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correction: instantly reopen
Anyway, rhubarb all
@vaultah I believe so, yes.
Waves are going the wrong way but meh
I know so
Now... squares.
monkeypatching is fun
wooo...what are you monkeypatching?
I have composed 2 functions that do a lot of side-effecty things.
@Kevin: close enough for government work, as we say up here.
inside of my own function, which does some simple looking but clever things
is this for unit testing?
and so I must test my code
without testing other people's code.
that's how I like to unit test :)
For anyone interested in my YAMS side project, I decided on the following for the declarative "event" syntax: link
what do you typically use for your unit testing?
Well, here it is, me complaining about SO:
Q: Questions tagged feature request and bug need more feedback from Stack Overflow developers

davidismThe developers at Stack Overflow are doing a great job. There is a steady steam of changes to the site. However, there are a great number of feature-request, support, and bug posts that get no official word from the developers. There are many that are well received, or are asked for over and o...

I tried to make it as reasonable as possible, do you think it sounds alright?
davidism throws down! But yeah, the tone is quite reasonable IMO.
Trying to pan over the field so that the wave front stays in the same position. Can't quite get the arithmetic right though.
Is this more efficient than modifying a string for each char? Makes no difference to what I'm doing here, but maybe for future reference it would.
chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'
return ''.join([chars[random.randint(0, 61)] for i in range(16)])
Why must people use speaker phone on their phones at work? :|
What are you trying to do? Just sample 16 letters or digits?
random alphanumeric string
Use random.choice instead of indexing with randint
And use string.digits + string.ascii_letters instead of a manual list.
Your code is more efficient than modifying a string, in the sense that you can't modify a string, because strings are immutable
That's what I figured, thanks
"did you seriously call me at work to ask where the coffee scoop was" ...yes...yes I did wife...it was an emergency.
Oooo, wxgrids support double clicking. Man I love WX.
this -> ? wxpython.org
Interesting. I've never dabbled in this. Maybe I'll test out some stuff with a small app I wrote not too long ago. See if it makes it friendlier to use.
It took me a little bit to get fully comfortable with it, but now I love it.
The last time I did anything like this was Visual Basic....6
I think....
~450 lines and I've got a fully functional GUI with threading and stuff.
Yeah, and a decent chunk of those lines aren't specifically the GUI.
you have this code in gh by any chance?
curious to see how it looks
Nah, it's proprietary. :/
ah ok :)
import wx
app = wx.App(False)  # Create a new app, don't redirect stdout/stderr to a window.
frame = wx.Frame(None, wx.ID_ANY, "Hello World") # A Frame is a top-level window.
frame.Show(True)     # Show the frame.
That gets you a basic frame with the title of "Hello World".
seems friendly enough to start with :)
No problem. :) There's a 3.x fork too, if you need it.
I for some insane reason am still using 2.7.6.....*ducks*
Everyone needs a 3.x fork, apart from those who have a project purely in x
I need a 3.x spoon.
Stupid phone ;___;
@MorganThrapp you're really building rep quickly
me too :^)
Not quickly enough to avoid the axe though.
Every Christmas we kill everyone below 3k rep in the Festival of the Hats.
Well, it was nice knowing you
@tristan Yeah, recently work has involved a lot of downtime while I wait for clients to get back to me, so, perfect time for rep grinding.
A truly ancient and barbaric tradition. Warms the blood. Literally. We will actually boil your blood.
I've been rabbitfighting in my downtime.
750 rep by Christmas? Alright, should be doable.
@Ffisegydd Since I was born in the UK in 82, I am within the window of the whole mad-cow scare...this is why I'm not allowed giving blood...therefore, I strongly suggest you do not boil my blood.
do I get exempt? :P
pity the mad-cow guy
The trick is to get the seams right
@MorganThrapp Have you used TkInter? If so how many lines do you think the same thing would have taken?
I'm (still) trying to figure out which route to go with Python GUI code...
@shuttle87 I have not, but I've definitely heard much better things about wx than I have tk.
