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Would it be okay to post a new question/answer pair "How to do X using the XYZ API?"
if there already is a question for "How to do X" whose answers only use older APIs that are superseded by XYZ API?
or should I add an answer to the old question?
If it matters, the question is "how to submit an HTML form without page refresh", with the Fetch API superseding XMLHttpRequests
@SuperStormer That sounds like something where you should just add an answer to the older question. It's probably more likely to be seen there too.
1 hour later…
Can we add a [cv-pretty-pls] request type for the room for stuff that we want to close very badly?
Or an "urgent" tag for our requests :)
4 hours later…
4 hours later…
1 hour later…
@EJoshuaS-StandwithUkraine Please read Under what circumstances may I add “urgent” or other similar phrases to my flag, in order to obtain faster closures? - the summary is that this is not an ideal way to address volunteers, and is probably counterproductive to obtaining closures. Please refrain from adding this to your flags. 😛
3 hours later…
Is this answer NAA?
@SunderamDubey That one's tricky. I think it's a partial answer. A terrible one, but a partial one.
@IanCampbell I'm confused :(
@SunderamDubey You're confused by the answer, my response, or the wonders of the universe? =P
@IanCampbell By the answer.
Yeah, me too.
Does this contain an answer? Or is it a new question?
@JeanneDark Yes. And yes. ;-P
@AdrianMole To me it looks like it was copy-pasted from somewhere although not one of the answers there. Especially puzzling is the 2019 update
2 hours later…
Q: Sack the [career-development] tag

kaya3There is, apparently, a career-development tag. It has two questions, both of which are closed and likely to get roomba'd soon; there is no tag usage guidance or wiki. Questions about career development are necessarily off-topic for Stack Overflow, so this tag simply can't be used for a question ...

2 hours later…
@EJoshuaS-StandwithUkraine Nah, just a dumb off-topic question IMO
from that, looks like we have a tag... ugh
Have I missed something here or is my comment accurate?
... the answer is currently in LQA Review.
@AdrianMole Yep, it's identical... diffchecker.com/diff is one of my bookmarks

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