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00:00 - 19:0021:00 - 00:00

That wasn't the right "X" :)
How can I bind id's to dynamically (for loop) created buttons in Tkinter?
Q: How to access dynamically created buttons (Tkinter)

xxmbabanexxI am trying to assign values to buttons which return their value when clicked (more precisely, they print it.) The only caveat is that the buttons are created dynamically, using a for loop. How can I assign id's (and other variables) to buttons which have been created with a for loop? Example ...

I also need to be able to bind normal variables (non numerical)
1 hour later…
Hello everybody!
2 hours later…
someone here
@Volatility Could be worse. Someone could have approved that edit...
Hey @ThiefMaster how are you?
Fine/tired. And since it's 6:25 here and saturday I'm heading back to bed now :P
In here is 01:25
well I go to bed now
bye bye
5 hours later…
@Volatility I got a notification about that too
About what?
The codegolf link you posted above
Someone else did that to my answer
Hmm, probably did that to every post then...
150 more
/me excited
2 hours later…
Hmm, apparently you can vote to close deleted questions
ok, temporary bug, don't worry
oh, oops
My brain really isn't working today
Mine doesn't work any day - it's great isn't it! :)
hmm, maybe a not-so-temporary bug
Does anybody here have some links to questions deleted by the OP?
19 mins ago, by Volatility
Hmm, apparently you can vote to close deleted questions
I need to do some more testing
Can you ?
Umm yeah, one sec
(unless there's a meta post already?)
Any self deleted answer right?
question even
well, I don't think you can vote to close answers ;)
My brain not kicked in yet... still drinking tea ;)
Self deleted w/ 3 close votes: stackoverflow.com/questions/17748746/…
Just any deleted question that wasn't closed beforehand
Ah, crap, didn't think to take a picture of the "Your vote is recorded" popup
Oh what - you want another one ?
don't worry, it should do
Ahh, although it's now 4 close votes
Q: Vote to close a deleted question - bug?

paddyI just successfully added my Close vote to a question on Stack Overflow that had already been deleted by the author. The question can be found here. The only purpose I see for such functionality is perhaps to stop someone from escaping the initial surge of wrath from critics, then subsequ...

