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if max_exp is 1024 I guess that implies that the exponent has 10 bits.
No, just delayed by a couple of months
Aug 2017
I saw Legend the other day, was awesome.
That would work out nicely because a mantissa size of 53 plus an exponent size of 10 plus a sign size of 1 adds up to 64
I'm really looking forward to The Martian.
What one is that? @Ffisegydd
Oh - you're right. Might be on indefinite hold
@Ffisegydd Yeah, me too. I just finished the book a couple days ago.
@Kevin yes. You'll find that 2**1024 is very similar to 10**308
oops bad stars - not shouting at you
Or, wait, would it be a signed mantissa of 53 plus an exponent size of 11 plus no sign because the mantissa is already signed.
I like this del Toro line:
Del Toro is no stranger to long-delayed passion-project blockbusters. “I can tell you this, if I was a billionaire, I would definitely do Hellboy 3, Pacific Rim 2, and At the Mountains of Madness.” He laughs. “And I would quickly become a millionaire.”
like being a millionaire is a bad thing...
I'd love a proper Lovecraft movie.
I'm surprised one hasn't been done yet. A lot of horror films draw on him for inspiration but that's about it.
It's the classic joke: How do you become a millionaire? Be a billionaire and buy an airline
@Ffisegydd might be seen as a bit non-self-aware, which the hollywood suits probably currently think is bad
As the inane, half-massively serious, half-lines taken from Dude Where's My Car shambles Transformers showed us
I enjoyed reading this: rtsoft.com/novashell
Inspired me to think about making a simple game once I have loads of free time in 40 years or so
@Kevin Because the number is normalised the leading bit of the mantissa is always a 1 so it doesn't need to be stored.
I was just writing:
Both mantissa and exponent need to be signed... 53 bits mantissa allowing, one of which is sign bit - allowing 2**52 bits of precision - or 10**15.65. 11 bits exponent - again one sign, allowing 2**10 bits, or 10**307.95. They do something clever (TM) on the border to allow 1e+/-308 to be represented.
The above from PM2 is "something clever (TM)"
That's analogous to how in decimal scientific notation the leading digit is never a zero.
Indeed so - I should have realised that
So close to 2k rep :|
downvotes corvid
psh, downvoting my GREAT answers, who would do that?
Not me - turns out I already downvoted all of them!
"Downvotes" without explanation on provably right answers irks me more than it should.
flags that as spam/offensive
flags that as ham/offensive
As if you haven't had enough ham for today
Gammon have a go if you think you're ard enough
You can never have enough ham.
Ah, too slow
flags as too many flags
Yes, semaphore. As in computer stuff. WHAT A PUNCHLINE
Robert, you are the weakest link. Goodbye.
I can't process puns right now, I'm trying to figure out why struct.pack("d", 2.0) returns '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00@'
@Kevin because that's the correct encoding for a double in little-endian order?
Weird that it's all zeroes
Yes, I know that, but I don't know it in my bones. I don't grok it.
@RobertGrant it's not. That's a \x40 at the end.
but the ASCII codepoint \x40 happens to be displayable as the @ character.
I feel like that is going to turn into some kind of road novel "I don't know it in my bones. I haven't known it since coming into being. It does not form part of my coding essence, the juice of my being, the vitality of my very existence."
"It's an @ sign mate, innit"
@tristan How do you go with comments that claim that valid syntax is wrong. eg:
Are you aware that return code may be only a single number? — Łukasz R. 53 mins ago
"Yes, but what is the _fundamental essence_ of @?"
"... You use it in email addresses?"
I admit that it's weird & unexpected, but surely people can actually test stuff before they just slam it as being wrong?
@Kevin 0 for the sign, then the next 11 bits are the exponent, then the fraction. The exponent is 2 ** 1, basically.
@RobertGrant Ha ha I like that because I build my personality based off "Dr Who" quotes and arcane error messages from computers
@PM2Ring Usually a bit of whiskey and arguing
@PM2Ring Empirically? No, they cannot.
i see the xkcd image in the starred list and raise it:
@tristan I'd like to once more pledge my undying admiration for you.
