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I just never use Python 2.x or 3.x
1.x all the way baby.
1.5 FTW!
I use Python 0. I mail my code to Guido and he interprets it in his head.
version_number = int(sys.version[:1])
if version_number >= 3:
   xrange = range
does that even make sense?
Not future compatible when Python 10 comes out
@Kevin mail it? Wow... you're so old school you don't even email... Do you use pen and paper to write the code before sending it to Guido, and does he use the same mechanism to return the results - how long does it take him?
@JonClements how long? Not sure, still waiting for a response.
The Python 0 N Body Benchmark test is not going well.
@Kevin did you post it Guido's correct address? I'd hate to think you're waiting for results and Guido's never seen it :(
@corvid Maybe you could check __builtins__ for the presence of xrange. Then you don't need to do any string parsing on the version number.
Ummm... I think I'm slowly being put off flying for life... bomb scare on a plane - got escorted to the airport with two fighter jets... That'd be interesting looking out the window and thinking wtf?
it seems like sys.version_info is a better solution as well. It's a tuple. But this is weird, I haven't seen this before... what's the deal with the keys in the tuple? sys.version_info(major=3, minor=4, micro=0, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
@JonClements Wow, that would definitely leave me shaken.
except NameError:
    xrange = range
@corvid wouldn't that do the job for you?
No wait you need a try excepty
except NameError:
   # try using range ?
Edited it, what about that?
15:09: Chloe Page-Barker, 16, from Hyde, was walking home from her friend's home when she saw the jet escorting the passenger plane.
"I thought it was a starling or something," she said.
I can't ever imagine confusing a fighter jet with a Starling...
> Mathew Cox, a passenger on the plane, said that about 15 minutes after landing "armed police came on, found a guy, searched him, had him stand with his hands on his and then escorted him off".
Funny, it's usually the opposite for me. I put my hands on my -- cough -- and then the police come to escort me out.
his hands on his what! :)
These days you can get escorted off a plane for an impolite twitter message, so that doesn't mean much by itself
Okay... so... if that's a jumbojet... explain to me how you can confuse the other thing as a "Starling"....
Unless there's really high flying and extremely large species of Starling that's evolved recently
If you have no depth perception, a starling close up is as large as a fighter plane far away.
What kind of teenager knows bird species? UK is a magical, strange place
@tristan well... I'm not sure she does know anything about species of birds... having confused a bird and a plane after all... :)
@Antti cbg
the smaller is a starling, but the bigger, what's that, a swan?
Fair :)
It does have something of a bird-like silhouette.
I'd go with "pterodactyl" before "starling" though
@AnttiHaapala no - it's a flying shark... sheesh.... are you stoopid or summit?
unlike fighter aircraft, a starling is hardly "fixed wing"
hey guys
I need your help
I'm not sure how to model my need
I'm creating a website for orgnised travels but I want to offer customisation:
I have few trips porpositions with sevral activities options and also hotels options and I let the client to choose the trip then customize the activities he want to do and so on

something like this ; http://www.nezasa.com/itineraries/3xm5bij6svyv#plan
but i don't know how to model this!!
I tried create a model for my basic trips proposals :

