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Mar 3 at 17:01, by tristan
Sarcasm: ˈsärˌkazəm
- the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded.
- a sentence terminated by syntax defined by US Patent No. D608820
@tristan I would try to argue with you that you're just being your usual miserable bast*** self but I've got a meeting in 30 seconds so it'll have to wait.
@Ffisegydd on which part?
The part I direct-replied to.
also, *** is redundant. you only need *
I mean, unicode already has "\N{PILE OF POO}" - 💩
Your JSON file shouldn't annotate every field. That's schema documentation, and belongs in a schema file.
@Ffisegydd I know, but the haircut part or "don't alternate-identity straw men" part?
ignore the timestamp on that commit >_>
@davidism nice
Everyone clicks the link to see the timestamp
@tristan The alternate identity strawman part. I actually think it's quite a good way of presenting arguments. But that's just my opinion :P
@davidism nice.
:-( I'm not realizing whatever it is I'm supposed to realize from the commit.
I committed it like an hour after fizzy told me to go to sleep this morning.
7 hours ago, by Ffisegydd
@davidism dude go to bed.
By the time Disney is done with it, everyone's going to hate Star Wars.
my sleep schedule has been screwed up for weeks now
@Ffisegydd I'm okay with that approach, but will mock it when it's a proxy so you can reduce an intelligent person's arguments to snippets that you can dismiss
@QuestionC already happening
And only then will Disney be done with it
Star Wars gets a mega-pass from nerds. It's weird. The new one is called "the force awakens" which doesn't even make any goddamn sense, no matter if you're talking about the force (meaning religion) or the force (meaning bacterial-bug-thing vomit in your bloodstream)
jar jar binks is the most coherent part of star wars
That's because we love a good love story
oops, i thought that was a thing
I missed you, Tristan.
Welcome back
it's a simple hero's journey and the team of writers even managed to fuck that up.
nerdcop is far better written
@tristan so you hate TFA too? (yes... yesssss YES!)
@AnttiHaapala i skipped it. i also skipped twilight, which i assume is better written
@tristan: speaking of nerdcop, how goes? Every few weeks I get a question about it.
@idjaw did you see my message on steam?
@RobertGrant What, you haven't seen the # of Disney Princess remakes and Tinkerbell spin-offs?
I always think TFA stands for The Fscking Awful
@DSM haha, i actually kind of love that nerdcop is like my most popular project and one that i had the most fun starting. going to pick it back up in may
@Programmer Nope. I haven't logged in, in a while. Let me check now.
Oh weird, it said you were online
As long as there are children to enjoy a thing there will be adults to mine that property
@Programmer I'm always online because my Windows machine in the basement always has the client open.
"star wars episode I: a new hope" was good. a solid 5/7.
brb.....gotta jump on a remote call
star wars fanatics are bronies that don't have to take the long way to avoid driving past a school
The Force Reawakens makes sense as a title, but it doesn't have that ring to it. And that title might sound too much like Return of the Jedi
@idjaw Pretty sure that's one of the geek cred criteria - how many always on machines do you have.
@tristan Maybe it's "The Force Awakens [something]"
@WayneWerner hehe. I can add "took computer someone threw away" on my list of things too
@WayneWerner my bowels
Please clarify. Is The Force being awakened, or is The Force awakening something else?
We each bring our own interpretation to it, Kevin.
@idjaw That's most of mine :D
@WayneWerner I needed a print server once upon a time, and someone threw out a perfectly good computer. They gave me the weirdest look. I can understand their confusion.
@idjaw haha. one of my worker machines is a laptop that i soldered back into working condition
I remember walking up to them on their porch. "Excuse me...do you mind if I take that computer home?"
I haven't gone as far as soldering a computer
but I do have numerous lamps and other electronics that have gained a second life
@tristan I haven't done that one yet. What part did you solder on?
a capacitor and barrel power connector. the capacitor was a replacement. i didn't add a capacitor as if i was "tuning" a honda civic by slapping on extra plastic
did you know those were broken? or did you debug that somehow?
I don't see how the interpretation could be anything but the Force is waking up. At the end of Episode 6, you have one capable force user who has virtually no understandings of its traditions. The force is (mostly) dead, even moreso than at the end of Episode 4.