@Kevin ''.join(chr(i+ord('@'))for i in range(1,27))
I should probably mention that the 11 bits are an offset to -1023; the exponent is 1024 (eleventh bit set), so 1024 - 1023 is 1. 2 ** 1 is 2, no fraction.
I think they should sneak something into the core library such that if you type import antimatter, it corrupts your master boot record
@MartijnPieters Ah, excellent info. I'm should remove my blathering above, but can't.
@MartijnPieters Ooh, there's an offset. That's a very useful fact for me, thanks.
Hah! It looks like I managed to convince an OP who accepted my answer to up-vote it. :)
@Eloque: Don't worry about it. It's easy to mess things up like column & row numbers. So you just need to keep testing your code as you add stuff so that you can fix mistakes as soon as they happen, rather than after you've added another 50 widgets. :) PS. You now have enough rep to up-vote :D — PM 2Ring yesterday
@JRichardSnape i grabbed the pip namespace for easy_install and meant to have it be a "i think you meant pip, here's how to use it" documentation returner, but that's probably better
I'm applying for a part time job as a community manager at a startup for shits and giggles. I hope I get it and expand my duties to include "social media."
@MartijnPieters oooh sneaky. Thanks
I thought I'd give this guy some help in the comments after his question was dupe-hammered, since the dupe target didn't seem totally appropriate. But his responses are so bad I'm now thinking it should've been closed as unclear. :)
@tristan Randall's spent some time with the Django community I see
@RobertGrant i spent a few minutes with preview.app.
Ok, The binary representation of struct.pack(">d", 3.0) is 0 10000000000 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, which is equivalent to (+1) * 2**(1024 - (secret exponent offset 1023)) * ((invisible implicit 1) + 0.1₂), which is equivalent to 2 * 1.1₂, which is equivalent to 11₂, which is equivalent to 3₁₀.
I got the right answer, but from my experience in fifth grade math class, I know that only counts for half
I thought you get full marks if you get the right answer, but you can get some marks if your answer is wrong but your working is right
And that is some awesome maths
I had a habit of doing steps 1-3 on paper, then steps 4-8 in my head, then writing down steps 9 and the solution. My teacher did not like this.
No the working and the answer should be correct for full marks
@Ffisegydd Amen.
This explains why I'm not good at working
Also why I didn't get an A in maths
In her defense, I understand why me writing "then a miracle occurs..." in the middle of every single problem would make it difficult to prove that I actually understood the material and wasn't just using google or whatever
Ah - Google was around when he was in the 5th grade!
looks up when the 5th grade is
... Might have been Altavista.
Asks Jeeves what Altavista is
in college, i put "and then i used this script that I wrote (script body)" in lieu of doing an expansion and got credit for it
No, go to Bing and type "please take me to Yahoo"
Whereupon it says "Yahoo's search engine is Bing now, foo'"
Just next week, right Bobby? Then you're home?
I need to arrange the parade.
in Kivy is there a way to tell an event fired?
cabbage all
@Ffisegydd aw thanks! But I'm taking (some of) October off, and only land on the 26th
Hey up
Of October
yo davidism
@Rob but...the parade...
The Red Arrows cancelled the Queen's birthday...for you...
They were going to spell "Bobby G" in the skies over Cheltenham for when you arrived.
I know you're joking, but I sort of actually want that now
I never joke about parades.
The Cheltenham?!?!
No matter though. We'll just cancel it. Shame about the deposit...luckily I paid for it on @JonC's card.
Cheltenham Grant. Cool name.
Shouldn't that be Cheltengammon? Please use a consistent naming scheme.
If only it weren't so...west.
@Ffisegydd that'll explain a lot :p
Cheltengammon Grant
registers a kickstarter
Gammon Grant.
We should do an sopython kickstarter. I reckon we could raise at least £50.
I did once start registering something that was a clone of Kickstarter, but gave up halfway through because I got bored.
@Ffisegydd don't know... a signed genuine ninja doll from Martijn might raise a few thousand! :p
Only if you rub it and it grants 3 Python wishes.
Unless Jon Skeet bought it with 500 Jon Skeet autographs
@Wann I don't know Kivy, but the usual way in any GUI system is that you bind a callback to that event & when the event is fired your callback is called. And that callback should return False if the event should continue to "bubble" through the widget hierarchy, or it should return True to signal that the event should be considered handled so it stops bubbling.
