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hm, well, I can access it with flask-restless so not gonna question it.
sweet you are 99% done ... too bad you are probably vunerable to the 90/10 rule
you get 90% done in 10% of the time
A: next() doesn't play nice with any/all in python

Zero PiraeusWhile this is expected behaviour in existing versions of Python at the time of writing, it is scheduled to be changed over the course of the next few point releases of Python 3.x - to quote PEP 479: The interaction of generators and StopIteration is currently somewhat surprising, and can conc...

@ZeroPiraeus nice !
@KasraAD thanks for pointing out that question; I hadn't seen it :-)
welcome , it makes myself to fill some of my miss understanding about generators :)
Heheheh, just stole Mark Ransom's accept ;-)
yahhh , i seen :D
He can probably live without the rep ...
yes , any way i think your attempt was desire more than an accept ;)
what you think about his comment ? stackoverflow.com/a/28289160/2867928
it seems that he doesn't know that >>> '-1'.isdigit()
>>> '1.0'.isdigit()
our future colleagues sometimes make me cry into my pillow at night
Isn't he suggesting that your solution will fail for negative numbers? Haven't read the question all that carefully yet.
Yeah he's definitely mentioning that negative numbers throw a wrench in str.isdigit
which is the biggest reason not to use it IMO
I submitted my own answer using the csv module. Been doing a lot with that lately actually.
anywho -- quittin' time.
rbrb @Adam
@davidism :-)
testing out meta tag syntax
for some reason it doesn't work on the regular site
Q: Stack Overflow Annual Survey 2015

samthebrandThis year's survey is officially open. To participate, click here. Windows vs. Mac. Vim vs. Emacs. Tabs vs. Spaces. Lots of questions about who you are, how you work, and how you use Stack Overflow. It's all in there. Joel wanted to include a dozen "Would you rather fight..." questions involvin...

