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Something important
here Ill show you an example with a screen shot
Is that you should ALWAYS separate the INTERFACE from the DESIGN
The INTERFACE can be a boolean button, but the underlying code needs to work on its own.
Well - I am off, Rhubarb. Good luck @Inhale.Py ....
its gonna look something like this
now if only things you drew in photoshop would become programs
How is everybody
miserable, my master disowned me
@Inhale.Py Hmm, well maybe you could learn a different form of martial arts
you got PhotoShop skillz
I went to college for graphic design and 3d modeling, photoshop is a requirement
dropped out though
I've never understood exactly what that meant
Is it like a concious decision to drop the classes or what?
while I'm an advocate of higher education, sometimes (once in a while), it's not worth the hassles
well I think if you don't get good grades it's not worth it anymore at some point
and it costs tons of money in the US and similar countries
you must have killer interfaces then. Artistic by nature? @Inhale.Py
Ohh okay okay. Yea college is freaking expensive here. Should move to deutchland
@ShannonStrutz it was more of a money/moving thing that made me drop out
@Kneel-Before-ZOD I am just barely learning to code interfaces =( so its meh
of course, now that there are open courses available, it's only a matter of time before colleges start awarding degrees if you can take specific exams and pass em
@Kneel-Before-ZOD yea, and here I am spending 40 grand to get that piece of paper
@ShannonStrutz lol.....and hopefully, the connections
There aren't many connections to really make at my university. Its not exactly what you would call a first class university
@Inhale.Py coding interfaces and designing them are kinda different
true, but when your just learning to code, even if you have the design mapped out, you have to learn how to make it look like what you have in your head
@ShannonStrutz lol....it doesn't have to be; however, for the fact that they exist, they must have some form of local connections
@Inhale.Py ugh, you have no idea how painful it is for me to design an interface. I'm so bad at that artistic stuff. It usually ends up in me yelling at my monitor shouting, "I JUST WANT A BLUE BUTTON!!!!!!"
lol....I just google around till I see a layout I like
steal buttons here and there
well my program I am making kind of looks like the picture I posted
although I am still fine tuning it and learning how I can make it look better
although I don't like the shade of green I chose where the results are displayed
I like working in CSS and all that jazz for my stuff, I only do python for work
but I always appreciate artistic talents even if I'm not good at it
and I opted for the program to display a decimal out to 4 places only when the input meets a certain criteria, otherwise it defaults to 3. This way the output label isnt so big
lol.....you've got to see the design in your mind first before CSS will make sense
Thats the thing, I'm good at visualizing it, I just can't draw it. I like css because I can tell it specific aspects of the thing I want and then it draws for me. I'm good with numbers and analysis, not drawing. My hand is like a seismic sensor thing when I draw
if you can get it right in your head, you are halfway home. All you need is the right skill, or a good contractor :)
I'll have a roommate in the spring who is a graphic design major, maybe I can contract her with some food or something
symbiotic relationship; sweet!
one of the things that still amazes me are comic or cartoon creators; the patient they have in creating every step/movement of a character.
i ran into an issue
and its ugly
whenever I move 2 of my labels up a row(they arent in the same colum as anything else) it moves my radio buttons down a few rows from where it should be
I can provide code if that helps
yea tha'td be better
the problems with the N_tol label
and the RA_tol label
hmm, I'm not too familier with tkinter
Although it looks like you are specifying positions, although yo uaren't specifying positional behavior
(I might end up deleting these and just create a label that changes the value and highlights it along with displaying the true value) IDK yet
but its still annoying
you mean height and width?
that sort of thing
no no, those are positinal attributes. A position is like where it is, (x,y). Attributes are the aspects of the piece your are positioning, height, width. Behavior is like what I could compare to float, z-index, position, display in css terms
do you have a picture of how it's behaving?
Since I'm not familier with tkinter, I wouldn't know where to point you to for those, although there should be some sort of functionality in there
I have to go out to the shop
no time to take screenies and post them
not familiar with tkinter too, but the pseudo-problem can still be resolved
if you run it change the values of row in RA_tol and N_tol to 4
and see what it does to the ID radiobutton
although like I said I think I am going to delete those and change it all together
I dont care for the way it looks
rbrb in 2 hours or so
Hello @Neal
Hi @ShannonStrutz
Doing well?
@ShannonStrutz Depends on what I am doing.
Haha, touche
@ShannonStrutz Good game. Haven't played it in years.
I have eaten it though.
I totally forgot that it was a board game
How did you eat it?
just nomnomnom like?
Life is a breakfast cereal made of whole grain oats, distributed by the Quaker Oats Company. It was introduced in 1961. The cereal's advertisements currently sport the slogan "Life is full of surprises". The History of Life Life was popularized during the 1970s by an advertising campaign featuring "Mikey," a hard-to-please four-year-old-boy portrayed by John Gilchrist. His two older brothers were portrayed by his real-life brothers, Michael and Tommy. The commercials featured the catchphrase "He likes it! Hey Mikey!" The ad campaign ran from 1974 to 1986, becoming one of the longest-r...
Hmmm dunno why it shows eggs
lol, yea
I actually had life for breakfast today
so good
@ShannonStrutz Ahhh so you got a life?
yea, a whole box of it
I need to store data in a list that is in a file that imports the methods that will do the storing. In those methods, how would I reference the list that is in the above file? super global (list var)
Pass the list in as an argument
#main file
import otherFile
myList = [4,8,15,16,23,42]

