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True story @tristan
Skimmed through that article. I don't get the part at the end about Python. It's either implying that Python is as complicated as javascript, or that it's as different from javascript as it is possible to get.
@tristan that article is somewhat poorly written though, it doesn't include the benefit of React over jQuery. jQuery is a little clumsy at updating
No one is saying jQuery is perfect @corvid, but for many cases it works quite well, and sometimes the cure is worse than the illness ;-)
yeah I just mean it's not terribly extensible. Say what you will about the insane setup of react, but once it's set up, writing in javascript is extremely manageable
Can React actually show useful errors/stacktraces? I never used it, but the prime problem I have with all other JavaScript frameworks I've used it that they either just "do nothing" on a simple error/typo, or show a 100% useless stack trace which basically leaves you guessing where the error is...
@corvid Heh, I think that's the point. 700kb of libraries, layers of complexities and opinionated middlewares/supporting software, and lack of cross browser support is a major price to pay for "jquery is kind of weird sometimes"
Oh, and all that time spent not actually solving the problem you set out to solve.
There are also problems with these SPA things. Back button doesn't work, often no permalinks, etc.
Often slow too
Or use 50% CPU
@tristan oh god tristan....that sums it all up...
Leaving that (carpetsmoker's last 3 comments) out because it muddies the waters on "i have a a table of data that i want to show, is react+redux+react-router+axios+babel+babel-es2016+thunk+polyfill right for me?"
I feel like you have to be exposed to javascript for a long time to accept these things. I'm not entirely sure if it's acceptance or indoctrination, but it works
@Carpetsmoker you'll get some warnings/errors from React, but if you have a problem in your JS, you'll just get a barfy error. if you have map files though, it's actually not super bad to diagnose
@corvid indoctrination. i think it's "normal" to have a relatively simple app with a folder structure like this now
way less room for confusion and/or spaghetti code now
Morning cabbage.
I think it's fairly simple. Presentational components, actions, state, and connected containers that expose some subset of the API. Then probably a utilities folder for reused snippets
+ the libraries that are included. the point is that it really doesn't need this much complexity or functional programming (or worse, FP-light) involved
Reading that article Tristan posted is why I couldn't make the time to fully jump back in to JS...it just seems like a cluster$%&# of fads
But what are the alternatives, considering that each browser will be at different "levels"?
@corvid jquery is pretty good at doing things.
bleh, I think jquery is very bad unless it's a small application
use whatever templating engine to spit out your html, include jquery. it only gets shitty if you have multiple people doing whatever they want, which react+fp doesn't prevent
^ that. It's easier to make and debug, usually faster, and typically works better for your users too.
Manipulating the DOM directly is slow, it makes abstraction and modularization much more difficult. The concept of a virtual DOM exists for a reason
My clients can buy a faster computer if they want my page to render fast
That's none of my business.
Well, to paraphrase Churchill: "jQuery is the worst solution, except for all the other ones I've tried"
Do we have a dupe for why [[0]*x]*y is bad?
I'm pretty happy with React, but good lord is it a lot of overhead, both in setup, development time, and client bandwidth
yeah, it definitely has a lot of drawbacks, but I do think its benefits outweigh them when compared with other frameworks
@corvid yeah, i mean, if you're already convinced that you need a framework, react is a good choice
It depends on the complexity of your application, I suppose. I've worked with relatively large applications and React is a savior for those, I can't even imagine writing some of this stuff in jQuery, it would be buggy and unreadable
I have a feeling that a sweet spot right now is React+React-DOM+Redux, but treating your store as a mutable/stateful piece instead of copying objects/dipping your toes in the FP waters
what's FP?
functional programming
I thought you weren't supposed to manually change the state of the store? It should be only changed by the action/reducer
That's exactly the part I'm saying is worth leaving out.
You mean, you should be able to change the store manually? That makes it way harder to understand, doesn't it? At least if the state changes you completely know why it changed to what with actions
@WayneWerner I agree that not being Turing complete disqualifies a scripting language from being an actual programming language. But I guess there could be other grounds for disqualification too. Eg, gawk can write arbitrary binary data to a file but it can have trouble processing such data, and in my book a proper programming language should be able to read & process any data that it can write.
