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@corvid That's what KevinScript is for.
.. parsing XML? Or providing arbitrary-complexity anonymous functions?
Arbitrary complexity anonymous functions.
@Air I still wonder, in MySQLdb, if with-statement is used, whether autocommit should be enabled or not?
@ChengchengPei I am not sure what was already discussed, but have you taken a look to see what is contained in the context manager for MySQLdb. There seems to be a comprehensive explanation here on how the context manager works for MySQLdb: stackoverflow.com/questions/5669878/…
def __enter__(self):
    if self.get_autocommit():
    return self.cursor()
yes, but on exit it will call self.commit
hi i am getting an error after adding a print statement to my .kv file
I am not sure, whether self.query("BEGIN") is necessary
@mri3 What is kv?
I'd guess a Kivy file.
kivy language fil
And this Kivy thing can evaluate Python statements?
@Programmer Thanks. I found it.
@Kevin Yeah, it's a platform for building mobile apps in Python.
    on_current_tab: nav.current_tab =  self.current_tab
            print(self.current_tab) #line causing issue
question. Based on newer versions of MySQLdb, what does one do with an out of date answer? stackoverflow.com/questions/11751703/…
Are you sure you're allowed to put this property on two lines like that?
What happens if you try on_current_tab: nav.current_tab = self.current_tab; print(self.current_tab)?
sure? Not really.
i just syntax it like its a function
that worked!
final fantasy victory music
Kevin, you're now responsible for all succeeding Kivy questions.
Your psychic debugging levelled up to 78
but why if you don't mind elaborating
i am new to python and usually there lines don't need to end like that
This isn't Python though. It's Kivy. It's a different beast.
I don't actually know anything about Kivy, so the best "why" I can give is "because the kivy parser is much more primitive than Python's full parser, so it doesn't understand multi-line statement lists"
And even that may be false; for all I know, kivy is perfectly happy to evaluate multiple lines of statements, but you just haven't used the proper syntax.
@idjaw I used with-statement in my program
    - shell: "cd /srv/website; git pull origin release"
    - plugin: "github"
      event: "push"
          branch: release
    - yams_database: "SELECT hostname FROM hosts WHERE profile = webserver"
thoughts on the following syntax? i kind of don't like how many levels are required, but i'm generating that from my GUI
Why re-invent the wheel? Can't you just use something else?
3 levels doesn't seem too bad.
I don't start getting worried until 4 or 5.
First thought: what does a hyphen do? Why do only the first indented lines have them? Why doesn't branch have a hyphen?
thanks @Kevin
that said, would you expect that to run a shell command on all the hosts that return from that query on the event of "someone does a push to the release branch"?
You're not committing level-hell. Looks good to me :)
@tristan well now that you said it I can't see it any other way. :P j/k
@Ffisegydd good points. because yaml. i guess it probably doesn't need hyphens
I like that syntax
@tristan I didn't pick up that it would run the command on all the hosts, but other than that it looks good.
Hyphen makes sense to me; it's just that you have one subitem?
Each of which has multiple things inside it
Based on what it should mean, it kinda makes sense. I feel that something is wrong with all of the trigger bit though.
dash specifies it is a sequence in yaml
But I don't know what.
However I don't know YAML at all so could be wrong
    shell: "cd /srv/website; git pull origin release"
    plugin: "github"
        repo: "github.com/tristanfisher/yams"
        event: "push"
            branch: release
    yams_database: "SELECT hostname FROM hosts WHERE profile = webserver"
updated to that based on feedback.
Shouldn't everything be nested under action?
@RobertGrant that's an incredibly good point
Or some higher-level concept, if action is the wrong word for it
That trigger bit looks a lot better.
writes Information Architect on his CV
What I'm trying to express is Trigger->leads to querying from database->action runs on host
thinks "flat is better..."
I'd also re-order it so hosts isn't at the bottom.
I'd say hosts -> trigger -> action
Or maybe trigger -> hosts -> action
What about calling the whole thing an action, and the thing you run a command
"Given X, if Y, do Z"
Terminology may vary based on what everything is meant to mean
@RobertGrant because there could be N actions, N triggers, or N hosts.
Ah okay; I don't get how it all fits together yet
Also why doesn't release have quotation marks?
Does any trigger run all commands on all hosts?
@Ffisegydd Given trigger, if condition, do action, on hosts?
That's why I was having hosts last.
@RobertGrant Exactly.
Are you inventing Ansible?