class Trip(models.Model):
morning antti
@JonClements mystery solved, it is obviously a corvid!
@Antti to be honest - I don't think I'd like any plane that relied on flapping its wings as a form of motivation
I don't like having window seats and getting to see the wings wiggling as it is
Rational part of my mind realises it has to be able to move to stay in the air... but irrational part of me is constantly screaming "It almost fell off... it's moving too much.... should it move that much! LET ME OFF!!!!"
is there a room rule that every 2nd or 3rd message to be starred must come from @Kevin
@Antti it's indeed an unwritten rule...
it is surprising that I still want to fly
@AnttiHaapala every 3rd.
I think we are due another one, or risk breaking our rule!
being that my favourite tv show is the mayday / aircrash investigation / whatever it's called in your home country
Whenever I show up, I do tend to scroll up to find the last thing Kevin said and try to interpret it out of context. "I'd go with "pterodactyl" before "starling" though" is a tough one.
Cabbage, all.
cbg @DSM
Ok minions: any opinions on this question that I'm going to ask on meta.SE.
Hoping to get some advice from the devs who wrote the new quality-score algorithm.
Sounds good to me.
What title will the question have?
is this the proper way to indent in a situation like this:
 not_so_short_either) = some_long_named_function_call(width_long_named_arguments,
@Kevin: good question. Possibly something along the lines of "Information on the quality-score algorithm as discussed in the recent podcast"?
@PeterVaro use shorter variable names, or unpack tuple elsewhere
or fsck pep8
I personally do not think the indent args to the func name makes it particularly readable
@AnttiHaapala that was very helpful, thank you :) <sarcasm>
@PeterVaro Skimming PEP 8, the only advice I can give is, width_long_named_arguments should get its own line.
ctrl-f for "hanging indent"
davidism, by chance, have you used Flask-Classy? Is it good for largely json-based apps?
@JonClements the original is more readable, I guess.
Yeah... I don't like that either...
I cast the eyesore into the void!
rv = some_long_named_function_call(
not_so_short_either) = rv
and then ... = rv
yes, it can be done, if you want an extra var
but, we don't ;)
extra var does not matter
it will be stack optimized on python 3
I would definitely consider a multi-statement solution like the one proposed above.
Sometimes I return a dict or namedtuple and then don't bother unpacking.
@corvid I found it too limiting, but I was already in the middle of a project when I tried so results may vary. I'd say it's not necessary though.
But then I tend to use relatively short variable names, so it's seldom an issue.
@DSM that's so heavy..
lets test :P
is JSON.stringfy? to be defined or it is built in?
@PeterVaro: I don't find dicts heavy.
ooh, Python 3 optimizes that? I am very impressed :-)
long_variable_name, even_longer_than_the_previous, finally_a_bit_shorter, not_so_short_either = (
>>> dis.dis(x)
2 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (funccall)
9 STORE_FAST 0 (a)
12 STORE_FAST 1 (b)
15 STORE_FAST 2 (c)
18 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)
>>> dis.dis(y)
5 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (funccall)
6 STORE_FAST 0 (rv)

6 9 LOAD_FAST 0 (rv)
15 STORE_FAST 1 (a)
stupid python
@JonClements that looks nice, (similar to the one @Kevin suggested for the first place) although it violates PEP8 so many places.
Stop using long variable names! There are 26 letters in the Latin alphabet! If you need more than 26 variables then you're doing something wrong.
PEP8 is a guide not a rule :)
>>> dis.dis(x)
2 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (funccall)
3 CALL_FUNCTION 0 (0 positional, 0 keyword pair)
9 STORE_FAST 0 (a)
12 STORE_FAST 1 (b)
15 STORE_FAST 2 (c)
18 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)
>>> dis.dis(y)
5 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (funccall)
3 CALL_FUNCTION 0 (0 positional, 0 keyword pair)
6 STORE_FAST 0 (rv)

6 9 LOAD_FAST 0 (rv)
python 3
@Ffisegydd I know, I know, and I'm not using -- it is a theoretical question
popped into my mind
I think Jon's formatting looks right.
PEP 8 demands that you ignore PEP 8 when appropriate. "When in doubt, use your best judgment."
(I hate java-ish long names)
It was more an excuse to rant
I always tend to find I have files where there is a method for the generic template, then a method for GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE (or maybe update)
@Ffisegydd peter is hungarian, he has some more extra characters in \w
>>> ö = 5
@AnttiHaapala +1
us finns too :P
Yeah let's not even get started with Python 3 and unicode...
world does not end at z
@AnttiHaapala it almost did in Day Z!
I can never remember how to do the umlaut.
just press the key right of L to get Ö (damnit)
megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért = 1
that is the longest hungarian word IIRC
Unicode committee, please add support for Seussian letters such as floob and yekk.
Thanks in advance.
Agglutinative languages would be easier to read for non-natives if people would simply put dashes in appropriate places.
wonder why the stupid python does NOT optimize out unnecessary local variables :P
Time for a feature request!
@DSM there is no appropriate place...
@AnttiHaapala because it is still not a compiled language?
many agglutinative are not strictly agglutinative
is it even written right
it does not make sense to add a dash between ~each syllable :P
@AnttiHaapala is that one word?
@AnttiHaapala: you needn't add one between each syllable, just between each natural component. (Can't remember the appropriate jargon.)
@DSM it is
there is "järki" = reason, and then bound morphemes :D
@mashable bomb threat inside the plane right? How does the escort plane help? Take a close up shot? Or #MH17 has changed the game? #nytech
@Jon: huh?
@Jon if it looks like the plane has been "overtaken" and it begins to fly towards populated areas against orders then the escort plane will shoot it down.
Rather than something similar to 9/11 happening.
now the starling looks like typhoon
Oh, that's comforting... Here's hoping the pilot doesn't sneeze and bank to the left accidentally
Ok I'm going to ask this meta question unless anyone else has any more opinions (can always edit it later)
on related note, I am going to airshow on weekend in Oulu
@Ffisegydd okay... but the plane wasn't taken over... so if the plane's going to blow up, how does being able to blow the plane up help that much
@Jon yes but just if it's suspicious they get an escort. What if the device had been used to take over the plane for e.g?
now, there is the group frecce tricolori who has the 2nd most people killed in airshow record...
@Ffisegydd just reading your post
Not sure on tags, will probably just leave it as
@Ffisegydd is it worth making predict low-quality questions to say predict low-quality questions and suitable dupe targets (or something like that)
Normally I'd complain that the question contains no question marks, but I guess Meta is more permissive about discussion-style posts
@Jon I've changed it to '...predict low-quality/duplicate questions that we could then close-vote/delete-vote/edit...'
@Ffisegydd which post?
Gonna ask it on meta. Also I'm going to ask it on meta.SO as the podcast page says 'This is primarily a Stack Overflow thing, so Meta Stack Overflow is the best place to discuss it. Have at it!'
@Ffisegydd cool.... all looks good as far as I'm concerned - asks a perfectly reasonable question, possibly gets exposure to stuff we have already, without sounds all spammy/advertisey
why I am not working on that project?
Q: Details of the “quality-score” algorithm as discussed in the recent podcast