@corvid Have you tried to track state changes down before using reducers/actions? Even if you've used more currying than an Indian restaurant, you're still just grepping around. The end result of object copying is the same -- the state you're watching has been modified.
Have you used redux dev tools? It makes it really easy to track it
I do use them, but when my state changes, I typically know why.
(partially said just to annoy you, installing another thing)
Haha, how did you say it? Either by indoctrination or acquiescence?
@tristan Absolutely. This is my current project right now:
@poke Nice. Looks like job security
@tristan The great part about immutability is that you don’t need to know. And when your application can work without you having to know it, you can get things like hot reloading, time travelling etc. – That being said, I usually don’t run a fully full stack either. I often run my own smaller custom things that just are a bit faster to get running
Heh, I don't think so idjaw, just commenting on the size of directories for client-side stuff, not including required libraries or the templates
I’m not certainly proud of that file list, but when doing Angular 2, apparently that’s what you end up with…
How is Angular2 anyway? I heard it was a huge pain to learn, but it's actually fast
I started using it during beta, and it has been my single biggest time waste of the whole year.
@poke Well, you could do a declarative state change to "reload" on the client. Not sure I'd ever use time travelling/state-at-time things in an application.
I’m unable to give you a number of how many times some “little” breaking change has resulted in me completely overhauling my whole deployment process. It was a huge PITA, and luckily we’re now final and semver, so we’re safe against further issues. I still have lots of issues with its design though. To me, it seems like it was targeted at a very specific thing, making everything else rather difficult. The architecture isn’t as solid as you would expect.
And no, I cannot agree with it being fast.
Yes, it is fast, if you run the offline compiler first, but that’s an additional deployment step I currently cannot integrate into my build.
Looking back, would you use it again? Which one would you choose to use instead if no?
That deployment step also runs a customized TypeScript compiler, so that’s kind of completely over the top…
@poke I keep reading about Ember as being a more stable, gradually-improving framework
As for speed, once bundled properly, with “Just in Time compiling” (= compiling Angular components in the browser; TypeScript and the whole thing is already compiled and bundled at that point), it’s okay. It’s not as fast as a well optimized React application though. And I certainly think that React is a lot easier to optimize since you know exactly how the data flows. Ng2’s change detection mechanisms is a huge thing of magic, and it’s very difficult to grasp how it works and why it works.
The first time that I tried Angular I just kind of went
The development server, the one that comes with the advertised angular CLI, is barely useable. In Firefox, the default hello world application takes 10+ seconds to load due to it loading every single internal ng2 dependency using systemjs, so you have many hundred requests going on at the same time.
@WayneWerner Angular is great.
As for would I use it again? At this point: unlikely. The process has been too painful to me, and I personally don’t see the benefit. It’s nice that they use state of the art features, but at the same time, they do so many other weird things that it’s becoming really difficult and confusing.
Though I've not tried Angular 2 yet.
One example: Angular 2 uses decorators all over the place to specify metadata (decorators being a new feature). That’s good. However, the Angular offline compiler actually only looks for the decorators in files to extract that information. One would expect to be able to create subclasses of those decorators to default to some configurations etc. but that wouldn’t work with the compiler. So you actually have to write it all out every single time, resulting in a lot of boilerplate.
@RobertGrant I don’t know where it currently stands, but my experience with Ember has been that it’s a super opinionated beast of a framework that is essentially super slow. Apparently, Rails people seem to like it.
The fact that Angular 2 is a complete rewrite, just using the same brand name, is scary
All good programs need a rewrite from scratch every few years: bind, sendmail, Windows NT, PHP, etc.
@tristan the greats always broke the rules
Just to change the topic to Python for a moment... :) I just saw a different way of creating properties. I guess it's cute, but any use of locals() makes me squeamish, even when it only involves reading locals(). From stackoverflow.com/questions/39853606/…
    def temperature():
        def fget(self):
            # getter stuff
        def fset(self, value):
            # setter stuff
        return locals()

    temperature = property(**temperature())
pythonhosted.org/spyder Anybody here use the Spyder IDE?
Also hi @tristan <3
Spyder? I 'ardly knew 'er!
@PM2Ring bah, Python! Well-designed and simple things are so 2015!
