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00:00 - 16:0017:00 - 00:00

WOYAR = Work On Your Accept Rate
Can anyone remember that SO/Programmers questions that is this massive mind f&$% and its like a big tautology?
*question. Its just one question.
1 hour later…
@DanGrossman: it is sadly, but OPs at SO don't like to get just rtfm link :-S
I'll give it to 'em anyway, and maybe they will learn that it is a good idea to look before asking
I don't care if I don't get upvotes for it
i have several downvoted lmgtfy answers ))
anyway, +1 to you since i think it is 100% rtfm question
A: Free PHP script that downloads web pages

zerkmshttp://tinyurl.com/2w3zfeh Ta-dah

my answer even not -1 as it was
one more answer
hehe, already deleted
Q: php: need help to identify some mistake in concatenation

kloxi have some php script and i think this have a lot of mistake. because of my limited knowledge in concatenation. Please help to identify my fault. this my following query: $sLimit = ""; if ( isset( $_POST['iDisplayStart'] ) ) { $sLimit = " FIRST ".$_POST['iDispla...

omg :-S
i was just reading that
i always wondered what that people expect
"This code is full of SQL injection holes"
nice comment.... for the people who cannot get how concatenation works
if (postVar('sSearch') !="" )

where did that come from
everywhere but that line he uses $_POST
@DanGrossman: you should be experienced enough to realize how that function is implemented
I can guess, but why does he use it only that one place?
@DanGrossman: you did not get the propramming nirvana to understand this yet :-))
to be clear - he is not the author of that code
so it is pointless to ask him about that :-)
strange enough to see interbase in php
lol, he answered me :-S
this is an interesting industry we are in
there are not enough good programmers anywhere in the world still
i would "change" interesting to stressfull
i've got some more strange replies from kohana dev team. They are good developers but they always follow strange ideas
Q: The U.S. Constitution is to the U.S. Government as __________ is to your software development team

user128807The U.S. Constitution is to the U.S. Government as ____ is to your software development team

You, Göteborg, Sweden
3k 2 12
money, yes
@DanGrossman: pecl and pear are not exactly what he wants, i suppose
github is more likely to be an answer
I don't know of a github just for PHP though
it is not
but pear is much far from github, than codeplex is
"a place where we can hire teams"
never seen such feature in codeplex
next ->
nice spam, Dan
hmm... still need to think of domain names
Only people named @Dan are allowed to talk in here :)
"NudeSquid.com"? that's an interesting site
@david, my browser can't find it
ahah, it doesn't exist! impossibility.org suggested that i might want to register it
what used to be there?
It was basically a site for making decisions....you would put in two choices like "I should go out" or "I should stay in and watch TV"...then other people on the site would answer your question, and while you were waiting for an answer to your Q, you would answer like 10 questions that other people have. Then you would find out the percent who voted for each of your two choices.
oh, neat
it was very amusing :)
yesterday, by Dan Grossman
"It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC. As potential programmers, they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration." - E. W. Dijkstra
hehe, i've started from basic
But I've never attempted to use a goto in C# :)
is it exists in c#?
omg, never seen it
@drachenstern: i know how to swicth between .net versions in msdn )
I noticed I had the wrong version after I pasted the link :)
bitbucket.org/zerkms/ponyformatter - that is that formatter i've talked. Is was started this holidays
haha, I love when I find something on MSDN that only gets as high as 71
c#, unit tests, antlr
@drachen, what do you mean by "71"?
zerkms, is that a version number or something? I'm still confused :)
i always confused about what that numbers mean
The first version of Visual Studio I used was 2005
just upgraded to 2010 yesterday
@DanM now try the trial of ReSharper from RedGate
@DanM @zerkms it means version 7.1 of Visual studio
2010 is really worth to upgrade to
and 100 == 2010? :-S
I really need to upgrade my laptop...I'm still running XP
I'm a little underwhelmed with Studio 2010 so far
ooof, half of a day was in reading SO, new articles, anecdotes.... it is a time to work ))))
i so hate not precise question
char SPI_SLI (char* p1, char* l2)  {
  point* pl2 = (point*)(l2+InfoSize);