FfisegyddRecently there was a Stack Exchange podcast which discussed the new "quality-score" algorithm that has been developed by the SE team (discussed from roughly 30min mark onwards). The "quality-score" algorithm attempts to quantitatively score the quality of questions that are asked on SE sites by...

@Antti no idea - no one's stopping you if you want to :)
cabbage, all
buh this is probably a very dumb question, but how do you fetch data from an ORM using a method contained within the object? Article.query.order_by(article_method()).all()
cbg @RolfBly
Cabbage to all people with cat avatars!
I am for nltk + maxentropy, with specific features from also from the so code is formatted
@corvid are you thinking of the hybrid extension?
+1 for hybrid
@DSM iPuss is purring.
@Antti if you have time, we're more than happy to receive any suggestions you may have :)
Well we haven't really begun yet @Antti but we're starting to get things rolling now and it's be great to have your expertise. We'll probably even make it Python 3.x only just for you ;)
my experience is that the classifiers are not going to be 100 %
@corvid If order_by's argument is anything like the key argument of built-in sort, then you could do order_by(lambda article: article.article_method()) or order_by(ArticleClass.article_method)
My knowledge of ML is only fledging.
and that the word contents and bigrams and so will not predict, but...
what we can also do is try to compile the python codes :P
and see if they have syntax errors etc...
something really specific
Woo first downvote on it...
I have this hunch that importing a lot of different stuff in one line is bad practice. Like so: import sys, codecs, re, yaml, os. Is it?
@RolfBly nothing against it but if you use ide say, it will be easy to organize more nicely
@RolfBly yeah kinda. You should group similar imports but also try to keep them one per line I think.
Pep8 seems to think they should each be on their own line
easier to read
I'd have them all on their own line
@AnttiHaapala I did think about tokenizing code blocks to identify function, variables names and strings, that might be useful to look up dupes... (especially homework/python the hard way and such)
if you put them on each line, orgnaize alphabetically
import os
import sys

import matplotlib.pyplot
import numpy
Even the stdlib doesn't respect the one-per-line rule. It's silly.
I keep them one line each, then sort first by locality (std lib, installed libs, current package), then alphabetically. But no spaces between groups, that doesn't look right to me.
I also put similar ones together
I normally put them in "related" blocks
First I import from the stdlib; then the stack; then other externals; then my own libraries; then my program.
@Antti really? I think ffisgydd's snippet is more readable.
Basically what @davidism said, but I don't bother with the alphabetically bit
I don't import libraries. I copy and paste the libraries from the original files and add them all to my awesome.py. Keeps everything tidy and in one place! Logic!
@RolfBly that I tried to say :D (but failed miserably)
my learnings about machine learning is that
tweets are frikkin difficult to categorize
@Ffisegydd wonder why anyone would downvote that - what is there to actually "disagree" with?
Could be that they don't like me asking for advice from devs.
Could be - there are some strange people on the site :)
definitely doing something horribly wrong here
Try not doing that.
@DSM irony is largely wasted on n00bs like me, so I'm going to ask anyway: how do you know what's on the stack?
@RolfBly: ah, sorry. Not everyone uses that terminology. I didn't mean stack in a CS sense, I meant the scipy stack (numpy/scipy/matplotlib/pandas/sympy/etc.)
@Ffisegydd the vowpal wabbit looks pretty awesome if it can do "sparse terafeatures"
@Antti it did look very powerful. There's also a Python wrapper for it (Python 2 only but should be 2to3able)
yeap that looks awesome
the engine as such is not very interesting
the more interesting task is to pick good features
Yeah the podcast talks about some of the interesting features.
Apparently questions tagged are more likely to be poor quality...
does this query make sense? I'm almost certain it's wrong. Article.query.order_by(Article.popularity()).all()
no wonder
@Ffisegydd ooo... it's been favourited twice :)
And Java was poor quality :D
easy to see that a question with both [python] and [php] is going to be of very low quality
@DSM I see.
@AnttiHaapala: there's one question with 170 upvotes and no downvotes though, so it's only probabilistic. :^)
Rhubarb & thanks, folks. Back to my scripty now.
@DSM as I said no classifier will be perfect, but I am sure having [php] tag will be one of the most important features
I think I'd take that bet. Although I have nothing to wager, so your winnings will only be virtual.
Q: What is a Python equivalent of PHP's var_dump()?

