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5:00 PM
Umm... not sure about my answer - thinking maybe a set removal and re-addition might be better
I have a sneaking suspicion this is his ultimate goal
Wow, that thing is insane.
Does anybody else disagree with the dupe here? stackoverflow.com/q/40003798/4099593 (I agree with the dupe, But the comments have gone a bit awry)
@JonClements Yeah, I'd just do something like that...
@WayneWerner you would? Great minds... fools seldom differ and all that
@BhargavRao I don't necessarily...
You could do something like what you're asking for, but you shouldn't. If you're asking academically, you should state that, but otherwise you should be using properties. — Wayne Werner 33 secs ago
ok how would you guys do this? I need to have variable session inactivity timeouts (depending on user settings (no-timeout, 2 min timeout,5 min timeout,etc)) ...
(django is what im using)
I made a middleware that sets a session ['last-activitiy'] to the current timestamp after checking against the expected tiimeout for the given user...
but... there is constant page reloads and jquery activity and json requests from an external device ... etc
external device I think we can set a header variable easily to avoid updating the timestamp
but all the page/div reloads via js I dont know how to handle easily ... all I can think of is traking them all down and adding some stupid get param...
It's amazing how much work a user will go to just so they don't have to figure out their own typos.
5:09 PM
and have a blacklist of urls that do not update the timestamp and a blacklist of get params
lol wall of text ...
Thanks again for those laser videos, I imagined using one virtually on a bunch of q-ban evading user accounts just now.
def non_repeating(sequence=[1,2,3,4]):
    value = random.choice(sequence)
    while True:
        yield value
        next_val = random.choice(sequence)
        value = next_val
as an aside has anyone played shenzhen.io? Its like work... gamified
I thought the consumer lasers that could pop balloons were crazy enough. All that bazooka needs is a variable focus distance to be perfect.
(and actually pretty awesome)
5:11 PM
@WayneWerner You can use sets there :)
aside from eliminating duplicates, is there any advantage to sets?
@WayneWerner much faster removal and insertion times
Rbrb, Got some work.
@Jon: but you can't choice from a non-sequence.
sets are a sequence, no?
5:13 PM
@DSM true, but you can value, = random.sample(something, 1) instead :)
Plus we have a mutable default argument here, and we're actually removing from it.. what does this function do?
just yields infinitely many non-repeating values
What, in that it doesn't return the same value twice in a row?
I strongly suspect there's a cleaner way to do things
5:15 PM
@WayneWerner "An iterable which supports efficient element access using integer indices" docs.python.org/3/glossary.html#term-sequence
finally-on-laptop cabbage
kind of like itertools.cycle, but random, and where no two items follow eachother
i.e. 123441234 would be right out
How does random.sample work without creating an intermediate sequence? Docs don't say if it's actually efficient to use on sets, just that it can be.
Had personal training, now legs feel like noodles
nr = (k for k, _ in groupby((random.choice(seq) for _ in repeat(None))))

out = [next(nr) for i in range(10**6)]

any(x == y for x,y in zip(out, out[1:]))
Out[49]: False
> tuple(population)
so, it creates an intermediate tuple ;)
"Why, yes, DSM, using groupby there is quite clever. You may have some MAD PROPS."
:-| PROPS only
Just regular type
5:26 PM
def non_repeating(sequence={1,2,3,4}):
    value = None
    while True:
        yield value
        next_val = random.choice(sequence-{value})
        value = next_val
call the mini-markdown police! ;)
ctrl+k will preserve indentation on multiline messages
wait. where did it go? :P
Finally! @WayneWerner does that represent any improvement?
won't that yield None and then fail with an IndexError?
now we got it
5:29 PM
@holdenweb always a None as first value?
