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@tristan I don't know why, but this (NSFW) one strikes me as your kinda thing.
more safe for work than i expected @ZeroPiraeus
@inspectorG4dget last one could also be Epiphany
... or Netscape now
probabkly one of the text based linux ones
I just meant that if I ever found myself using a restroom like that, it might inspire one
about my life choices
@MartijnPieters a few problems here: I don't know what Python forum he's talking about, but the chances are I used fake name and a fake timezone, and maybe I won't qualify (at least because of my location). Plus I'm still a student, and whilst I'd like to move to/visit another country, this is not an option at the moment.
it's like the backend equivalent of css is awesome
order a mug with SOPython logo :P
shop.fsf.org/product/run-gcc-shirt this unironically rules
is it a straight-edge?
Compiler Rules Everything Around Me
Alternatively, code; or class, which almost rhymes with cash
cache rules everything around me
I don't know why it took me so long to come up with "cache"
that video is so much internet
Flash used to rule everything around me
Back in the day of HSR, threebrain et al.
I don't know what those are.
oh. yeah. i know home sar
threebrain was the source of a number of flash videos that probably got more well known via albinoblacksheep and ebaumsworld
Then there was the site that did the one about the moon that ended up in a Quizno's commercial
Ah, high school.
I'm still watching it.. so. much. internet! I think it should be a mandatory "welcome to the internet" educational video everyone's grandmas should watch
oh look! there's Bollywood Spiderman!
Everyone should just join: facebook.com/ChurchOfSpiderPig :p
Though, at this time of year, it might need to be called "Welcome to the WInternet".. except maybe in Australia
spider pig, spider pig. Does whatever a spider pig does. Can he swing, from a web? No he can't he's a pig
anyway, time for me to hit the sack!
Rhubarb all!
stackoverflow.com/questions/27930858/… I deleted my comment suggesting to open the file in 'ab' mode
does the "this post is low quality" flag type no longer exist?
He removed his vote from my answer too to try and delete the post.
@tristan you can down-vote questions.
@vaultah That's not really a typo, however.
Charming fellow.
I had to flag one of flamenco's comments on the downvoted answer (something along the lines of learn to post first).
And he keeps removing comments..
this is such webscale right now.
Oh man, I know flamenco
people like that make me feel better about myself
Thak you all! This is my first time posting a question here but you got me hooked! Cheers! — flamenco May 4 '14 at 17:06
I answered his first question on SO
He's a pretty aggressive fellow.
that's a creative way to spell "d-bag"
He wasn't so aggressive before :|
> “Morgant?” Taran asked, turning a puzzled glance to Gwydion. “How can there be honour for such a man?” “It is easy to judge evil unmixed,” replied Gwydion. “But alas, in most of us good and bad are closely woven as the threads on a loom; greater wisdom than mine is needed for the judging.
”King Morgant served the Sons of Don long and well,“ he went on. ”Until the thirst for power parched his throat, he was a fearless and noble lord. In battle he saved my life more than once. These things are part of him and cannot be put aside or forgotten.
damnit, another downvote on another answer?
oh no, another 161,392 downvotes and you'll be at 0 rep
what fleeting fleeting mistress the stackoverflow internet point is
Is it wrong I want to rub my hands together and laugh with an unholy glee?
this is my favorite title of the week for stackoverflow PYTHON MATH IS WRONG!!!
i wish i could find the comment that someone made on one of my answers that was basically "YOU ARE WRONG!1!!" (possibly verbatim)
@tristan That's my one and only link-only answer. With a little dash of humour. :-P
@tristan It's not the points I care about, I just want to be right, and otherwise know why not so I can argue with them about how they are wrong instead. :-P
It's not helpful to receive a downvote on an answer I perceived to be helpful.
I then must've done something wrong and I would want to correct that.
i think i may still be jet lagged.
Sometimes downvotes aren't meant to be helpful, they're meant to be brush-strokes in a subtle work of art which can only be appreciated from a distance..
The upvotes and downvotes are actually ones and zeros in a giant meta-computer.
or they're downvotes after you give someone bad news they don't want to accept
Observing a few here and there reveals nothing of the actual workings of the machine. On that note, you can go have an existential crisis now.
And another comment asking why I both downvoted and answered, gone.
I never indicated that I voted on the question, let alone in what direction, huge assumption there.
At least they marked the question as accepted now, that's something.
sigh. also, the argument of "altering globals is fine because i say it is"
@Martijn: I was about to add an "I don't think iteration is going to work.." comment myself..
@DSM You don't happen to know how to pronounce that number in English, do you? :-P
101.416.867.967.028.166.758.360 is a little larger than my numeric English vocabulary stretches.
I think I'd say Million, Billion, Trillion, Quadrillion, Quintillion, Sextillion. I'm told that some of the British use billion to mean 10^12 but I don't know if they've given up on that yet. Canadians don't.
It's just a little over an Erisillion.
so then how many is a brazilian?
:-D Was just telling that joke to someone the other day ...
This article lists and discusses the usage and derivation of names of large numbers, together with their possible extensions. The following table lists those names of large numbers which are found in many English dictionaries and thus have a special claim to being "real words". The "Traditional British" values shown are unused in American English and are becoming rare in British English, but their other language variants are dominant in many non-English-speaking areas, including continental Europe and Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America; see Long and short scales. English also has many...
So in the UK that'd be 101 Quadrillion plus change.
Ah, looks like the British have converted to the NorthAm standard.
Smart of them.
now if they'll just start driving on the correct side of the road
upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/32/… i mean, cmon guys, get it together
101 and a half septillion...
@tristan There was a plan to phase that in (even registration numbers first), but do-gooder Health & Safety Nazis blocked it.
I just go for "big number - lots of zeros on the end - don't even try to comprehend it"
@Martijn: isn't it 101 sextillion?
I can't hear you over my gallons of freedom
In Canada we still measure some distances (height, small distances) in feet and inches and people's weight in pounds.
also, the uk uses miles per hour and pounds, so yeah, that image is misleading
Pounds not so much, but a pint is a pint and ever shall be, yeah.
way to go england, put litres of petrol in your cars, then drive them miles
which kind of pint? imperial? regular?
567ml IIRC.
ah, imperial.
i could go for an imperial pint and a nap
@DSM I thought I had 24 digits..
How many stone in 100 lb again, Brits?
Oops, that's 21 digits after the 101..
The unit of measure for the rate at which wildfires spread is chains per hour ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Should really be measured in squirrels.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ how many grips per fortnight is that
FWP: I seem to have forgotten the passphrase for the ssh key I just generated. Even though I know what it's supposed to be, it's not that. Now I have to click more clicks to fix.
who passphrases an ssh key?
look man I'm just following a bitbucket tutorial leave britney alone
answer: people who end up auto-answering the prompt anyway :)
see also: people that wear belts and suspenders
Umm... why do I keep getting emails about hiring a wedding car to my sopython email address
Two users, both joined today? Suspicious..
@Zero that's going into my bookmarked list... sadly it shall probably end up deleted, but :)
A couple of more votes and the question can be closed and community deleted
Yeah, the "SO hates fun" policy is a cruel if necessary mistress.
@tristan what do you mean by "auto-answering"
@DSM Quite possibly answerer is a regular who created that account specifically for the joke.
flagged it anyway - as the answer appears to be getting upvotes
1 more delete vote required
@Martijn ty
Well well, both OP and answerer on that stolen links Q are now destroyed. Perhaps it was as suspicious as @DSM thought after all.
@MartijnPieters deleted my comment on your answer as it's redundant now
So I removed the key and generated another one and still the password was borked; spent however much time it's been since then figuring out that I had a typo in my .bashrc
(Ugh. 43 minutes. On the positive side, learning about bash! woo)
switch to zsh and use my zsh script :)
Bit depressing that since hitting 2k rep my history in this queue is 1 "improve" and 6 "reject"
what's going on with the id^H^H people accepting it?
Just having a look to see if that user has proposed any other edits
i miss the low quality flag
@tristan Speculation: "Ohnoes! Malware! Better protect people's bits!"
Dunno about malware, but distribute has been dead for a long time, no?
It's a 2 year-old answer
Worth editing. The guy that complained that it went to malware has other, more concerning things going on in his env
Okay, time to escape. Rhubarb for all!
Alternative speculation: The complaint about malware is a tricky ploy to get people to click the .in link anyway (which may or not contain malware)
@AirThomas which is why I marked it as spam/defacing rather than other reasons
@JonClements Yeah. I tend to give the benefit of doubt, but I did hesitate here.
rbrb for me, late lunch
hey! does anyone have any opinions on OnePlus One vs Nexus 5?
I got a OnePlus One invite and would like to know whether I should buy it or a nexus5
so much better
for one thing, I wouldn't be able to afford the iPhone 6, I don't want the 6Plus either. That puts me SOL, coz I won't be able to find the 5 series anywhere; which I don't want anyway, as I have an iOS device (iPod) and would dislike it as a phone
iphone 6 is $300. i'm pretty excited to get a new phone -- i'm still on the iphone4
I'd pick an android over an iPhone anyday... but that's just mho
OnePlus One is cheaper and has better specs and storage space, so I would say OnePlus One. But If you're buying it in India then Chinese phones are risky as Government bans them quite often. So, Nexus 5 is a safe bet, its 800 processor is not that bad, but poor battery from what I've heard.
cbg @Ashwini
trying to keep up with your name and avatar changes is interesting :p
i'm off
cheers all
cbg! ;-)
i don't remember changing any of those recently.
Quick design question if anyone has a minute. Say I have classes A, B, and C. I want to provide a way for classes to "depend" on each other (relevant in my application). Would defining a class variable be a decent solution for this?