For what it's worth, I don't know how it all fits together either.
I understood your thinking, just not what I would have immediately gone with.
Release doesn't have quotations because YAML doesn't demand it.
Could still have N commands :) But yeah makes sense
But "push" does?
Consistency motherflipper, do you have it?
You could call hosts "runson" and triggers "triggeredby", to say action, runson, triggeredby
@bereal Not exactly. The Ansible 2.x branch and its future are going in a direction that I don't like and it's not general purpose enough for what I want. I'm working on the grammar for the events subsystem on a personal project
@Ffisegydd YAML allows it -- I'm parsing the syntax as YAML, so it's beyond my control
unless I make YAYAML
Oh crap - should multiple actions then have runon!? I'll see you at the bikeshed for more discussion
Ah I assumed you were making TAML.
Tristan's another markup language?
@AaronHall Unfortunately, that gets really confusing when extended/templated out
Tristan's Amazing Markup Language
now in colour
This is the YAML that will get generated by a drag/drop flowchart setup FWIW
hi everone..
hi @Mathan
Am planning to do research on Python, can anyone suggest any area where i can focus my research..
That's awfully broad. What sort of things are you interested in?
learn python the hard way...(jk not really I'll get shunned)
I would research their movement patterns. How do they manage to be so slippery?
Am working on Python for past 10 months, i felt very interesting so am planning to research on any unavailable feature of PYTHN...
Or possibly the fish slapping dance.
@Mathan GIL
Python official site?
@Mathan What particular areas of Python have you been working on?
I don't know what it means to do research on an unavailable feature of Python. Is there something you want to implement (add a new feature), or do you want to understand something about Python, or what?
@DSM,I Am interested in stuffs like Delegates in c#, those kinds of stuffs...
You want to research unavailable features of Python? So, what? Things that other languages have that Python doesn't?
Ya kind of implementing a new feature
I am working on basics of Python, Doctest and all..
This seems a little non-specific, but obviously you're free to enjoy experimenting however you like. :-)
I want to add some new interesting feature to python to make it more powerful
I just realized I'm really bad at recursion :| Need tree-like structure in my database to make it work
Noo... Its not like am free to do this.. I want to do my research on a programming language to find a new feature.
@Mathan he wasn't talking to you
So am discussing about the most important feature which is missing in PYTHON..
Am really interested in Exceptional handling
@Mathan they're going to implement async/await keywords, which I think are probably similar to C#'s, in Python 3.6. Perhaps you could join in.
There aren't really basic features that Python is missing...@Kevin has a list of projects for people. Maybe he can give you an idea
@Mathan Do you follow discussions on Python Ideas ML?
@Kevin, Can you help me in this?
@RobertGrant I thought 3.5 already had async/await.
But there's quite an annoying feature, which would be nice to get rid of.
Again, you're free to experiment however you like. If you have an idea for something, you can bring it up on the python-ideas mailing list. At that point people will usually point out the idea has been suggested before and explain the reasons it wasn't implemented. :-) Eventually, if the idea becomes popular enough, you can write a PEP, and then that will be discussed. But all of this is a lot of work and takes a long time.
@RobertGrant trigger_warning:
PEP-492 seems to indicate that it's in 3.5
Updated potential syntax based on feedback: github.com/tristanfisher/yams/issues/26
.. your project is called yams?
@DSM yes sir it is. the non-salad language was too...direct
@DSM As you are mentioning, am going to apply for PHd, my interested area is Programming, so i chooses python.. So i will be having 3 to 4 years to do my research
YAMS has better retronym options as well
@Mathan Not everyone is talking to you.
I am jealous of Perl's new react block, which executes whenever the condition becomes True.
Python devs, please do the needful
@Mathan: for what it's worth, "add a feature to CPython" by itself isn't likely to be a viable Ph.D. project, although it might be something you do along the way.
Sample usage
when x %2 == 0:
    print "x is now even."
for x in range(5):
    print x
#expected output:
# x is now even.
# 0
# 1
# x is now even.
# 2
# 3
# x is now even.
# 4
I wonder if I could do this in KevinScript... The hard part would be making it efficient. The naive approach is to evaluate every when condition after every statement.
There you've rebound x. Would you handle the case of mutation as well, e.g. when len(x) == 5: print("length is 5") / for i in range(5): x.append(10)?
Wait, does that work globally? So any time any variable named x changes value, it'll try to execute?
