hi all, hope this is the right place to ask this, I would need help with this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/71375653/…. I voted to close as unclear, but later found a nearly identical question, which has good answers, but I can no longer vote for duplicate. The duplicate candidate is stackoverflow.com/questions/52464551/….
@Cristik yup, see the room guidance via the FAQ link in the upper right corner on the desktop version of chat (mobile seems to be vaguely hosed at the moment, or is it just me?)
and sorry for the high latency, was at the dentist's (-:
@StephenOstermiller why are you closing questions with No MCVE using custom reasons? I thought it was accepted standard (at least within the room) to close with a standard reason if applicable. Of course your comments do add extra value, but why not leave them as a comment, rather than close reason?
@StephenOstermiller using a standard reason helps us gauge whether we agree; if you want to add more details after the standard close reason for additional context, that's obviously fine
For MCVE, there are three standard close reasons that could apply: I needs focus (MCVE to make it less broad), needs details (MCVE adds details), needs debugging details (MCVE adds those too.)
I have trouble figuring out which standard close reason to use.
Hey guys, is there any way for me to find out if a tag was a synonym of another tag? I'm talking about the jvm tag, I thought it was a synonym of java, but I may be wrong
@Lino stackoverflow.com/tags/jvm/synonyms every tag has a synonym page. Click on the tag and underneath the wiki excerpt are the buttons " Learn moreā¦ Improve tag info Top users Synonyms jvm jobs"
I'm not sure if this counts as crossposting because its not the same OP, or if its against the TOS because its plagiarization without any attribution...
I'll save you a flag and just delete it. It's murkier on plagiarized questions, but the OP admits their goals weren't to ask a good question, but to "bookmark" it
@Machavity sorry - yes, you're right of course (I think the question was not yet closed when I commented, but that's why I deleted the comment afterwards)
@RyanM This looks like a question about a programming tool. I'm not sure what details/clarity are needed here. (Just pinging you since you made a request here).
@StephenOstermiller Not really. SD reports get posted here when they meet certain criteria, and sometimes that means several posts by the same user get reported here. It's true that we shouldn't discuss that user's activity in here, but the reports can be useful to get additional flags on the spam posts.
it would be rather tricky to avoid letting !!/allspam reports flow into this room when that command is used on a Stack Overflow user profile, though of course, if the room owners demand it, I suppose we would have to come up with a solution
but as I understand it, the policy to not target users is in place to protect legitimate users, and accounts which exist solely to abuse the system can thus be exempted
still, there will be a grey area because this reasoning requires us to speculate about their intent
@StephenOstermiller FWIW we don't allow anyone to ask for allspam in this room. We request they be done in Charcoal proper
The same goes for discussing a user with a spam pattern
It's also important to remember that non-SOCVR members of Charcoal can do that as well
They've been rare enough we haven't had any real complaints. You could, I suppose, use it to circumvent the "don't discuss users" rule, but I don't think Charcoal would take kindly to someone abusing their bot just to get at a user
@JohnDvorak The SOCVR transcript, yes. Charcoal would have a log in their room. If there was ever an issue, we have good relations with the folks who run it and they could tell is who did it and when
Hmm. There's some overlap between SO and scfi.SE - much of the code I've written over the past 20 years is considered "fantasy" by many of my colleagues. :-)
@AnnZen I'm fine with it. As the answer goes into, there are basically 3 types of loops you would want to do, observe (reference to const), modify (non-const reference), make local copy for something (value). Depending on which of those three things you want to do will determine the type of loop to use.
i could see an argument for it being too broad, given it's effectively asking what are all the ways a range based for can/should be used, but given the age of this question and its lack of spammy answers... I'd just leave it