ZoredacheWhen debugging in PHP, I frequently find it useful to simply stick a var_dump() in my code to show me what a variable is, what its value is, and the same for anything that it contains. What is a good Python equivalent for this?

Brad has linked blog.stackoverflow.com/2012/08/… to us which I've looked at before.
Two of the entries used Vowpal Wabbit and made their code public (read this a week or two ago) so we'll have to have another look at it.
@AnttiHaapala Why should that be closed, exactly?
@MartijnPieters duplicate of the linked question, just seeing how much different var_dump is from print_r
var_dump — Dumps information about a variable
print_r — Prints human-readable information about a variable
:? :D
Right, I assumed it would print the globals and locals.
Agreed, it is a dupe.
var_dump is print_r but returns a value :P
ah no it is not
var_dump prints out too :D
PHP Warning: var_dump() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in - on line 1
so is it a dupe or isn't it a dupe?
Q: php var_dump() vs print_r()

inaWhat is the difference between var_dump() and print_r() in terms of spitting out an array as string?

that depends on that "not contructive question" :D
Incidentally @Antti you may want to look at the sopython Trello page in particular the Project Nidaba Trello page and the Github. I can add you to these sites easily enough.
@AnttiHaapala Sounds like variants of repr()..
hate those "what is the equivalent of x in python"
if it comes from php
bc they have 25 different functions for doing the same stuff
@Ffisegydd well... at the moment your post seems relatively well received
Brad strikes me as somewhat interested :)
Indeed. Hopefully we'll get some response but I'm not holding my breath. Even if we do get a response it may be along the lines of "Sounds great but sorry our secrets are secret."
But at least it gets Nidaba out in the air.
@Ffisegydd indeed... and if you don't ask, you don't get anyway... so it's worth a punt
I like the fact the sopython team closed a redhat question :) - we branching out now? :)
As the PM of the project - answer forthcoming, but probably in about 12 hours (1) because I'm headed out for the day and (2) I have to give a bit of a think to how much secret sauce I can spill. — Tim Post ♦ 19 secs ago
@Ffisegydd ahhh... got you a meta bronze badge anyway :)
@Ffisegydd that's encouraging!
Ooh, recognition!!!
I consider "getting the devs to read your post" to be the hardest part.
A mod and an SO community manager/project manager with interest... I'd say it's gone okay so far... :)
Yeah, I'm going to answer that tomorrow. Just noting, I edited the comment - it's only seekrit to avoid it becoming a series of carrots on sticks.
On the plus side, I know some Python, even!
@TimPost awesome, thanks for that.
so cool :3
cbg @Tim
Ooo, Ben's answered as well...
Ben is working on a lot of really cool stuff.
@Tim I imagine there's some very interesting projects to be worked on at SE :)
I attribute at least 47.3% of our awesomeness to someone getting bored one day.
To use Cython, should I know how to program in C++?
@user2979409 no not necessarily.
@user2979409 please don't
To that, I ask, to use Python, should I know PHP?
@user2979409 there are 11 kinds of people: those who know they can't program in C++, those who don't know, and then there is Bjarne.
Are you laughting?
@TimPost you come in here, gets lots of starred posts and trying to spark controvery! You evil man you :p
@user2979409: knowing C helps, mostly to understand the underlying available data types and structures. C++ not so much.
my joke is whoosh
I had to google who Bjarne is.
One day no one will know, and they will be happier for it.
The question is is the set(Bjarne) subset of set(Those who don't know they cannot program C++). If this is solved, then it can be shown that P = NP.
problem = no problem ? :p
Stroustrup is very, very smart. I suspect he can program in C++, and knows that he can-- to the degree that anyone can, anyway. If only he had used his powers for good, instead of for evil.
@DSM well... not sure he's that smart... someone else realised the curiously recurring template pattern...
@Jon: I use CRTP to fake mixins and to get around the annoying fact that C++ won't let you return a dog if you've promised to return an animal even though a dog is an animal. But since I was flabbergasted when I first saw that it worked I'm reluctant to throw stones on that one..
@DSM yeah... it wasn't in the C++ programming manuals I had, I think I read it somewhere on line looking for something else, and was like... "ooo... that looks cool - gotta try that"