But even that would not catch all possible cases; what if you have a when len(seq) == 1 block, and you do seq = []; (seq.append(2), seq.append(3))? When the second statement has not been evaluated, seq has length 0. After the second statement is evaluated, seq has length 2.
You would need to evaluate each when condition every time any state changes anywhere.
Or at least build the dependency tree, so you'd only have to check after operations which could have mutated something occur.
@MorganThrapp I have no idea how their scoping should work.
It sounds kinda scary unless it's implemented as some sort of function decorator or something. Even then, I fail to see the point of not just putting the check into the actual function itself.
@DSM True. It's not too hard to build a map of every when block and the names it depends on.
Looks like I'm swapping out my usual midweek Chinese for midweek ramen. Lunchtime cabbage rhubarb for all!
@MorganThrapp It becomes more useful if the alternative is to write many checks. Ex.
if not (0 <= turtle.x < width and 0 <= turtle.height < height):
    raise Exception("turtle has escaped from the screen")
if not (0 <= turtle.x < width and 0 <= turtle.height < height):
    raise Exception("turtle has escaped from the screen")
if not (0 <= turtle.x < width and 0 <= turtle.height < height):
    raise Exception("turtle has escaped from the screen")
... Can be improved to:
when not (0 <= turtle.x < width and 0 <= turtle.height < height):
    raise Exception("turtle has escaped from the screen")
Ah, @jonrsharpe already duped it
Alright, that makes more sense.
Didn't recognize that it was variable variables at first.
I don't know, I could see it as different enough, but I'll leave it closed. stackoverflow.com/questions/1373164/…
Of course even without when, you could do
moves = [(turtle.up, 23), (turtle.right, 42), (turtle.down, 100)]
for f, arg in moves:
    if not (0 <= turtle.x < width and 0 <= turtle.height < height):
        raise Exception("turtle has escaped from the screen")
@Kevin just use pypi.python.org/pypi/Trellis ... uploaded on 2008-05-23
yeah, a better reactive pattern would be nice
Couldn't you even just do:
while not (0 <= turtle.x < width and 0 <= turtle.height < height):
	turtle_finished = True
if not turtle_finished:
	raise Exception("turtle has escaped from the screen")
hmm, doesn't quite match the intended logic, I think
oops, I was referring to this question, I linked the canonical by mistake
As soon as the turtle leaves the screen, it should break the while right? Or is the condition only eval'd at the top of the loop?
I can never remember.
It only checks at the top of the loop.
@MorganThrapp it keeps running
Ah, right. Nevermind then.
as it needs to keep evaluating to know if it will come back to the screen
Language proposal: an "intrusive while` block, that does check the condition at every possible opportunity and breaks ASAP
fail_when not (0 <= turtle.x < width and 0 <= turtle.height < height):
Hm never mind...
:26152973 Duh, right. Today is a day that needs more coffee.
good call...*brewin'*
@MorganThrapp cough you don't use iter_list
One of these days I'll know what I'm talking about.
cough iter_list[i:] should be just iter_list cough
> I have a working code, which I cannot reveal here.
Such a tease.
I give up. :P Jonr's answer is the right way to do it anyway.
Chili bacon dog from 7-Eleven - mmmmmm mmm.
@AaronHall Haha, there there, it will be okay
ITT, SO fails to realize that they should improve/expand Careers rather than create an entire new site: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/307513/…
I was going to create a meta post about this, but does it seem like SO rarely responds to the many s and meanwhile seems to be moving all their development effort (at least publicly visible) to completely different things?
ugh xkcd
They seem to have entirely forgotten that Chat exists and needs to be improved.
Sure, SO doesn't give a shit
I don't like xkcd. i.imgur.com/6zWAThO.gifv
I hate xkcd.
It's pandering and unfunny
More than anything else about it, I hate that it's included in the python standardlib
But I like being pandered to.
It just seems really weird to me that they've now said "Hey, look at these two completely new, huge sites that a lot of development time will be sunk into". It's like they're deliberately saying that they're not focusing on feature requests or their existing sites.
Again, we give them free content, update their old content, and moderate their money machine. SO Corp does not care.
It's still disappointing.
Sorry about the async/await thing - for some reason I thought it was in the 3.6 schedule. Apologies.
I don't think that Teams is really meant for technical people. I think it's a grouping for histrionic internet-as-a-shared-identity types
@RobertGrant async/await is there in 3.5 but the keywords are not reserved. That is to change in the future, 3.7+ IIRC.
