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It feels like a complete "Arrow" ripoff, same kind of story, same kind of circumstances, the heroes aren't all that convincing and the villains are kinda wimpy.
Too many fight scenes as well.
@MartijnPieters Read your interview on code mentors. Totally agree the best inhale the stuff. Thats why I smell like piss, I've been coding all night, and can't sleep with the prospect of my code actually working for the first time ;)
Release of hacked Sony emails has been great for transparency, and a nice reminder to write all your email for an eventual public audience.
@RobertGrant cbg! And how are you doing this fine morning?
has discovered any() and all()
Good thanks :)
My PM wants me to take the effort estimations the team and I made, and help him put it into his project plan as durations
@AnttiHaapala ye-es?
A: How can I check that a list has one and only one truthy value?

Jon ClementsOne that doesn't require imports: def single_true(iterable): i = iter(iterable) return any(i) and not any(i) Alternatively, perhaps a more readable version: def single_true(iterable): iterator = iter(iterable) has_true = any(iterator) # consume from "i" until first true or it'...

@RobertGrant I hate "Agile" too. :(
that for any and all :D
@AnttiHaapala I was hoping they existed, given they're very nice in Clojure :)
with iterators they are even nicer
Yeah I'm using it around a generator expression, for maximum stuff
Q: How can I iterate through two lists in parallel in Python?

Nathan Fellman Possible Duplicates: Iterate a list as tuples in python How do I iterate over the tuples of the items of two or more lists in Python? I have two iterables in Python, and I want to go over them in pairs: foo = (1,2,3) bar = (4,5,6) for (f,b) in some_iterator(foo, bar): print "f: "...

@RobertGrant I had been using Python for ~12 years before I read all of python library reference, was hitting my head against the wall a lot
@Antti yeah... just look at the comments though - hardly anyone "got that" it appears
@JonClements In their defense its not all that easy to get at first look :P
@JonClements makes sense to me
Mostly because the comments make it impossible not to get :)
there is lots of NIH that could be avoided if people just knew what was in the standard lib already (hint: a lot)
In fact, have an upvote
@RobertGrant python 3.4 has car and cdr too
car, *cdr = iterable
@AnttiHaapala it's a similar learning curve with Clojure; there are so many clever functions and quite a few data structures to master. All very useful, but I think learning the language will naturally have a lot of accidental NIH
Oh okay, didn't know that one!
(WHY not head and rest , Guido!??)
though it does make the cdr into tuples
head, *rest = iterable
the *star is the important thing there though
Python should be extended to have generalized slices
so you could do things like array[pick(1,2,5,3,2,1,6)]
too bad it is not really possible now
+10 already, +10 to go, for a reversal badge
@Antti well there's operator.itemgetter?
@JonClements there is, but it is very clumsy :D
I mean, why wouldn't there be a generalized slice
slice() is detected by type
so have something like "hyperslice()" that would produce an iterable of indices
does storing python object value in database is possible?
@Antti because now it's down to __getitem__
database like mongodb too?
using the pickle module for example
@nlper see builtin pickle module, mongopersist, pjpersist for postgresql and zodb for the ultimate solution :P
@AnttiHaapala oh okay, I'll have to check out that syntax properly
@AnttiHaapala thanks a lot, I made try with dict, but no luck. I can post the link if no one mind it
@nlper don't unless it's been unanswered for a few days
@RobertGrant : ), okay. it's unanswered for few minutes
I think python 3.5 will actually get people into python 3 now.
@JonClements Remember when we were talking about types, and you said that it would eventually come in python 4?
@RobertGrant types. Actually working type annotations and a builtin type checker.
Ah okay
I read the thread on that, and the implementation options all seemed a bit clunky. What did they settle on?
@JonClements 3.5 comes in with a type checker and a uniform way of writing types in stubs.
don't say comments don't say comments
@RobertGrant They've settled on lists, strings, optionals, hashmaps. Haven't really heard much about generators other than they're going to keep things simple and have everything loop-able as iterable.
Which basically means that they've settled most of the hard stuff.
I guess they can add more specificity later if they need to
Yup, they will.
you can still write code like you used to, but now you have an elaborate type system that actually encompasses things that are not directly imported.
@nlper answered
and now I understood what your nick means :P
Hey up
@Ffisegydd grr
some day someone's going to show up there and wash your mouth with soap :D
@AnttiHaapala There is a slice function.
@InbarRose I know but it isn't generic
I remember @MartijnPieters once showed it to me.
@AnttiHaapala Oh, as in lets you determine multiple points of slicing?
I must have missed that part of the conversation.
