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@DavidBuck doesn't seem to be an answer, right? stackoverflow.com/a/69849319/4685471
@desertnaut I don't think so, but I wasn't sure if there was supposed to be a hint in the messages.
I figured the safest course of action was just to vote to close the question
@DavidBuck ok
Should be marked as synonym of ? (I have too little rep to do it)
@Mark These can just be flagged as NAA.
@user202729 You can briefly ask here for opinions as to if people think such a synonym should be created. However, if you want someone to actually make that happen, then you should post a question on MSO proposing the synonym. Given the requirements imposed by the system for suggesting a tag synonym and voting on such suggestions, it's quite unlikely that you will find the requisite 5 users here who are qualified to accomplish creating a synonym.
If creating the synonym is something which will happen, then it's likely that a moderator will create the synonym. However, it's inappropriate to ask a moderator in here to do that, due to SOCVR's rules. In addition, without being a subject matter expert, most moderators will likely want to have a question about the synonym creation exist on MSO for a while to gather opinions from the community, unless it's just really obvious that it should be done.
@SantoshKumar Why have you linked that here?
@SantoshKumar Please see FAQ #7: "Please refrain from using oneboxes/noisy formatting..."
Sorry for that @Makyen.
I was wondering if we should take an effort to clean up that question.
CSS/HTML folks: this edit meaningfully changes the answer and should have been rejected, right?
@RyanM It doesn't answer the question any longer. The div was to bound the height of the break. The goal was not to make a n px tall div. That said... in effect they do the same thing... I would've rejected it.
@VLAZ With Adrian doing the development, I think it's more likely they were investigating the Ballmer Peak.
@Mark It's not against SOCVR's rules or anything (I don't think), but it's really not necessary to post a del-pls request in here for something that is clearly "not an answer" (NAA). You can just raise NAA flags on those, and they'll either be deleted by the community through the review queues or by a diamond moderator. That keeps this room better able to focus on requests that cannot be flagged directly for moderator attention and require some community judgment as to the technical aspects.
@SantoshKumar What kind of cleanup do you think should happen? You have editing privileges, so any kind of cleanup that you think should/could be done via editing, you should just do yourself, without needing to involve this room. If you think the question should be closed, then you can post a "cv-pls" request in this room. See the room FAQ for more details.
Essentially, though, you need to use [tag:cv-pls] at the beginning of your message, link to the question, and give us the reason(s) why you think the question should be closed.
@RyanM @HenryEcker Rejected now. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Is this off-site resource request stackoverflow.com/q/69837584/5468463?
@Vega IMHO (not an SME), no: they're just asking how to do a focused task, though apparently that language is weird enough that that's nontrivial without a library?
But it could probably be answered without recommending one.
I think the mention of a library is just a red-herring. Does not appear to be a resource request.
I see, thank you!
I guess floating-point powers are nontrivial, but most languages simply include it in the stdlib.
@RyanM Actually I think most FPU supports it anyway
Oh, yeah, that could well be true.
Hah! No.
How to: pow(real, real) in x86 - basically, not directly but you can use a formula that you can compute pretty directly.
Not directly. In x87, you'd compute it as 2^(log2(x) * y), using the FYL2X and F2XM1 instructions. Unfortunately, F2XM1 only supports exponents from -1 to 1, so you'd need to do some additional scaling. And... that won't necessarily be efficient. If you wanted to do it using SSE or AVX, like a modern compiler would, that will take even more code.
Heh. Ryan can Google faster than I can type...
Impressive that you know it without searching Google, though.
Well, yeah. I write x86 asm for fun.
That's built-in enough (compared to, let's say... hard code a table of 30ish values? Can it use CORDIC?)
Did you ever want to know how to calculate e^x? :-)
I also don't compute non-integer powers of floating-point numbers for fun.
Apparently, you do.
My goodness, that's quite an explanation.
The fun part isn't the math. It's writing optimal asm.
Why should compilers and optimizers get to have all the fun? It's so unfair!
I did enjoy the one class where I wrote x86 ASM.
And I do still make a habit of diving into generated JVM bytecode from time to time.