(though I was wondering about that myself :P)
but the formatting is there ;)
Certainly avoids a lot of ungainly manipulations. But need to refactor to avoid returning None
I don't think subtracting a set containing non-existent values raising any exceptions
a choice on a set will though
>>> {1, 2, 3, 4} - {"banana"}
{1, 2, 3, 4}
Really? Rats!
no banana for you
5:31 PM
I like rats
rats are great:)
I used to have a fancy rat
what makes a rat fancy
A bowtie
a top hat
5:32 PM
Sophisticated cooking styles?
I think that just means pet rat in pet...I mean fancy English
sorry for ruining it:P
a monocle ?
Could replace random.choice(s) with random.sample(s, 1)
@JonClements :)
5:33 PM
Apparently this is giphy's idea of a fancy rat
def non_repeating(sequence={1,2,3,4}):
    value = None
    while True:
        next_val = random.sample(sequence-{value}, 1)
        yield next_val
        value = next_val
the word "rat" has just lost its meaning for me
there we go
5:35 PM
At least stands some chance of working! Obvious a certain amount of renaming would help (value -> last_val, next_val -> value)
Would be interested to see how its timings compare with your original for a large-ish set
Of course to guarantee no repetition you have to ensure that there are no repeating values, which is an inherent property of the set
def non_repeating(sequence={1,2,3,4}):
    value = None
    while True:
        next_val = random.sample(sequence-{value}, 1)[0]
        yield next_val
        value = next_val
There's the working solution, that doesn't return a leading None :)
Why the [0]? And it's often idiomatic to say next_val, = ... to unpack a single-element sequence
I see I was still failing to extract the element from the sample. Should have tested it ...
Ah, so sample returns a tuple?
Ah, that'll also work
5:40 PM
sample returns a sequence (in this case, of size 1)
I didn't know that next_val, = ... was idiomatic, but I like it
@WayneWerner well it can also be an anti-pattern, but I've seen it a lot:D
certainly prettier than bulky [0]
FWIW I usually forget to use the unpacking trick
I didn't know that either, until I got this
    next_val = random.sample(sequence-{value}, 1)
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
yup, just finished googling
5:41 PM
I prefer [next_val] = some_one_element_iterable, because I find trailing commas too hard to read.
guess what, it returns a list;)
@DSM that's also nice
The problem with the trailing comma is that it's so visually insignificant it's very easy to miss.
yup, I think that's the same reason why I usually forget about it
@DSM well, you could use next_val, *_ = ... as well
of course you could go all the way and say (next_val,) but that kind of beats the purpose. Might as well use DSM's version
5:43 PM
I didn't know [next_val] = some_one_element was even valid until today. Nice
it's syntactically the same as the comma, which is an implicit tuple definition on the left side
@WayneWerner I personally prefer if you need to make it more explicit (next_val,) =
I've experimentally verified that the execution times are within 3% of each other
although it doesn't work with a set
@JonClements \o/
Because there's no ordering
5:45 PM
@holdenweb but...but...just a single element:( :)
@AndrasDeak: what doesn't work with a set?
In [200]: {x} = [1]
  File "<ipython-input-200-2050541db204>", line 1
    {x} = [1]
SyntaxError: can't assign to literal
wow, fancy new error from ipython
@AndrasDeak and what is that supposed to do?
@JonClements x=1, obviously, sheesh:P
@AndrasDeak "Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules"
5:47 PM
@AndrasDeak and x = {1} doesn't work for you? :p
@JonClements of course not, that's a set
maybe if I say *{1}...
(just kidding)
5:58 PM
random.choice({0: 'zero', 1: 'one', 3: 'not_two'})
interesting error
^ fun with using a dict on random.choice (from here).
it's a badger!
I should probably write a quick userscript for that - save me the time :)
6:14 PM
Board game night is tonight and I have a cold and the host of board game night is going on an expensive vacation in one week. I wonder what moral obligation I have, if any, to prevent him from catching my cold.
Before I knew about his vacation I was going to go with "attend board game night, say nothing about my ailment" but now the cost of making all my friends sick is tenfold
Probably going to go with "attend, say nothing, and cleverly manipulate the board game election process so the game of the night is something that minimizes inter-person contact"
How long can bacteria live on the surface of a meeple, do you think?