So what's your real question?
What're the async/await keywords going to do in 3.7? Same as C#?
Damn those JS jerks and their off-topic conversation! The flags from the complaints really ruin my day!
I really wish that guy would just get perma-banned, he obviously has anger issues.
Ugh I really need to get to 10k
It's not worth it.
lol that guy bitching that he didn't get free help in the form he wanted
Just some guy crying because he asked a JS question and they kept on having OT discussions.
Hey, I just earned the Enlightened badge...for an answer from 2010
I think I have an 8th or 9th sense of being able to tell someone is a douchebag just by looking at his/her picture
He's been whining for at least as long as I've had 10k.
Is this someone in the JS room? I want to watch
This isn't a picture, it's a mirror!!
@PM2Ring i am trying to catch finished input from a text input widget. The input is stored in wdget.text. Only thing is that everytime a single character is entered it fires it. So if i do bind a callback to .text my callback will be called n number of times. So i figured that i could try to write code that goes into a loop when the event is fired so that when the event is done firing it can exit the loop and i can capture the entire input at once then call my function.
But i am not sure if that would work because i guess after its fired once it would assume to have stopped firing before it fires again
Ah thanks
@tristan I can't stop watching that
It's like that gif of the anime guy trying to knock down a wall
The wall is a metaphor for virginity
That's why I like it
I know we shouldn't post lots of gifs etc, but...gifbin.com/983780
@Wann There's no programmatic way to determine when the user is done typing. Suppose you create an algorithm that says "assume the user is done typing if they don't enter anything new for three seconds". Then a user with a typing speed of 0.25 characters per second will incorrectly trigger your "done typing" event after every keystroke.
This is why "submit" buttons exist.
@Wann Correct. That's not going to work. Each event is an independent thing. And you don't know when the user has finished entering text unless you make them explicitly mark the end of the text with Enter (or a Submit button, as Kevin just mentioned), or you detect that they've left the current widget because they're visiting another widget. In a mouse-based environment you can detect when the mouse leaves the current widget, but you obviously don't have that option in a touch-based GUI.
Maybe if input.endswith('I am done typing now")
Worth a try
Some forms do try to perform some calculations after every keystroke, without knowing whether the user is truly finished or not. For instance, many account signup pages will judge the strength of your password as you type each character.
That explains why i've been racking my brain for the past 3 days. I very much appreciate your insight. @RobertGrant I would prefer it completely automated but...
Think of it from a UX/User Journey point of view.
What app do you know will automatically detect when you've finished typing? I can't think of a single example.
I think i'll try the time out method and see where it gets me.
You may think that it's a cool idea, but if the user doesn't expect it then it'll be wasted on them, or worse will be a hindrance.
Some of them will try to reduce CPU load by waiting X seconds after your last keystroke to start calculating. This sounds like what you want, but you have to be willing to accept that you might be performing calculations on unfinished input.
Incidentally, putting a sleep call or a loop in your program may make the GUI lock up entirely and prevent the user from entering additional characters
@Wann what are you doing with the information when the user is finished typing?
yea i tried that and it does.
That's how it works in Tkinter, at least. You need to regularly return control back to the main loop so it can clear content from its event queue
maybe if i put it in a thread
You're needlessly overengineering your solution.
Doing something like "return information more relevant to the user" or "store a draft" is solid territory for "wait N seconds and save"
overengineering? Can there be too much engineering? Methinks not ;)
Pipe down, beardy.
Probably the easiest thing to do would be to have a timeOfLastKeystroke attribute, and an onIdle event that performs your calculation when the attribute is sufficiently far from the present
@tristan I have to capture it and eventually send to a csv file. But when the input is done being entered i have to fire another function to run a test which does not include the input but must follow after input is ...input
Shut it, Ham-boy
Plus, I guess, a isCalculationUpToDate boolean to make sure that onIdle isn't doing an unnecessary calculation every 60th of a second
Top class wit.
That's what brings 'em in
@Wann seriously? Have a "Test" button for testing the input, and a "Submit" button for submitting it.
Hmm, how best to find the binary form of 1.56234375...
