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00:00 - 16:0017:00 - 00:00

or not :(
I'm curious about people's favorite conferences...
Depends...particular topic or just any conference?
@Sagar software (spec. python, c++, C#)
I know of BoostCon and pycon
...just curious if there
are other ones out there I don't know about
Anyone ever go to OsCon?
My favorite con is the one I get to go to.
@MikeCaron ok
I would like to go to an information security conference some time but not had the chance yet
ciao all!
FoM is quite cool...
Fear of Mankind?
42,200,000 people will eat turkey more than 50 miles away from home on Thursday. Only 4% will be flying to that destination.
Q: 'Gray' vs 'Grey'

wokWhat is the difference? Or is there any? Which would be more British English?

Q: When being a technical genius is not enough to be a successful developer?

Pierre 303There has been a lot of discussion around the excellent question "Will high reputation in Stack Overflow help to get a good job?". I immediately agreed with JoshK that basically said "No" (I'll will explain why), but Joel chimed in with lot of convincing facts which made me upvote him as well. M...

@DanGrossman That's because unlike the turkeys, being poked and prodded in sensitive areas is not on their holiday to-do list.
@TimStone well said!
@drachenstern I like AT&T's NYSE symbol... "T"
1 hour later…
I need to think of a domain for a metrics/analytics service
@drachenstern Want to optimize some SQL for me? Or should I just post a SO question ;)
probably get you a faster answer on SO but if it's short throw it on here
More or less, how to rewrite this so it's SARGable:
AND upper(a.project) >= upper(@Project_from)
AND upper(a.project) <= upper(@Project_to)
is that not sargable?
I assumed upper(column) would break that.
Anyhow, this query is killing our database, I could be wrong about why, I haven't seen a query plan yet :/
It may not be sargable, I'ld have to ask my dbas
does sql server not have a between keyword
consulting WP it's not sargable
you would have to build an index on that field as upper
if you're going to be joining on that field a lot, it would be better to insert the field as a upperFieldName and then build an index on that new field.
@DanGrossman it does
j/w, i'm sure it wouldn't change anything
@DanGrossman Yes, it does. I copied and pasted rather than converting to more sensible code ;)
It would probably be beneficial to rebuild this database with a case insensitive collation and not have to worry about it O_o.
I wonder why MySQL's default collation always seems to be latin1_swedish_ci. Why Swedish?
> latin1_swedish_ci is the default collation for cp1252 West European (which is default charset for MySQL)
Have Java classes started somewhere?
There's an explosion of simple Java questions
Aha. MySQL AB was a Swedish company. That's why.
More stupid customers. Don't yell at me because YOU can't type your e-mail address OR physical address correctly.
Don't you wish you could tell them that?
I'm always tempted to say something to the mean/rude people like "I don't care about your money, I don't want someone like you as a customer anyway", but I usually bite my tongue and take their money instead :)
@DanGrossman Bas-tards!
@DanGrossman Netflix!? Is that true?
Yes, they raised the prices on the DVD plans today, and added a streaming-only plan for $7.99 a month
But if you are on the 8.99 plan, they can't automatically change you can they?
If I don't change my plan at all
Your plan will not change
But if you ever upgrade or downgrade, you can't return to the old price
Oh ok.
That database already has a case insensitive collation.
Yeah, so Microsoft has the same deal on their ASP.NET db (aspnetdb by default) and the solution for them is to lowercase the email address into a new field. Either build a lookup table expressly for this purpose or add another field into the table. The new table may be faster tho
...or I could just remove UPPER(colname) and have it run faster without changing its behavior.
I thought that obliterated case sensitive queries, had to go refresh my mental model on case insensitive collations
My home office
user image
(Screen images are simulated)
Still, the image looks awesome
I set up all the screens to test a program I wrote to replace every screen with the Matrix picture automatically
part of a computer vision course in college
so is the picture actually that blue, or is it green but looks blue?
The program did some neat things with homographies, so I could take this picture
and it automatically produced
un-perspective? i guess
Sure...no idea what the actual word would be, but that is awesome
What kind of resolution did you have to give it to produce that?
seems to work at just about any resolution, just much slower on bigger images
had another assignment in that class for making mosaics out of many images, turns out to be pretty easy too
panoramic view
Sounds suspiciously similar to a class one of my roommates once took.
No, Java/Processing
I've implemented some Photoshop-style filters/transformations with MATLAB before, though
any environment with fast matrix libraries works
in Tunes on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 2 mins ago, by Dan Grossman
This is what you get when you let a computer perform music with a synthetic voice and holographic body:
2 hours later…
Apparently Netflix is retroactively increasing its prices for existing customers too
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