  if(pl2[0]==pl2[(int)(*(InfoType*)l2)-1] && pl2[0]==(*(point*)p1))
    return '0';

  int i=0;
  if( *(InfoType*)l2 < 2 ) return 'F';
  for(i=1; i<(*(InfoType*)l2)-1; i++)  {
    if (SPI_SPI(*(point*)p1, pl2[i]) == '0') return '0';
    if(m_GB.BetweenI(pl2[i-1], pl2[i], *(point*)p1, SPATIAL_EPSILON)) return '0';
  if(m_GB.BetweenI(pl2[i-1], pl2[i], *(point*)p1, SPATIAL_EPSILON)) return '0';

  return 'F';
lol, I don't think it is ;)
I am however curious what the char* input is
I do, however, seem to see some sort of loop that needs to be redesigned ...
But since she's reversing a project, I don't guess she has any control over that :p
I'm too tired to be on SO, but not tired enough to get off the computer
Also, tomorrow I get a new badge, I'm such a dork
@drachenstern Me too!
@mootinator +1
I'm the #4 ranked user on the writers.stackexchange.com beta. I don't even write. [insert life here]
@Tina I cannot
However I can post it reformatted to make it easier for others
when you post something of multiple lines, there is a new box on the right, a new button, that says "fixed font" that reformats it neatly
I think if it is so simple then you can make it instead of asking us
So tired.
if i were tina - i would already stop doing that :-)
@zerkms that is her perogative you know
i mean if I cannot solve something within reasonable period of time (few hours, may be one day) - I'm being angry
I am thinking it is an assignment from someone, that they need documentation
otherwise I would find a book and follow the examples
@drachenstern: it is too simple
ok it is time for me to goto bed
goodnight room, goodnight SO, goodnight all
Are the chat rooms usually this empty?
It's the first time I've checked them out
No one is in WPF sadly :(
@DanM: there were more people when this chat was announced
@zerkms yah, I remember I took a quick look at the time but was too busy to really try it
It's a pretty nifty chat client
1 hour later…
Q: Faster server response

shantanuoWhat should be the correct value for innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit if I want to make the query faster at any cost? I do not bother about data integrity at this moment. I have set the following in my.cnf innodb_flush_method=O_DIRECT innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit = 2 Is it correct?

and after such things people say that mysql is weird dbms
@Tina - have you asked as a question on stackoverflow ?
just checking - some things are a bit beyond chat conversations...
keep in mind that it is currently one of the quieter SO times at the moment (early Monday morning for much of the SO community). People will be around, but it is possible that the person who can answer your question is currently sleeping.
I can't see a question that matches to that...
a question is probably the way to go with those code-heavy things
3 hours later…
hello,I wanted to ask that on down voting someone Else's question,why does my repo goes down?
it's to avoid to much downvote
you need really want this downvote
@fahad indeed, it is a very small nominal amount to dissuade random acts of downvoting. But if something is a bad post, please do either downvote or add a comment saying why it is a bad post
Downvoting can be addicting, that's why they implemented the "lose 1 rep point" every time you downvote. Upvotes are much more satisfying though. :)
Q: Getting a Rectangle box with arrow on hover the link in CSS

ArunaHi , I am trying to get a rectangle box with an arrow on hover the links. <a href="//">NAME</a> on hover this i am trying to get a rectangle box with an arrow . For example like what we have in Facebook on hover of the Username we will be getting a rectangle box wit...