I've tried tkinter and didn't enjoy myself. Although I don't have other exposure
Obviously lines of code is a poor metric, I guess my real question is how wx compares with other Python GUI in you experience?
tk is...fine. pyqt looks much more native/good
Wx is the only one I've used. Other than my weird threading issues (which I finally got resolved thanks to Snape) I haven't had anything I couldn't figure out pretty quickly with the docs.
but the build process is a pain in the genitals
I sacrificed some words to The Google....this is an interesting chart: martin-thoma.com/gui-programming-with-python
does not necessarily give us a direct answer...but the metrics are pretty neat
Argh - Selenium sometimes doesn't find an element that's always on that page, and sometimes does. Am I just not giving it a long enough timeout value to find it or something?
Oh - selenium-python. To bring it on topic :)
The trick is, the denominator of angle_delta needs to be even, or else the orbits will be off by a half-radius on the final frame
Are the (invisible) circles moving in that?
@Kevin ooh pretty
Also, what do you use to make those?
PIL plus my hacky homebrew animations module, which runs on ImageMagick
Man, getting full coverage on this stupid function while eliminating side effects has been time-intensive...
the beauty of unit-testing. are you using mock?
pretty close ;)
that was giving me motion sickness
I see that I gave you quite a nice homework for today :)
Yep, not a bad way to spend my usually unproductive 2:30-3:30 window :-)
@idjaw Yeah, sorry. I would link them without inlining them if I could, but for some reason my firewall blocks imgur everywhere except the "upload..." button in chat
no need to apologize....I'm impressed it affected me like that :P
So the best I can do is, blast everyone's visual cortex for ten seconds while I edit it into a hyperlink
Reminds me a lot of (Cycloids)[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cycloid].

There was a great Martin Gardner article about them but I can't find it online.
I'm just mocking module level functions and constants.
One of my intermediary versions only moved along the X axis, so I guess the dots were tracing cycloids at that stage.
Screw it. Everyone understands it's a link.
haters gonna hate
It goes square brackets, then parentheses. The mnemonic I use is: parentheticals contain things the reader doesn't really need to read, and urls are a thing the reader doesn't need to read. Therefore, the url goes in the parenthetical.
they see me rollin' they hatin.
Tristan's gonna shake shake shake...
@AaronHall i get that reference! they were playing it whenever the video cut out on television on the plane i was on last week
It was both the first Taylor Swift song I had heard and I immediately "got it"
Grrr, I hate that ' ' is truthy. :/
suggestion you are probably already aware of: rather than if s:, try if s.strip():
I never understood the "goat" video for Taylor swift, because the goat video was the first version I saw....I never saw the actual video until much later on.
The production value is incredibly high and it's basically pop-music meatloaf
@Kevin Yeah, that's what I'm doing. I just forgot to in a couple places and now I have to find them all.
I hate parsing flat files (int(line[2309:2322]) / 100) if line[2309:2322].strip() else 0. That code is an abomination, but it's the best way to do it.
@tristan But meatloaf is delicious...
are there any good multi-document summarizations tools in python?
Unless you mean the 90's Rock-Ballad Meatloaf. Who is not meatloaf in any metaphorical sense I can think of.
meatloaf, like pop music, appeals to the lowest common denominator. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
@QuestionC Sure, but no one with any taste has meatloaf as his/her favorite food.
Kevinson Sr eats half a loaf in one sitting if we don't restrain him XD
Don't you be hating on meatloaf.
It's just an amalgamation of parts from other common meals, typically fatty and not very good for you, but it keeps the plebs fat and happy
I'm so sorry that I enjoy food that tastes good?
Meatloaf is the Mac and Cheese of food. Mac and Cheese is also the Mac and Cheese of food.
tests were passing. Now tests are failing and I don't know why. :(
@AaronHall need a hand?
polite applause
Save the applause for later.
@AaronHall ah :)
So close
@AaronHall did someone do a random.choice comparison with a comment of "#keep that aaron guy busy for a few hours?"
@AaronHall increase the Selenium timeout - worked for me
Gotta practice my ninja-ing for the great "remove as room owner" standoff
If you guys ever have kids they'll just love your dad jokes.
@Kevin I gave you a star before the 24 hours were up from the previous one. So you don't turn into a pumpkin.
@AaronHall counting on it
As the mathematician said about his chair bum
Being a pumpkin isn't so bad.
I have no mouth and have no particular inclination to scream
Then do I have a story/computer game for you
Jack O' Lanterns have a mouth but they still can't scream, which is a terrible irony
Except you have to really want to scream
I've read the story but haven't played the game.