Hmm, why didn't that second post render?
pass... maybe it doesn't one box consecutive thingies or somethin
Oh - apparently got the yearling badge on meta - that was difficult LOL
assert "cbg" == shorten("cabbage");
Yeah not sure about the ;, but pretty sure the NameError is a bit more of an issue ;)
heya @DarkHorse - welcome
I can only program with perl
perl? I'm sorry, did you mean: gibberish
@Darkhorse I see you've answered some C related questions though
you are so funny
I'm fresh
It's amazing Perl got anywhere
is that imnormnal?
Is that what?
sorry, it's abnormal
spell error
I somehow lost 2 rep
But I don't really see how
Erm, considering how unreadable it is, yes
I see "-2 12 mins ago removed Mechanize successful login"
xkcd is a great comic.
It's funny, and has some science and programming stuff in it.
Deleted by Community
Oh, maybe... I did a suggested edit a long time ago
Is it possible for you to check the edits?
You edited it Apr 27
Dunno what rep you were on then
Argh, was just gonna post that :/
where can i delivery my resume if want to get a job in America?
And your rep would have been < 2000 ;)
@JonClements Thanks :)
Jeez, April 27...
at 11:14, too
Almost a year after the question was posted, too
@NullData can we make that enough xkcd for the minute please?
It's a long time
anyway @JonClements how is string prefix works? I know we have b, r and u.. but which one can be uppercase, which one is not? Can they be together, if yes, is there a fix order? Can you use it like: uR'string'?
Anymore picture? @NullData
It's so funny
Wait, I think I remember that
I thought we were done with the xkcd
THat may have been the edit which got me the badge to edit a post after 6 months
There you go DarkHorse.
@PeterVaro interesting... never really thought about it... so would have to look it up myself...
Just check out the website, it's all pretty great.
what's the most popular website to apply for a job in America?
stringprefix    ::=  "r" | "u" | "ur" | "R" | "U" | "UR" | "Ur" | "uR"
                     | "b" | "B" | "br" | "Br" | "bR" | "BR"
@JonClements really nice, thanks @JonClements ! Where did you get this?
when i visit the website, it tells me can't find the server
@JonClements it is different in Py3
there is no ur as I can see
and br and rb are the same
@PeterVaro I would be surprised if it wasn't slightly different.... u`` is no longer a valid prefix, as there is only unicode strings... (there's also no unicode()
@JonClements as of 3.3 u is a valid prefix again
from 3.0 -> 3.2 it wasn't
That's right ;)
but they put it back for backward compatibility
How nice of them
They got rid of some other stuff that got back in 3.3 as well
3.0 was beep.... it's only 3.3 that's actually pretty much worked out alright ;)
They put in yield from too
rbrb -- out to launch
... a rocket into space? :)
lol, three different off topic reasons
Yeah... I went for first one...
And PeeHaa's gone for This question appears to be off-topic because `it is about
@JonClements Lol ikr
Well anyway, going to bed now
heya @Slytael - welcome
since the default string is unicode \u.... is always valid, right?
As unicode escape sequences for tring literals
umm.. r'\\(u\h{4}|U\h{8}|N{[a-zA-Z\s]+})'
where \h -> hex
Still working on your grammar thing?
Great, now help vampires even invade the flask irc channel ....
@JonClements yepp, only function decorators and regexes are missing and it is working as I always wanted:)
@ThiefMaster invade sounds like some co-ordinated effort - most help vampires don't seem to be able to display that level of "smart" :)
yeah, just a single one.. still annoying enough
and of course he comes from SO's favourite country
oh, and BTW: I'm creating Cython syntax def also, and it will work with Rainbow.js so it will serve online usage as well
@Thiefmaster "The Land Of Unicorns" ?
@PeterVaro What are you making?
heya @jozefg
@jozefg a new tmLanguage file for Python 3.3+ and Cython 0.19.1+
@PeterVaro At the risk of sounding like an idiot, tmLanguage?
It is the default syntax highlight definition file for TextMate and SublimeText and for some smaller editors
Ah ok
Never used either of them
@jozefg Vim? Emacs? Notepad++? PyCharm?
Emacs with Vim keybindings
Or Eclipse?
I mostly write Coq + Haskell + Python/Ruby so most IDE's don't really fit
Have you tried Sublime?
It has a vintage mode, where all the Vim keybindings are working AFAIK..
For a bit? The big seller for emacs is proof general (interactive theorem proving for coq)
I'm thinking that at this point it's probably a better investment to become good with emacs vs learn a new editor
@JonClements I found some strange thing in the old syntax file, and I can't figure it out, what it could be.. When you are in a string, it will highlight the next words: SELECT|INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE|CREATE|REPLACE|ALTER do they have some special meaning in python or when using some lib?
start of SQL statements
heya @Lattyware
@jozefg I don't know that.. But what I do know is ST has some really neat features, like multiple cursors, or auto-indentation and auto-closing (qutes and braces, with or without content!)
@JonClements so they are not exactly part of Python, right?
not really... useful if you're creating sql statements though I guess ;)
C-x h C-M-\
^ ?
OK, thanks Jon
Emacs auto-indent :)
The problem with arguing about editors with an emacs user is that emacs is an OS. It's not a fair match ;)
@jozefg so when you type { and press enter it will jump the next line and adds as many spaces/tabs to get 'inside' the scope?
@jozefg I don't want to convert you, I'm just curious
Yeah, with ruby it'll auto-insert end s and with with python it will indent auto-magically and un-indent after return
The nicest thing so far for me is the fact that the REPL is also in the editor, eg C-l <enter> will load/run my python script
and can you do that, when you select word(s) and press ' or " it will create you the string with both end closed with the typed character?
// same for braces and new line doesn't matter at all
Yes (plugin I have)
It has a package manager so installing plugins is nice and trivial :)
same as Sublime
anyway, I have to get back to work -- I really want to finish this on this weekend
@PeterVaro yeah - stop slacking you ;)
@JonClements where can I read about %s and all the formatting options of the constant placeholders? Because in docs.python.org/3.3/library/string.html I can't find this...
Anywhere in the 2.x docs