class C(object):
deps = [A]

for example. Python 2.6 unfortunately.
(Apologies for the bad code formatting above...)
@AshwiniChaudhary Well - haven't been around that much as I'd like to be unfortunately, so :(
@JKillian use case?
Basically a simple task runner framework
The end user would define their tasks as classes and some might depend on others to be run first
almost a contract programming thingy then
alright, I should get to sleep. Rhubarb, all
my first thoughts are a factory class, that enables a class decorator to further classes, but keeps order, and it's "do_something" method is only over-ridden if really needs be
@inspectorG4dget take care mate
My initial idea was something like this:
# user defines tasks
class TaskA(BaseTask):
  def action(self, depResults):

class TaskB(BaseTask):
  deps = [TaskA]
  def action(self, depResults):

runner = Runner()
# order of add_task calls does not matter
There are a few additional complexities in the informal requirements, but that's the general idea
well, in that model, you can just make sure each sub class has a "_run" or something method, that action calls that guarentees it iterates over the class.deps and calls those
Yeah, and with my model things get weird with inheritence. If TaskC extends TaskB and then modifies deps, it is then modifiying TaskB's deps also
Unless TaskC declares its own deps class variable
just make the classes look at their own attribute and throw it "up"
What do you mean by that?
Or, I'd probably for a pseudo-class, that subclasses register with, then have it throw "down"
rhubarb all, signing off!
rbrb @Martijn

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