@Tristan I don't like what that says about me
Good morning, afternoon and evening to different parts of the world. My question is about how to use a python script to boot machine in netbook mode(which we get when we keep Alt pressed and see different booting options). I don't mind using other languages too because just after this, i want to able to select one of those boot options.
@RobertGrant That you're a smart man with a relatively good memory, but you didn't read the RFC?
I am using a python package.

Right now it's a directory full of source code. Can I do something like zip it up or compile it so I treat the package like one file instead of as a bunch of source?
Nah what's weird is I only knew about it because I was reading about what was coming up in 3.6, which makes getting that wrong particularly stupid :D
@QuestionC you can run zip files
I now join most people in thinking that a sporting team's successes are my own, for comfort
or wheels/eggs?
Any suggestions please?
enum _stmt_kind {FunctionDef_kind=1, AsyncFunctionDef_kind=2, ClassDef_kind=3,
                 Return_kind=4, Delete_kind=5, Assign_kind=6,
                 AugAssign_kind=7, For_kind=8, AsyncFor_kind=9, While_kind=10,
                 If_kind=11, With_kind=12, AsyncWith_kind=13, Raise_kind=14,
                 Try_kind=15, Assert_kind=16, Import_kind=17,
                 ImportFrom_kind=18, Global_kind=19, Nonlocal_kind=20,
                 Expr_kind=21, Pass_kind=22, Break_kind=23, Continue_kind=24};
I love Python naming. "Need to distribute your source code? Just use Pants, Wheels, or Eggs!"
Yeah, very idiosyncratic
I couldn't even finish reading the meta post. Too much marketing.
Ruby->gems makes rather more sense
Eggs I can kinda understand, snakes and eggs. Alright, fine.
Pythons lay eggs.
Pants? Wheels?
Yeah egg is fine
Pants is 3rd party.
AsyncFunctionDef - must have to do with closures?
@MorganThrapp Trouser snake, hoop snake
Wheel is because they're re-inventing it.
@AaronHall async def my_async_function():
there's some pep about it
I'm going to release "Shoes". A package for walking your code over to someone on a flash drive.
@tristan how are you deploying this? I guess that would help in determining how to best package it as well.
@AjGauravdeep kicked, you know the rules at this point
also, you show a deep misunderstanding about how computers boot
interesting that it considers an expression to be a kind of statement.
just witnessed first kick achievement unlocked
@idjaw I actually build .deb files and push those around.
@AjGauravdeep Read why he kicked you and understand it.
If I define __eq__ do I need to define __ne__? Or will it automagically just do not __eq__.
It won't iirc
That would be clever
It will I thought
Let's find out!
@AjGauravdeep I don't think this is possible with Python. Python* needs the OS to run; but when the computer has just booted up, the OS isn't set up yet.
@AjGauravdeep try Superuser maybe?
(*or at least, every implementation of Python that I am aware of)
So what happens if I do MyClass() = MyClass() and they're not equal?
It fails with a syntax error
Because you didn't do ==
Last time I checked, if __ne__ is not implemented, it defaults to is not
Herp de derp.
That is, it returns False as long as the two objects have the same id.
Alright, that works.
>>> class Foo:
...   def __eq__(self, other):
...     print('__eq__')
...     return 5
>>> a = Foo()
>>> b = Foo()
>>> a == b
>>> a != b
@Kevin Thanks. :)
The business I work at needs a temporary web developer...I want to say I can try to learn but I also don't want to do future web projects lol
I miss web dev
Tell them that your cousin from France can do it, but only during the Foreign Exchange program you're both participating in for the next month.
Come in the next day with a thin mustache and a beret.
Idjaw you don't actually live far from me...lol
I wouldn't like to see that me @Kevin
You can substitute in whichever country you feel most comfortable stereotyping.
@Kevin: you don't need to branch on your groupby answer, do you?
American West Coastian
(But it's fine for pedagogical purposes, of course.)
@Programmer As much as I'd love to move around for work, with our kids being so young...having parents near us for help is just priceless!
@DSM, I think having just an unconditional result.append("".join(v)) would work for the OP's sample input, but I wasn't sure what he wanted to do in case of multiple consecutive special characters.
I've actually been really wanting to go to the west coast....but it just doesn't make sense for us now.
If two hyphens in a row should remain separate, then extend will do that
@Kevin: oh, good point.
I'm the guy that lives one hour south of you and it's only a short, temp job
Possibly it could still be done without branching, but I haven't thought that far
I was only kidding though, didn't mean to pressure you xD
Here, have an upvote for your troubles.