@Kevin hours
maybe more?
and people touch their face and orifices all the time
According to google, the cold virus lives on a meeple for 24 hours, but a tissue for only 15 minutes.
So... new moral dilemma I guess.
well there really is no moral dilemma, the moral thing is staying home
the dilemma is of a personal nature, right?
New... dilemma.
Well I'm a utilitarian (sometimes) so I'm allowed to make selfish choices as long as it maximizes happiness in my sphere of influence. If not attending board game night costs me 10 happiness points, and I have a 5% chance of giving someone a cold which costs them 100 happiness points, then I should attend.
6:25 PM
Are you taking into account the backlash in utility that might affect you if when (yikes, morbid) the -100 person comes home?
I'm very confused by what the point of some three line libraries are on npm...
So my problems are choosing numbers that semi-realistically represent the costs/benefits/probabilities-of-outcome of each choice, and how I can increase/decrease those number with careful behavior
@corvid nice try:P
@Kevin I'm pretty sure it's more than 5% chance if you're playing board games for hours while you're actively contagious and snotty
after all that's specifically how these diseases spread
So far my only symptom is a sore throat.
@corvid How else would you left-pad strings?
6:26 PM
you should just make a simulation in starlogo-png ... and see if you actually get someone sick
hmm...that makes it a bit more complicated
if you don't cough, it might be safer
No cough yet.
I have to loop over acollection and do two things...
1) Express the contained objects as a heirarchy (based on some of their metadata)
2) Collect *other* metadata into a file.

Typically with something like this I just bang it out in one loop, but I'm thinking maybe it's better to just use two separate loops (this has the advantage that each loop can be expressed as an independent function). Is there a 'python room' best practice for this?
I think there's something going around, because I was in your area this weekend and I have a bad sore throat and my brother is congested and getting some cold symptoms.
Time to quarantine the northeastern United States, I guess.
6:34 PM
Something is always going around. I try not to think about the fact that virtually all surfaces on earth have their own thriving micro-ecology.
I think it's just the start of cold season.
The things that live in my eyelashes and I have an agreement not to bother one another.
Also possible.
remember this?
Only when I read the filename.
6:36 PM
I think the original was black-and-white
@QuestionC "the two operations can be encapsulated into individual functions" is a compelling argument, but only if you do it.
"I'll leave this in two loops in case someone wants to functionize things later" is less convincing
@AndrasDeak Where's the kangaroo family? Is the implication that they already succumbed? How dark.
they were the only ones who got vaccinated
They went back to Straya until the whole thing blows over.
so many words for Oz.....
Nicknames are their chief export.
"And kids, that's how Soylent Blue is made"
I choose to believe that the aperture is short and hourglass-like and the birds come out unharmed on the lower end. Nobody tell me otherwise.
Have I ever admitted for how long I thought NJ was basically the western half of New York and Penn and Penn was SE of NJ? I never thought through the fact that I knew NJ had to be on the coast because otherwise the mob would only have Great Lakes ports to fight over. #midafternoon
@Kevin odds are it actually is
but I imagine a huge mincer on the other side...
@DSM That's fine. I can't reliably remember the shape of any state other than my own.
Anything west of Pennsylvania and east of arizona is just all squiggles
Handy mnemonic: Jersey probably has a shore because The Jersey Shore exists.
And is ostensibly nonfiction.
6:54 PM
Could've been Lake Erie..
Oh yeah, I always forget that lakes also have shores.
I just sort of assume that they're all completely ringed by seedy docks.
It's not a real shore unless it abuts the vast and endless sea. B-)
Abrupt topic change. I've been invited to a costume party and have 16 days to assemble a costume. I don't want to spend more time on preparations than I do on actually attending the party, so that limits me to about an hour. You know what, the host has a friendly dog, so let's say two and a half.
Current plan: order a red and yellow scarf online, find an aesthetically pleasing stick in the backyard.
Is that a reference to something I should get?
