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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Is a mod available for a quick experiment?
You want an experimental mod, or you want to do an experiment on/with a mod?
... if the former, I'd suggest Cody; if the latter, maybe try Zoe. xD
Lol, sorry, I want to have a mod lock a post for for a few minutes.
@AdrianMole this begs clarification. Cody for experimenting on a mod, and Zoe for experimenting with a mod?
and what about the experimental mod
Or maybe one is an experimental upgrade of the other?
Hmmm... DDoS? Does chat still work?
mm the site is down
@IanCampbell No. What did you say?
Gosh, it's too bad I can't hear Adrian.
@AdrianMole I've added the MCVE into the question. Also, I'd suggest not wasting 6 votes on a high quality question like this based on a technicality. If you don't feel like editing the question yourself, or waiting for the OP to do so, just mention the lack of an MCVE in a comment, and someone will likely add it in.
@cigien Do you have license to edit that into the question? I poked around the linked site, but didn't immediately find a permissive license.
@IanCampbell I have no idea about the license requirements, actually. It's a godbolt link, and users copy-paste from those links into other user's posts all the time. I've certainly done it multiple times, and plan to continue doing so, unless I'm instructed otherwise.
Not that I'm trying to be contentious, but godbolt links are extremely useful, and are used all the time. Not being able to copy from those into SO posts would be quite inconvenient.
@cigien I am curious about the 6 votes. Did you mean 3?
i'm curious about how the post gained so many upvotes, and yet otherwise has little to no activity
It's C++ and language lawyer
@Vega Given the quality of the question, and that I couldn't find an obvious dupe, I fully expected the question to get reopened once the few missing lines of code were added. I was counting the reopen votes as well.
Are those people who also have this question? or..
@IanCampbell godbolt uses Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License. so I think it is okay
C and C++ commonly see popular (read: upvoted) questions about things
@NathanOliver Ah, I missed it, many thanks
@cigien That makes indeed 6, the count is right :)
@NathanOliver Phew :D I was nervous about the verdict there.
So there isn't a single mod available in this room?
@cigien Actually, I retracted my CV after your edit. But I forgot to ask for the request in here to be binned.
@richardec looks like not right now.
It might help if you clarified exactly what you wanted to test.
@AdrianMole Ping TylerH or NathanOliver?
@IanCampbell I'd like a mod to lock a certain post and then unlock it like 2 minutes after so I can test something ;)
@Vega Meh. Nathan is probably already writing an answer. :)
@richardec Yeah, that doesn't narrow it down much.
@AdrianMole :p
@AdrianMole He already have written all answers before, copy pasting will take no time :D
But, in general, I think it is better to CV than to edit code from links into such questions. Users need to learn what is required of them when posting questions.
I don't really agree with that. This isn't a help-desk, nor is it our job to teach users how the site works. (At least, outside of chat, meta, and potentially SG). I have no objection to teaching users how to use the site properly, but not if it gets in the way of adding high quality posts to the site. In this case, hopefully the user will read the edit message and learn from that, but that's at most a happy side-effect.
Also, the website is not (and never has been) called "Godbolt". The name is "Compiler Explorer" and Godbolt is just the surname of the guy who created (and maintains) it.
@cigien But where do you draw the line? Editing-in code from a link is OK on a "good" question, but not on a bad one ... so what are the criteria by which to judge?
One rule for all questions, is what I feel. Good, bad or ugly, if it needs details or clarity, then it's up to the OP to provide them (with help, of course, for new users).
If editing in code would improve the quality of the question, I edit it in. It's pretty much the same rule I use for every question.
I don't usually bother if adding in the code would still leave a question that needs more details from the OP, but otherwise I don't see why I shouldn't edit in code from an external link.
I'm not saying you shouldn't do it. But you seem to be saying that I (or anyone else) shouldn't CV. That's what I think is wrong. As it happens, your edit was (IMHO) a good one, so I retracted my CV. But do you think I was wrong to cast that vote and ask for improvement to the question?
@AdrianMole which is an epic name if I've ever seen one
It's actually not that rare as a surname. (Or variation of it.)
@AdrianMole No, I don't think you did anything wrong, technically speaking. However, in this particular case, it's a high quality question that doesn't require the OP to fix it, and would have ended up being reopened for sure. Even though casting a CV wasn't wrong in this case, it did seem slightly wasteful of time/votes. I agree most questions that can technically be CV'ed don't fall in this category.
@RyanM Are you available to lock a post for a sec?
depending on the details I may be able to help. I think locking notifies the user so ideally it would be your post or that of a cooperating user
@cigien Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he can eat for life.