@AnttiHaapala funny how questions like this get closed for being "not constructive" even though the votes imply that they were very helpful
explaining mvc to clients is annoying
@corvid clients are annoying :)
true. This client is especially annoying...
To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem. But they keep me off the streets -- or on the streets, as the mood takes me -- so I'm glad clients exist.
@DSM think that's the only thing that stops me strangling some of them :)
psh, financial aid pays for my salary, not clients
I think society as a whole should pay for my living expenses. Then I could follow my true calling, and become the world's greatest Tetris player.
I just want to be a kitty-cat ._.
sorry about reality, I guess
knock mugs off of Kevin's desk
heh, that mug was 5x insured B-)
Replacement mugs for everybody!
lol look at JS room's name
FormulaError: ERROR *** Token 0x2d (AreaN) found in NAME formula
cbg @Jerry
cbg @JonClements!
welcome @attrck
hehe... just noticed ^^^
Not sure "Experience Jon Skeet" is the best of phrasing though :)
heya @tila
how is everyone?
♫ clone from github snapshot ♫ build a jar ♫ sing while I work ♫
listening to folk song...
@tila doing good thanks - how's yourself?
all is well!: )
good to hear!
@corvid the problem with MVC is everyone have it wrong
I was just trying to explain to her the data on the backend doesn't really care about the CSS styles in any way, so she can make stylesheets while I am developing the Flask part
say you have a page like site.com#article_id=111, and want to find all unique visitors to view that article. Would you have to keep a column of all users who have visited?
If you want an accurate count, then yes.
on the page, just save current_user.id to the set in that column?
dinner, rbrb all
have fun
@corvid what db are you using in your question?
sqlite, for development
here is the full code, not gonna lie stole a lot of code from SOPython because it was helpful
@corvid if that's the case - it's considered fair if you link to the project as a "thank you"
I can do that for sure, just made this repo yesterday
hey, you're using flask-alembic :)
I need feedback if you run into anything, I wrote it for work
used to use flask-migrate, but I don't think it works quite the same with python's new dev version
no, it won't work, no click compatibility
yeah, most of what I learned I got from Flask Web Development by Miguel Grinberg and fbone
Flask-Migrate is way too thin a wrapper around alembic, I wanted full api access
to be quite honest, just used it cause the book said to and I didn't know enough at the time to do much else
there was no other choice until I wrote flask-alembic last month :)
Would anyone know why i can download files with paramiko/pysftp but not upload? My computer connects fine over open ssh or filezilla
not without knowing more about the server you're connecting to
did you authenticate right, does the server accept uploads, etc.
its a website hosting server, ipages,
it takes a few minutes but i eventually get an eof error
what's the error you get when trying to upload?
oh i am able to upload, but as long as the file is finished uploading in less than 3 or so seconds
what happens if it's not done in 3 seconds?
i monitored my net, and it just stops uploading
after about 5 minutes i get an error message
eof error
from paramiko
does it take that long with filezilla?
with rsync?
filezilla will upload large files very quickly
i am not sure what rsync is
the eof is a timeout error, why it's happening in paramiko I have no idea based on the information given
it sounds like you don't have the same sort of connection or authentication as with filezilla
yer its really weird
pysftp says that python3.4 could be supported
but its untested
This user has asked six questions today, all tiny variations on the same code. I am annoyed.
@Kevin take more pills - peace man!
need more dried frog pills
I may burst if I read another question from him. No more SO today.
a plea for , don't worry, we're here to get you through this
@davidism I'm not sure - since he hasn't got around to fixing the low-orbit tea cannon yet and I have to make my own cups of tea, I reckon he deserves to suffer :p
on click, is it possible to have an option that can only be used if a flag was set to True?
only have 4 cvs remaining for the next 5 hours
yeah probably, but I haven't done anything that involved

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