Or get a shirt with your gravatar on it and say "I'm not Kevin, I'm Kevin"
I was testing to see how subtle it was. I guess "generic Hogwarts student" needs a few more accessories before I'm out of the "and what are you supposed to be?" Zone of Ambiguity.
Trying to decide how I feel about a lightning scar. I'll need a medium that washes off, but is resistant to social anxiety sweat.
Permanent marker? Rubbing alcohol will get rid of it.
7:07 PM
Perhaps, if I can get a good solid color. I should consult with $cosplayer_friend.
The tag has been so awful lately that I finally bit on that one, only to find out they didn't actually ask with an MCVE.
I haven't answered a question since Oct. 3. :-(
@Kevin I would've thought "that one Doctor with the long scarf"
but stick instead of sonic screwdriver is much more low-budget than a stick instead of a wand
I'm willing to pay up to five American dollars for a wand that's more convincing than a stick.
real Gryffindors just accio it for free
then again you need to know what you're actually summoning
7:19 PM
An ex of mine handcrafted a great Portal costume. Girl came to play.
sounds dirty, I'll just assume it's not just me
Cool. And if anyone remarks on how quiet you are, you just tell them you're in character. Well, you can't tell them that because speaking would break character, so I guess you just sort of give a meaningful look.
Seems like it would be hard to make accurate falling-from-a-great-height-and-not-getting-hurt boots, because the metal thing would jab you right in the heel.
Doing the opposite of its intended purpose, really.
@davidism I want that!!!!
@davidism That's a fine mug.
I don't own that mug, which is fine. But owning it would also be fine.
7:25 PM
i say maybe like this isnt what people have stolen and placed on zazzle or cafepress items all the time
I already have enough mugs. But none of them are that mug.
we share the same struggle @davidism
how i know i'm old: i was about to bore you with the story of how i chose the mugs that i have, and how that's different from when i thought about having a homogenous set
how I know I'm old : I'm really interested to hear your story
Here comes old man Tristan with another of his "crazy" stories.
I want to learn how to listen to boring stories because all of the social skills advice sites say "ask them questions about themselves" but when I do my eyes glaze over after fifteen seconds
7:30 PM
nice people answer in ten
/me looks at notes on social skills on phone "tell me a painful story, from your childhood"
And it's like, I'm sure you're not being objectively uninteresting but I have strange preferences and could you talk just a little bit about fractals or something tia
that's why "thanks, fine, how are you?" was agreed upon
@Baap you were here earlier today talking to two individuals about this, and one of those people answered one of your questions already in a question you asked
@davidism whats the problem ? why you moved ??
Like, I want to have a conversation deeper than "I'm good, and you?" but it's not always easy to steer it towards Magic: The Gathering
@idjaw yea i am learning recursion and i got solution of that question but this is new question where i am stuck
@davidism :( but when you do that they somehow think it belongs in the JS room
7:34 PM
@davidism: oddly enough, "can't complain" is a common phrase used by both my father and me, and we're both Canadian, and Minnesota probably sounds more stereotypical-Canadian than anywhere else.
@davidism what i did ?? i just asked a queston ?
@Baap Read the rules please -> sopython.com/chatroom
> Do not link your recent (< 1-2 days) questions in the room. The main site is the dedicated space for posting questions, and having them answered.
and at the very least, don't cross post to unrelated rooms.
Aug 30 at 19:50, by Andras Deak
Jul 29 at 21:43, by Andras Deak
":-|" -- davidism
now you've got me all up in here
7:35 PM
this is just the return on the recursive loop from when he/she asked earlier
oh no rlemon got callbacked into hell :[
It's our own fault for not supporting TCO.
Tristan Cat Observation. You're right. Monthly viewership is way down.
@davidism Amazing.
Probably because they were talking about tail color optimization
7:37 PM
@DSM :'( don't talk to me about TCO
we were promised proper tco
like ten times.
I found out it came from a longer video on PBS: How To Talk Minnesotan. It's amazing.