The master computer's monologue about hate is one of my favorite pieces of prose
I've never read/played it
@AaronHall I'm sure mine would just settle for their child support
The full text is available linked on Wikpedia whenever you've got the time
I commented some mocks that should be irrelevant, and my tests work (with my side-effect) so definitely have something wrong here...
Cool yeah I'm on the article now
Ah! the archive.org link doesn't have the monologue. Better avoid that one.
ah, there it is, in the function I mocked... :(
A topic was posted that seems to be a math error rather than python lol
@AaronHall can we applaud now?
yes, politely.
golf clap
@AnttiHaapala if you have any ideas, don't hesitate to share them with me: stackoverflow.com/questions/33001580
Is there a good way to filter an re.match.groups() object to just get the none None groups?
@ChengchengPei When using MySQLdb, with EXPR as VAR always overrides the autocommit setting when EXPR is evaluated as a connection object.
So it really doesn't matter.
(Candidate for Documentation beta, perhaps...)
Because I suck at these: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33000682/python-asterisk-triangle-without-using-y

I decided just to try it out for myself with the same restriction. Without really trying to make it look all that pretty I came up with this:
@Kevin cool story
Though fairly disturbing
    h = 6
    a = ""
    l = h + h
    for i in range(0, h):
        if not a:
            a = '*'
            print(a.rjust(l - 1))
            a += '**'
            l += 1
Also the kitchen Gordon Ramsey is looking at now is also disturbing, but that's normal
Can't be as bad as Hell's Kitchen.....
Is there a better way to do this with mock?
class Resp(object):
    def read(self): return ['sent email']

class FakeHTTPConnection(object):
    def __init__(self, url): ''
    def request(self, *args): ''
    def getresponse(self): return Resp()
    def close(self): ''
@AaronHall are you using Flask?
oh ok
I'm temporarily doing:
so, how would you assert how your code behaves when testing for a '200'?
realHTTPConnection = httplib.HTTPConnection
httplib.HTTPConnection = FakeHTTPConnection
httplib.HTTPConnection = realHTTPConnection
~30 minutes before I've conquered hump day
I'm not testing for a 200. I'm pretending I don't care about the connection. I just want to get the local behavior I expect.
oh ok. Then in that case your FakeHTTPConnection is fine. If all you want to do is make sure the methods are called and you don't care how they behave, then that should be good enough
so if the most you are doing is something like assert_equal(mock_method.call_count, 1) or something like that
that should be sufficient I think
I'm afraid I'm too tightly coupled with the implementation of code I don't control.
are you passing this over to QA?
re: afraid of being tightly coupled with implementation of code you don't control
i've had that concern before at a place in which i'd hand over my code with its tests, but then it was hard for me to switch out tests because QA pulled them into their suites
Tried to get rep and get downvoted...I cri
ok, I'm making it way too complicated.
I need to mock the function I use with the behavior I expect.
and nothing more
they can change the entire architecture of their piece. it doesn't matter
if you are mocking that out
and making sure you are making "some external call"
you have validated that your part works
you've done your proper separation
this guy literally posted a few seconds before me then stole part of my answer... stackoverflow.com/questions/33001776/…
and I'm like 90% sure he downvoted me
@Air Nice example. I was thinking today that this whole area is a good canidate for docs...
@JRichardSnape Which area, this chat room? Or something about database connections?
Also, I'd probably have to tone down the inside jokes to take it out of this room
@Programmer I doubt Padraic would do that. He used to come in here -- nice enough guy
Also, I don't see where he's cribbing from your answer.
Why is it impossible to find a list of xsi types?
He edited his shortly after to change the command to use '>' for output. I just want my upboat back
Why, Microsoft. Why do you hate me?
@Programmer 1 upboat != not 1 downboat
And, uh... shell redirections are hardly esoteric knowledge
@Programmer Yeah, actually just saw that. Don't call them "upboats," you're not on reddit.
@Air Sorry - I meant context manager in mysqldb - I think documenting this room is too much for anyone....
> Don't call them "upboats".
Yeah I know it's basic but the questioner may not have known
@JRichardSnape Oh, yeah... Not that MySQLdb's official user guide and FAQ are particularly bad, but they don't have a lot of examples or go into much detail
@MorganThrapp What's your Microsoft problem? I'm curious...I divorced from Windows for my programming machine a while ago...I tried so hard...it just didn't work out for me.
