There has been a lot of discussion around the excellent question "Will high reputation in Stack Overflow help to get a good job?". I immediately agreed with JoshK that basically said "No" (I'll will explain why), but Joel chimed in with lot of convincing facts which made me upvote him as well.
you would have to build an index on that field as upper
if you're going to be joining on that field a lot, it would be better to insert the field as a upperFieldName and then build an index on that new field.
I'm always tempted to say something to the mean/rude people like "I don't care about your money, I don't want someone like you as a customer anyway", but I usually bite my tongue and take their money instead :)
Yeah, so Microsoft has the same deal on their ASP.NET db (aspnetdb by default) and the solution for them is to lowercase the email address into a new field. Either build a lookup table expressly for this purpose or add another field into the table. The new table may be faster tho