Though I guess I do have a lenovo x61 tablet (pretty sure it's the 61) that I bought in college that the fan is shot on. I don't use it much now, because Samsung Galaxy Notes, but you know...
The title's fine. The concept's lazy.
@idjaw barrel power because multimeter didn't reflect the proper voltage, capacitor because it was visibly bulged
Episode 7 should have been about Han Solo's son flying around being dashing and scoring with green alien babes.
I have an LCD monitor that the capacitors are probably shot on
But that would have been new, and test audiences fear change.
I think just the one... or maybe I have two of them -_-
thankfully, a HP laserjet printer asked me to kick it apart a couple years ago, so i had a bunch of spare components
Office Space FTW
@QuestionC scoring green alien babes is star trek
Rey's character arc could be called an awakening, facilitated by The Force.
Your HP printer asked you to do that too? I thought mine was the only one....It had a nice flight outside our living room window.
Serves it right for printing out $*%^&$*%& on 74 pages at 4:30 AM
"Wake up!" The Force dumps a bucket of water on your prone body. "Time to do some destiny shit."
I take printers apart for the stepper motors and hardened steel rods. And CFLs if it's a scanner.
@Kevin But that's all stories, really
hah. mine was streaking toner and ghosting, but had no problem spitting out toner when i opened it to troubleshoot.
kind of wish i didn't break it now that the toner for it is $60 and not $120
oh well. i went green! (too cheap to buy a new printer)
I just don't like printing things
lp0 on fire
but I do like printer paper. Great for drawing and paper airplanes
I think printer manufacturers compete with each other on who can make the most incompetent device
'We're on a tight schedule, but if you get dressed fast, we can squeeze in McDonald's between "Crossing the Threshold" and "Belly of the Whale"'
it's like their ongoing joke to the industry. Dude...look how bad this is...people are still going to buy it.
@Kevin Aww, like my first wedding night
true story: I proposed over a Wendy's Baconator.
Followed immediately by "The road of trials", e.g. your first marriage?
@Kevin you mean Via Dolorosa
Star Wars could literally be the half-drunk writers flipping off the camera while making a farting noise with their mouths and fanboys would still say it was decent
It was pretty decent.
@Kevin Turns out trials take place in a courtroom, but yes, that's fairly accurate
I saw it twice.
I'll probably watch it on my phone at some point
@tristan it was better the second time, but it was still pretty bad.
it was episode 4
that's pretty much it.
rey was good and that was about it.
I already know the plot because of course they can't be arsed to write anything novel, so it would just be watching the pretty lights
others were pretty much fillers.
@WayneWerner Let it go.
♪ LET IT GO ♪♪♪
I'm one with the wind and sky!
pachelbel's fuck it, people are morons and will love this song
episode 4, 5 and 6, all of them had surprises I couldn't foresee
the emperor is a bad guy?!?!
what was the surprise in 4?
7's only surprise was that Luke didn't say anything.
wind and sky. I'm tempted to kickban you for getting that wrong.
Wait, what?
DSM takes Frozen very seriously.
You should see him when he's wearing the dress.
No comment.
My sister threw a Frozen-themed birthday party for my niece a while you know, scratch it, there's no way that story makes me look good.
@idjaw hmm maybe it didn't have a surprise
If/when I end up finding out I have a child, I'm going to raise it on speed metal and cocaine
stop reading chat when tristan is online and you are on a meeting..
I don't know why I'm on the Python chat if I have an iOS problem.
I play rock music when I drive my kids to daycare...my son now calls it "daddy music". When he asks for the wheels on the bus, I tell him the bus is asleep, and I go back to playing rock music. I caught him bobbing his head. Win.
@You To hang around with the cool kids? :p
@JonClements Yep.
@idjaw Haha. Nice.
"you know what the wheels on the bus do, c'mon, you're like 6"
@idjaw My mate's 4yro daughter use to belt out the lyrics to "Highway To Hell" - my mate thought it was hilarious - his fiancée less so :)
@tristan go swish-swish-swish, swish-swish-swish? :p
It's always like that: the husband likes rock and the wife disapproves.
Is this the real life? Or is this just fantasy?