That's what happens when you just idle here and skim from time to time :P
it is handled internally so that if a slice is passed, the start, stop, stride are evaluated and the code does a for loop
It wouldn't be too hard to implement though, would it?
@InbarRose currently it is impossible to do :D
@AnttiHaapala Oh? How so?
because there is if case for passing in an integer and another for passing in a slice object
as simple as that
I meant implement as a function.
Not to replace the functionality of slices.
@InbarRose as joncle said, there is itemgetter
it almost does the same already
@AnttiHaapala I never seen this & used like this in Python.... &start, &stop, &step, &slicelength ??
>>> operator.itemgetter(1, slice(2,4))(range(10))
(1, range(2, 4))
@InbarRose and you didn't see this time either ;)
hint, python does not have {} either...
Ah, Cpython.
Note to self: more coffee
@AnttiHaapala that just looks terrible.
@GamesBrainiac Yes, but normally you would encase/wrap that in a robust function.
you wouldn't
instead one uses x = operator.itemgetter(whatevermyindices)
and then just call x(my_tuple)
Yes, or make that into a function.
that is the correct use really
possibly, I wouldn't say "how normally" that is because I have never ever in my life used itemgetter that way, but...
In other news, I seem to be liking django agaon :)
@Katherina cbg! :)
cbg @Kat :-)
Been a while,
had a car accident
:-O You okay?
@AnttiHaapala I am gonna work on some hyperslice function.
I survived,
I look like a mess tho
@Katherina :(
Cbg :)
@Katherina Sorry to hear that. A close friend of mine died in a car accident. I couldn't get over it for a year. So, I'm glad you're safe.
It is far too late for me to still be up. A hearty rbrb to all ... look after yourself, @Katherina :-)
bye zoo!
@nlper please provide a full traceback
@RowanKleinGunnewiek Hi! If you've got a question, why not ask it on the main site?
@RowanKleinGunnewiek please use pastebin, do not throw your screenful of code only here (or as @GamesBrainiac said)
Yea, really hate long code dumps.
@RowanKleinGunnewiek Hey man! Don't take it personally, its just that we don't like really long piece of code inbetween our conversations.
The SO site is dedicate to that kind of stuff, so please ask it there.
sorry for that, could one of guys take a look of this post I just made.
am I not allowed to post a link?
@RowanKleinGunnewiek please do not post questions here after 2 seconds of posting them to the main site
people will answer the questions when they have time
@RowanKleinGunnewiek please review sopython.com/chatroom first
@RowanKleinGunnewiek No. The thing is, we've had loads of people trying to get us to answer their questions. Thing is, most of us already look at new python questions as they come. So, rest assured that your question will be looked at.
ah oke, then I wait :)
@RowanKleinGunnewiek Think of this place as a one of discussion. Instead of asking questions here, we talk about the nuances of solutions and sometimes we just talk about random stuff.
Actually, make that most of the time XD
@RowanKleinGunnewiek I do not have the solution outright (gotta be goin') but just wanted to inform that the singular of axes is axis
i.imgur.com/5DbFlY0.jpg?1 <- this is an axe :D
Cabbage @poke et al
@AnttiHaapala Sorry it took me a while, had a meeting in the middle of when I was working. I have made a hyperslice function, looks nice, works nice. dpaste.de/LkNq
Probably can be optimized.
That deserves applause
@AnttiHaapala hehe, yea my English is not perfect, thx for the notification :P
I remember once with my friend's 286 sx-12 or something - he had a tank game - and to start the tank you had to press back tick
Hey @JonClements :)
cbg @Inbar - how's life treating you now?
not sure if "meh" means same old, or worse. Hoping it's not the later :)
@GamesBrainiac I'm alright, but my car is totally crashed:(
"@Katherina ?
First of all, I optimized the hyperslice. dpaste.de/d8Kj ( @AnttiHaapala )
@JonClements Just overall "meh"
@JonClements car accident
2 broken rips
hurts, don't make me laugh =D
I wrapped a car around a tree once... walked away, un-hurt... what happened?
@Katherina You mean ribs?
sighs - worse thing than unittest is badly written unitests sigh again
quite the same, was driving too fast, someone came from right and hit the back of my car, lost control and wrapped my car around a tree
@Katherina Yipes! That's scary! I'm glad to hear that you're not badly hurt, Kitty Kat.
@Katherina Ouch - glad you're not too badly hurt!