I plugged new chat/owner features as what I would like them to work on.
I pushed meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/257949/… ... IIRC Kevin asked for a chat API. We'll beat them into submission yet ;-)
Oh man, I should have said chat api, I wasn't thinking. :( I put that link too.
Mmm ... chapati ...
The traveling salesman problem is misstated. The problem is not pathfinding efficiency, it's their personalities.
posted from the hotel bar/lounge
Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, how many snipers do you need to deploy to have a > 50% chance of taking out the salesman?
they're talking about whether or not the age of consent should be 12. this is beyond.
Sweet zombie jeebus, where are you?
boston..and specifically not saudi arabia. i thought the question of "can i have sex with a literal prepubescent child" was solved here.
... one would have thought so. Apropos of nothing, isn't that where corvid is (roughly)?
yeah, corvid is from this area
On a lighter note: my current rep is not only palindromic, but has reflective symmetry on both the horizontal and vertical axes :-)
that's beautiful
cbg home
@ZeroPiraeus must...fight...urge...to wreck...symmetry!
hmm. the SO survey distinguishes C++ and C++11
Well, I'm not that attached to it ... :-)
also, it tops out at 160k, which is weird because that's where the dragons and bandings are
Knowing as I do, nothing about C++11 beyond "presumably it's an iteration of the C++ standard" ... is it a radical enough change to justify the distinction?
i wouldnt think so, no
Can I refine that further? It's "presumably a four-year-old iteration of the C++ standard"
i mean, it's c++, so an iteration means "can you still compete with obnoxiously skilled humans after we change your toolset?"
I mean Python2 and Python3 would at least be a meaningful distinction...
2.7.8 -> 3.4 isn't that big of a deal from an end-programmer point of view
Well, yeah, okay. It was just about possible that C++ followed the 7, 8, 10 model rather than the 95, 98 one.
i'm thinking of ordering trays of shots for the businessmen that are turning me into a sociopath. like trays and trays of cheap alcohol so that there's no chance of running into them again for a couple days
or actually, i could probably do that and trick them into screamingly loudly about inappropriate things until they get removed from the hotel.
Or just skip the middle man and order them "alcohol". Oh wait, were we trying to AVOID sociopathy?
Just raw ethanol. brb digging graves in the snow
If you think you are likely to bump into them again, it might be worth picking up a copy of Death of a Salesman to read conspicuously in their presence.
I think I know a thing or two ab[REDACTED]
what's an easy to use python library for drawing graphics? is turtle still fine? (i was thinking of drawing fractals and visual algorithms tomorrow)
No idea, but isn't matplotlib what most people use for mathsy-graphicsy stuff?
i thought that was mostly chartz, yo
oh good, they're back to talking about their desires to fuck children
this is why i don't like spending time away from my home turf
anyway, take care all
good luck @tristan
rbrb :-)
add to the burnination list
1 hour later…
brief cbg
cbg @Ffisegydd :-)
@Ffisegydd early? You lazy Julia set thingy... I've been up since 2
(mind you - did go to bed about 6-ish) :(
Both had your handfuls of hot gravel yet?
Sweetest page I've been to all day.
so I'm inside a venv but calling python manage.py startapp is invoking the system-wide python/dist-packages/django. How come?
which python shows my venv python
do you actually have django installed in your venv?
and you've definitely activated your venv?
yes =/
(env1)adsmith@testwebserver:/usr/lib/test_django/mysite$ python -c "import sys; import django; print(django.__path__)"
(env1)adsmith@testwebserver:/usr/lib/test_django/mysite$ which python
but running python manage.py startapp foobar throws a couple ImportErrors from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/conf/__init__.py
why's it looking to the system 2.7? :p
That's my question! :P
wow... have fun working that one out :p
Meh it may be a project for another day (and possibly another virtual machine)
getting on towards bedtime where I'm at :P
hehe... who knows - all may be clearer in the morning?
tomorrow's my birthday! I'll be able to figure it out then.
I'm glad I didn't miss something dead obvious, though =/
Well, if I don't see you tomorrow - happy birthday in advance :)
@Ffisegydd ahh... if David Mitchell is indeed in the bake off show that's me watching one at least!
Also bake off is amazing.
I'll watch it if it's got Mitchell :p
1 hour later…
cbg @Robert
Is there a better way to do this? Eg, is it worthwhile converting the input string into a bytearray?
def readbits(s):
    ''' Generate single bits from string s. '''
    r = range(7, -1, -1)
    for c in s:
        n = ord(c)
        for m in r:
            yield (n>>m) & 1
@PM2Ring what exactly are you trying to do?
@PM2Ring actually, this looks good to me. Although I'd use bytearray (or bytes), just for the sake of using something new
@JonClements I'm doing steganography. I want to get the contents of a file bit by bit so I can encode it into the Least Significant Bits of an image file.
ahhh okies
@vaultah And I guess the conversion to a bytearray may be faster than converting to int byte by byte, but it will use up a little more memory. OTOH, once I have the bytearray I can drop the source string.
How large is the file?
I think there's also a bitarray module on pypi
@JonClements How long is a piece of string? :) I guess anything from a couple of kB upto several megabytes. I intend to store the data length as a 24 bit number, so it could handle 16MB. I'll probably also store an SHA message digest.
@PM2Ring it's twice half its length!? :)
Feels weird having burgers, chips and beans around ~8:30am... but I suppose it is past lunch time kind of thing... feels confused
you changed tzs?
physically still in the same timezone, just working to another's
ha? :D
That pypi bitarray does look interesting, but I was hoping to minimize the use of 3rd party modules, apart from Pillow. A similar steganography program I wrote a few years ago (which uses GTK to handle the reading & writing of images) uses a more subtle technique to embed the data, making it harder to detect statistically, but it's quite slow and has a much lower data capacity.
@Antti working on a system that's in use during office hours GMT, so have to do stuff late evening/early morning/morning so it's not too disruptive...
@AnttiHaapala Ta. I'd forgotten about mmap. I guess it could come in useful here.
@JonClements ah understood
@PM2Ring you do mmap and then "Memory-mapped file objects behave like both bytearray and like file objects. You can use mmap objects in most places where bytearray are expected; for example, you can use the re module to search through a memory-mapped file."
then on 64 bit processor you can do arrays larger than your physical memory...
not so on 32 unless you are very short on mem :d
egypt air, still better in geography than an average american
Interesting use of colour there for land/sea :p
Completely threw me off for a few seconds
now that explains why it is so warm here now, seems we are right next to the black sea and caspian sea here
@AnttiHaapala you must have slept really well last night to not notice we had a little bit of a shift around... we hired a feng shui expert to make earth land masses a bit more dragon friendly...
Q: Keyword searching in Python

Manohar SwamiI am trying to automate a manual job of creating requests. I have an excelsheet in which I have to find 'keywords' in a text like: "I need access to Display Order Sales to perform this job". If it is Found, I need to copy data from other column of the same row and pass it to the method of another...

cbg @Ian
Cbg @Jon!
Gahhhh London transport! :@
Wait - London has transport!? :p
yes, you sit in one of their underground trains, and then as you sit stationary, the whole London is moved below/above
Q: Python loop through a list how does it work?