#other file imported by main file
def storeList(l):
    #do storing here
Ohh I see
so say I have 2 lists, that I've put into one list. can I pass the one list to the lower method and have it use the lists that are inside the passed list
Anyone experienced in Tkinter around here?
I'm in dire need of assistance.
I'm not, although Inhale.py was working with it earlier. S/he said she'd be back in a couple hours about 1hr 15min ago
I had already posed my question to Inhale, but could not assist me unfortunately.'
Q: Tkinter: Calling a multithreaded instance

George LonngrenI am a beginner at python, and it is my first language. I have been tasked with something that is quickly becoming too large for me to grasp that I need to finish. I am almost done. At this moment, I have created a dialog box that serves as a Main Menu, a dialog box that is a selectable option fr...

im back
@Kevin did you see the picture I uploaded to show you what I am talking about
@ShannonStrutz you called me a she =(
the / is crucial in that statement.
@Inhale.Py I didn't think you were a girl, but I didn't wanna get it wrong.
I know but after the s/he he wrote she'd
Being a guy with a girls name, I try to look out for those things
aw crap i did?
@Inhale.Py I am truly sorry
its cool no worries
@GeorgeLonngren I don't think your question is really tkinter related
your problem isn't in the tkinter part of your code
hmm true
I think I just don't have the industry knowledge necessary to help, @Inhale.Py. I can't figure out what you're trying to do.
ok well you see how it is now
how the radio button was on ID
and the displayed info was +0.002 -0.000
well if you clicked on the OD radio button
those values would switch
+0.000, -0.002
you don't need to understand why they switch
they just switch
thats what the ID and OD refer to
IDK why I had them set to true and false
I kind of changed it so now they are set at 1 and 2
in a variable called choise
so it would be if choice == 1 tol = +0.000 \n -0.002
and if choice == 2 tol = +0.002 \n -0.000
I figured out my problem though so no worries
cant make the radio buttons do anything until I start writing the tolerance module
@GeorgeLonngren what are you trying to test exactly?
@Kevin make sense now?
choice seems like a better way, yeah
class Tolerance():
    def __init__(self, type, number, choice):
	    self.type = type
	    self.number = number
	    self.choice = choice