Also generally please avoid pinging mods in here for mod things
(as it happens, I was already writing that initial reply when you pinged)
@RyanM Oh sorry...I knew I was being to impatient
@AdrianMole Absolutely. But we're not in the business of teaching fishing, we're in the business of giving fish. Feel free to teach the users in comments, or invite them to chat. It's just that teaching shouldn't get in the way of building the repo.
@RyanM I certainly would use a mod-flag for a normal mod thing, but this is a meta-experiment.
@RyanM will you please lock this one: stackoverflow.com/a/70317941/17242583
@AdrianMole teach a man how to fish and he'll complain that you're not being welcoming
@blackgreen Those dang fish are just so rude, innit?
@richardec done (can you confirm if it generated a notification, since we're testing things?)
@RyanM Yep, it did "There are disputes about this answer’s content being resolved at this time. It is not currently accepting new interactions."
Just the same text as the lock message except without the linked text being linked.
Go ahead an unlock it now; that's all I wanted.
There's this weird behavior, which I'm assuming is a bug, where you can edit a comment of yours on a locked post (if it's within the 5-minute window), but not delete it.
That is... arguably a bug, albeit an edge case.
It probably should also prevent editing.
I would expect most cases where mods expect comment shenanigans that they want to stop to include deleting the relevant comments, so I would expect it to come up relatively infrequently.
Nonetheless, it's odd that it would let you edit, but not delete.
@KevinB Asking a sensible C++ language lawyer question is actually very hard, and they are, in fact, very useful: these kinds of questions very frequently result in bug reports filed against compilers (and sometimes the standard), which is indirectly very useful to a huge numbers of programmers (who will hopefully never even hear of the bug, because it's already fixed).
They're also inherently interesting questions (if you're into that sort of stuff :p), all of which results in those questions getting several upvotes. In fact, just posting a program that shows different results on compilers, and doesn't have obvious UB, is an extremely useful question, and guaranteed to be upvoted.
What's the preferred way of dealing w/ "identical twins" that come from different users if the older one doesn't have any answers yet, i. e. can't flag it as a dupe? new vs old ...
agree to disagree
I have to concede, on that particular question, that my close vote and cv-pls were perhaps a bit hasty. But my comment was appropriate.
@KevinB Which part precisely?
the entire topic
not really interesed in c or c++ on any front
Meh. Kevin B-- doesn't like C++.
@tink Mod flag. Moderators can close as dupes regardless of same user or answered status, and can tell the user to knock it off while we're at it.
Cheers @RyanM
@KevinB Hmm. I was only trying to answer your question about why those questions get upvoted so much. I fail to see what your interest in the subject, or lack thereof, has anything to do with it.
Or are you disagreeing that anyone could possibly find C++ interesting? ;)
There are some good-uns in C/C++ and LL, but there are far more bad-uns.
i mean, that's mostly a response to being continually pinged about a subject i don't really care either way about, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well, you did ask for it. Literally.
Someone has recently been on a spell of asking all sorts of daft stuff about the C Standard. Mostly trash, but one or two interesting ones.
shotgun questions, eventually one or two will get upvoted. law of big numbers
There was a troll at one point who enjoyed asking daft questions about a different language's standard. Repeatedly. From multiple accounts. And then attacking anyone who complained in the comments.
@blackgreen Maybe more like, "Hey that question gave me some good bubble points. I should ask more."
@blackgreen that's Sam
@AdrianMole or "let's ask a question every time I get stuck while working on my project"
which are typically hammered with the full five dupe targets, and occasionally one turns out to be actually original
@blackgreen well, I nearly asked a question today because of an issue that came up at work. But I searched, first, and found the answer in an earlier post. (Which I upvoted, of course.)
I mean, asking questions isn't inherently bad, it's what SO is for, but asking questions with zero prior research...
Are any AF users noticing that giving feedback via AF results in 2 downvotes on the answer? It's possibly related to this bug. It's been happening frequently to me in the last few days. I mentioned it in SOBotics, but no one could actually confirm it. (If someone wants to volunteer one of their NATO answers for science, we could figure it out easily enough).
@cigien Do the downvotes occur immediately, or only once the post is deleted?
(asking because validated VLQ flags cause a downvote)
anyone got a link to the meta post on not translating for the OP?
@cigien I have a script that automatically DV's answers when someone tp's a Natty report. If it's too bothersome for you I can disable it...
errr, wrong link, one sec. fixed.
@RyanM Almost immediately, with less than a second between the 2 votes, and well before the flag is handled. That's the only reason I noticed. I've been putting it down to a series of coincidences, but now I'm suspicious.
@jmoerdyk The canonical is here: How do I deal with non-English content?
If you're talking about suggested edits I like Translating posts in edits and for users with full edit privs: How to deal with translated posts?
@cigien That's definitely my script.
oh, it is there in the middle, I just missed it
@cigien hmmmm...that's odd, then. I haven't noticed that but also my AF workflow as a moderator is...very different.