Jonathan WilliamsI have tried to find an answer and sorry I can not seem to find one. in the following code: friends = ['Bob','Luke','Ian', 'Frank'] for friend in friends: print (friend) How does Python know what friend is, it is not defined, all we have told python is that we have a variable (in this case...

look at the comment and first revision of the post
Who in Christ's name upvoted that?
you mean the first comment?
No the Q itself!
Bah I didn't pass a job interview
This is not a nice feeling
good for you, bad for the company :D
that's how you should put it
Thanks :) I was actually thinking I probably didn't want to work there, so I guess objectively it's fine. Just annoying :)
@poke cbg
@Robert much more satisfying to be offered a job and then smugly say you didn't want it kind of thing?
cbg @poke
Yeah, definitely! Better for my self esteem.
Like, I know I failed the last interview so far bc
I was too expensive for the hour-slave position they had thought they'd assign me to...
That's a good reason :)
well I hated it
I had heard good things about that co
but guess it is not true
Yeah exactly, that's their undervaluing of technical staff
You don't want to work somewhere like that
they asked "how much do I want salary" I said how much and they said "why so much"
"beacuse that is what I get elsewhere too"
why should I give them a discount
if they cannot sell my slave-hours to a customer with markup with that price, it is hardly my problem :D
can any body tell me why i get down vote ? stackoverflow.com/a/28294956/2867928
no, but you should fix your answer a bit for upvote ;)
remove the extra opcodes, have only the loop and explain it then
how much was their "so much" @AnttiHaapala ? :) and hello everyone
@AnttiHaapala why remove extra upcodes ?
it was the same money I am paid in my current part time job basically (that I dropped from full hours to 50 % voluntarily)
did you mean dis module ?
@KasraAD because you do not explain the for lopo opcodes, there is just some code dump :D
I downvoted you because it was a sloppy answer. It still is kinda, though you've at least edited out the console part where you had a TypeError.
I also like the fact that I'm in an 80% position
The only problem is military service pays less because of that.
And yeah Antti sums it up. You don't explain anything, you just code dump. Someone searching for "how does a for loop work" is gonna need more than a dis.dis dump.
and please use python 3 since the op seems to be using it ;)
Add an explanation alongside the code @KasraAD
You also misspell the variable as firend. I know that English isn't your first language, but come on dude. That just smells of "I am going to FGITW this AS FAST AS POSSIBLE! and not care"
so when others explained the problem there is no need that i add mor!!! i just suggest dis for better understanding
yes but seeing that code there just decreases understanding :D
If others explained the problem, why answer in the first place as it's already been answered.
  3          18 SETUP_LOOP              19 (to 40)
             21 LOAD_FAST                0 (friends)
             24 GET_ITER
        >>   25 FOR_ITER                11 (to 39)
             28 STORE_FAST               1 (friend)