@WayneWerner I kid you not. I blasted Bohemian Rhapsody a few weeks ago and I was just singing along and my kids were cracking up the whole time.
in a couple years I expect my son to sing along
I did im = ImageGrab.grab() (i.e. I did a screenshot). I saved the image with Pillow in my Desktop and now I want to send it with socket to another client. I did to the screenshot f.read() (after I opened it f = open(file)). I do client.send(l). When the client receives l, how do I do convert it to image (i.e. reverse method of read())? I did research and didn't find anything helpful.
@PichiWuana write, you mean?
you just write the bytes back out in the correct order
I think that your answer is
`data = client.recv(1024)`
`image = data.write()`
if you do write(data) what makes you think you'd do data.read()?
data = getDataSomehow()
file = open("somefile.png", "wb")
img = Image.open("somefile.png")
(Yes, normally one would use with here but... Baby steps.)
interesting...chat rounds rep up. Kevin has 39,985 but chat says 40K
@WayneWerner So write(data) is the reverse method of data.read().
I probably shouldn't have even mentioned with. Pretend I didn't say that.
iansommerville.com/systems-software-and-technology interesting response from ian about the thoughtworks guy's TDD defense
@Kevin I edited my message, I don't know why I wrote with. Is it correct my message now?
@PichiWuana No, ()dear.atad is the reverse of data.read()
@PichiWuana Not really, no. I assume data is a string, in which case data.read() will crash with AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'read'
Or, if data is a file object, then file.write(data) will crash with TypeError: expected a character buffer object.
Reading and Writing Files may help you get a handle on the basics.
Somebody needs to make a "python wheels for different platforms" build service. Setting up a Windows compiler env is a pain in the cabbage.
I'm surprised it doesn't already exist.
Pain in the --[----->+<]>-----.--[--->+<]>--..
@Kevin I don't really understand. When client1 sends an image to client2 after it was read() method activated, the client2 gets the image as 7\T������k^F�ސ�BHh������ӭZU�%� and much more things like that in the message. I don't know how to convert it to an image variable.
That is the image data. A stream of bytes.
I guess I should've done a dupe search, but I felt like explaining how Python's and and or work. :) stackoverflow.com/questions/36550588/…
This is how you convert it:
11 mins ago, by Kevin
data = getDataSomehow()
file = open("somefile.png", "wb")
img = Image.open("somefile.png")
@Kevin Let's say data is the stream of bytes I showed as example. Why would you open in this case? What is somefile.png representing in this case? I know how to use open when I convert it to string but not vice versa.
@davidism perhaps pypy can save us
@Kevin Is it the name of the file I want to put for it?
Well, goodbye.
@You Goodbye
@PichiWuana Yeah.
There's probably a way to turn a byte stream directly into a Pillow Image object, but I thought this would be easier. But I'm guessing it's not actually easier.
I'm just confusing matters by using two completely different versions of open belonging to different namespaces and having different behavior.
I am filled with regret.
@Kevin Thanks anyway!
Hmm, I see that the Image module has a fromstring method which might be appropriate, but it wouldn't work on data that you read from a file because that would contain image header stuff etc.
There's probably some idiomatic way to serialize image data without having to save to file at all, but I'm not personally familiar with it
@PichiWuana if you are using Pillow I think you want to use Image.frombytes
@Kevin I do want that client2 saves the image.
well then never mind my comment.
@TadhgMcDonald-Jensen I was just about to answer you. Thank you! Could I use it after for saving it in a directory?
Hey this looks relevant.
Q: send image over TCP & save

gilI've build a program of client & server in TCP. The server screenshot its screen and send the image to the client . The problem begins when the client try to save this image in binary file. The only error the shows up is at the client side : data.save(path) TypeError: must be string...

Why is this class method trying to convert an integer to a string? - needs MCVE. The code OP posted doesn't actually produce the claimed error.
@Kevin Thanks!
@PichiWuana sopython.com/chatroom Don’t star posts to reward users for answering your question.
@davidism It's not rewarding, I thought using it as a pin, um, for not loosing the messages.
If you need to bookmark things, your browser can do that with the permalink to any message.
@davidism Okay thanks!