@SterlingArcher Used to, many moons ago.
@Ffisegydd we're thinking of making the shift from A1.4 to A2.x at work and I'm excited. Even though I just wrote a buildable template in 1.4 but using modern framework means I can start using ES6 features
Really? My coworker just told me about it because I'm doing pystuff (VIM ftw) and he said it's sweet
@SterlingArcher Hey!
For IDEs: I only use vim and PyCharm for Python development
lol. nice
I use PyCharm, Atom, and Jupyter notebooks.
sometimes an iPython notebook to test something out, but i broke myself from that habit as I'd end up with thousands of lines of code that i need to somehow integrate
I used to use Spyder when all I did was write scientific analysis scripts
I hear great things about Atom, still haven't tried it yet. PyCharm is my go to when I'm not VIM'ing
Vim for me... almost always
Atom is bad
unless I'm producing a graph or chart or table or something pretty for someone, in which case I'll use a Jupyter notebook
Careful saying that in the JS room. They love Atom over there
Well, that settles it. Fizzy, uninstall Atom.
PyCharm is my go to. The end.
I vacillate between REPLs - either IPython or sometimes the plain ol' repl
@SterlingArcher no surprise. it's written in JS
@SterlingArcher The only fact that it is written in JS is enough to not use it
I used Brackets, the Atom clone for a while
@MorganThrapp Does that mean that PyCharm is considered harmful? :)
@khajvah that wasn't a reason to use it though
@PM2Ring In that it ruined other editors for me.
I can name a lot crap (mostly stuff I've written) written in JS that isn't a good enough reason to use it
Atom is great, so many addons.
Even visual studio feels wrong compared to PyCharm.
@Ffisegydd did you just
Atom is probably dense with add ons. They can't all be gold, folks.
Just fixed a bug that was caused by my own lack of diligence in fixing an earlier bug B-)
My work here is done. Time to browse imgur all day.
@SterlingArcher But if you're a JS person, then it probably would be. Or are you saying that you're a JS fanboi and you still don't like Atom/stuff you've written in JS? ;)
TFW you're on hold with your bank because someone used a card for your account that doesn't exist in a place and time that you weren't
TGF speakerphone
so many acronyms (SMA)
I'm a JS fanboi because of it's clientside capabilities, and I love the async event loop. Never used Atom, but I can guarantee you that some of my scripts are ass. Yet some are gorgeous :D
> some of my scripts are ass. Yet some are gorgeous
Every developer ever-
@poke why not both?
how does the default django templating engine deal with rendering html as 'code' to the user? I apparently can't just wrap it in <code> tags
@tristan wait for that to be pronounced as a one-syllable word at management consultancies and you will know you lived well
@WayneWerner Gorgeous ass?
When I realized that I could just put tech support or whatever on speakerphone and listen to the muzak while doing actual things... so good
Anyways, I can't defend or support Atom because I've never used it.
I just hear good things
I use the Jupyter Notebook (because we should eat our own dog food) and WingIDE - it makes me feel old-fashioned, but I'm used to it and it's very capable
I used it briefly before, and back then it was still rather slow and very featureless. No idea how it is now; I’m more than happy with Sublime Text and VS Code.
[and it's not written in Java ...]
I felt kind of sad about Atom before since they rather started fresh instead of investing into the already existing Open Source code editor Brackets which was born with literally the same idea.
… just earlier.
After using ST and Atom, I've found Atom more performant and pleasant.
Atom, Brackets, and Sublime are all fairly similar in terms of features and interfaces
This week I am reading Tom Sawyer and it seemed like a pretty standard young adult narrative right up until (Spoilers for a hundred year old book) Injun Joe stabbed a man to death in the graveyard. I'm pretty sure the Hardy Boys never had to deal with this kind of thing.
More like Hardly Boys. I don't even know what this joke means!!
Literally the highest-stakes conflict before that chapter was how Tom was going to get out of whitewashing the fence.
Frank and Joe were definitely PG at worst
@tristan I like it
There was an additional chapter about Tom feeling guilty about not going to the police and then two chapters later he's back to playing pirate with his layabout friends or whatever and there's no indication the plot point is going to make a recurrence.
