueError("Line without CRLF: {}".format(repr(line))) reveals the naughty line is: b''
So I'm getting 0 bytes of data when the thing expects more than 0 bytes of data. OK.
I'll just put this knowledge... With the rest of the trainwreck. </moss>
The url looks like it's dynamically generated because it's something different every time I extract it from my http://chat.stackoverflow.com/ws-auth request. Maybe it's dying before I get a chance to connect.
Or maybe it's rejecting my connection because I'm not sending the right parameters.
If only I remembered more from when I was messing with this. I got as far as connecting then got distracted. The code disappeared.
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here
@davidism It's fine. I have more fun starting from a blank page, anyway.
@Kevin try autobahn and see if you get a similar error.
It's asyncio too, so it should be sort of similar.
I'm optimistic that I'll at least get a more descriptive error message :-)
Why my package doesn't create the folder in site-package ? I don't want that .egg file
Does time.clock() not advance when Python is blocking for I/O on Unix? Calling it repeatedly in interactive mode shows that it's advancing far slower than realtime.

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