What is the proper way to make a timer that can call a function ever second. Without using a while loop or use .sleep(). ? ( so that my program doesn't freeze)
oh... I just hit a pot hole... twisted the car, then it eventually ended up in a field meeting a tree :p
lol poor you:p
You could fix the car?
mine is not for sale anymore;p
wat. ST doesn't support printing.
it's written off... it was one of my first "high performance" vehicles :( (so no my insurance is now through the roof enough to not even bother))
its awful to see your car wrecked
I cried like a child when I saw the engine
@JonClements what car was it?
hi i want to learn python .. can any one guide me the good books or any materials !!
Take a look into codecademy.com
was very helpful to me :)
@PM2Ring nak, the tigerhawkt3 answer is that good :d
txs :)
you welcome
will learn the syntax .. but i what i am keen to learn is how the code will execute in python !!!
read the wiki
@PM2Ring answered myself
@abhi what programming languages do you know?
c++ , php
@abhi in that case, what do you mean by how it will execute?
@abhi in that case you should read the Python tutorial
there are many parts of that tutorial that often get linked to stackoverflow answers
i mean like if we execute c++ --> it will convert the programs in to obj code and and with linker it will execute the program ..
it does not teach everything but it teaches especially that which is different from other programming languages and which is noteworthy and which is needed to be able to read Python code to others
okey txs @AnttiHaapala
@abhi well C++ does not exactly work like that
for that, what Python does is that Python programs are shipped as source code usually
the Python interpreter converts them to Python bytecode, which is version dependent; the Python virtual machine then executes this bytecode.
okey like JVM ?
the bytecode is cached in .pyc files
yes and no.
with jvm you can ship the bytecode only (class files)
with python the bytecode is not guaranteed to be compatible between minor versions forward or backwards or anything
okey . the last thing u said did not get u properly .
you have a .pyc file from 2.7
it does not work in 2.6
you have a .pyc file from 2.6
it does not work in 2.7
okey got it ..
they are for caching the bytecode like the APC accelerator for php
however APC will keep the bytecode in RAM, python will write it to files
txs ..for your help !!! really appreciate it !!
@InbarRose now do: my_list[hyperslice(1,3,7)]
in Stack Overflow 2015 Moderator Election Chat, 24 secs ago, by Unihedro
What's the betting rate for Martijn losing atm?
I just voted:)
warms up betbot
4 minutes to go
and going home =D
by train >.<
Enjoy @Katherina
lol thanks:p I hate trains
but well, I've got no car anymore so I need to get used to it
What happened to it?
@AnttiHaapala I guess he didn't bother adding any explanation when he realised he'd been ninja'd - TigerhawkT3's answer appeared about 30 seconds after khelwood's.
That doesn't stop you from cv'ing. :) Generally, it's considered bad etiquette to answer & cv, but IMHO it's a little different for dupes.
BTW, I just added a function that uses your map-based solution to my timing tests. In Python 2 it takes around half the time of the `zip` in a `for...append` loop for small lists, and even better for big lists: size=1000 -> 0.293 vs 0.723 for 500 loops. (And of course it'd be faster if it wasn't wrapped in a function).
@PM2Ring Oh thanks man. @Katherina Hope you are okay now.
@PM2Ring it is not a dupe
@PM2Ring it is exactly because of the map global lookup and tuple unpacking+repacking
This bit's a dupe: "I [...] don't know how to use a loop that checks two lists at once."
@AnttiHaapala So you get the effect of both zipping and list construction in one call to a built-in running at C speed.
@PM2Ring but the whole question is not a dupe :D
it is an xy problem currently :P
mine does not have that loop anymore, because everything is efficiently written as a map
@AnttiHaapala Yeah, ok.
@AnttiHaapala Maybe you should add that info to your answer.
@AnttiHaapala OTOH, although you've demonstrated that map is the best solution here, I think it's still good that the OP has learned about zip, and they've probably also about list comprehensions.
Refactoring a web API is exciting. You never know if you missed a call or not.
Until something SPLODES
Jesus @Games fix your bloody site for mobile! shakes fist
I think there's a decent point in that post, FWIW.
Yeah, why can’t we still search for symbols?!
@GamesBrainiac at least the "lack of minimal understanding" is gone
of course that question should have been closed at that time though, as a duplicate of some previous q
Sounds like a startup idea. To the startup-mobile
Google for symbols
fizzygood: make sense you do not
haha :d
that's a good one
Could include unicode symbols and everything
and usages in various progrmamign languages, languages etc...
translations whatever
so who's in?
after pypackages.com comes symbolvista.com
Could also include usages in scientific case, for example c being commonly speed of light
@AnttiHaapala not symboogle.com? :)
could try to automatically curate stuff from wikipedia too
You could allow crowdsourcing. Like "what else does u+woteva mean?"