	def value(self, tol, choice):
        if choice == 1:
	        return ('+0.000\n-'tol)
	        return ('+'+tol+'\n-0.000')
am I on the right track with this tolerance module?
to answer your question, it is a digital telephone switch. It just sets up a basic configuration that creates two telephone lines.
I guess so
I still need to map it to a dictionary but I need to write the dictionary as well
I ran into a problem, think you can help me solve it
I know I have to create an instance of the class
and pass it the correct parameters
What are the benefits of a dictionary over a list?
dictionary stores values right?
yea, so does a list
The two have different uses, so you can't do a direct cost-benefit analysis.
so I could just use a list
basically in the instance
how do I tell it if the number is so big the tol should be x
a list is basically an array for everything, each element has an index. A dictionary just assigns a name to a value that is in the dictionary
no ordering in the dictionaryh
when in H8_h8 if the number was 2.000 the tol would be +0.002 - 0.000
but in JS10 if the number was 2.000 the tol would be +0.039 - 0.039
dict, no. Subclasses, sure.
The indices of a dictionary don't necessarily need to be a name. They can be any immutable data type.
@kevin any ideas
For instance, you might use a dictionary whose keys are tic-tac-toe boards. I've done just that for a simple AI project.
@Inhale.Py, I think Inbar had a suggestion for that, just before your break.
def H8_h8(num):
    if .236< num > .512:
        tol = 0.002#the choice variable from the button decides if its plus or minus
def JS10_jS10(num):
    if .236 < num > .512
        tol = .010
well I get the string variable
I think you mean if .236 < num < .512
lets say I create an instance H8_h8 = Tolerance(???)
what would I pass it to
to it*
Perhaps a dictionary whose keys are minimum-and-maximum-float-tuples and whose values are floats
ex {(.236,.512): 0.002}
Then in value, you iterate through the keys of that dict, and find one where your number fits within the minimum and maximum. Then you return the value associated with that key.
I guess it could just be a list of minimum-maximum-tolerance tuples.
Since you'll only be iterating through it anyway, not directly accessing anything.
@Kevin Dictionary keys don't even need to be immutable. They just need to have a __hash__ function which always returns a unique(ish) value for a particular object and a well defined __eq__ method.
class Foo(object): pass

d = {}
d[Foo()] = 7
@mgilson, but if mutating causes the hash to change, doesn't that make the dict flip out?
@Kevin makes sense, I just made a note to learn how to do all that
Yep. That's what I mean by a __hash__ function which always returns a unique(ish) value for a particular object.
for the life of your object, the value returned by __hash__ can't change.
The default hash for objects is their id which satisfies all the necessary criterion :)
anyone know if tkinter excepts bg = "somecolor" on its radio buttons
ID = 0
OD = 1
class Tolerance:
    def __init__(self, ranges):
        self.ranges = ranges
    def value(self, choice, num):
        for minimum, maximum, tol in self.ranges:
            if minimum < num < maximum:
                if choice == ID:
                    return '+0.000\n-' + str(tol)
                elif choice == OD:
                    return '+' + str(tol) + '\n-0.000'

tolerances = {
    "H8_h8" : Tolerance([(.236, .512, 0.002)]),
    "JS10_js10" : Tolerance([(.236, .512, 0.010)]),
not bad
so all it would need is the dictionary filled in
and it would run
well that and the choice option set
and what not
I guess so. I didn't test it.
and things passed to it
its alright I'm not gonna copy paste it
just gonna remember to look at it later when I am writing my own code
You could, though. I hereby relinquish the above code block into the public domain, for use by anybody, for any purpose.
I have a 2d list. I need to append into one of the inside lists. Can I reference it like so:
Nope. Gotta index it by index. OuterList[0].append(whatever)
OHHHHH, thats why its not working!!!!
okay okay thank you
okay, now I have another problem. is there a way to check what modules have been imported
Well, that will give you modules, plus everything else.
i'll look into it
@Kevin how do radio buttons work
lets say I have ID = Radiobutton(root, text = "ID", variable = coice, value = 2).grid(row = blah, column , poop)
when the radio button is active does ID = 2
@ShannonStrutz sys.modules
That holds all of the modules imported from anywhere. Not necessary just the stuff in the current namespace.
@mgilson Thanks! Okay so my module is being imported although all of its functions are still undefined
Don't forget to prefix those functions with the module name. import foo; print(foo.frob())
I wonder what OP thinks we can do with this one ...
hmm, I shouldn't have to if i'm only importing the module itself and calling its own functions, correct?
Q: Strange Barcode Appearance in CMD (python), explanation?

JordanSomething very weird happened. I'm experimenting with the split() method and parsing data. When I printed my results to CMD there was a random barcode among the lines. When I ran the program again, there was no barcode. Any explanation / hypothesis? file = open("dbuslog.txt", "r") lines = fi...