Oh thanks, absolutely what I was looking for!
Anyone spot the slightly unfortunate abbreviation in the track listing... :0
@JonClements so if I'm not mistaken:
r'%(\(\w+\))?#?0?-?[ ]?\+?(\d*|\*)(\.(\d*|\*))?[hlL]?[diouxXeEfFgGcrs%]'
Errrr... do I have to grok that right now? :(
no you don't... :/
Umm... @ThiefMaster what you reckon about: stackoverflow.com/questions/17324522/… ?
Looks like gimme the codes in no specific language/other info... but I'll put a tiny bounty on it
... kind of question...
Umm... stackoverflow.com/questions/17764006/… - a strange question...
How exactly are we using (?aiLmsux) ? I mean you can't assign it to a group or something, only for a full expression from beginning to end, right?
Is there a PEP where someone is complaining about the regexes?
I mean it would be nice, to have: r'(?i:[abcde])[abcde]' -> which matches Bb and bb but not bB
Have you ever looked at the regex module ?
sure.. why?
Cos that does similar stuff to what you just said
oh sorry
I thought about re not regex
silly me.
(I was wondering...;0)
OK, this is kewl, but not part of the standard lib
Not yet...
haha! and will be?
3.4? or 4.0? ;)
Well - that's been the plan for a few years I believe... who knows... maybe sometime for the 3.x series - I haven't seen anything or really checked up on it much recently
it would be really nice, to have at least these things:
Umm.. nested levels... not sure that really should be scope for a regex engine, but cool though
AFAIK this is what Ruby has in its regex lib
Oh, okies... never got that far with Ruby
me neither, I just read it somewhere -- after python who wants to use Ruby? ;)
is there a limit in regex group ordering numbers?
I mean can I have a billion groups?
or only a hundred?
There is a limit... not sure it's one hundred... but two digits would seem reasonable enough
Oh, OK, thanks!
@MartijnPieters that's fine :) I was just owner because I created this room
but as a chat dev, I have ALL TEH POWAZ anyway
heya @balpha ;)
A historic moment - your first post in errr.... ? :)
and then some :)
Did you happen to notice a meta post regarding starred posts going "vanishing" ?
(I'm not sure we did ever get to the bottom of that...)
I saw that, yeah. Haven't looked yet, but somebody has to have removed the stars. Pins get auto-unpinned, but stars don't.
Fair enough - mind you - not sure anyone's bothered anymore at this stage - but still - one of those "would be nice to knows" :)
hi again @AnimeshPandey
Hi there ... @JonClements
cabbage everyone!
anyone ever messed around with google s2 geometry library?
I wish to see whether a key is present in a dictionary or else print 'not present'
`listdict = [{'a':'b', 'c':'d'}, {'x':'b', 'c':'d'}, {'a':'v', 'c':'d'}]`
When I try to put it in comprehension, I get a syntax error:
`listdict[i][k] for i in range(len(listdict)) if k in listdict[i] else 'not found'`
where k = 'a'
What to do ?
cabbage @lciamp - nope - can't say I have...
@AnimeshPandey you wish to see if a key is present in a dict, given a list of dicts?
A lst is dicts but print the value or 'Not present' separately for each dict
in form of a list
print [dct.get(k, 'Not Found') for dct in listdict]
heya @ZeroPiraeus - I see you've been fairly busy "unpack"'ing ? :)
@JonClements yes indeed ... kinda fun in its way :-)
@balpha as you're semi-here - are you aware of any non-javascript based bot projects for interfacing with the SO chat system ?
hah.. I'm probably going to london at the end of summer:)
@PeterVaro what's that for? :)
my brother lives there (for almost a quarter years now) and I'm going to visit him
@JonClements Eliza was JavaScript, but node.js, so I assume that counts, but since I wrote it, I don't know if that counts for you
[listdict[i][k] for i in range(len(listdict)) if k in listdict[i] else 'not found']
I mean isnt it supposed to work... 'cause
listdict[0]['a'] if 'a' in listdict[0] else 'NOT PRESENT' gives 'b' and
listdict[0]['z'] if 'z' in listdict[0] else 'NOT PRESENT' gives 'NOT PRESENT'
and also I need a little break, I didn't have any in the last 4 years
@balpha I'd be interested in something if code is available... I'm using Python do some oauth dancing and thinking of branching off requests to interface with the websocket interface
At the moment - it's a bit of a pen and paper jot down what works via automating a browser... than f*ing around a bit more writing down event types and url end points etc...
(I bet they're not documented somewhere :( )
they used to be, sort of -- until the closure minifier got smart enough to inline enumeration-like objects
var EventType = {
    MessagePosted: 1,
    MessageEdited: 2,
    UserEntered: 3,
    UserLeft: 4,
    RoomNameChanged: 5,
    MessageStarred: 6,
    DebugMessage: 7,
    UserMentioned: 8,
    MessageFlagged: 9,
    MessageDeleted: 10,
    FileAdded: 11,
    ModeratorFlag: 12,
    UserSettingsChanged: 13,
    GlobalNotification: 14,
    AccessLevelChanged: 15,
    UserNotification: 16,
    Invitation: 17,
    MessageReply: 18,
    MessageMovedOut: 19,
    MessageMovedIn: 20,
    TimeBreak: 21,
    FeedTicker: 22,
@balpha how did you made your name blue?
He's staff @Peter :)
oh.. really? Nice to meet him:)
thanks for SO;)
@balpha thanks for that list
Hey all
howdy @Cygwinnian - how's things?
[listdict[i][k] for i in range(len(listdict)) if k in listdict[i] else 'not found']
I mean isnt it supposed to work... 'cause
listdict[0]['a'] if 'a' in listdict[0] else 'NOT PRESENT' gives 'b' and
listdict[0]['z'] if 'z' in listdict[0] else 'NOT PRESENT' gives 'NOT PRESENT'
@balpha so, regardless of being written with node.js is Eliza's source available somewhere - or a private project / otherwise non-public repository ?
@AnimeshPandey break it down into simpler steps and work through it... start with a for loop first, then check within that... and see what happens...
@JonClements in regex group id (?P<here>) can I use _ underscore?
@JonClements That statement actually gives a syntax error at else
@AnimeshPandey yes - because you can't use that there...
Please read up on the syntax of list-comp to see why
@JonClements no it's not public. I didn't use websockets though; I just polled for new messages.
That's the /events yeah ?
Okay - might get it working with that first, and websocket'ize it later then...
you could talk to George Edison, I think at least parts of his bot are server-side
not sure though
oh, and also, just for the record:
A: Are bots specifically allowed or prohibited in Stack Exchange chatrooms?