I'm just salty about negative points. I didn't mean to be all accusatory
@Air yeah - just felt that if two of us have ended up going to the code on well - upvoted answers in the last year or so independently, there's probably something missing... i think it's just in this particular area.
@idjaw Oh I like Windows, I do all my development on it. I'm just sad that it was so hard to find a list of xsi types for SQLServer.
Personally, I used MySQLdb as an opportunity to go in-depth on a slightly niche subject and start getting more out of SO
@MorganThrapp What's your Python set up like on Windows? Back when I used it I had it configured through cygwin
I don't really enjoy answering easy FGITW questions and I lack either the brevity or experience to compete at it
@Programmer don't worry about it, but just move on. We've all had that experience where someone adds something just the same as in your answer after you've posted. You'll never know whether they read yours and thought "oh yeah", or just copied, or just though "oh, I forgot". Life's too short to find out...
@idjaw I manage most of it through PyCharm, but it's not too bad at all.
@Air exactly the same - i enjoy code diving in esoteric libraries much more
Imagine being me. Martijn has stolen literally every answer he's ever given in his life from me.
That's why he's a ninja
@MorganThrapp oh..of course! :) I'm using Pycharm as well....I love it!
I just happened to be using MySQLdb on a work project that ended up requiring a lot of head-scratching, troubleshooting, profiling and optimization (largely due to my own inexperience, I'm sure), so had the opportunity to dig in.
@tristan I tried to imagine being you and now I need help ;)
When he was getting married and the priest turned to him and he said "Ik doe," he was actually cribbing nonsense sounds I made as a child
@JRichardSnape Drink a peaty whiskey, stare unblinkingly into the flames for about 3 hours and you'll be sorted.
speaking of whisky....I recently found a whisky that was kept in a rum cask....liquid candy!
That's basically my standby mode. Some people lay down and go to sleep. I put some branches onto the coals and start drinking.
How peaty? Laphroaig QC peaty? Uigeadail peaty?
@idjaw Balvenie carribean cask?
@tristan YES!
@Air Uigeadail while watching Pete and Pete
I had a bottle of UIgeadail....only peaty whisky I tolerated...not a peaty fan
@tristan Ouch, right in the childhood
I haven't had an Islay in a fair while. My wife's not a fan, I don't buy liquor that frequently and I don't limit myself to whisky, so I'm happy to explore tasty things that she also happens to like. Also, other things are far less overpriced.
Bourbon is well priced
Aberlour A'bunadh is a fantastic no-peat whisky.
I have a bottle of bulleit that is just right.
Bourbon's getting pricey, too. Hipsters.
My girlfriend only drinks cider or champagne, prosecco, or cocktails. :/
@Air Aberlour is quite delicious, yes
I'm considering just buying a still and making my own whiskey
@tristan sounds like any other Wednesday night. Cool.
@tristan I would drink more cider but I feel like it's too hard to find good cider and there's not that much variety when you do. Maybe what this means is just that I'm not as into cider.
@JRichardSnape I imagine that if I came to the UK and we had a meet and drink, it would be all of the regulars just staring at the flames, drinking scotch, nodding our heads, and saying "yeah" under our breaths
@tristan s/yeah/innit/
@Air s/innit/fuckin' a/
wait, so, a Guy Ritchie movie?
mutters "aye"
aye. that's the one. aye.
you guys have fun with whiskey wednesday. rbrb
take care
How does one profile a wxpython (or any gui, really) app?
uh-oh, he stepped in it
> whiskey
Nevermind, figured it out.
rhubarb as well, food then conference call (where's the whisky when you need it...)
@MorganThrapp does PyCharm handle it?
@idjaw Nah. I just created a cProfile.Profiler() in the main calculation code.
ah ok
Anyway, rbrb all. Time to go home and drink!
why do people cough so much? :|
Crow flu.
I have terrible allergies so I cough a lot at morning and late in the evening
it's frustrating
ooo... another SO careers email - I'm on a roll :p
They've even had a nosey at my (five years out of date) linkedin as well - interesting
I haven't set my careers profile public, is it worth it?
not sure really - kinda interesting sometimes though
@idjaw Sent a few messages back and forth -- small step up from linkedin recruiter spam in my experience
Cool. Might give it a shot. I got a LinkedIn message intended for someone else....referencing a company I never worked for. Two minutes later got the exact same message with the right company. Was quite amusing.
wow, chat seems really fast at SO.
I wonder if they know they're cheating.
and now we know

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