There are so many possibilities. The straightforward solution is not necessarily the most efficient one. x86 is a lot more fun than the other ISAs for that reason.
Can't always trust the compiler to get it right.
Only most of the time. :-)
The other advantage of the compiler is that, whether it gets it right or wrong, it does so a heck of a lot faster than me.
@user202729 Oops! You are right, I used the wrong syntax.
I can never remember the right one.
@cigien Normally I add a reason, but this one was off-topic for too many reasons
@bad_coder nothing.. I just wasnt clear on the tag definition or usage
As a heads up, "blatantly off-topic" is the <3k equivalent of the custom reason where you have to type something in - there's no way to simply pick "blatantly off-topic" when voting to close.
...sadly, since that would be extremely useful in a lot of cases. Say, for the questions about gardening.
Although "because it's about gardening, not programming" isn't that much typing.
stackoverflow.com/a/69861794/4826457 screenahots of code NAA?
@SurajRao I'd say VLQ/NAA personally but I'm not sure if that's a canonical position.
@SurajRao it's included in most hand held calculators
Weekend! Anything I missed?
@rene An entire week
I saw the meta discussion about x86-64. Who could have imagined we would have so much fun with that collective thing.
I joined the Collective, but I'm still waiting for the fun.
I thought we hated fun.
Oh, that explains why we hate Collectives.
1 hour later…
Where is Shree?
@Vega Am I missing something wrong with this edit? It seems to improve the formatting.
@RyanM I am not sure if I am redeemable of any explanation to you, however if you insist: I tend to not approve edits that are not holistic. That question needed more than code formatting
@Vega the editor missed 4 things: 1º removing "please suggest"; 2º stylizing the tech names everywhere; 3º grammar revision. The most serious of all: 4º Adding a quote where a source fence was in order. I would have improved the edit, but it did deserve a pedagogical reject IMO.
@Vega Thanks for the explanation, I appreciate it! I do still think the edit was a notable improvement, though.
Yeah the quote formatting was...suboptimal. I probably should have improved and fixed that.
What annoys me about the quotes is the work it takes to remove them (since SO editor doesn't have the feature for blocks)... One day I'll get a Notepad++ macro for the job.
At least they didn't use the mangling that the SO editor sometimes produces when you hit the quote button
I always copy into a proper editor that has block editing so that I don't mangle the Markdown source.
@bad_coder "stylizing the tech names"... What do you mean by that?
@CodyGray it's what I call changing "javascript" to "JavaScript" for example, or "windows" to "Windows" when it means the OS.
@CodyGray if you have a better wording for it let me know...
@bad_coder It kinda does... The blockquote button works as a toggle, just like the code format button. Except it doesn't respect line breaks, so it doesn't work well in this particular instance.
@bad_coder Ah, OK. I was afraid for a second you meant putting everything in code formatting. I almost had a heart attack. Yeah... I'd just call that capitalizing.
I gave up on the SE editor (haven't tried the new editor until they iron out the any bugs an it leaves beta state.)
The new editor is awful. I tried once. F---- would not try again.
Fun fact: it's the only editor available on Teams. Guess why I don't post much on Teams?
@CodyGray capitalizing means changing letters to upper case, which in the "JavaScript" example is less descriptive than stylizing. Or MySQL for example where mixed case is used.
@bad_coder You're still changing letters to uppercase, though :-)
"Trademark compliance" is probably the technical term... I think Peter Mortensen uses that in his edit summaries.
@CodyGray Some people bold them instead which is...slightly less bad, I'd say. Which is still not good.
well, there are cases where folks write MYSQL in which case I'd have to use 2 sentences (something like "changed to lower case") so stylizing is a nice catch all sentence.
LOL PeterMortensen is an inspiration and I'm saying this seriously, not joking.
I'd say "Fix capitalization" but I'll be honest and say I am usually too lazy to write individualized edit summaries.
^^ This.
I have all the edit summaries in my browser history, so it's a few keystrokes and auto-complete. I have the combinations standardized at this point.
I mean... it's kinda like code comments. There's little point in saying what you did, because it's right there in the diff. You only need to type something if there's a reason to explain why.