@richardec Oh, well that explains it. Yeah, I think you should disable it. Not for me, particularly, but having a script that votes on postss that you don't manually review is frowned upon (if not explicitly disallowed).
@richardec yeah...please don't do that.
Oh, okay, really?
It seemed like the fact that one user reviewed it was enough...but if it's really not...
That user is free to cast their own vote, and may have already.
It doesn't seem that wrong to me since it's based on the post and not the writer, but if you say so, I'll stop it.
There's also a bit of a case of "what if everyone did this?" - if we allow you to do it, there's no reason not to allow 9 other people to do it, and now suddenly every NAA is getting -10 and that really messes with scoring.
It's not based on the post, though. You haven't evaluated it.
You're basically giving other people access to your votes.
@RyanM Yeah, okay, that's not a good idea. I'm removing it now.
There we go. It shouldn't happen anymore. @cigien @RyanM
@richardec people get reviews wrong. That's part of why we have so many rules here. We aren't just waiting for a cv-pls and then all just auto voting it close. We look at it, decide ourselves, and then if we disagree talk it out and maybe even get the request removed.
@NathanOliver Right, and it wouldn't be good to DV a good answer without seeing it. (cigien can't make wrong reviews though ;)
"But, alas, something like that doesn't work with the current Stackoverflow moderators, as they always close questions that might be clobbered by strongly opinionated people, and that effectively prevents covering whole areas where there aren't rock hard facts"
@richardec no historical lock on that one?
I mean, I guess there's probably a more popular one that does have a historical lock somewhere
since that one only has 4k views
4k views in almost 14 years seems a bit low for a lock
ah ninja'd
sorry I just write like it's still 2009 and we're on IRC
Why bother even locking the comment ones?
I'm usually all for historical locks, but 4k? Henry's point is well taken.
9k views is pretty low too.
Still less than 1000/year
On the other hand, 10 bookmarks? Those users will be so sad.
that's a lot fo views
Where did I leave that great Q&A on commenting? I swear I bookmarked it.
@richardec Cleaned that one up a bit and locked it, since it seems higher quality. The one you requested a del-pls for...meh. Not gonna delete it myself; don't think I'll lock it either, though.
@RyanM Sure, but deleting them all would've been my preference.
Sorry, we already have the "delete all things" mod on staff.
I mean, look: "What are your best practices for comments? When should they be used, and what they should contain? Or are comments even needed?"
comments should only be used for discussion
Comments should not be used to explain the functionality of code, they have been moved to chat.
@IanCampbell But what's so wrong with deleting everything? Historical locks seem great for stuff that actually has some value. None of these comments threads have any.
anything that has value will be asked again if that value is truely useful
Oh wait, there's a much more highly-score, much more viewed Q: stackoverflow.com/questions/20922/do-you-comment-your-code
I'm not saying that post in particular needs to be saved. But it seems to me that there are two distinct philosophies in this room. The, "delete everything now" camp, and the... "meh, it's not really hurting anything" camp.
@RyanM I don't think stackoverflow.com/questions/121945/… shouldn't stay if that one ^^ is deleted.
so there's a right philosophy and a wrong one
yeah...fair. Unlocked.
@richardec ...oh wow, I did not notice the author of that.
...or, primary author, I guess. not the original.
@RyanM Yeah, I was very surprised to see him named there in my message...but as you said, he didn't author the question.
In case it's worth anything, I originally was just trying to delete that question ^^, but there were linked duplicates that needed deletion. Seems like they're gone now, but I'm now into this fun rabbit-hole of purging old, worthless questions...I just need more delete votes.
sigh generating rep can be hard once you've had a taste of curation
it's easy, just ignore quality
Please don't
Is "a guilty code" a common phrase I'm not familiar with?
sounds like it
my assumption is they passed their question through a translator
given other phrases in the question are poor
Yeah, I thought about that, but the rest of the question wasn't that bad.
FWIW, they have an account on pt.SO.
Oh, good find.
i would interpret it as my problematic code, or the code with a problem
What do you do when you find something worth a mod flag but are out of flags?
Wait an hour and 45 minutes to get more flags?
The cv-pls generator has a nice remind me function.
I don't think it attempts to answer the question posted at the top of the page. Should have been a comment or possibly a suggested edit to the answer.
no it is not an answer nor does it try to attempot to answer. it just is a comment as add on to the question
I frankly I have the opinion that no-one in no case should "mis-use" an answer option as workaround for their account limitations
and...not an especially relevant comment.
If anything, it could have been a suggested edit.
@tacoshy Yeah, that's the opinion of the moderator team as well, though we do often convert comments-as-answers to comments, to avoid destroying information.