What is being asked here?
@KyleSevenoaks agreed; that is why I've "only" made about 500 downvotes, but 10,000 upvotes
Hello crazy people!
pot; kettle
So we're both crazy?
oh for sure; I wasn't denying anything...
:) How are ya?
but hey! Thanks to the NYC company meetup, I'm now a coding millionaire! mwahahahaah
strangely the bank manager seems to be refusing to return my calls...
Why? Unicorns are always a legal tender
maybe there is just too much risk having such desirable tender in their small-town vault
1 million Unicorns is 1 Gigacorn
megacorn, surely? or is that part of the awe and wonder that is: unicorn
1 unicorn is 1 million corns
Hello Kyle Sevenoaks
@MarcGravell I don't know my ration, but it's about the same :P
@ÓlafurWaage Hola! Como estas?
No spanish, just Moon Language
Haha :)
I wish I had a Unicorn.
Just change your avatar on meta
Those are some great bills.
Ugh, this Georgia font trend is starting to annoy me.
Everything Georgia related annoys me :P
even Coke!
But seriously, it's EVERYWHERE! And makes everything read like it's yelling at me. It's all caps and Military fashionI actually turn it off in the developers tools.
Good Morning!
How are you?
Caps lock..
I am sorry :D
And good, you?
Morning morning...too early to tell
sleepy to say the least
I mean *monday morning
Oh yes, I understand.
But this is a half work-week :D
Thursday and Friday are holidays
Wow, good for you!
I don't get a holiday til April.
:S Nothing for Christmas or New Year?
They days fall on weekends so...
I get nothin' til easter.
Which holiday is it this week?
don't they roll holidays back or forward onto the Friday/Monday?
Not here.
Wow. "Here" sounds harsh.
As far as I know.
Sorry, Norway.
It is Thanksgiving
in the US
Aha, thought so.
It being November.
Last Thursday in November
The very last!
That means December is just around the corner!
Yep :D
Which means I get to go home :D
Maybe hte bosses will spring a surprise!
Yay home for all!
Wow. In the UK the Monday, Tuesday and Monday will be public holidays. We crave a Saturday xmas - we get a 4 day weekend.
I hope so!
Wow, the one time I actually regret leaving the UK!
In the US, at least at our company and most that I know, the Monday Tuesday after Christmas are not holidays
You have to put in for vacation time
That's just rude! You work all year then have to reduce your earnings to spend time with family?
If you have annual vacation time left, you can put that in
so you get paid
But if you don't...well then I'm not sure
I pushed my entire years vacation into December, so been pretty much at work every single day
Should be given to you for free.
It is, in a way.
In a way is not good enough! :D
Oh well
that is true
In any case, I believe I might get a few days off, unpaid of course, in return for attending the "Office christmas party."
oh yeah! I wonder when that is for us...
I have no idea :P
Vorarephilia (often shortened to vore) is a sexual fetish and paraphilia where arousal occurs from the idea of being eaten or by the process of eating. The fantasy may involve the victim being swallowed alive, and may or may not include digestion. The word vorarephilia is derived from the Latin vorare (to "swallow" or "devour") and Ancient Greek φιλία (philia, "love"). References Further reading * External links * [http://aryion.com/content/what-vore What Is This "Vore" Thing, Anyway?]
Don't ask why.. Wikipedia laced with Crack.com brings up some crazy links...
That is by far the weirdest fetish I have heard of...
being eaten? :S
Yeah.. I mean.. How can you even enjoy it? You'd be pretty dead by the time you're cooked enough to be ingested.
@KyleSevenoaks "occurs from the idea of being eaten"
"...may or may not include digestion"
im hungry ... brb
@AidenBell :D and yeah, missed that part :D
Somehow, "vorarephilia" followed by "i'm hungry" makes me queasy...and want to laugh
not sure which one more
I skipped the queasy part and went straight to laughing.
"Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? Either way, I'm going to eat it."
I (heart) the BBC!
It had to be said :P
Probably the most unbiaised international news I can get in the US.
I don't know what they are like in the UK, but as an international news system no one beats them...