"Just Symbing it!" - perfect.
wonder what's google's stance on symboogle.com
@thefourtheye Frankly, that was what the First Posts review queues are for.
I doubt they own all oogle :p
We have many mediocre reviewers going for that "no action needed" button just to do it enough times for a badge. This hinders them from getting the help they deserve.
@Unihedro True, but most of the questions (except very few questions) from newbies are terrible these days.
actively searching for and banning bad reviewers
@thefourtheye improve it... teach them how to use the site... point them to the tour
find them a possible duplicate, there's so much we can do
Yeah, lets try our level best
@Unihedro brb, have to change a vote…
Don't worry about it, I didn't make it into secondary. :p
See you again next year.
aww :(
I upvoted you though!
Thanks ^~^
@JRichardSnape And ~ doesn't exactly jump out at you in the official docs. OTOH, help('~') has some info.
@Unihedro would make a great mod
He just needs to get to 40/40 score before the next election cycle.
Which shouldn't really be that much of a problem for him.
@AnttiHaapala True. But we still have a lot of newbies crushed.
@Second Excited for tonight yet? ;)
@poke Trying to keep neutral :)
Last elections were decided by a factor of 23 votes
@poke Yea, I wish we could search symbols. If you just search for "~ symbol", then you get everything from the swastica to icons of poo.
@GamesBrainiac DuckDuckGo supports symbols. Google doesn't.
@Unihedro So you'd support my idea for some form of review training ? :)
To be fair, googling "swirly line symbol keyboard" gives the right result.
@Unihedro ~2 years about, I didn't know that any other search engine existed other than goog, msn and yahoo :P
what is worse, stackoverflow does not support symbols
@PM2Ring I did upvote it. Would bounty it if I could, but that's already dead. Btw, we have several "beating rooms" for bad reviewers, which I'm trying to maintain.

Help & Improvement & Triage School

Everyone is invited to gather together and learn the dark arts...
I did know the word tilde before the word swirly :P
@Games I'm sorry you got disgruntled when you first joined, but I disagree with a few of your statements. I don't have much time to go into it now as I'm on a train to an interview
mmm, interesting to see the technical solutions are easily addressed. The point, however, not so much....
@Ffisegydd Go do the interview man! Best of luck.
The real question is "Why is there no God damn wifi on my train?"
@Unihedro Ta! And although it's getting old now I'm still hoping for another 8 upvotes on it so I get a "Good question badge. :)
I have to point out that upon seeing your FR for the first time, it actually reminds me of something I mentioned somewhere else. Let me try to search for it.
@Ffisegydd you should come to Finland
@Ffisegydd It is so bloody frustrating. Can't believe it's not standard
in Finland we do have wifi on train, however the question is "why in hell is this wifi not connected to the internet"
In Norway there is free wifi on the train, and it is usually connected to the internet too.
@AnttiHaapala Ha - nice. A kind of local gaming network then ;)
sort of...
@Peter just upgraded to Yosimite finally. I actually really like it :p
technically it is connected to the internet but there is no coverage in where the long distance rails go so... it decays to 2G or GSM-R and ...
@Ffisegydd Yosemite was one of the reasons I left :)
@Ffisegydd You'll come to hate it, just like the rest of us ;)
I know I remember discussing it with you :P some of the buttons have moved but not bad so far.
well... it is like "you asked if there is internet connectivity on the train. We answer: in principle yes, but only if you bring your own pigeons"
@Ffisegydd not bad until you figure out that the whole semi-transparent-blurry-stuff-background will actually blink as hell
You know what I hate most Games? Websites that don't work on mobile. Just thought I'd mention it briefly in passing.
Couldn't find it, but I'll try to reiterate. (In my not so honest opinion) many features on Stack Overflow are kinda undocumented because it's supposed to be simple and you'd figure out the best practices based on common sense anyway, such as upvoting good things and downvoting bad things. But reviewing is not easy because it involves your easy-to-drain attention span, community consensus, and not knowing when to SKIP.
Plus, even if a new reviewer wants to pick up easily, they have no medium to learn from - there's no training pen or any documentation aside from the not-helpful description for each action you get from clicking on "(more)".
It's like selecting a jury with the exception that they are the deciders with responsibility to hold for their decisions, where they couldn't get the help and manual even if they need one.
Looking on MSE isn't that obvious.
@Unihedro +eleventy billion. As several people mentioned (in various ways) on my "Reviews Training" Meta question, reviews could be improved enormously if we could be shown a bunch of good annotated examples of how to do.
@Unihedro … and it involves time-critical gaming. If you aren’t fast enough, someone else will already have reviewed it and you won’t get any credit. So better just approve this quickly.