I'm having an existential crisis for a few months now if I should, or not, use final stops in inline comments.
You only use periods/full stops if they're sentences. And if they're sentences, it means you capitalized the first letter of the sentence, too.
Otherwise, they're just phrases, which means you don't need the periods.
I will generally use a phrase without punctuation for an inline comment. No need for a sentence unless I need to write multiple sentences, and then that's too much to fit in an inline comment.
Bookmarked your insight on this, I'll have to think deep about it.
Maybe not too deep :-)
My issue is this: consistency. My comments (longer docstrings included) usually have full stops (I know folks say code should speak for itself, but I can't understand my own code a few months after writing it). And that's the issue, I'll use full stops in some places, but not it others if I follow your logic.
You use them in block comments, but not in inline comments.
And that's actually also how lists are usually written in SE. Without full stops or with full stops only in some items that have multiple sentences (staff normally post like that).
When you say inline comments, I'm thinking something like:
// This field stores the maximum value for the object.
int maxValue;   // zero if object invalid
Now, the only upside I've notice is: having one less character makes the reading mentally and visually lighter. But then you start mixing the two styles which is a strange kind of inconsistency.
@CodyGray I found it palatable for simple stuff, but it's completely impossible to post a table which contains links for example
@CodyGray yes that's exactly it. Problem is, I usually comment more than just an i++ those variables/ops sometimes have farfetched/complex domain meanings...
But perhaps the main thing: I haven't found an established style guide for Python that would allow me a fallback to justify one or the other way.
@DaImTo I've made substantial edits to the question that you reported based on the author's comments regarding missing JavaScript files and a TypeError message. Does this question still seem like a Server- or networking-related infrastructure administration off topic question now that it's been edited?
stackoverflow.com/questions/69863776/… XY problem.. Should it be closed?
@SurajRao It's already closed.
@Braiam yeah it got closed minutes after I asked here.. nevermind
Hello all)
Dharman, did you be yesterday in Dublin at Bellator 270?
Do we allow moderation requests for Haskell posts? ;-)
I don't even know what that is
I'm really disappointed in Queally
How he could miss that blow
@RyanM really? if you choose "Blatantly off-topic" in "A community-specific reason" it will ask for additional description?
@Juraj For users with close-vote privileges, there is no "blatantly off-topic" reason. In its place is a reason named "Other - add a comment", where you can explain why you're voting to close the question as off-topic. That reason is automatically posted as a comment on your behalf.
The "blatantly off-topic" is the replacement for this "other" reason when a user does not have close-vote privileges (>=3k rep) and can only raise "recommend closure" flags.
Cody, you are here:) Did you see my new question. Now it look cool?
@manro I am everywhere. Yes, I saw your message about your question. But you do not want a C++ programmer to review your R question. That will not be helpful.
Why would anyone take the trouble to post an answer that just says that they have added their answer as an edit to their question?
@AdrianMole So you can practice your editing skills?
@CodyGray but formatting and correspondence to requirements of SO are nice ;)
@manro It does not look like it violates any requirements on SO.
@CodyGray Hoorah
@CodyGray It's not so easy when you can only suggest edits.
I heard today about a tragedy in Texas, i hope all your relatives are nice
@JeanneDark Oh yeah, that would have been... complicated. Ironically, I simplified matters for myself by clicking the button that allowed me to reply to all pending flags on that post with the same response.
I consider myself mildly castigated.
I didn't know such a feature existed but I'm glad you didn't have to type it out every time :)
@manro All the other pairs of glasses are fine.
@AdrianMole Better than that other thing.
Bitterly castigated?
adrian use really rare words
i should use a dictionary
Now that the question has been edited and it is not explicitly a resource request, should I flag this link-only answer as NAA? stackoverflow.com/a/69851499/4685471 (my intuition says yes, but I am open to other ideas).
@desertnaut I'd say it's not link-only
@JeanneDark what else is there, apart from a link?