@PichiWuana You're also pinning it for every single other user (unless you weren't aware that was happening)
@PichiWuana If you hover over the message you want to pin, you will see a "down arrow" come up, click it, in the drop-down you will get the perma-link option
@Ffisegydd Oh
Hi guys. What is the best way to read from a certain byte in a binary file till the end of that file? Is it just: `byte = f.read(1)
byte = f.read(1)?
if you put your code in a separate message, highlight it and press ctrl-k it will autoformat it properly
@Dzhao I'd use for ch in iter(lambda: f.read(1), '')
with open('file', 'rb') as f:
#reading by chunk up to this point

#hit some exception

    byte = f.read(1)
        byte = f.read(1)
It's a little unclear what you're asking but if byte=f.read(1) works, then use it. Not everything needs to be a 1-liner.
    data = f.read()
unless you want to iterate over the file in byte-like fashion
Why are you reading bytes you don't care about? Use f.seek.
oh, right
Well the thing is... I don't know how many bytes I need to read when I hit this exception
Could you describe what you're trying to do on a higher level?
In PyCharm: Sometimes you want to do your tabbing for some common reasons and it changes the fixed tabbing you always had. How do you fix it? (As you can see there is a red line under the ds).
how many bytes you need to read first or after you hit the exception?
Sure. Basically I have some binary log files. The general structure of this log file I understand. Its just sometimes these log files end in a string of zeros which isn't supposed to be a part of the format of the log files. So when I reach a point (while reading the log files) I want to check if I'm at the point where I'm just at a string of zeros till the EOF
So to solve this I decided to read till EOF and see if all bytes read were zeros
so this is why I asked what is the best way to read till eof when at a certain location in a file
@WayneWerner after
yeah, so you could pretty much do
if not f.read().strip(b'\x00'):
pretty sure that will do what you want in Py3
Ah ok thanks. So basically f.read() will return string of file when read till end and strip will remove zeros
strip will remove whatever character(s) you tell it to remove ;)
but yeah, .read() will read from the current file position all the way up to EOF
if you suspect that you will have a case where there are randomly a bunch of zeros in your logfile, you could store your position with f.tell() and then f.seek() to the location in the file you want
Continuing my wheel frustration: py2/3 * i686/x86_64 * osx/windows = 8 builds, assuming there's no separate builds for differet os versions. That's a lot of builds.
That is pretty ridiculous
And what's silly is that pythonwheels.com draws all this attention to them, but I can't find any guidance about how to manage all these builds, or if we need to build for different os versions, or what the linux situation is.
I'm guessing most of the green bars are universal / python-only wheels.
what's up people, long time no see :)
What is the best way to upload multiple product images during registration (if the object does not yet exist). I use Django.
In wtforms you would use a FieldList, not sure if there's a built-in equivalent in Django.
aaand daycare just called. My son caught my bug. It's spreading.
Cabbage again.
@davidism have you checked the distutils-sig group yet?
no, I don't really know mailing lists
I'll check it out
AFAIK linux wheels are not yet a thing, though I'm pretty sure pip will build you wheels if you ask it to?
yeah, I know that
but I don't think pypi supports them yet
and I know how to build universal wheels
but mac & windows, yeah, pretty sure you've got to manage the builds yourself... I haven't seen any good resources when it comes to managing those environments... which kind of blows
it's building platform specific ones that's a pain
Might be worth checking with e.g. the pillow folks to see what they do
or other lib that you know has a lot of usage
my guess is VMs
AWS could be used for a windows build server, but they don't have OSX.
and there are still no linux wheels.
people anyone knows why you have to send empty packets between sockets so connection wouldn't close? what do you think what's ideal interval for ping pong between client server?
That's strange, I thought sockets stayed open indefinitely.
I thought so
Is there a way to know which ports are being used?
If you experimented yourself and determined otherwise, color me surprised. If you just read somewhere "programs should occasionally send packets or close the connection otherwise", maybe it's not talking about some automatic property of sockets, but a high-level behavior that applications should enforce in order to cull open sockets that have a dead connection
@AnttiHaapala actually, it looks like pypi accespts wheels built with manylinux now
Ex. If you require all of your clients to send a "hey I'm alive" packet every thirty seconds, the server can safely drop any socket that hasn't sent it a packet in the last two minutes.