Kevin lives for upboats and stars
This is horrible I don't have coffee left at home....how did I let this happen.....
Okay this rugby is getting boring now
Probably originates from elementary where he was rewarded with star stickers.
I think it originates from the desire to be accepted and understood that is universal to all humans
Is there any weird behavior with using custom objects as dictionary keys I should be aware of? I have __hash__ and __eq__ implemented, but when it seems to be short circuiting the logging statements I have in __eq__. I'm trying to figure out which part of my object isn't equal.
Hard to say without an MCVE. eq and hash should be all you need.
Nevermind, figured it out. It looks like for a dict lookup, it just compares the results of __hash__.
Hey, meetup at SO tonight, anything I should pass along? Kudos? Best wishes? meetup.com/django-nyc/events/224433329
And if that succeeds, then it evals __eq__
Ideally, a == b should imply hash(a) == hash(b)
(but not necessarily the other way around, due to collisions)
It's short circuiting on is I think...
>>> class Foo:
...   def __init__(self, num):
...     self.i = num
...   def __eq__(self, other):
...     print('__eq__')
...     return self.i == other.i
...   def __hash__(self):
...     print('__hash__')
...     return self.i
>>> a = Foo(1)
>>> b = Foo(2)
>>> c = Foo(3)
>>> d = Foo(1)
>>> a == d
>>> bar = {}
>>> bar[a] = 9
>>> bar[b] = 8
>>> bar[a]
>>> bar[d]
class Test:
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self.name = name
        self.age = age

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.age)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        print(self.name == other.name)
        return self.name == other.name

test = {Test('Morgan', 21): 'Yay!'}
print(test[Test('Thrapp', 21)])
print(test[Test('Morgan', 22)])
Prints False and then throws a KeyError.
Time to make more tea
@AaronHall yeah, tell Stack Exchange to sit down and address all the that don't have a [status-*] tag (or have a "pending" but haven't been addressed in ages)
Well, it's printing false because Test('Thrapp', 21) isn't equal to the key
And then it's giving a keyerror because Test('Thrapp', 21) isn't in the dictionary
What's wrong with that?
@AaronHall you could also suggest that they improve chat and careers rather than proposing entire new sites
They hash to the same thing, but they also need to be equal.
Oh. Hmmm.
takes careful notes
I would try to mention in nicer than me though, if you want them to keep buying you pizza. :-)
@davidism: you got 95 comment upvotes! And only one of them is mine. :-)
I'm sort of disappointed that my most popular comment is putting down SO for sounding like marketing, but I guess drama sells.
I think my most popular comment is only +17 or so, and it was about explaining how escaping slashes work. I think you win.
@davidism Fact: Drama gets you meta gold badges faster.
It's true, I almost have a &quot;Great Answer&quot; from that image that Fizzy made.
@davidism aw, I already voted on that one.
It got a boost a while ago when it was linked from another "should I write a bot to edit" question. I'm playing the long game.
If I'm patient enough this answer could net me a second gold (populist, after the reversal already scored). Just two votes provided the accepted answer gets 0.
:-P Make that 1.
I'd really like to get some rep on meta se, but I don't go there nearly as often.
I just want to downvote things. :)
@MartijnPieters how many now? :)
Downvote you? Can do!
We've gone too far!
I can remove my upvote
@davidism Or you have almost buffered my against an upvote on the accepted answer.
Downvote you and upvote the other answer. Got it!
did that work now?
AAAAnd ruined again.
OK I quit
I'm breaking the fine balance here
Populist == more than twice the accepted answer votes (and the accepted answer has more than 10). So the minimal level is 11 / 23. Now it is 12 / 25.
is lost in the rapid vote changing now.
Everything is spiralling out of control!
Quick, blow on the flames!
Or was it something else you had to do with a fire?
depends on scenario
There was a streamer recently who burned down his house on air...
so @MartijnPieters you have more than twice the votes now...did you get it?
Like that?
That's a good start. Best line in there "Typical". I miss that show
@Kevin in today's Geometry Post of the Day: 33.media.tumblr.com/a5d2523e8a4fc92e1629ae9937d870f6/…
Oh dear lord that's all sorts of confusing
Very cool
I wonder if I could replicate that...
@Kevin I'm sure you could ;)
@idjaw not yet, these badges are handled in batches.
When I do it'll be listed in the right-hand column of this page.
Can gold tag badge owners reopen questions closed as duplicate by a moderator?

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