  4          31 LOAD_FAST                1 (friend)
             34 PRINT_ITEM
             35 PRINT_NEWLINE
             36 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           25
@Ffisegydd it just was a typo
You code dumping dis.dis is just going to confuse someone.
You don't even explain what dis.dis does.
@KasraAD , if you're going to add the op-code, explain the op-code.
this is the releavant part and you can say that "there is your friends variable"
stupid python optimizer btw, store_fast, load_fast ;)
Yeah I was wondering about that
ok, i'll gonna to refine the answer 1
@Kasra you shouldn't need us to tell you to refine your answer, you should be trying to answer as thoroughly as possible regardless of a downvote or not.
@ReutSharabani thanks ;)
It's a teaser. More to come. The wait is so thrilling.
Lol I like that
SO should add the sound effect of drum roll.
@Ffisegydd no ;) i think i need , because i believe to Consultation and also i think this is the aim of this chat room creator :P
@Kasra no, I absolutely disagree. If you can't answer questions fully by yourself then don't answer questions! You shouldn't need other people to babysit you.
If, for every single answer you post, you came in here and said "Can you guys look at this?" then you'd very quickly become an annoyance and be asked to stop.
@KasraAD this isn't one of those things where you can front an effort and get other people to do the hard bits, unfortunately. Each answer stands on its own merits, and is by one person. Others may edit for clarity, but not content.
yep surely i dont need babysit , but why i have an answer that could help the OP . i must not answer ?
Because if you're answering crap then you're doing more harm than good.
@Ffisegydd and also i never came here and ask for see my answer , for EVERY answer
I know you don't, but from what you said it sounded like you believe you should be able to.
@Ffisegydd yes , i think so that must give true answer ! and i attempt to do this !
I'm sorry, what? I don't understand what you mean.
@RobertGrant yes ! this was my fault that didn't clarify correctly !
@Ffisegydd do you know whats the problem , ? as you say English is not my fist lang , and so you assume that i want to answer meany comments quickly !! :P
"meany comments"? I'm not being "mean", we're not children. I'm explaining how things are to you and what my opinion is, if you don't like or agree with my opinion then that's fine.
@Ffisegydd also " Why So Serious Son " ?
Morning folks
Sup Brit.
@Ffisegydd he meant "many" :)
@IntrepidBrit cabbagio
@Robert that makes more sense :)
ok ok ... yes it just was many !!! im sorry about typo
I need to stop using unit tests for double checking that I'm not making silly mistakes
bashes head against monitor gently
Isn't that the point of a unittest?
@IntrepidBrit in what way?
Hi people, Can I use the latest version of Python with the latest versions of OpenCV and Numpy without getting problems later ? For example, does the latest version of Numpy work fine with the latest version of Python ?
Well, basically I keep finding myself writing unit tests that effectively check that I'm saving to the right/expected place
@Begueradj it's almost like dejavu. It's as if we've had this exact same conversation multiple times and we've told you and yet you keep on asking.
Which is basically often me unit testing os.exists / the write function
@Ffisegydd this is the first time I ask this question
@Ffisegydd any way thanks for all advises ! ;)
@Begueradj which part of the numpy website is ambiguous?
@RobertGrant I just want to know if the last version of Numpy works fine with the last version of Python
Yes, why wouldn't it?
Trust pip
He's on Windows so pip will fail.
Use the Gohlke libraries.
@Begueradj sorry I miscommunicated. I was asking which part of the Numpy website wasn't clear
I did not ask about a Numpy website :) @RobertGrant
@Ffisegydd (I thought pip was standard on Windows since 3.4?)
@Begueradj I think Robert's point was "Go read the website and find out." but he was too polite to say it so directly.
@Begueradj you're asking whether the latest python works with the latest numpy, which means you must've checked the numpy website first, and it wasn't clear.
@IntrepidBrit It is, but the compiler for numpy will fail on Windows.
@Ffisegydd well, I was trying to give him a dignified out :)
Most of the time anyway.
@Ffisegydd this is why pypy is the future :)
@Ffisegydd (aaaaaaah. Gotcher)
You get the good old vcvarsall.bat not found error.
@Ffisegydd Numpy can be installed as an executable on Windows, no need to use pip
@RobertGrant KevinScript FTW!
@Begueradj that's what I just said.
@JonClements haha yeah
Except that interpreter should be written in KevinScript, or you end up with the same problem
peeks at orders
Ooh, we actually have orders
I need my own business that has exciting orders and things
But also lets me keep my full-time job
How can I do that?
Buy someone else's company whilst keeping your day job
Cool. How much for yours?
Hire me to run your business (into the ground).
About £5 :P
Awesome. Sold!
Anyone want 10% share of a growing business for only £100?
applies to Google Ventures
Did I mention Intrepid fun bucks also use the £ notation? :P
LOL - so you're estimating your business to be £1000? :p
@JonClements I'm estimating the business I bought for £5 to be worth a quick £95 profit :)
Cheap at 100 times the price!
All estimates show we're the next apple... come get your shares now!
No, wait. 1000 times the price!
No! 1001 times!
Can I be your CFO?
Sure. How does the phrase "sweat equity" work for you?
I may have made a terrible mistake
We told you to vote for independence!
cbg @Martijn
(on a side note - how needlessly complicated is the new "English laws for English MPs" system?)