Hm, I did that and I got a better response this time
i guess time() doesn't return a string
prefixing the module names is useful in preventing collisions. Ex. both the time and datetime modules define a time function or class. If you import both modules, how does the interpreter know which one to use?
true dat
does anyone wanna look at my pygame im making and tell me how i could make the code more efficient or give some feed back!
here is the repo github.com/C-Dubb/Doodle
I see some duplicate code. You've got the Draw class defined three times, in Doodle.py and DrawPad.pyw and Draw Pad.pyw
Hmm, so i'm using time.time() and then normalizing it by splitting the seconds up into minutes and such and I'm getting an error : " unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'float' and 'str'
Its just a basic normalization
def timeNormalized():
seconds = time.time()
fminutes = seconds / 60
fhours = fminutes / 60
minutes = int(fminutes)
hours = int(fhours)
time = str(hours) + '/' + str(minutes) + '/' + str(seconds)
return time
okay so time isn't imported.....
but it clearly is
I believe it's because you're doing time = [whatever] at the end of the method.
Seeing that, python assumes that time is a local variable, and not a module.
This works on my machine:
import time

def timeNormalized():
    seconds = time.time()
    fminutes = seconds / 60
    fhours = fminutes / 60
    minutes = int(fminutes)
    hours = int(fhours)
    return str(hours) + '/' + str(minutes) + '/' + str(seconds)

print timeNormalized()
aw crap, I forgot about that
Anyone do django?
Paulo -- I had to unaccept your answer... this makes it so that all connections end up getting removed on save! That is something I definitely do not want to do! — Neal 17 secs ago
@Kevin oh yeah im not using the drawpad.pyw though i just forgot to take it out of the repo
Odd, I keep seeing comments on answers like, "I'll accept this in X minutes". If you have time to comment, you've got time to accept!
I would understand comments like, "I'll accept this in X minutes if no other answer is better at that time", but that doesn't seem to be what the OPs are implying.
@Kevin there's a time delay before you're allowed to accept any answer...
I guess I would know that if I asked more trivial questions :-)
That reminds me. Martijn got downvoted today, and I suspect the only reason is, it was an answer to a -9 question.
I'm fairly sure he's not bothered in the least ;)
On one hand, there was nothing wrong with his answer. On the other hand, if bad questions are answered, that promotes more bad questions, so shouldn't we punish bad question answerers?
What's the community consensus on this? Couldn't find anything in meta.
I think ideally the question should get downvoted and closed, but if someone wants to answer - you can't stop them
Cmon, how can anyone get a reversal badge if people downvote answers on bad questions?
In some ways, having the reversal badge really encourages users to answer bad questions.
Sigh, 7 answers in one minute on the question "what's wrong with my if x == "a" or "b" code?"
The sad part is that it's been asked before many times
Dumb Friday project: create a bot to scan for that kind of question, and post a canned answer before it's marked as a duplicate of a duplicate of a duplicate of...
Or, more usefully, have your bot rename the old questions and add text so that they're easier to google search
I would like to make a distinction between answering bad questions, and answering terminally awful irredeemable questions that shouldn't be touched with a ten and a half foot pole.
That's true.
Sometimes I'm torn about answering a question I've answered before ...
e.g. I'm pretty sure I've answered the problem with lambdas in a loop question a couple times ...
That's happened to me once or twice. I just link the previous question as a comment. Hopefully the OP upvotes it.
lst = [lambda i:print(i) for i in range(30)]; lst[4]()
I've never seen that particular construction before.
Did you mean lst = [lambda:print(i) for i in range(30)]; lst[4](), which has a surprising output?
semi surprising, I suppose. The behavior is predictable if you think real hard about closures for a bit.
@Kevin how is what you just posted different from what Matt posted?
(or am I going slightly blind)
My lambda has no argument, his takes one argument.
Ahhh yes :) whistles innocently
@Kevin -- Yep, that's what I meant.
Me and my friend are creating a RPG completely in python and pygame and are trying to get a small following before we release it if you want you can check out what we have at github.com/linkey11/Necromonster
Sorry. Got distracted by a co-worker while I was typing.
@AndyHayden you snuck in quietly ;)
@JonClements evening/cabbages :)
did you actually see this poster?
Nope - one of those doing the rounds on facebook
I'm sad to say it's a little before my time...
Now wonder how to convert a galaxy into a touch tablet thingy to do drawing with on a pc
Oh my cousin had a stylus for their nexus, it looked awsome
Might have to look into that - in the mean time, happy doing stuff in inkscape ;)
(so excited, doing my first cherry pick, somehow got this far avoiding them)
oh... rather less exciting that I had thought it would be
usually I stick to merge --ff-only, rebase and squash. I just rebased onto master rather than dev and couldn't work out how to get out of it (forgot to backup branch).
Inkscape for blendering?
inkscape for some simple stuff, then blendering
also having a play with synfig for animation
(whoops, just got email saying build failed when I'd already pulled into master: travis-ci.org/hayd/pandas/builds/8404246 lol)
Are you making a new Farmville??
Errr - no
starting with something smaller than a MMO though
going back to the old kind of games
the best kind :)
do you remember "how to be a complete bastard" or "skool daze" etc... ?
Some classic but on android .... should be in scope of my graphic and programming ability
LOL - you seen the bottom of one of the answers on
A: Merge nested list items based on a repeating value