I guess the 1800s just had a lot of casually unsolved murder. That's how they rolled.
The weird thing about Hardy Boys was the different Franklin W. Dixon's had different ideas about the relationships that they had with the Chief of Police & his whatever was 2nd in command. Lieutenant? Some series have the chief thinking they're just a bunch of nosy kids, in others it's the Lt.
@Kevin Well, you know, Injuns.
Oh yeah there's also a lot of racism but, again, 1800s.
Damn Injuneers, moving to the valley, automating all the jobs
@Kevin That's what got Huck Finn (I believe) added to the banned book list. The "N" word.
I've seen it like three times in twenty chapters. More tame than I expected.
Sorry, I read the Cliff's Notes version of Huck Finn. This guy, Cliff, in my class, used to pass around a fanfic zine of books we were supposed to read. Real experimental stuff.
TFW your (uncommon) first name is shared with someone else higher in the company, so people sending emails never bother to check the second name and you get all sorts of interesting emails.
I don't really want to read the horrible Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn fanfic out there that I know exists but I fervently want to believe doesn't.
It's all about the Friend-Fic anyway
"Nice," Kevin whispers, sitting in his cubical, face lit by the glow of room/6 on his laptop screen. His fingers skate across his the trackpad of his gray laptop, dancing the cursor around the star button on this message.
Cabbage of friendship for all!
Wow. So we start discussing fanfic and look who should turn up...
And hey up.
@Ffisegydd: I get in the office around 10ish, and then have a bunch of emails to go through..
@tristan then over lunch, he nipped to the graveyard and stabbed someone. Later, back in his chair, he pondered the ideal resolution for his monitor.
Emails. Right. From readers of your fanfic complimenting you on your latest edition of "Tristan and Kevin take on the World"
Tristan's nominally the main character but everybody likes Kevin more because he gets all the best lines.
related: i just realized you can type "cat" any number of times preceding the following shell construction: cat 'cat' > cat (e.g. cat cat cat cat cat cat cat 'cat' > cat)
A muppet saddles up to the bar. "I'll take a manhattan", he says. "Me too", says another muppet.
Such a good movie. But then again, what Muppet movie wasn't?
@WayneWerner Big Birdman?
@tristan You mean Follow that Bird?
"Hey, since when do I work in a cubicle?" muttered Kevin, confused. "Where the heck am I anyway?" The memetic space monster, heretofore sitting unnoticed in the guest chair, looked up from his crossword puzzle. ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ᴡᴏʀᴋᴇᴅ ɪɴ ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴜʙɪᴄʟᴇ, it said, in a way that bypassed the ears and landed straight in the brain like a tactical nuke. Kevin looked blankly at the monster for three seconds, then back at his monitor.
Which was the museum one where the ancient gods of Egypt were judging a kid's soul?
I did always hate this part of that movie:
I've never liked big bird. Or miss piggy.
@Kevin monitors
One of them is obstructed by the monster's amnesia field. It exists, but the unreliable narrator can't tell us about it.
Oh god, we're going unreliable narrator? Is it going to just be a dream?
I prefer "it was all the fantasy of a disabled boy looking at a snow globe" over "it was all a dream"
Why is that video on my screen
Just when I had mastered not crying at work
> "You don’t know these people. They’re just mascots for other strangers who want your money."
So much going on. We have real talk, friendfic, social critique, muppets...
One of these days we'll discuss Python and the magic will be over, like when you realised that everyone in Neverland is dead.
I thought that Neverland was an allegory for fleeting childhood and that if you refuse to grow up, you'll forever be a weird adult that hangs out with asshole kids.
"They were all dead the whole time" is a tricky twist to get right.
Conversely, "The dead were alive the whole time" is apparently low-hanging fruit in horror.
@tristan that's the hook, yeah
I see what you did there.
@KevinMGranger I did sometimes wonder if death is just like paralysis, and if you're buried you just lie there forever.
(And that's my explanation for interfering with a corpse, m'lud)
Not to bring the mood down too much, but if any of you have been following Pieter Hintjens, today is his last day.
Oh, last day alive. :(
@RobertGrant There's a doctor who episode with that premise. Except the character in question is about to be cremated.