...a surprising number of which are from people who can comment.
upvoted comments dont give reputation... You know all the SO reputation hunters
Well, as can be seen from this excellent example, if you don't post an answer, you can't get those 10 rep points from someone upvoting your comment answer. (Bleh, ninja-ed)
but people also can't downvote your comments :-p
which will be downvoted and locked to anwser, or the answer get correctly deleted and you lose the reputation while the ability to answer is not lifted...
and you can't be comment-banned for posting too many bad comments.
You can, of course, be regular-banned for it, but that usually takes effort.
(recent kerfuffle about acceptance comments aside)
I suspect the risk of being answer banned by the system is a few orders of magnitude higher than some moderator wondering by your comments and sending you on vacation.
sometimes I wished i could be a moderator for just 24h so I can see what crap a moderator has to deal with all day
Generally it takes either 1) really rude comments, 2) many really spammy comments, or 3) continuing to post problematic comments after ignoring a moderator telling you not to.
@tacoshy It's a combination of "whoo I can fix things" and "oh god there's so much that needs fixing"
with a side of "why the heck did this user flag this"
Ryan that remind me of some guy that where constantly discussing in comments that the closure of his question was unrightful and that he will get all the down-voters and closers banned... After a mod showed up it got really silent
@TylerH The record in the timeline went away a while ago. It is, I suspect, a bug, and quite an annoying one...
@tacoshy yeah, that sort of thing usually gets automatically flagged. Unfortunately, it's currently under a pile of 250+ other automatically flagged comments...
We do tend to check the human-submitted flags first, so it never hurts to add your own if there's a problem like that.
Btw, I had a question today where an answerer gave an answer to a jquery question "In your code in the script before the body: $('.owl-carousel').owlCarousel try to delete $ Im newbies in JS but it seems that $ doesn't exist in JS. Let me know if it's good or not." Which is provenly incorrect. Of course it remains an answer so it is not worth for a NAA. Isnt there a way to handle such answers despite just down-voting them?
but yeah, mods have various tools to make ranty comments stop. Deleting them all sometimes works (hard to continue to argue with someone if the whole argument is deleted), otherwise, we can do warnings, comment locks, and bans if they're really persistent.
@tacoshy if it's especially low-quality (not just wrong) and doesn't have any value as an example of what not to do, you can request a [del-pls] in here.
That...sounds like it qualifies, since that sounds like a case of never having heard of jquery and suggesting a solution that makes absolutely zero sense.
I feel like there must be a lot of "Too many comments".
that was fast :P
@IanCampbell ehhh. Not too many. Not more than 10 or so a day, I think (although it's hard to actually see the stats to know for sure).
@tacoshy Yeah, when you've got a mod waiting for it, you're sure to get it ninja'd
I'd already looked and found the answer, and confirmed it lacked value. I was just waiting for the request :-p
Your estimate matches Boltclock's.
We're also very quick with the curation tools from experience ;-)
dang during review queue I find so many answers that are really not answers. Everytime I try to flag them only "this was just a test..." appears. The queue is serioly trolling me. Where can I report or flag the review queue?
Well, my experience is the audits have subtly different load times. If you do enough, you'll be able to smell them a mile away.
@tacoshy once upon a time, there was Sam's room...
what is Sam's room?
@tacoshy can't find it anymore... it was a room dedicated to report review issues
Sam is the owner of that room I linked. Are you sure that's not it?
@IanCampbell yes i think it was this one
how richardec immediatly joins the room too :D
but it was disabled/frozen for quite a while, IIRC
@tacoshy lol :) I'm silently following the conversation :P
NO i just believe that you stalk me, you also close-vote nearly all my cv-pls request...
@tacoshy Since I'm banned from the review queues, I try to spend as many votes here as I can. Don't worry, I VTC many others' question as well :)
I know just trying to be humorous. That's the only palce where I can be with my GF in the room
lol, I see :)
the you go richardec :P
@tacoshy closed too fast...
@AnnZen I'd say it's an answer, but my followup question would be, should the question be closed as not reproducible now that it's fixed?
@AnnZen well it is the OP that answered. If his issue got fixed by a new version them I think it is a legit answer even though not helpful to the majority of the community
Okay, it's not NAA (or NNAA).
IMHO it is reproduicble just no of furtehr value
(sorry for my poor spelling)
@AnnZen Based on meta.stackoverflow.com/a/303976 and the fact that all the info in the GH issue is in the SO question, I'd say that is NNAA ;)
lol richardec you where faster then the smokedetector
@tacoshy Actually, I think that someone reported that post to SD because of my message just now (which, in turn, I found out via Natty in SOBotics)
12 messages moved to SOCVR /dev/null (discussion of a user, has now been handled)
hah, I should learn to use that command...
@richardec Is there a reason you're not casting delete votes on these? Additionally, this one is invalid: it cannot be delete-voted.
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null (invalid request)
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