What on earth are you working on, @kevin?
@Ffisegydd i totally get that man, but i am trying to keep it out of the users control as much as possible
Yeah but you're making it a worse product for it.
not if it works i assume
@Wann would you prefer it if this website guessed when you finished typing and hit enter for you?
You're overengineering what should be a simple thing. You're making it so that users will be expecting one thing and getting another.
@JRichardSnape Still exploring the inner workings of floating point. I have a decimal value 99.99 and I want to figure out on paper what its bits would looks like as a double.
I've gotten as far as "99.99 = 1.56234375 * 2^6"
Now I need to convert the mantissa into binary
If you really need to make it complex, at least make a working prototype of the simple version first
@RobertGrant no i wouldn't but this is will be used for a different kind of environment
Yeah and hide this bit of code behind a feature flag so you can turn it off when people start shouting at you
That's what I do
Unfortunately my 5 minutes of caring and trying to help/give sensible advice are up, and so I must go back to work.
1 love
@Kevin Well, you could keep taking off powers of 2**-n
crazy thing is i did make it work with a simple version which i stiil have, But then i tried to implement that using kv language and python instead of straight python using kivy and it failed
Bah, I'll bite. So how did you simple version work?
If result is negative, add it back on and that bit was a zero. If positive, leave it off, that bit was a 1
Unfortunately I suspect 99.99 * 2^k is never an integer for any value of k, so I can't use bit shifting tricks to make it an int and call bin
I thinks that would do it...
Is it bad to use timeouts and set intervals? As in, will it slow down the page by doing extra work?
Great - powercuts
@corvid flagged as off topic
@JRichardSnape Good approach. I just need to twiddle it a bit so I can be confident that no weird rounding issues are occurring.
honestly, it's javascript and nothing you do in javascript really matters
it's in python still, I'm just reactively updating time estimates
@Wann In that case, there's no point in processing the text until the user has finished inputting it. So make them hit the Enter key or a Submit button. A time-based solution will upset your users.
(Setinterval is speedy)
In some situations, it does make sense to process partial input, like how Google etc tries to auto-complete what you type in the search box. Sure it can be helpful, but it can also be very annoying.
NameError: name 'setInterval' is not defined
import threading

def set_interval(func, sec):
    def func_wrapper():
        set_interval(func, sec)
    t = threading.Timer(sec, func_wrapper)
    return t
Set interval is indeed defined
ugh. contextless corvid questions that make others want to murder small animals + 1
@Kevin Correct, because 2^k never has a factor of 5, let alone 5². :)
So the binary representation will be repeating. That's fine, I can just give up after 52 iterations.
@Kevin yeah "keep taking off" might give you some rounding, I think thinks harder
>>> for n in range(0,-53,-1):
...    b = a - 2**n
...    if b > 0:
...       a=b
...       bs+='1'
...    else:
...       bs+='0'
>>> bs
That may be BS, of course
@RobertGrant I threaded that to a function that ran a loop checking to see if something was in there, put it to sleep for 2 secs and then called the function which then clock.scheduled the test to run
The first 1 is for the 2**0 value that PM2 told us earlier is actually implicit.
Half-baked idea: I could repeatedly multiply the value by 2, and add 1 to the binary representation if it's larger than 1, and 0 otherwise
Seems to match with here
@JRichardSnape That looks good to me. the 11110101110000101000 repeats
"If, somehow, you can read extremely fast" well your question isn't very long...
He has some downvotes now \o/
@JRichardSnape Good, that site matches up with my on-paper calculations. 99.99 = 1100011.111(1110101110000101000)
VtC'ing as unclear.
He's overwritten the word input with the loop. I don't have a dupe for that though.
@vaultah I suspect your comment here is incorrect stackoverflow.com/questions/32654860/…
I simply downvoted because it re-affirmed my belief that questions that include 'Pretty much self-explanatory.' are always time vampires asking poorly thought out and explained questions
@Ffisegydd okay
Or at least it's unclear whether you're suggesting the OP should do that
Or whether that's what you think is what happens
I suspect you were saying "Hey you should do X" but it sounds like "Your code does X" (when in fact it does not)
sows discontent
@JonClements Do we have a canonical dupe for that? I've looked before and couldn't find anything.