"There is one in AbstractAlgebra.jl: https://nemocas.github.io/AbstractAlgebra.jl/latest/matrix/#AbstractAlgebra.pfaffian-Tuple{MatElem}" Even if the link was dead it would tell us that there's AbstractAlgebra.pfaffian in AbstractAlgebra.jl
@JeanneDark hmm... legally speaking, you have a point :D
Technically correct is the best kind of correct.
@CodyGray cryptic speech aside, what do you think? Is it NAA or not?
If I put cryptic speech aside, I'm not sure there will be anything left!
No, I don't think it's something you could successfully flag as NAA.
I'm unclear what you're trying to accomplish, to be honest. Your comment suggests you still think the question is off-topic.
@CodyGray we have a (reasonable) guideline somewhere, that we should not flag link-only answers as NAAs when the question is about a resource request. But now the question has been edited, and it is not an explicit request. So, does this make the answer a flaggable NAA? If it is not NAA, I would be interested to hear (only for educational purposes) why not.
@desertnaut It still provides a possible solution for the task described in the question. At most, all it would need is a minor rephrase: "there is" => "you can use the".
@CodyGray hmm... but so do so many other link-only answers...
Not the ones we mean when we say "link-only answers".
A link to a YouTube video doesn't provide a solution. There is no information whatsoever in the answer. It is a content-free post.
@desertnaut I already told you. The URL contains the answer.
It is the sign that says apples can be found up ahead. There are no apples in that post.
Let's say I ask "Ho to do X?", then link-only answers are: "Have a look at [this](...)", "There's a great article about it: [How to do X](...)". Not link-only would be something like ""There's a great article about it: [Using Y to do X](...)" because the link itself contains the answer. Even if the link dies, the info is still contained in the answer itself.
@JeanneDark not sure how technically correct this is; if the link dies, most probably the suggested library itself dies as well
@desertnaut On that basis you would flag it as NAA? The difference between "good" and "bad" link-only answers is also explained in the FAQ.
@JeanneDark yes, I think you are right
I will not pretend to know by heart all the FAQs; asking here is much more convenient
Certainly more convenient than declined flags ;)
indeed :)
If not for declined flags, what would you complain about?
@CodyGray I don't want to be unfair to people!
respondents and mods alike
for valid answers and wasted time, respectively
Don't overthink it.
Wasn't there a canonical for questions like "How do i write a regex to do X"?
I don't see how that would be possible, unless that "canonical" contained every regex that could ever be written for every possible pattern.
Strange questions tagged though some other users edit out
Maybe a school project: Post you findings on Stack Overflow
If I remember correctly, there was something like that before, where a teacher gave their students the assignment to post questions on Stack Overflow. Unfortunately, their questions were off-topic or otherwise unsuitable. I can't remember any details, though, and I might be imagining the whole thing, as it sounds rather like a nightmare.
In this case the posts aren't questions
@JeanneDark indeed they are not
already deleted
Were there others you've seen, aside from these two? Those are the only two I see at the top of the list at the moment.
by Cody
Hi! I'm in your machine, deleting your questions.
@CodyGray This was already closed when I wrote in here.
@JeanneDark Rstudio is just an IDE for R. Unless you are asking about the IDE, it shouldn't use that tag. (Probably should use R instead, but if it has those tags I doubt that is the more pressing problem)
Yes, there's some sort of university connection. It might be all the same person, or it might be a class of people. Please raise a mod flag on these types of questions if you see more. (Note: this specific type, not every off-topic or unclear question in the tag :-))
@Braiam I know
@Braiam there are a lot of cases when users use rstudio for what is only an R question; similarly for jupyter-notebook with python
Same story for every IDE for every language/framework. It's an unsolvable problem. Beginners don't know the difference.
@desertnaut Like many IDE's out there :D
@Braiam yeah, as Cody says
@CodyGray There are non-beginners that will die in a hill telling you the opposite.
I think the problem isn't beginners, is that nobody tells them that the thing you write on, isn't what you write.
@desertnaut 50 votes is not enough?
@sta yeah, I know... :(
Stupid question: how can I write a single backslash in an inline code block?
@Turing85 use two or three or any other number of backticks to surround the block. The start and end have to match.