Nope, I've experimented, If I leave my computer for a couple hours without communicating between server and client, it just leaves open connection on server ( I mean like it's still there) but no communication can occur
actually any operating system that does not ship with C compiler is broken
I'm afraid I don't know enough about network protocols to explain why that would happen...
Because NAT or firewall forgets about channel between client-server? or at least that's what I've read.
Could be.
@PichiWuana If only there were a webpage where people could type in their questions and get answers
@WayneWerner Haha right im sorry I just thought first to ask here you're right
You might want to increase your scroll speed @WayneWerner . That was painful to watch
@PichiWuana That happens when you're starting out :) My rule of thumb is to spend at least 30s, but try for at least 5 minutes to find my answer via google. If I don't find it then I'll say, "I was looking for X, Y, Z because I wanted to frobnosticate the fizzbuzz, but I only found out how to fanagle the widgets. Am I just looking in the wrong place, or is that just not possible?"
(and if it is possible, how do I do it?)
Asking chat first is an impulse that never totally goes away. I'm a room owner and yet I still slip sometimes, myself.
But it gets easier to suppress especially as one's google-fu grows
We're having a meeting on Wed.
Any last things for the agenda?
If I have no idea whether I can actually make it, but I'm interested, should I register?
yes, but if you don't attend, you are Fizzy's lackey for a week. So you have to be prepared for that.
If we're having it in here, you can just show up.
We are having it here.
You can register if you wish, it is not compulsory.
But if we run out of goodie bags and you didn't register, you'll be bang out of luck.
*makes a note to google "lackey" later*
@AndrasDeak a servant, especially a liveried footman or manservant.
per Google "define:lackey"
Suicide Squad trailer looks so good.
it really does
will watch.
We'll see. The further away from Snyder's uber-bleak takes on everything, the better.
Did we discuss BvsS? Maybe we should add it to the agenda.
NOO I haven't seen it yet
add it as a post-meeting discussion topic
Spoilers: Batman is Bruce Wayne.
and ban Antti for an hour so we don't spoil anything for him :P
Mega Spoilers: Superman is Clark Kent.
I've always thought that Clark Kent is Superman, and now you're telling me that it's the opposite!
I did actually consider reversing that but I didn't think anyone would be so pedantic.
Spoiler: the Flash is Wally West. Or Barry Allen. Or Bart Allen. Or Jay Garrick.
You're poking my heart!
You're not real! I'm real!
@idjaw No big deal, was only letting you know the activities are somewhat planned. We haven't looked too much at restaurants, but she's excited to go now :P
@Programmer can you email me what you plan on doing. Sorry...I ended up catching the flu and have been passed out on my couch for a few days not wanting to do much other than hate things.
You got it.
C quiz of the day:
Q: In C, the expression (7 / 3 - 2) is which of the following (only one applies)?
a) a long integer constant
b) an unsigned integer constant
c) a null pointer constant
d) a character constant
anyone using google big query here. seems like a bug was introduced on group by
I'll go with "b"
Although, hmm. Assuming integer division, it's equal to zero, which is sort of nully.
Off topic : Do you know that in our region calculator of complex numbers ( that can do basic operations) is going to science fair as invention, by 4th grade of high scoll
making any kind of calculator from scratch is pretty impressive for a high school senior.
Making the little solar panel alone would require some substantial chemical engineering.
long integer constant would have L suffix somewhere, unsigned would have U suffix on one of the operands; a character constant is in ''; of those choices it is c) a null pointer constant because it is a constant integer expression that evaluates to 0.
Interesting. I expected some kind of type inference to happen with the component numbers.
how it's impressive? I mean come on ... print eval(raw_input("Enter your expression with complex numbers"))
Oh, I thought you meant an actual physical desk calculator.
just software
And they're the programming class, and I'm electronics, and I'm second grade..
yeah but perhaps it does not use eval...
Well it's not too surprising if the judges aren't dedicated STEM types. Normies don't know what programs are hard to write and what programs are easy.
if it is written in C and it uses the shunting-yard algo to switch from infix to RPN, with infinite precision, then kudos
it really depends
Yeah. and the assistant at Programming College last year talked to me like " You should learn more about constructors and destructors" and I've written some app in VB... We're really advanced country in programming :D

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