Ah yes, they do tend to be pretty unbiased and just show of the news "as is" without too much hype.
And if a woman ran away from her wedding (here), and there was a typhoon in the Philippines, the headlines would be about the typhoon unlike other news channels (ahem @ Fox)
HAhaha so true!!
In other news, the Philippines doesn't exist anymore. BUT OMG SOME BITCH LEFT SOME DUDE AN SOME ALTAR!
I noyl spent 3 months in the US, but in those three months I learned to never trust Fox.
and lol!
hair of farah fawcett and dead eyes of ventriloquist dummy haha
Haha yeah, I hated that kid.
That's why I hate Star Wars actually.
The big "hero" is a whiny lil bitch made out of crap.
Why all the hate? :(
Good morning @Coding
Don't hate Star Wars! :P
Hi there.
Haha ok not hate, but dislike :)
and yeah, he's a little whiny, but imagine you falling for your sister, and your dad being the supervillain...what would you do? :P
It's Luke Skywalker, you can't hate Luke!
(although yea he is kind of whiny)
I can and I do. He's the saviour of the universe? Listen to his lines in Empire. Everything he says is a pathetic whine.
"But I was going in to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!"
That's Star Wars Ep 4 :P
the "original"
He still is whiny :)
And if I were alive in that universe, I sure wouldn't want some one handed Farah Fawcett haired lil non-hero ruling the Jedi counsel!
Hey! Farah Fawcett had awesome hair :P
I'm just saying...
Imagine her ruling the Jedi Council!
Yeah, that'd be awesome.
But that hair belings on her, not Skywalker.
But, see, you're missing the point. It's all about the journey he made from the whiney little brat to the jedi knight that kicked the emporer's ass!
(in my world anyways)
@Coding hear hear!
For someone with such an awesome name, he's a total bitch :)
Aye, where that may be true, he made the journey whining and complaining the whole way :)
Hey, you'd whine a little if your father became Darth Vader and destroyed half the universe
galactic tumbleweed
@Sagar tumbleweed! \o/
@OlegKuznetsov good morning!
@Sagar looks more like good evening, but hi/hello anyway :)
aah good evening then!
Have you had the first snow of the season yet?
I guess if you live with snow most of the year, you tend not to likeit. I would like some here, but apart from freak days, we don't get snow :(
anyone know how to URL encode a string in Java off the top of their head?
If the top of my head Includes an Ipad then yes.....
Apparently that's how: java.net.URLEncode.encode(String)
@Sagar Heh, no! The situation isn't so pathetic: in St.Petersburg, snow is not lays most time in the year :) Last years it was even questionable: will it be here snow on the new year or not. :-P But I'm associating snow with cold, so I hate snow [too]. :-/
I love winter!
But I love monsoon the most...
A real fact on the mention of winter:
I'm allergic to cold air!
I'm allergic to St.Petersburg's humide cold air :P
Guys quick question:...
I've been reading up on Monads, and I somewhat understand it. However I really would like to see concrete examples (pref in C#), are there any?
Q: Help a C# developer understand: What is a monad?

Charlie FlowersThere is a lot of talk about monads these days. I have read a few articles / blog posts, but I can't go far enough with their examples to fully grasp the concept. The reason is that monads are a functional language concept, and thus the examples are in languages I haven't worked with (since I hav...

Any NHibernate query?
The immediate first answer provides:
The simplest monad is the Identity monad.  The type represents a wrapper containing a value.

class Identity<T>
    public T Value { get; private set; }
    public Identity(T value) { this.Value = value; }
@Darknight or maybe you were being sarcastic and really knew the answer?
heh I wish!
I've read the theory, but now I want to think about its actual real world application.
So the use of stackoverflow.com/search?q= or google.com eluded you?
I've used those, but again they talk more about the theory than actual real world exampels
So have you read the article I linked moments ago?
skim read it :)
ok, well then I'm off to meta.c.SO ... @me if you want me
cool, I'll re-read with popcorn in hand..
00:00 - 16:0017:00 - 00:00

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