I haven't bothered reading up on any info. on it... from what I've heard - it's sounding like a complete mess - like everything they do
When I want to download Python, I see these options: 1) Windows x86-64 MSI installer 2) Windows x86 MSI installer. What's the difference ?
One is 32 bit and one is 64.
I'll give you an additional free hint: The one with 64 in the filename is 64bit.
@Ffisegydd thank you
@Ffisegydd spoil sport - I was going to try my luck flipping a coin
64 bit computers can handle 32 and 64 bits, but 32 bit computers don't do 64 bits.
@IntrepidBrit I didn't think you'd actually sign the non-compete stopping from receiving remuneration from "any organisation, including one owned by yourself"
@Ffisegydd sometimes you are nice with me sometimes you are bad
@RomanLuštrik Yes, you are right, that is what I have been told in an other forum 2 days ago. Thank you.
@Begueradj I'm neither nice, nor evil. When you ask ridiculous questions and annoy the members of the room, then what else do you expect?
Last question if I may, guys: what is the difference between OpenCV alpha and Opencv beta versions ?
The alpha is more suited to senior leadership roles; the beta maybe more science
@RobertGrant I'm crafty like that
Then gammas are sergeant majors, and the deltas basically just manual labour
@RobertGrant I thought beta means it is not stable and it has bugs. is this right or not ?
I think just google beta testing
Isn't it to do with radiation?
From wikipedia: Software in the beta phase will generally have many more bugs
thank you for help guys, I think i have no more questions today
Maybe google alpha testing as well
@MartijnPieters cbg
Bah - I was hoping I could find a t-shirt company that would allow you to upload the t-shirt design, start an order and then let people order the kinds of t-shirt they want
Doesn't cafepress do that?
GreetingBroadcaster.sendBroadcast(GreetingFactory.getGreeting(IndirectUserLookup(PersonSearchCondition.getCondition(Person.firstName, "Martijn"))));
That took too long
@Ffisegydd Kinda - but you have to design the different kinds of t for "sale"
Yeah isn't that more like a ThemeForest sort of idea
I guess so. Would have been nice if folks wanted to pick loose fit/polo/shaped shirts if they wanted
I removed my Python 2.7 and replaced it with Python 3.4.2 version. I installed Numpy 1.9.1 sucessfully. Now, I want to install OpenCV version 3.0 (alpha), I did what is mentioned for Python 2.7 here but when I run import cv2 it says ImportError DLL load failed
@RobertGrant Being coding in Java lately, have we?
Ah well. Apparently pipe dreaming
@RobertGrant Good effort
@Begueradj Ask a question on the site.
@Begueradj this isn't Stack Overflow itself, where you ask questions and get answers. This is just a chat facility. The actual site is here: stackoverflow.com
@RobertGrant Sorry, I am typing my question on StackOverflow right now
I think it can be confusing, so I just thought I'd check you knew :)
@RobertGrant I work in JAVA for my living, but I am immune to it... :)
Actually all that vanishes when you're working within something like Spring
It's only if you have to write something from scratch or you're the poor sucker creating Spring or equivalent
@RobertGrant Or when you use intermediate variables... ;)
brb... gotta run to the shops...
Why nobody told me about gist.github.com? Looks great!
Trying to sneak "cabbage" into my thesis somehow :/
@RomanLuštrik it's amazing
@Ffisegydd "And cabbage to Robert Grant and all the others at sopython" - that's okay, right?
Typically right after the contents, but before the first page, you have a blank page that you can add some small sentence to, like "For Mum" or something. I could just put "Cabbage."
This answer makes up a good 10% of my golden Django tag badge. It always surprises me what posts go to 100 and beyond.
How is this answer getting downvotes?
What is the world coming to
Someone pressed the "downvote" button.
@Ffisegydd I see there's nothing wrong with your logical reasoning skills...
I wish I'd had them in my interview
@RobertGrant It's one (downvote) button to press!
I'm actually amazed it only has -1
Bah who delete voted
@KasraAD ?
it just was a dup question ! that has been closed ;)
@Ffisegydd You could put "cabbage" in as an acrostic, or is that too subtle?
what kind of GUI lib is good to use to handle events on OS environment ? for example get the selected word in a pdf that user held the mouse on it for a while ? in LINUX .
the suggestions made on this question all smack of Cargo culting to me.
try this without understanding what you the solution you are proposing actually does is not helpful.
I wonder how my answer stackoverflow.com/a/28251602/128629 gets two downvotes. Anyone know something to imorve?
I'm wondering if it's time for me to create a nice custom blog site thing so I can show off. Does anyone else do that?
By show off, I mean have a nice looking site, not show off...anything else.
Games does. I'm tempted to as well, but that would mean scrapping my totally original website design.
I just used bootstrap.
I was thinking of learning some svgjs stuff and have a cool translucent animated thing in the background
I have no design skills, so better just to admit defeat and use a clean something to get you going.
Bootstrap is the future. If I were going to have a blog though I'd steal from copy Games and use Pelican (I think?)
Yeah, Pelican is meant to be good
I actually really like the look of Pure CSS, as opposed to Bootstrap
I don't find the time to write things up though, which I really should I suppose.
There's just always something else to do.
Yeah :)
I really enjoy writing though; it gets thoughts out of my head

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