balphaWith Coding Kitten, FlackBot, and Eliza, there are at least three precedents for this. There is no official support, e.g. an API or something like that; any bot has go through the same channels as a normal user. This includes Eliza (which, just for the record, was just a fun weekend project of m...

I have already read that... that's what made me ask you while you were here ;)
I think I looked at what little code there was re GE's bot, but any auth and networking was removed from it - just the code that reacted on it....
Is there something known as an "Identity function" in a dictionary ?
@animesh describe what you mean?
@balpha Is it just the sgt and usr that's required as cookie, and fkey as post that 's required for auth?
that doesn't sound like ours
Umm... maybe I can't read my writing...
sure it gets issued by chat....
for chat.so, you need SO's usr and chat's csr as far as cookies go
and yes, the fkey (which is the CSRF token)
csr yes...
I'm such a professional... scraps of coffee stained paper laying all over the desk... ;)
@JonClements I was going through the documentation ... built in functions...
"....If function is None, the identity function is assumed...."
I just wanted to know whether there could be something like this for a dictionary
Okay - I'm on the right track then.... at least that's confirmed - thanks @balpha
good luck :)
@balpha got a feeling I might need it - if it ever gets completed - I'll let you know if you want ;)
I further checked and found that an Identity function is a function that does nothing!
@animesh well done ;)
In discrete mathematics ... an identity function returns the same value as entered ... what can be an identity function for any dictionary in python ... ?
I don't get what you're trying to do - and how this is related to your original question
I did not know what an identity function in Python was ... though I knew what it was in Mathematics ... now I guess they mean the same thing ... I was confused before .. but now its ok!
The main thing what I want is whether a dictionary can represent an identity function on some other dictionary ?
Which makes sense how ?
I was going the wrong way .... its not a dictionary .. its a set!
Can a dictionary represent an identity function on some set ?
{a,b,c} is the set and
{a:a,b:b,c:c} should be its identity function as a dictionary! (if i am not wrong)
Well, it's not an identity function at that point, it's an identity dictionary, I guess.
Not that there is any real application for such a thing.
heya @Lattyware
Hey Jon
How's your Saturday doing? Getting ready to move and all that ?
got a bed sorted
Which will arrive on time I take it ?
Hopefully xD
00:00 - 19:0021:00 - 00:00

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