Vaultah found one for specifically list.reverse(), but do we have one for "Make sure your method doesn't return None"?
Your Relationship Level(TM) with Bobby has decreased by 1. It is now -27
@MorganThrapp I thought we had both or something
@Ffisegydd Augh! I'm going to have to revise so much friendfic now.
patents the weighted social graph
@Kevin I'm helping you by adding drama.
And setting up the tear-jerking reunion on Bob's deathbed in Act 3.
@Kevin I know this is bad, but I would totally read that
me too >_>
Oops, that binary conversion site does not match my paper calculations.
I have some sort of weird error. Can someone try running this?
 def main():
    p = subprocess.Popen('vssadmin list Shadows', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell = True)
    for line in p.stdout:

For some reason it keeps spitting this out:
b'Error: Unexpected failure: Class not registered \r\n'
Where does it occur? Does it raise the error if you try to Popen a different command?
/bin/sh: 1: vssadmin: not found :[
Oh, I missed a 1.
well heres the whole output
b'vssadmin 1.1 - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool\r\n'
b'(C) Copyright 2001-2005 Microsoft Corp.\r\n'
b'Error: Unexpected failure: Class not registered \r\n'
But, no it's only this command producing it and does not happen when I type it in in command line
Perhaps the path is wrong or something
oh, then it's a problem with vssadmin (which I don't have)
wish me luck, time for my motorcycle exam :3
leans back in his chair. The lean of the content expert.
Can't wait to drive this:
99.99 = 1100011.111(11101011100001010001) in base 2
99.99 ~= 1100011.1111110101110000101000111101011100001010001111  in base 2
99.99 ~= 2^6 * 1.1000111111110101110000101000111101011100001010001111
sign: "0"
adjusted exponent: 1023+6 = 1029 = "10000000101"
mantissa: "1000111111110101110000101000111101011100001010001111"
expected binary format of float:    0 10000000101 1000111111110101110000101000111101011100001010001111
format of float reported by python: 0 10000000101 1000111111110101110000101000111101011100001010001111
Nailed it B-)
Pronounce content how you will
Luck good, fun have
I think that's meant to be ruby-god now
@Kevin Sorry, I got distracted. You can use integer calculations in Python to get bitstrings for floats, eg
>>> bin((1<<53)*9999/100)
@davidism I think it's because my python is 32-bit and my OS is 64 bit..
that shouldn't matter
Well, in an ideal world it shouldn't matter :-)
Unfortunately this is a Microsoft world
@Kevin Well done
@Katherina Niiiice
You got one? Or dreaming?
Friday cabbage for all.
Hey up JSnape
Hry up
DSM the best cabbage of all
cbg DSM
@DSM cbg cbg :)
I just remembered. Last night in a half-awake state I realized something of tremendous importance and thought "I must tell DSM right away".
I forget what it is now though.
Foreshadowing. Scary!
It probably had something to do with one of the math problems I've been posing recently.
RPS or the kinetic energy of the earth or the best viewing position for a painting or something
six answers, Carl.
Now you've worked it all out for yourself Kevin, I like the bitstring answer here
I can't even.
Oh yeah, still not closed
BrenBarn said it well: "The reason that you can sometimes do one thing with one object and not do something different with a different object is that different objects and different methods are different."
@Kevin: maybe it was paper-rock-scissors related.
> Lisa's Brain: Poor predictable Bart; always takes Rock.
Bart's Brain: Good ol' Rock, nothing beats that!
@JRichardSnape That's fairly similar to the to_raw_binary method I've been using for fact checking
@DSM Sounds like some quote from Castaneda.
@Kevin I have a project idea for you to add to your list. Create a program that gets the first post on youtube video when it's released
Yeah! Humble bundle is offering game maker with anrdoid export module and source code of games like stealth Bastard Deluxe for 12$
... And then replies with "First!" or "buy cheap Cialis [here]"
I tried playing Stealth Bastard the other day. I didn't like the shift in gameplay from "avoid being seen by the enemies" to "run away from the enemies which will inevitably spot you no matter what you do" around the 75% mark
Or chooses from a random list of offensive phrases
Mainly sourced from copy pasta
A: How can I force division to be floating point in Python?