(don't worry, the day is saved, more or less)
It also reminds me of a short story I read where, when the soul becomes detached from the body at death, it remains at rest with respect to the center of the galaxy, so the earth whizzes away from it at several thousand kilometers per second and it spends the rest of eternity in space.
#8 is creepiest
@RobertGrant I was just trying to bring something interesting to their life. Turns out the Egyptians got it (almost) right - bury 'em with all their stuff so they have something to look at.
I dimly recall that inter-soul conversation is possible over astronomical distances though, so it's not as lonely as it sounds
#18 is great :-)
#21 is better :P
@Kevin I wonder what the likelihood is of another planet/something whizzing through ones soul is
user image
@tristan That one is particularly poignant for me because my brother (two years older than me) who died from cancer sang that at his wedding. It hits me in the feels every time
@WayneWerner Apparently when the andromeda galaxy collides with us in one jillion years, it's almost certain that no two stars will collide with one another. So that should give some intuition about the odds of one soul hitting anything else
#27 is a classic
@WayneWerner I believe I said this before, and I meant it then and mean it now: sorry about your brother.
#4 is is surprisingly accurate - people don't look up. It's the best place to hide. I don't know why, but it's so very difficult for us to just look up.
The creepiest thing is [Death as an SCP.](http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2718).
Simply put, I am not afraid of death. Unless it works like that link.
@tristan I'm always at alert level yellow or higher during October. Constant vigilance!
@tristan and thanks again :\ :) :/
#25 >_<
You add work to the queue in dev. Load in prod increases.
> The pairs of emaciated eyes outnumber the single round in my gun. With pleading tears falling on her doll’s hair, I point the barrel at my last surviving daughter.
The Mist
> += I pull the trigger and confetti flies out of the barrel. Balloons drop from the ceiling. It was a game show.

The Mist, directed by M Night Shyamawow
Spoiler alert
> They're making a Die Hard reboot, directed by Paul Feig.
Cute animals >> scary stories
In Python news: I was super-lazy and used shelve for something even though I know better. Now I have two files which are too big even to load into memory. Is there an easy way to break them apart or load them lazily so that I can use something saner this time without having to get someone to rerun the code that generated them?:
What do you want to do with them? Just read them lazily?
@DSM it's just a dbm file with pickles..
if you can't load even one key in memory, how the hell did you get that value to be that big in the first place?
@MartijnPieters: yeah, but even dbm.open(file) starts gobbling memory.
hrmz, loads of keys then perhaps.
Yeah, there are lots, but not gigabytes worth. I don't see how it can be having this issue unless it's temporarily storing the values as well.
Someone really needs to teach Microsoft what error messages mean. My ODBC driver just threw an "Incorrect number of parameters" because one of the columns in my SELECT was misspelled. In what world does that make sense?
@tristan You remember that weird linux issue? when it was unable to allocate memory?
guess what, happened again
@khajvah Refresh my memory?
@MorganThrapp: too late, I laughed
@tristan can't allocate memory for anything including ps, top and killall
@khajvah and how was it manifesting? presumably available memory, but some error?
@tristan -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory
OOM killer or can't allocate :)
I can run kill only but dont know pid
@KevinMGranger dude this SCP thing is cool. That's the rest of my evening sorted.
Evening? No, you're going to want to read all of the entries. Then the tales. Then check out the videos and games people have made. This'll take weeks.
Then you'll want to write them
@Ffisegydd eventually you'll construct an entire community of coders you talk to regularly, in your mind
@KevinM do you have recommendations to start then? At the mo I'm just loading random SCPs
Hmm, it's been a while. Look at 173 just to see what started it all, then let me consult my peeps
I dunno, just see what's being discussed on reddit.com/r/SCP
I figured there'd be a getting started guide there but I guess not :/
define frustration: if I have to explain to a student one more time, the difference between print and return, I'm going to kill something... I ain't kitten around
Everyone who explains it correctly gets a cookie. Everyone else gets a piece of paper with "cookie" written on it. Problem solved!
I would typically discover the good fresh scps by reading the SCP thread on Something Awful, but that might be better for when you already know about the "classics"
@DSM that is genius! I wish I'd thought of that last week
holy f---! I'm still reeling at the amount of genius that's in that one sentence
I guess you could start with the classics, e.g. the mirror exploration stuff, the big machine with the gears
Yeah the big machine with the gears has an enormous cross-testing log so that will get you to a lot of other interesting ones.