Jon ClementsQuick stab at it... use itertools.groupby to do the grouping for you, but do it over a generator that converts the 2 element list into a 3 element. from itertools import groupby from operator import itemgetter marker_array = [['hard','2','soft'],['heavy','2','light'],['rock','2','feather'],['fa...

Wow - just seen my rep shows as 28.8k - Wonder if I enable compression do I get to 33.6k or even possibly 56k depending on the quality of the phone line...
^ wow, clever itertools foo there
ever since 10k I always feel like I have 50 more rep than I actually have :)
Yeah, and at 100k rep, I guess it makes you think you've got 500 more... :(
It's a hard life :P
Indeed - like a cat complaining that it has to get up to eat food :)
How do you guys reach such high reputations?
Lots of bluffing? :)
itertools magic, mostly XD
I mean, there is so much competition these days. There is hardly a question (or at least when I'm on) that someone is not answered or is answering.
that and spending too much time on here
Either be fast, or answer stuff other people don't know, is the basic answer to that.
@enginefree 2,167 is a bloody good rep anyway... think I read somewhere the average is 40 ?
I usually try to go in the unanswered category but, those answers take too long.
@JonClements 28.8K is amazing :)
Well, compared to some here it's about 30 - 80k short ;)
I don't know how guys like John Skeet, Martijn Pieters have such high reputation. Don't they work or something?
It definitely helps to have been around longer, I guess, especially for the super high scoring stuff.
Overtaking John Skeet isn't going to happen soon.
but it's just a matter of finding questions people are interested in, and are not trivial
If you really want to get lots of rep, I guess I'd say follow language developments - there are always big questions when new versions/features come out.
@Lattyware Do you work currently?
I finished my degree like a month ago, start working in September.
so it depends if you count Uni as work
(hint: no)
Where IBM?
Yeah, in Cambridge.
I just think it's funny how Alex is still top in Python, still gets close to 200 rep a day, yet stopped answering questions years ago.
@Jared indeed
I love the bottom of that guys post: " learned python for this because I'm a shameless rep whore"
@JonClements Hahahaha.
Man, apparently I got 370 rep on one day
that's pretty crazy.
That's pretty cool ;)
I was just checking the graph of my activity - it's weird, I've actually done less since I finished Uni
I am thinking of writing a script with enough AI to answer questions for me.
You'll be a rich man.
In reputation.
I'd think AI good enough to do that would be worth more than just rep.
@enginefree I think it's called "Martijn Pieters" :)
It'd have other applications.
@Lattyware world domination ?
No, definitely not world domination. At all. Don't look at world_domination.py on my GitHub account either.
Ahhh okies - I won't look then...
If I was dedicated to the joke, I'd set up a repo right now.
But I'm too lazy for all that jazz.
I don't think it would be very difficult. I recently wrote something with enough to AI to take a book as an input and perform high quality analysis like estimation of tone and such.
Producing valuable content from NLP on a question is a pretty huge task.
IBM's Watson is the cutting edge on that kind of thing, actually.
That's pretty advanced.
What language do you think they used, python?
Nah, I don't know what the backend all is, probably a mix of Java and C++
Ummm... is it just me, or is Jakub's answer, basically mine, but slightly more confusing...? stackoverflow.com/questions/17286252/…
looks similar
although I'm too tired to do a good analysis
I should sleep more, but I'm antsy - I find out what class of degree I get on the 28th.
and crusaider kings II is a great was to loose days of time
Very similar.
What time is it in UK?
Nearly 1am
not late by my normal standards
but I've been getting up early (6ish) recently as I've had things to doi
so it's not good
Well, I've done a few 48 hour jobbies before I've kinda fallen asleep on the toilet - that's quite interesting...
Ah man, I've done some game jams and been tired out of my mind at the end

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