Steve TroutYou can cast to float by doing c = a / float(b). If the numerator or denominator is a float, then the result will be also.

@Kevin LOL. The game is gets hard as you play
I felt less like a badass Sam Fisher type and more like a hunted rabbit
please downvote the answer above and upvote stackoverflow.com/a/1267883/918959
this is a wrongness, because the correct answer was posted 2 minutes before the incorrect one, yet the incorrect has 8 times as many upvotes
i won't be seeing you guys much in november
New project idea: create tristanbot!
@Wally I wanted levels that were hard, but which could still be finished without ever being spotted.
in linux can you cd into a directory and then delete it? so that os.getcwd() fails? is that possible?
cd /some/path; rm -rf . seems like it should be an error ...
I'm going to file the experience under "not for me". Others might have fun with what's there, but I'm not going to
@JoranBeasley wait, why would that fail? you're saying CD and THEN rm
@Joran: I think that os.getcwd() would fail if you did that, and you can do that, so yes, I think.
@tristan theres also the new battlefront coming out then too
How can you delete a directory that you're in? It's like sitting in a chair and picking it up by the arms so you can fly.
@Programmer i don't really get into pew pew pew im an army mens games
oh i see ... im just suprised you can do that ...
I realize that thats a senario where os.getcwd would fail
Oh wait, I'm an idiot.
rm -rf . seems like it should not be a legal operation is all
You didn't realize it was star wars?
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../test.py", line 4, in <module>
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
@JoranBeasley ^
I forgot I've been running my local modifications for a long time and that I remap rm -rf . to rm -rf .*
@tristan then if you use a shitty shell, *.* includes . and ..
@AnttiHaapala Good thing I'm on zsh then :)
but just that be ware of that if you are in a non-zsh-shell
one of these days I will get around to converting to zsh
@davidism and that'd be in which century?
@JoranBeasley it is an error:
6-8 centuries
> kutulu@basement ~/test/test2 $ cd /home/kutulu/test/test3 ; rm -rf .
> rm: refusing to remove `.` or `..` directory: skipping `.`
rm -rf .
rm: cannot remove directory: ‘.’
@MikeEdenfield you can't remove the current directory. Move up and remove it by name from the parent directory.
@davidism I know that, but he specifically ask about rm -rf .
oh never mind, read that wrong
@JoranBeasley however, another process can remove a directory that you are in, and then yes, os.getcwd() should fail with something like "cannot find current directory"
I assume Joran is doing this with multiple processes?
Oh - what Mike said
If someone needs a hack project, make fallout 4 multiplayer thanks

ubuntu@www:~/test$ ls .*
i always wanted skyrim multiplayer...
@JohanLarsson that happens to me often when I'm troubleshooting builds and "make clean" from another process
> kutulu@basement ~/test/test2 $ cd ..
> cd: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
some error like that, I would expect.
neat. VS2015 has a step-through Python debugger.
yay, just finished me 9 month project!
That's an interesting term for a baby.
ahh i seee im not really trying to do anything it was mostly academic in nature
@Ffisegydd Well done
@MorganThrapp why cv the second??
@AnttiHaapala Because it's nothing to do with programming?
it does have everything to do with programming
it said the python 3.4 locally installed packages are not importable in 3.5
and said that pip will install them in 3.4 even though 3.5 is there
also: caps =/
using the wrong pip, I guess, but I've been caught out by OS-X weirdness around installing before, so I'm not answering. Comment left.
@JRichardSnape what's wrong with OS X's brew?
cbg @AdamSmith
I don't know really, @corvid. Just I've seen 3 people with installs in a mess on Mac OS. I think it's where they've done half a job with brew, half manual or something. I've managed to sort them out, but can't give remote detailed advice as I'm not familiar enough.
the problem, like most problems, is the proliferation of crap tutorials as well as the user's inability to understand what's actually happening on their system
I was never able to make sense of installing things on OS X. I know some people swear by homebrew, but both ports and fink left me frustrated.
brew works, but the documentation is awful and there is no easily searchable/readable index of packages
This is probably why I couldn't breeze in, understand it and walk away with my sense of capability intact :D

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