@Ffisegydd lol. I'll eventually fix it. I've tried before, but the problem seems to be in the rendering engine. Different fonts appear in different sizes for no apparent reason. I think I'm going to change from bourbon to something else, because bourbon seems to be the root cause of this.
@poke This changed after suggested edit tickets are thresholded (you have 5 minutes after you get your ticket before another reviewer gets this ticket), there's a similar loose timespan (~3 mins I think, but scales with queue size) for not handing it out until you skip in other queues.
@poke Exactly, you are incentivized to get done with the review quickly, so that you can meet your goal. However, we need to give people and incentive to spend longer on reviewing something.
@Unihedro Really? Interesting! That might make the review queues more interesting to me.
Any ideas to convert 3.141 to [3,1,4,1]? W.r.t stackoverflow.com/questions/29770437/separate-float-into-digits
@BhargavRao map(int, filter(str.isdigit
@poke This applies to Stack Overflow and MSE only.
@BhargavRao but all in all this is stupid
It should be airing on other sites on the network and get its own SE Blog post soon.
@AnttiHaapala Why?
@Unihedro Cute. :) OTOH, I must confess I tried to do a few trivial edits in my low-rep days. It took a little while to sink in that my trivial edit was wasting the time of 3 edit reviewers... This point needs to be in big bright (possibly flashing :) letters on the editing help page
a float does not have decimal digits, it has binary digits, The decimal digits of your pi are 3.1410000000000000142108547152020037174224853515625Antti Haapala 50 secs ago
bhargav@bhargav:~$ python -m timeit "pi=3.141;map(int, filter(str.isdigit, str(pi)))"
100000 loops, best of 3: 3.24 usec per loop
[imagine this line flashing, if you want] ATTENTION EDITOR
your edit will be peer reviewed. please do not submit this edit unless you are absolutely sure you're not wasting other reviewers' time.
@Unihedro: FWIW, here's my latest effort in the fight:
@Cristik: What ChrisF said. Fixing tags is a Good Thing, but if that's all you can do in an edit it's best you skip it and leave it for someone who doesn't need their edits approved by 3 other people. I guess you'll be able to do such edits yourself in a day or two, so this comment is mostly for the benefit of other sub-2k people. — PM 2Ring 4 hours ago
You know what else they should emphasize?
Chat rooms.
There's so much you could learn by chatting with other people, possibly veterans.
@Unihedro Thats why I'm here. You see, in most learning environments you are surrounded by peers. Here, you have veterans who lead by example.
Before I sidetrack too far, I'd like to take a moment to thank your blog post, @Games. I linked it in the MSE Tavern, and I really appreciate your insightful comments as a new user.
Yeah. Chat rooms are like the invisible service corridors of Stack Exchange. All sorts of interesting things happen in the Chat rooms, but you don't know about it if you're not there. And they're off-limits to newbies (which is a good thing and a bad thing). But I guess they are searchable, to a degree.
@Unihedro Thanks! I'm not new anymore :P But, I still remember what it felt like back then.
In fact, I used to be a lurker without an account until one day I saw a question posted by a new user who had a problem with their SQL query. It got downvoted pretty badly. Rep farmers posted answers, but none of them addressed the problem.
I did, and seeing they needed help in a helpless situation I posted a correct answer. They thanked me in the comments. I was glad; the motivation kept me all the way till now.
Ha! I'd been getting help from SO for a couple of years before I decided to join. I was also prompted to join by a bunch of misguided or downright bad answers (to a JavaScript question, IIRC). So I thought "Hey, I can do better than that! :)
With the continually growing community and a disproportionate distribution of caretakers vs answerer's (who really don't seem to address concerns, rather just XY Problems), I notice the trend that the underlying problems with the system are causing the problems you mentioned in your blog, for a variety reasons - but just like Wikipedia, SO has been around for long.
@Unihedro when you get to the scale of stackoverflow, systematic problems will surface because as you've said, there's less oversight.
@AnttiHaapala I guess he actually wants those with 3 dec places
But that comment was spot on
there should be something to discourage people from answering to offtopic question
something like if the question is closed off-topic within 1 day or so
all repdiff would be cancelled (until question reopened)
@GamesBrainiac Then there's also MSO, where experienced users bicker over the many feature requests and bugs, instead of trying to fix existing problems. :p
@AnttiHaapala But that is not off-topic, I guess
@Unihedro I'm a wee bit scared of meta myself.
Meta is like trying to herd cats.
Meta is murder. fin
Getting a gold badge on meta tomorrow!
No posts yet
I gotta be right back, thanks for the fun chat!
@Unihedro Cya!
Come back soon :)

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