Hypothetically, how much money would it take to bribe the Python Foundation into implementing TCO? Let's get a Kickstarter going.
I'm not asking for the moon. I don't want them to get rid of the GIL.
pretty much pick any of the videos
I almost think Minnesotan guy is not joking
7:40 PM
"Here's your big chance, Gil! [ruins the performance of threaded applications] Aw, you've done it again. Looks like it's cat food for dinner tonight"
DAE wish you could watch Netflix on 2x speed?
I don't watch Netflix, but I wouldn't
whatever needs fast-forward doesn't need watching
I understand that lots of people listen to podcasts on fast forward, so it seems likely that plenty of people would want to do the same thing for visual media too.
But not all visual media can be fast-forwarded. "I don't like this painting. It's too slow."
But listening to people talk is an utter waste of time. Watching audiovisual stuff is more efficient.
I propose an algorithm that detects whether an exciting action scene is occurring, and play those at normal speed, and everything else at double speed.
I know this is possible in principle because my stream always gets spotty and jpeggy when the visually busy things are about to happen.
(most likely because static talking head scenes compress way better than short cuts of explosions)
7:50 PM
Chekhov dramas would be really quick to watch
Chekhov's Bun would be a great name for a burger shop in which you order before getting seated
@AndrasDeak Hey, that guy's a regular on Computerphile
That was an awesome video @AndrasDeak Thank you dude
7:59 PM
@Baap don't ping random people for no reason. That's also in the rules.
I cringed
8:20 PM
@davidism just leave it go for now :)
@JonClements busy day huh
@rlemon I just wanted to pee on a tree and chew a squeaky toy... but oh well...
@JonClements OMG did you see this yet? imgur.com/BYV3MDz
8:55 PM
oh dear:D
frustrating cbg for all
That gif really needs some cartoon sound effects.
I imagined Benny Hill
@idjaw frcbg, what's wrong?
one of those "my tests won't pass and I don't know why" days
finally found it...so yay...but still cooling down from the rage fest I was having in my head
9:01 PM
*there there*
reminds me of a thing I just saw on twitter
@AndrasDeak and this time it wasn't even me (well mostly not me). The API I was talking to had a name clash between a name that is to be deprecated, that apparently in part of the API, is already deprecated, so it refused to understand the argument I was passing...
And I imagine it gave you a clear and informative error message
oh yes...*very* clear.....401. It was only until I happened to check some other project doing something similar to what I was doing it happened to use a different argument, so I decided to try that.....and then things worked.
good job figuring it out eventually
9:10 PM
yeah...I guess. I'll feel better about it soon. It's still fresh.
well time wasted never feels good
but it will be better in time...oh wait
no..especially when this task is something I really wanted to get rid of quickly to jump on to something much more fun.
Here we go
Programming is the best career if you like shouting WHAT THE SHIT ARE YOU DOING at computers many times a day, but actually it's your fault.
you know it's also fun. "changing this should break my test" .... "test is still passing....."
well....that didn't work out so well, now did it. :P
9:14 PM
those are so bad
I'm running my system test for the first time. This is going to be amazing
what happened next will blow your mind
Six tests passed just fine. You won't believe what happened on #7
our beloved developer forgot to provision the box that test 7 needed...
9:25 PM
I just realized that gimp has gimpfu which is python for plugins, no more scheme for me. I also realized that standard gimpfu examples start with from gimpfu import *, so maybe I'll just stick with scheme
family time rhubarb
rbrb @WayneWerner
9:49 PM
Without writing (or better, importing) my own shell and explicitly parsing it, I won't be able to get any idea what changes to environ and cwd and things like that a piece of sh will imply, will I? Or is there another way of extracting “T was set to 4 and the working directory changed up” out of ls; T=6; cd ..; export T?
(You may happily assume that the code may and shall be executed)
Can't you ask it to pwd or something? I'm probably missing your point
does "piece of sh" mean a given shell script?
Maybe I should phrase it this way.