@VLAZ ah! thanks
Did you mean backslash or backtick?
@CodyGray backslashes
Oh...well, then my advice doesn't work.
@CodyGray exactly
TIL, I guess. I never tried it with a backslash.
I'm not just here for looks!
@CodyGray We can't see without you, though.
@desertnaut when i see - i remove rstudio tag if it is redundant
@CodyGray Are you here for the ticks kicks?
@AdrianMole Do you want to see a live demo?
isnt the answer NAA ? :p
nevermind it does say use FFMPG
stackoverflow.com/q/69865455/4826457 this should be duplicate? self answer
They should've answered the other question's duplicate target
Is it OK or abuse to cast a close vote with this custom reason: I’m voting to close this question because probably homework.?
if it is only a copy paste of hw question with nothing else, I close as needs focus
@AdrianMole Did they try to solve?
@Juraj Yeah, that's fair. I was mostly mentioning it because of the wording in the FAQ, but it seems to be a reasonable cv-pls reason if it's an actual flag reason.
I dont think it is a valid cv reason by itself
@Vega Not really, It's a poor question and likely close-worthy. But other reasons would be better. There are numerous meta posts about how to properly handle homework questions.
@AdrianMole That's not a valid close reason, especially since the on-topic help page was recently edited to remove all mention of "homework". (Of course, "probably homework" should never have been valid; that's like saying "probably a duplicate", without actually finding a target).
@AdrianMole I would recommend to avoid the reason for hw :)
Qualifying as abus is maybe an exaggeration, but could be easily contestable
My concern is that it only needs one other 'robo' reviewer in the close vote queue to select that reason for it to be displayed on the blue banner. That sends out a very poor message/signal, IMHO.
@AdrianMole Can a cv-pls and a comment for the other voter help?
Maybe. But "lack of effort" isn't a valid close reason. The correct response, I think, is (as Shog would say), "just downvote and move on." That's what I did.
@AdrianMole Closing for invalid reasons such as "Needs effort", or "probably homework" is flaggable. It would be preferable if it's not just a one-off closure, but users who close for these reasons likely have a pattern of doing so. If you find more than a couple of instances, that's definitely flaggable.
@CodyGray Unrelated to the discussion, the second comment is wrong. Nothing is set to 0 in that code :)
Possibly not - they claim it's their own website and they want help with it, but the pair of questions kind of come across as an excuse to link (with some keywords)
It's missing how report is called, left comment but no answer in a few days
Should I rollback this edit? (No answers on this question so far)
@Turing85 Well this version is a duplicate Regex for range 1-1000
shrug fine by me
What is the proper procedure to suggest a duplicate to a question that is already closed as duplicate?
@Turing85 Do you mean add to the list of duplicates?
@Turing85 Looks more like a RTFM target than a canonical.
@AdrianMole yes, it is. But frankly, for many "basic" regex-questions, I see little to no possibility, except for "read a basic tutorial on regex".
Is there enough of an answer here to make it not NAA (the video is in Chinese).
@IanCampbell FYI, your recent bounty got wasted because it was not automatically awarded to an answer.
Unless you mis-clicked on the bounty reason when posting it, and only intended to draw attention, that is :-)
@TylerH Something came up that distracted me. Such is life.
@IanCampbell Yeah, just figured I'd let you know in case you didn't notice. Hope you aren't too bummed about the lost rep!
Ian has gone?
@DavidBuck The answer tries to actually answer the question, therefore it is not NAA.
Seeing some comments on old questions reveal how far we've gone with making the site more welcoming.
Eh, I hope you see how little we've advanced in terms of post quality.
@E_net4thecurator I remember, back in the old days when I was young and ruthless, I posted lmgtfy-links, obfuscated by bitly, as inline-links in comments.... x)
@Braiam That has never evolved, sure.
that last one might be on-topic. I don't know
@Dharman too late now
@desertnaut hello ;)
Today i made my first 1k rep here :)
Do you remember, i was under 100 points yet one month ago :(
Guys, i will remember your kindness to me 💪
@manro good
1 hour later…
@Dharman did you mod-flag this repost already?

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