Or, wait, does it just have an enormous testing log of mundane items. I forget.
Ok, well, the general idea is sound. Find an article with an enormous cross-testing log.
Those pills that fix everything. The big lizard. That goo that also fixes stuff, but absolutely under no circumstances must come into contact with a dead body.
Cain and Abel. The little Macguffin that builds noneuclidean Kowloon Walled Cities around itself. The colander that filled an entire building with pasta.
HI Everyone
I found Cain already through exploration
Oh Okay sorry
I'm pretty sure that wasn't directed at you @devanathan
Oh Okay, I am new to this
is elasticsearch-dsl Petty much Good for querying the elastic search?
from python
I'm amused that you interpreted it as a criticism of you or something, though. '"I found cain"... That must mean "I discovered the capacity for murderous rage". Wow I must have really transgressed the room rules somehow!'
Anyway. I don't know what elastic search is, so I can't answer your question.
Possibly devanathan and Fizzy were talking earlier, and Fizzy was asking for help locating Cain?
@AndrasDeak this is the first time in history that I look into the description of Physics Nobel and I think to myself that I am not even beginning to start to understand wth it is about
"I found Cain... No thanks to certain people. [pointed stare]"
@poke small
this is the (old) logo for Finnish Railways :D
FATAL:  database files are incompatible with server
DETAIL:  The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version 9.4, which is not compatible with this version 9.5.3.
knew i shouldn't have rebooted ever
apparently someone was googling for "VR" and thought that it is a good logo for their VR glasses
@tristan which linux is this...
Sega should sue them both
macbook air linux (i'm not actually sure of my os version or what i'm supposed to call it)
@tristan there's your error
ubuntu doesn't fsck with postgres clusters
and keeps all versions nicely next to each other
i think this is somehow my fault.
@tristan It's all always your fault
Oh Tristan! I seem to remember being in a similar situation about three releases ago. I installed the old version again then went through the recommended upgrade procedure and it seemed to work
@Kevin they used the svg from the net
@tristan additionally
@tristan while you're at it, upgrade to 9.6
@holdenweb Yeah, I think that's the path I'll go down
@AnttiHaapala At some point in the future when the code is out the door
I mean, don't just upgrade to 9.5 when you do (though, if you use pg_upgrade then I guess you need to do it via 9.5)
yeah, i'll go to pg v. latest when it's upgrade time.
9.6 seems so damn cool I cannot wait to upgrade everything to it...
parallel queries <3
In other PostgreSQL-related news, pgAdmin4 came out yesterday!
Finally the long nightmare of pgAdmin3 is over.
Maybe I can finally switch back to postgres from shelve.
@DSM Yeah, the performance characteristic is slightly different
@AndrasDeak now we know this too: Kosterlitz was in a parking hall in a shopping center in Espoo when he got a call from his wife telling that "someone was trying to reach him about an urgent matter from Stockholm"
Thanks for the head's up about pgadmin holdenweb
English poll: should function docs use indicative ("Checks that the value is even and returns None if it isn't.") or imperative ("Check that the value is even and return None if it isn't.")?
I prefer the imperative.
I prefer imperative
I have a secret plan to convert one big NumberFirm application which is currently tens of thousands of lines of mssql to a Python/postgresql solution. Right now we're considering switching vendors to get [different type of numerical data] and I'm writing the Python POC, so it's not impossible that it'll be the seed of the code which ultimately replaces it.
Though I would go with "Check if".
I would go with "Check whether"
Crackpot opinion: imperative for functions with side effects, indicative otherwise.
My boss prefers to stay I think 2 releases off cutting edge of PG
Whatever everything else is already using.
cabbages the value is even and returns yam if it isn't
Yeah, I actually like whether better.
He's noticed a trend for data corruption in the most cutting edge versions of PG
Python docs seem to mix both. This came up because some docstrings for some new stuff I wrote in Flask-SQLAlchemy use imperative and someone made a PR changing it back (but misidentifying the change as "to present tense").
@Ffisegydd Django is so great, so many plugins :P

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