Can I have a python function x that makes the result of x("cd .."); x("ls") the same as x("cd ..; ls")?
(And both give the content of the directory above.)
OK, I don't get it, but I probably wouldn't be able to answer anyway
hope for the others
9:53 PM
I assume the answer is “Yes, if you write your own shell for x, but not otherwise”.
For similar reason as the fact that there is no program cd, it has to be done by the shell.
I have no idea what you're trying to say. You can change the working directory in Python too. You can't know the result of a program before running it. How is this related to Python?
I'm trying to write something doctest-like for interactive shell snippets.
I noticed it cannot deal with examples that contain cd.
I'm assuming that's not due to me being stupid but due to inherent limitations.
Oh, you're still on that? At this point, you're probably better off asking us specific questions instead of vague ones.
"I noticed it cannot deal with examples that contain cd." Doesn't tell us anything about what you're doing or why you think it won't work.
I have a script. The script reads code snippets of sh-code spread throughout a text file, collects them into a list and hands them, element by element, to a function that calls subprocess.Popen on one snippet at a time. (In order to match output.) If I feed it two separate snippets, the first being "cd .." and the second being "ls", I notice I get the content of the working directory I start in back from the second call, not the content of its parent.
Given this setup, is there a way to obtain the content of the parent directory from the second call to subprocess.Popen?
I assume no.
Is there a way to obtain the content of the parent directory from some other function?
I assume yes, if that function does actively parse "cd .." and represents the change in directory somewhere inside python, effectively turning python into yet another (stupid) shell.
Are my assumptions correct?
And have I now gone so far that I might acually able to post this on main, if I add some more actual code examples?
10:10 PM
Each subprocess is, by definition, a separate process. If you're writing a testing framework, you wouldn't want one test to effect the next one anyway.
Or concat each call in some_func() and only call once, joined on ";"
The idea this project-let comes from raising errors when a tutorial stops working due to api changes, less for actual testing the program properly.
(And definitely not testing it only this way!)
You seem to have a specific thing in mind, so I'll step away by saying "i'm sure python has a way to handle whatever you have in mind"
@tristan That sounds reasonable for getting it to work. It means matching the output and finding the snippet where output didn't match is harder, but it might work!
I haven't played with this library, but it seems like it could be fun: docs.python.org/3/library/pty.html
10:15 PM
sorry to be a negative nelly, but doctest that shells out sounds like a horrible idea to me
i say follow your dreams
follow your dream, arrive at your nightmare
@wim It may be a horrible nightmare! What's your main concerns?
seems too mean in this context. i can't get my joke to work [;___;]
@tristan I get it, but it looked like a missed opportunity for being neither a “Your mom” joke nor a “that's what she said” on top of what it was.
Anyway, this was just a ridiculous late “Oh, is that why it's not working?” thought and I should finish for today. So long, and melons for all the fish? Feel free to ping me with other comments why the idea is nightmarish, it looks like they may get lost otherwise.
10:35 PM
Try an implementation out -- write some code and ask when you get stuck in specific places.
Right now, it's just too nebulous for seasoned SO users to want to jump in
I appreciate that. It's just that I'm currently far too lacking in the “fast bouncing of programming ideas”-type of semi-live contacts, any better suggestions of where do go for that?
IRC can be okay with that and it can be in here if the idea is more clearly explained
I'll work on my explanation skills, any particular server/channel?
Q: running multiple bash commands with subprocess

PaulIf I run echo a; echo b in bash the result will be that both commands are run. However if I use subprocess then the first command is run, printing out the whole of the rest of the line. The code below echos a; echo b instead of a b, how do I get it to run both commands? import subprocess, shlex ...

10:42 PM
stream of consciousness is generally rough for idea formation because minds immediately set to work trying to find solutions, then the constraints change, and people get frustrated
@tristan Sounds true, I'll possibly come back to the topic later.
take care
rhubarb from me too
same for me i guess :)
10:52 PM
sleep well:)

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